Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 541

   "All things nourish, trees metamorphose, water and fire open up the first secret, and I declare here that life will bless me."

   After reading, he tilted the bowl in his hand, and the green liquid immediately slid towards the flame under the action of gravity. After the two contacted, the purple fire exploded, and then the city of Ruen in the distance also exploded.


   The violent explosion made the stream tremble. Jenkins turned and looked at the distant city in surprise. He could only see the skyrocketing flames, and he could hear the continuous explosions in his ears.


   He was very hesitant and thought about it uncertainly.

   "Should have nothing to do with me, right?"

   Of course, this has nothing to do with Jenkins. He just quietly configures the "potions". Although this process is like a ritual, it is impossible to trigger such an exaggerated effect before it is completed.

   Jenkins quickly figured out this, and looked at Luen in the distance very worried. His potion has been deployed to the last few steps, and he can't walk away now, so there is no way to see what happened in the city.

   turned to look at the bonfire, and according to the wizard's note, when the liquid enters the fire, the effect should be that the flame melts down the ground, and then continues to accumulate liquid in the "cavity".

   But now what Jenkins sees is black fire spinning on the ground like a whirlpool.

   "What do you mean? Did the shock caused by the explosion in the distance just ruin my potion configuration?"

   Before Jenkins could figure out what was going on, a dark hand stretched out from the black fire vortex. Then he couldn't see his face clearly, as if the evil spirit wearing a hood rushed from it, and almost collided with the probe's Jenkins face-to-face.

   The two screamed at the same time, Jenkins was frightened, and the evil spirit was injured by the golden light that suddenly appeared all over his body before touching Jenkins' skin. When Jenkins calmed down and was ready to swing the sword, the evil spirit had melted in the air.

But this is not the end. The black hole is not closed. On the contrary, more and more black hands are sticking out from it, and the evil spirits fly out from the ground like a blowout, almost in just a few seconds. Blocked the sky.

   looked up, everything he saw was the floating evil spirits. They didn't scatter, but surrounded Jenkins in the sky and the ground. Soon he couldn't see the night sky and grassland.

   "So my luck is still so bad in the end, don't let me know who caused the explosion just now!"

   He murmured viciously, feeling sorry for his scrapped materials. But fortunately, Mu Xin is still useless, everything can be saved.

Retracting the sword in his hand into his own spirit, he stood on the spot and looked at the densely packed evil spirits in all directions. He lifted his right leg and slammed on the ground. The green ring appeared from the place where his right foot fell and then rapidly expanded, spreading like a shock wave. . When the huge circle covered the area where the evil spirits were located, the small tree pattern appeared on the ground. Then the greenery erupted, and the emerald green fluorescence shot directly into the sky from the ground, and the evil spirit that touched the light of life melted as quickly as ice meets a blazing flame.

   Suddenly wailing and screaming, the restless evil spirit simultaneously rushed to Jenkins in the center of the ring.

   "Praise the sage~"

   He shouted, the light representing the power of divine magic erupted from his body, and the light rushed straight into the sky, even brighter than the two full moons above his head.

   When the golden and green light faded, only Jenkins was left on the quiet and dimly lit shoal.

  PS: In order to prevent people from complaining, I would add that the "potions" actually succeeded, but the sudden appearance of monsters (not made by him) made Jenkins mistakenly believe that he failed, and he will know that he succeeded in the next chapter.

Chapter 1314 Chapter 1293 The Elf Potion

   stood there and looked at the brightly lit city in the distance for a while, then Jenkins sighed regretfully, turned and squatted down, trying to find the remaining materials among the ashes.

   But he did not expect that the palm of his hand had just touched the ground, and the gravel beach "disintegrated" with a crash, and Jenkins and his Mu Xin whirled into the dark abyss.

   After waking up again, the surroundings were completely dark, and I looked up and couldn't see the light. I faintly understood that my potion had not failed at all. Although I didn't know why a large number of evil spirits had been summoned, the so-called "hollow under the flame" still appeared.

   is just a note left by Mr. Salimanda. It is not deploying the so-called potion at all. It is a ritual to open a space hole. The nausea and dizziness now are undoubtedly the feeling after space movement.

