Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 597

   At this moment, the inexplicable fear reached its apex, but this fear did not make Jenkins irrational, but he was completely awake in his anger.

  The bright green light burst out on the path of the cemetery. Along the gravel path, weeds drilled out of the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye. At that moment, even the weird fog surrounding the cemetery dissipated outward, but in a blink of an eye the fog came up again, even thicker than before.

   "This fog...seems to be caused by extraordinary abilities."

   Jenkins thought to himself, and then lowered his head to look at the two corpses covered with grass. The influx of spirits of life dispelled the necromantic spells that controlled them, and they can now sleep peacefully for a long time.

   He did not continue to walk into the depths of the cemetery, but looked into the depths of the thick white fog in front of him. A few seconds later, a hoarse man's voice came from that direction, and that voice was obviously the gift of revival of the undead:

   "I have no intention of embarrassing you, and please don't spoil my affairs. Please exit here now, I can assume that nothing happened."

   "Do you think I was really just passing by when I came to the cemetery so late?"

   In a sense, Jenkins is indeed passing by.

   "The Swann family hired you? No, I can't let you take these two corpses away. This is the most suitable corpse material that I finally found."

   The voice of Xixi Suosuo came from the direction of the person who was talking, and after a while, a skeleton with an old musket came into Jenkins's sight.

  The matchlock gun in his hand can definitely be classified as an antique. The firearms that appeared in the early development of this kind of firearm were completely eliminated hundreds of years ago.

   "Even if you look down on me again, you don't need to use this weapon..."

  After the gunshots exploded, the guns exploded as expected. Jenkins stood still and threw the Bone Sword with a violent right hand. It flew into the thick fog, and when Jenkins wore a monocle that could help him see through the thick fog and came to the point of the sword, the sword in the heart of the gift man who manipulated the undead fell in front of the tombstone and it was broken. gas.

   "He must have never imagined that such a remote town would have a benefactor like me passing by...This is a dream, I almost forgot it."

   Although it is a dream, this dream is a bit too real. After searching the belongings of the gifter, Jenkins traced his footprints to the tomb where he was hiding, and found another matchlock and some bullets in it.

   Those bullets were wrapped in newspapers, neatly packed in boxes in the corner of the tomb. Jenkins did not care about the bullets, but flattened the newspaper, and then found out that a small town newspaper from the fall of 1508 on the General Calendar at this time, except for the first edition of Hampawo Royal News, all other content was boring in the town. news.

   "If this is a dream, it would be too real, the details are so rich."

   He turned and looked around, his eyes skipped the cabinet containing the human organ slice medicine bottles, and he caught the glittering gold under the pillow on the other side of the low bed.

   walked over and picked up the book-sized object that resembled gold leaf. The gold faded away. Those were three or four handwritten paper pages that had been removed from the thread-bound book. Above is a short story, the name of the story is "Ghouls in the Cemetery".

   The header of each page is written in black ink with the same small print. There is reason to believe that this is the name of the book:

   "Secrets of Black Town".

   The moment Jenkins read the title of the book, Jenkins sat up on the bed in the church, and the old book that had been spread on his chest fell to the ground. There was no carpet in the simple room, and the corner of the book hit the ground and made a loud noise. Chocolate was immediately awakened and screamed dissatisfaction at Jenkins.

   Jenkins took a deep breath and looked at the pages of paper in his hand. It is absolutely impossible that someone stuffed him into his hand while he was asleep, and even if he passed out in a coma, it was absolutely impossible for Chocolate to not notice the arrival of a stranger.

   "Interesting, dream..."

   He whispered and walked out of the bed, put the reluctant cat on his shoulder, and walked into the corridor in his pajamas. It is only 9 o'clock, and there are still many people active in the church. Jenkins met the old bishop who was praying in the main hall, so he sat quietly on the long bench beside him.

   "There are not many patient young people like you now."

   Ten minutes later, the old bishop who had prayed said, and then asked:

"What's matter?"

   "Excuse me, was there a gifter who illegally manipulated the undead appeared in the nearby cemetery around 1508?"

   He asked directly.

   "1508? I think about it?"

   The old bishop pondered for a while, then nodded:

"Did you see the story in "The Secrets of Black Town"? Most of the stories above have happened in reality. They are the versions that the church circulated to the outside world to cover up some traces of extraordinary existence. A few months ago It was recorded by the writer of good deeds and written after being adapted...I have read that book, "The Ghoul in the Cemetery" did happen. At that time, there was a local gifter who passed by without showing up. Killed the undead manipulator, no one knows who he is, and he didn't take any spoils. It seems that he came here only to kill the guy who broke into the cemetery..."

Chapter 1467 The Tragedy of Pine Cone

   Jenkins nodded. The words of the old bishop basically confirmed that everything he had just experienced was not a dream, but a return to the past.

   was silent for a while without taking out the pages of the book that he put in his pocket, showing the yellow aura, and then asked:

   "Are there any characteristics of the gifter who appeared that year? Since he shot, it will inevitably leave a trace."

   "I can't answer you on this point. This fact is too old. Maybe you can go to the reference room and take a look. The old Joseph janitor will let you in."

