Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 477

   "No need to apologize, you haven't done anything to harm me, and you have helped me many times... I'm sorry I can't help you."

"Don't say that, young man. My death was because I took the blame. I didn't realize until now that fate had arranged a different role for everyone early. Fate had already given me favors many times, but I wanted to be greedy. More things that do not belong to me, this is what I deserve."

   She stared at Jenkins with a gentle smile on her face:

"Williamt, go your way. In this world, no one can guide you, only you know where you are going. I know that you are seeking the seat of the savior, and I know that you are very likely to have it. There are more than two qualifications, do you know, Williams, in fact, from a long time ago, long before you were born, I knew that Nolan would be the last stage of this era. The attempt thirty years ago... ...Cough cough...not only caused those who trusted me to lose their lives, but also almost killed me; thirty years later, I didn’t remember that lesson and wanted to try again, this time Fate did not forgive me, my ending is here..."

  It was natural that Jenkins understood that the fortune-teller who guided Ryan Sam and their friends to find the savior 30 years ago was Miss Bronnie Anse who came to Nolan by boat with Robt.

   The latter seemed to know what Jenkins was thinking, and said softly:

"It's [Foreigner], the name of your book, maybe fate is playing tricks on me. I came to Nolan as a foreigner thirty years ago, and sacrificed my friends in search of [foreigner]; thirty years Later, I came to Nolan again as a stranger, and sacrificed myself in search of [the stranger]. This is what I deserve..."

   She gasped again, and Miss Audrey held her hand tightly.

   "Williamatt, in the future, can you please take good care of Audrey? Don't think she is much older than you, but in fact there are some problems that she sees far less than you understand."

   The woman looked at Jenkins with pleading eyes, and even let go of Miss Audrey's hand, trying to reach out and touch Jenkins' face nearby. Jenkins moved his lips but didn't speak. He just nodded gently, and the woman he was holding was about to leave.

   Miss Bronie Anse held the hand of her most gifted student again, who was also regarded as her daughter. The two met many years ago. It is a warm and simple story. The protagonist of the story is the young woman and the girl who broke into the divination tent because of curiosity. Miss Audrey at that time was about the same age as Fini next to Jenkins. .

   The woman just looked at Miss Audrey's eyes, kept watching, but didn't give her much, nor did she guide her in the future. The two looked at each other like this, as if time had returned to that autumn afternoon twenty years ago. In that small tent, they looked at each other through the crystal ball just like today.

   At that time, the little girl was still immature, now the grown-up girl is mature.

   Lightning flashed through the window again, and Miss Bronnance's hand dropped from Miss Audrey's. No matter how Jenkins entered the spirit of life, the body did not have any life reaction.

  Miss Bronie Anse is dead.

Chapter 1147 Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-eight The Object of Salvation

   Dense raindrops hit the glass, and the sound of the wind was as terrifying as the evil spirits wandering in the night. No one in the room spoke, only Miss Audrey was sobbing in a low voice.

   She knelt by the sofa, burying her face in the arms of Miss Bronie Anse who was silent. Jenkins could only hear the uncomfortable sobs, and even the cat was a little sad at this moment.


   The sound of glass shattering came from his ears, and Jenkins looked out the window seemingly.

   The ritual of trapping the angels with Nolan as the base array suddenly cracked, which was faster than the church imagined.

   One after another silhouettes rose to the sky, preparing to face the angels who were suppressed by the ceremony. Among them are demigods, the Son from the [Church of Creation and Machinery], and dragons.

   But their power is still far from enough. Jenkins knows that the power of angels is beyond the imagination of mortals.

   Originally, in his estimation, Nolan's guardians and Miss Broniance could barely hold the footsteps of an angel. But now that there are no demigods who are good at divination, I am afraid that the efforts of mortals will not have the slightest effect.

   Letting go of Miss Bronnie's hand, Jenkins walked to the window alone. The light of the candle imprinted his shaky shadow on the opposite wall, and the fire swayed in Jenkins's eyes.

   "Who should I save?"

   He also has a resurrection feather, which can resurrect Miss Bronie Anse, but Louise also needs him to save.

In this case, the life of a demigod fortune-teller and the life of an ordinary girl are more important. Needless to say, Jenkins is not a very emotional person, and his heart is also inclined to bring Miss Bronnance back. This is the most correct choice at the moment.

   But he is not hard-hearted after all. He knows that he will definitely save Miss Broniance, but he doesn't know how to face Fini.

   There was a continuous sobbing sound from behind, it was Miss Audrey crying. Jenkins stood in front of the window and looked at the apocalyptic rainstorm outside the window, unexpectedly entangled in his heart that he had never had before.

   lowered his head to look at the cat standing on the window sill and looking out. Chocolate also raised his head just in time to see him. Amber eyes reflected Jenkins's deformed figure.

   "Who do you think I should save?"


   The cat rubbed Jenkins's hand, which is not an answer.