   "Why is he lying to me..."

   lifted his miner's lamp in his hand, but it still couldn't illuminate the surroundings. Later, I tried the fire of gift, candles and monocles, but none of them helped Jenkins restore his vision.

   He didn't understand what Mr. Salimanda wanted to do, but when he thought of the note, he naturally thought of the code word in it. So whispered in elf language:

   "The sunset by Yinma Lake is the love of my life."

  噗~ There was a soft sound, and a happy beating flame ignited on the lamp holder on the side. But just a few seconds ago, Jenkins confirmed that there should be nothing around him except three wooden hearts.

   He looked around in astonishment. Behind his body was a towering rock wall, and under his feet was a stone avenue. The avenue is suspended above the abyss. The lights on both sides are lit up with Jenkins's voice. Jenkins looks into the distance along the direction where the lights are successively lit. At the end of the road, he sees a standing wooden statue.

   hesitated and walked forward with his Mu Xin, and then quietly observed in front of the statue. It is a typical elf image, wearing a light gown and a pointed hat with green leaf patterns on his head.

   The hands are in a state of holding up, but there is nothing in the hands.

   "Did you see clearly?"

The sudden sound of    startled Jenkins, and he took a step back suddenly, realizing that the statue was talking.

   "It looks like you don't know where you are."

   The voice is very calm, but the gender is not audible.

   "Then may I ask, where is this place?"

   Jenkins try to be polite, at least until he asks what happened.

"The vicissitudes of life, I have not touched the elves who came here for a long time. I don't know how to describe this place. After all, the material world has passed for so long, and the past names should have disappeared. I can only say that this is the bottom of the material world. In the depths, as to where the ground corresponds, I can’t tell."

   The statue replied, Jenkins did not feel the lie, so after thinking about it, he asked:

   "Sorry, I don't know how I got here. So, can you tell me what it is for? My friend gave me a way to enter here, but didn't tell me why."

   "Here... a long, long time ago, so long as I can't fully recall the era, this is directly below the root system of the World Tree..."

   It was talking intermittently, without giving Jenkins time to think because of his surprised look:

"This is the place where the essence of life gathers, the most core altar under the world tree. But everything has changed. The world tree will eventually wither and the elves will finally leave. About tens of thousands of years ago, The elves left the material world with the great, and took away the most dynamic branch of the world tree. The elves who left the material world can't come here anymore, so since then, you are the third elves to visit here. ..... Sorry, it’s been a long time since I saw the elf, I was wrong, you are a half elf, this bloodline is...

After   , he stopped speaking. Jenkins thought that the statue was immersed in memories of the past, so he didn't care.

   "But Mr. Salimanda tried so hard to get me here for what?"

   The potion made him curious for half a year, but in the end it was not a potion at all. He didn’t understand the meaning of all of this. When he met Mr. Salimanda in the fake world at the end of the fall, he was still ignorant. Now even if he knows his elf blood, he still doesn’t know what Salimanda the elf wants. What to do.

"Why didn't he tell me directly that this ritual opened the door of space...Well, if he said that, I would definitely not hold the ritual. After all, space movement is extremely dangerous, let alone me. There is no priesthood, and it is impossible to judge whether what he said is true...So, if you want me to come here, Mr. Salimanda must use'this is an unknown potion, it can be dispensed without drinking' Lies like that tempted me to be taken..."

   He thought in his heart, then looked around. The abyss under the ground is extremely cold and gloomy. If it weren't for the genie-style decorative patterns and candlelights around him, he would not stay here for a second.

   "Then who are you? The remaining consciousness of the World Tree?"

   Jenkins asked again, such a guess is reasonable, after all, this is an altar.

"No, I am not that noble. You can understand me as a memory imprinted here. Although the elves knew that they could not return before they left, not all the elves followed the great one, and the elves who left did not leave. I know if I will come back, and what will happen when I come back, so I was created to guide the elves who came here...or half-elves, and tell the ancestors of the latecomers the glory they have experienced. The code word you just said is the code word to turn off the protective measures here, which only the elves know."

   "The glory of the past?"

   Jenkins moved in his heart and immediately asked:

   "I have something to ask, can you tell me why did the elves leave the material world?"

   was expectant in his tone.

   "This question is very interesting."

   The other party’s tone is elegant and easygoing.

   "Is it the end of the era again? Sorry, half-elf, I can't talk about this kind of thing. Since you asked this question, naturally you should understand some things, and you can only understand it yourself."

   The statue replied, of course Jenkins is disappointed, but this is not the first time this has happened, so the disappointment is not too serious. He thought for a while, and it didn't make sense to stay here. Although the secrets that the statue knew were interesting, he missed Ruen more. Now that you know the way to get here, you can come again when you have time.

  PS: The [Doomsday Document] has been added to the data chapter, which is independent from the [Protagonist's Ability]. Those who are interested can check it out.

Chapter 1316 Chapter 1294: Luen in the Flames of War

   "Can you take me back now? I'm in a hurry now."

   In front of the statue in the underground space, Jenkins hurriedly said that he had not forgotten the explosion and skyrocketing fire in the city.

   "Of course, I am willing to help you."

   After the statue was finished, red sparks splashed around Jenkins's side, and the space was forcibly torn apart:

   "It can send you back to where you were, but do you really want to leave? To ensure the safety of the ancestral land, each elf can only come here once. If you leave, I don't think you can come back again."

   "Is that so?"

   Jenkins hesitated, he did have a lot of questions to ask.

   "And you came here, isn't it for the gift left by the ancestors?"

   the statue asked again.

   "Sorry, what do you mean?"

   had already raised his leg and was about to leave. He stopped abruptly when he heard the word "gift" touched him. At the same time, Jenkins remembered that in Mr. Salimanda's note, the last materials needed for the "potions" had not been consumed yet.

"The ancient elves are here. Gifts prepared for the younger elves. The young elves who come here can get a new cane, but they have to provide the materials themselves... Just now when you walked over, I Seeing you holding three wooden hearts, I thought you knew everything here."

   Jenkins opened his mouth, then nodded heavily:

"Okay, but is it fast to make a cane? I'm really in a hurry. Also, if you don't want to talk about the secrets of the end of the era, then at least tell me some elves' past, and, do you know this, "The Doomsday Document "?"

   (Chocolate Mochizuki...)

   Ruen’s night was not peaceful. In the suburban manor, chocolate squatted on the balcony railing on the second floor, letting the night wind blow through his beard, and his eyes reflected the skylight in the distance. After looking at it, I felt a little bored. I looked up at the sky, and Alexia was standing there facing a group of dark shadows.

The group of shadows flew out of Luen not long ago. Chocolate knew them. Although they looked like black evil spirits to ignorant people, they were actually weapons made by ancient dwarves. It seemed that someone had released them in Luen. s things.


   It stretched out its paw and scratched its face, then turned and looked at the manor. The large crystal lamp in the living room has fallen down, and glass and crystals are everywhere.

   The gas lamp was still working, illuminating the messy living room interior. Dolores was protecting her sister and looking at the dark shadow in front of her with Julia.

   This is a little weaker, so Alexia left it to Dolores to deal with it. Chocolate was driven away at the beginning of the battle. It chose a location where it could see the two battlefields at once, ready to save it at any time. After all, if any human female has an accident, the cat is worried that Jenkins will cry like a child who has lost his toy.

  Ice blue light gleamed in the living room. The ice chess piece that was thrown to the other side turned into an archer and rolled on the ground. When he got up, he drew a bow and shot an arrow. The Frostbolt was blocked by the black shadow, but while it turned around, Dolores and Julia held their skirts with their left hands and waved their right hands. The fan-shaped cold air overlapped and covered it. Sombra's body. Amid the crackling sound, the shadow formed an ice sculpture and was frozen in place, and then the second arrow was shot out, piercing a hole in the heart of the shadow.