It was the sound of the mirror shattering again from the distant horizon. Then there was a natural scene like a tornado in the eastern sky, and Jenkins' eyes directly saw the black smoke column that opened up to the sky, escaping from the seal of mortals. The first angel, the earth angel of the east.

The demigod and the dragon that lifted off immediately moved in that direction, but a faster golden light rose from the direction of Yorktown, south of Nolan, and then the indescribable and indescribable majestic angel was here. Appeared in this cloudy sky.

   Accompanied by the unique hymn of [Earth and Harvest Church], the golden light almost broke the rain cloud. The evil **** angel hiding in the smoke column also responded immediately, and the angel and the angel met head-on in the air.

   "Jenkins, outside..."

   Miss Audrey raised her head and looked outside with red and swollen eyes. She tried to control her emotions and didn't want to be rude in front of her students.

"It is the angel of the righteous **** [Mother of the Earth]. Every March, the servant of this great man will come to the material world to inspect the farming situation. This time it is a coincidence. But I think that the righteous angel should only be able to intercept An evil **** angel, after all, the former is only projected into the material world to inspect the farming, and the latter is actually coming to kill... But after all, it can be delayed for some time, I don’t know how the local church’s angel descending art preparations are. It's..."

   Jenkins said what he knew and guessed, Miss Audrey did not ask him the source of the information, but silently looked at the body of his teacher in the dim living room.

   The dead middle-aged woman has a peaceful face. At least she left with the company of her closest person. This is a fortune that many people are not eager for.

   "[Unknown Road Ahead]."

   Jenkins tried to activate his abilities with spirit, but there was no response. Now one of the four angels who have come to this world has broken through Nolan's seal, and it is only a matter of time for the other three to break through the seal, and he has nothing to do.

   "Miss Bronyonce must be alive, otherwise mortals are not qualified to stop any angel. I will also delay time, but I can only kill the strongest angel of fire."

   He stared blankly at the sky outside, before turning around for a long time.

   The women and girls in the living room looked at him, but the man just stroked his cat in silence, then spread his right hand, and a piece of pure white feather appeared in his hand.

   That feather is so luxurious and so beautiful. In this living room where only candles can provide light, the pure white light of the feathers even temporarily suppressed the bright yellow candle flame. But Jenkins was not happy because of the appearance of feathers, and his mood was even more depressed.

  The feather hovered in Jenkins's hand, making Jenkins in front of the window even seem to be glowing. The others in the room subconsciously held their breath and waited for Jenkins to speak.

   "This is-C-01-5-8222 [Angel's Resurrection Feather]?"

   Jenkins did not speak for a while, looking down at the ground with his eyes down. After all, Miss Audrey was so knowledgeable, she recognized what it was. Feini naturally did not understand the serial number just now, but she understood the word [Resurrection] very well.

   This feather was obtained from the treacherous realm in that weird apartment. After obtaining it, Miss Bevanna asked Jenkins not to tell others, just keep it, so even the old man may not even know that he has this item.

   And when Miss Audrey saw the pure white feather on the palm of Jenkins's palm, she immediately understood what he meant.


   "Fini, I have one thing to tell you."

   Jenkins interrupted Miss Audrey very rudely, and then looked at the little girl aside. The latter nodded blankly, looked at the corpse on the sofa next to him, and looked at the fetish-like feathers held in Jenkins's hands, as if he had received a heavy blow in his heart.

"I know that Louise’s current situation may be very bad, it may have been... I originally wanted to use this to save her. This feather can resurrect anyone who died before midnight, but now ......"

Chapter 1148 Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-nine The First Believers

   For any mortal, the value of a feather that can bring the dead back to life is inestimable. But Jenkins is an undead person and has a demand for feathers, but not much. Therefore, he now considers who should be resurrected, not whether it should be used.

   Jenkins really thought that if Louise was like Fini’s dream and died because of something, then he would really use feathers to resurrect the girl. But now it is more important to resurrect Miss Bronie Anse. Although this feather belongs to Jenkins, he also needs to make it clear to Fini.

   "Sir, if you can think of Louise, it is already a great favor to us."

   Fini looked at Jenkins with tears. Although she was young, her hard life gave her wisdom. Fini understood what Jenkins meant:

"Although I still don't know exactly what happened, but I also know what kind of treasure you brought out. You can think of Louise, who can bring me here in the heavy rain, it is our past. I can't imagine..."

   She also cried, but Jenkins didn't know whether she was crying for her friend or for her unfortunate fate.

   But Jenkins has nothing to do. He is not a **** in the true sense after all, otherwise he would not be so embarrassed now.

   "Fini, listen to me."

   He put the feather on the coffee table, then knelt on one knee in front of Fini, put his hand on her shoulder, and forced her to look into his eyes.

   After half a year, Jenkins is at least two years younger than his youthful appearance when he first came to this world. This is probably the first time he and Fei Ni are so close, Fei can even smell the unique scent of Jenkins.

   She endured crying and looked at Jenkins, her stubborn eyes kept the tears from flowing. Although it looks short, it was because of perennial malnutrition. Fini's actual age is only 6 years younger than Jenkins (Note), by the standards of this world, she is not far from adulthood.