  嘭~ A black shadow exploded in all directions, and Dolores hurriedly turned around and hugged her sister. After the scattered black fog disappeared, the black shadow disappeared, and Julia checked the living room and confirmed that it had really been defeated by them.

   asked Julia to take Ajelena Stuart to the manor to gather the servants around. Dolores approached the terrace outside the living room cautiously, and then saw the cat squatting gracefully on the railing and watching the moon from the back.

   She hides on the side of the gate of the half-broken terrace, and looks up to the sky with chocolate. The countless black images are falling down like insect swarms killed by mosquito repellent incense, but it blows up into black mist in the air.

   Alexia landed on the terrace from the air a little weary. Seeing the cat staring at her, he pretended not to see it. Then brought Dolores and Julia to meet downstairs, and then entered the basement for refuge with the servants in the manor.

   The servants stayed here, managed by Ajelena Stuart and the old housekeeper of the manor. Then three people and a cat were sitting on the underground minecart and headed towards the city from the secret road under the manor.

   This secret road is quite old, it existed before Dolores bought it. But the rails and minecarts were laid and arranged by Dolores to prevent the current situation from happening.

The exit of    secret road is in the basement of a hidden property in the city of Ruen. The apartment is under the name of a reliable and wealthy businessman, so it is quite safe.

   The three people entered the basement from the secret passage, and then from the basement to the second floor of the apartment. From the window, they saw the glowing Ruen and the many dark shadows floating above the city.

   "Teacher, what exactly is this?"

  Dolores asked.

   "I don't know, but it's not like a natural race, but like weapons designed specifically for killing... Ordinary people can't see them. This is the most dangerous point right now."

   venturing into Luen again is not a desperate attempt to solve all this, but to ensure that the industry in the city is not lost. There is no need to worry about the fire. After all, most of the buildings in Ruen City are still frozen, but the manpower in the city, especially the talents recruited from all over the country to assist government affairs, cannot be easily lost.

   There seems to be something wrong with the situation. When moving along the turbulent street, I can clearly feel that all kinds of people holding weapons are fighting with the "invisible" figures in the sky.

   Among them are the police, the Luen city garrison, and the clergy of the church, but similar to the sum of these three, they are all kinds of private armed forces. Just from the sound of gunshots, it can be judged that they are using weapons. Unsurprisingly, these are the people of the Dolores brothers and sisters.

   "Everyone is in a mess now."

   Dolores didn't forget to laugh when she was on the way, but after approaching her club in the city, she discovered that her armed forces secretly arranged in the city were also defending the neighborhood.

  The sound of gunfire and explosion sounded together, and even Alexia couldn't figure it out in a short time. Where did all this happen? A group of three entered the club with Chocolate. After meeting with the manager, they learned about the casualties. Then Dolores announced the crisis to her followers non-stop, and people immediately began to gather nearby residents and build Operation of temporary fortifications.

  PS: There will be a reward recently.

Chapter 1317 Chapter 1295 New Weapon—Scepter

   The flames of war burned the whole of Luen, and the explosions that came from time to time made the citizens hiding at home worried. I don't know if it was a coincidence, all the neighborhoods where there were a large number of armed forces were attacked the most violently, but nothing happened to the ordinary streets.

   Ruen’s church is also in action. The gifters belonging to the church are almost scattered all over the city. Except for a few individuals, the average combat effectiveness of those shadows is not strong, but because there are too many and they all fly, it is quite troublesome to solve.

   Not surprisingly, Luen will again appear in the headlines of newspapers in various countries tomorrow morning, and for the ten demigods stationed here, the trouble has just begun.

   Above Ruen, thin clouds obstructed the glowing city below. Above the clouds, the seven demigods belonging to the church, who do not need to take care of the city, confronted one person in a semicircle.

   The man was wearing a black robe, holding a clay tablet in his right hand, and the huge black figure floating behind him made everyone feel uncomfortable.

   This confrontation started when Alexia and the others got on the minecart, but no one dared to take the lead.