"Fini, I assure you. One day in the future, I will return your friend to you. Even if I can't do this, I will use my life's energy to pursue this... ."

   He will use his life experience to pursue the path of becoming a god. After becoming a god, it is no problem to resurrect a mortal. The gods have done similar things, so the assurance to Fini is indeed the truth.

   "I swear to you, Fini."

   Jenkins looked at the girl's eyes seriously and repeated again.

   Miss Audrey knelt on the carpet next to the sofa and watched this scene with teary eyes. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to speak. After all, Jenkins finally chose to resurrect her teacher.

"Sir, you don’t have to be like this. This matter has nothing to do with you. I also know that there are people in this world who will die. Now they die, but they happen to be people who know you and I. You don’t need to bear this for yourself. Responsibility... Louise would be sad if she knew it. We know that you are really a good person..."

   She sobbed in a low voice, Jenkins couldn't hear the next string of words.

   But Jenkins never considers himself a good person, because most of what he does is just to make himself happy. Fei Ni is right. Every day in this world someone will pass by Jenkins, or talk to him a few words, and he cannot be responsible for everyone's life and death.

But he really likes the hard-working, kind-hearted, and considerate and considerate friend of the flower girl. He accepts the fact that Louise may have died unfortunately, but also knows that he may be able to do something, so he will be Ni uttered such an oath.

   Moreover, this oath had no effect on him, he had planned to do so.

   "Fini, this is my own thought. If it was Louise who came to ask for help today, and it was you who suffered misfortune, I would say the same to her."


   The cat who was lying on his stomach suddenly stood up, and his big amber eyes looked at Jenkins seriously. It noticed that as the conversation continued, something seemed to be born in Jenkins' soul.


   Fini held Jenkins' arm tightly, tears streaming down uncontrollably. For Jenkins, she has always known that this is a special gentleman.

   Jenkins thought it was right. Fini Faithful's gifted talent was excellent. She could vaguely feel the difference between Jenkins and others, and she could also feel his kindness.

   From the beginning, Fini has never placed Jenkins in the same position as anyone. In her opinion, even the bishop of the church, the elders of the city hall, and even the very powerful sister in the church, absolutely cannot compare with Jenkins.

   From the beginning, in her heart, Jenkins has the same status as the icons and emblems that stand in churches and all over the world.


   There was an expression of excitement in the cat’s eyes, it really saw it, yes, it was...

   "Sir, why are you so good to us?"

   The girl wiped her tears and asked sobbing.

   Jenkins moved his lips. Originally, he wanted to say the simple answer "Because I like you" in his heart, but he was afraid that the people present would misunderstand the integrity of his words, which would affect his image.

   Then he thought about it, and naturally confessed his heart:

"Because I have good intentions towards all the girls who sell flowers. You are like angels left by the gods in the mortal world, like the most beautiful flower buds in this filthy society. I am willing to help you, protect you, and guide you. I think this is my responsibility. There is no reason, because I should have done this."


   The thunder blasted in the sky, but it seemed to have nothing to do with the angel outside the window. The thunder illuminates the living room again, and Jenkins's shadow is on the wall, as if he stretched out his arms to greet the small figure on the opposite side.

   Something great was born in this ordinary living room, but it hasn't taken shape yet.

   "Then what kind of return do you need?"

   Fei Ni raised her face and asked in a soft voice. There was an absolutely complicated expression on her young face.


   There was another lightning strike, and the white electric light made the entire living room light up for an instant, and it also showed Miss Audrey's surprised expression.

   She thought of a possibility, but that would never be possible, but the current situation...

   "I don't need any return."

   Jenkins said softly, without noticing that he was faintly glowing, it was golden light. He raised his hand on Fini's shoulder, showing a kind smile in an attempt to calm the girl's uneasy heart.


   The third lightning flashed, and the excited expression on the cat's face on the windowsill was very funny.

Fini's eyes reflected the half-kneeling young man in front of him. The golden brilliance all over him was the same as that of the great man in the myth, that handsome face, that mighty power, that pure white heart, and that selfless dedication. .....

   The girl nodded slightly, she took the initiative to hold Jenkins's right hand with both hands, and put his right hand on her forehead. The cowardly voice is weak but firm. She doesn't know much, but she knows what she can say:

   "Sir, we have nothing, we can only offer you eternal loyalty~"

   The dazzling golden lightning pierced the darkness, and the purple star of destiny shone amazingly behind the clouds.

   Xinshen and his first believer made the initial agreement.

  PS: The previous article has been vague about Jenkins' age, calling him a "young man in his 20s". Here I emphasize that Jenkins's body age is 21 years old, so Fini is 15 years old this year. Not a loli, so Jenkins is not a lo*ic*n.

   Another: It was supposed to be 2000 words, but it turned out that it happened to be at the most important node, so I finished the plot with 200 more words.

Chapter 1149 Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Chapter Rebirth and Reminders