The database of    church is very small. According to the chronological order, I found the records of the small town’s death church in 1508 when it was first established. I found a description of this incident in the records of that fall. I don't know when this document was copied and maintained. The yellowed pages vaguely described the mysterious benefactor of the year, and the desolate cemetery was overgrown with weeds overnight.

   "It seems that it really brought me back to the past directly, and even my behavior reflects history...Can numbered items have such a powerful power?"

He put the file back in thought for a moment, greeted the janitor of the database and returned to his room, picked up the "Secrets of Black Town" that fell on the ground, lay back on the bed, and put the one in his pocket. Put a few pages on the bedside table, turn off the light in the room, leaving only the candle on the bedside, turn the pages of the book and continue to read the second story.

   The name of the second story is "The Tragedy of the Pinecones". This is a weird story that happened in the forest near Blacktown. Jenkins read it to the end in one breath, and then fell asleep again unconsciously.

   aware of Jenkins's anomaly, the pretending chocolate stood up. It walked to Jenkins' right hand, sniffed the old book that was spread out, and then froze.

   The cat left the book, wagged his tail and walked to Jenkins's face, rubbed his face lightly, tears oozing from the eyes of the two beautiful cats.

   Jenkins on the other side stood silently in the dimly lit wood. It's probably autumn, but the scenery here is not beautiful at all. On the contrary, the land area is full of humus, and the leaves on the tree are completely gone. It is late autumn, and the body temperature is about 10 degrees Celsius.

   Hearing a sound not far away, Jenkins ducked behind a nearby tree, and then saw a man dressed as a woodcutter coming from a distance with a bundle of firewood on his back.

   Suddenly he tripped under his feet and fell to the ground. When he got up, he cursed in a way that was characteristic of the local language, and then stretched out his foot to kick the thing that tripped him on the ground.

   Because of this action, he fell down again, and when he got up, he put down the firewood on his back in a rage, picked up the axe and slashed the ground. This movement quickly stopped. He bent over to pick up something on the ground, suddenly raised his head and looked around sneakily, and then ran away quickly without the bundle of firewood.

Jenkins made sure that he walked away after he ran away. He walked quickly to the woodcutter's picking place, and used his walking stick to poke away the rotten leaves and some soft silt-like things. Not long after, I saw the woodcutter splitting open. Stone box.

   He tried to pick up the box, but the thing seemed to be fixed to the ground, which is why the woodcutter couldn't kick it.

   "Guess from the story I saw, there is a pure gold pine cone in the box."

   While thinking, he waved out the flames, and the flames quietly burned the forest fertilizer and soil with complex composition on the ground. After ten minutes, they finally leaked out what was under the ground.

   Connected to the stone box is a long-decayed corpse. The corpse appears to be lifted in the soil. The bones of the hands held the stone box high and tightly, so Jenkins couldn't hold it up just now.

   The stone box and the corpse had no aura. Jenkins burned the bones after inspecting it. Then, at the bottom of the stone box, he found symbols written in ancient dwarf characters.

   He reluctantly translated it with guesswork, to the effect of [the fruit of gold, will curse anyone who is greedy].

   "It opens like a fairy tale."

   He said so, then picked up the box and walked in the direction where the woodcutter disappeared.

   I don’t know what era it is at the present time. Even though Jenkins used that black robe to turn into a mountain farmer in advance, the arrival of strangers still attracted the attention of the townsfolk.

   Although there is a nearly deserted hotel in the town, Jenkins does not have the banknotes of this era. So he could only deceive the shopkeeper with the power of a lie, and by the way found out the location of the woodcutter's house just now.

   The town is very small, and the townspeople are very familiar with each other, so Jenkins has obtained a lot of interesting information. After finding a place to live, he went to the low door of the woodcutter's house, then stood against the wall by the window, closed his eyes and listened to the sound inside.

  The sound insulation effect of the wall tiles is very bad. Jenkins clearly heard the woodcutter's family discussion about the pure gold pine cone.

   Most people have such a lucky experience, I am afraid they can't keep their peace of mind, but the tone of the woodcutter's family seems to be a little wrong.

   frowned and thought for a while that he would knock on the door with his hand, but a huge force suddenly appeared on the simple wooden door to push Jenkins away.

   "In the name of a sage!"

He lightly shook his cane to turn it into a scepter, hushed it again, and stretched out his hand toward the door of the room. This time scarlet blood flowed from the crack in the upper door, forming the familiar sentence [Golden Fruit , Will curse anyone who is greedy].

  A kind of evil force, unexpectedly temporarily formed a balance with the power of the sage evoked by Jenkins. On the one hand, this is because the time at this time is not Jenkins's timeline. The power of the Son he can awaken is very weak. On the other hand, the body of the golden pine cone is in the house, and its power is extremely strong.

   The last time the cemetery was just a low-level necromancer, but this time the curse would feel tricky even when Jenkins is in full state.

   He frowned and slowly retracted his hand:

   "It's the same as the development of the story...I can't stop all of this now, wait for the moment."

   That night, a fire broke out in the woodsman's family, but after dawn, no corpses were found in the ruins. Standing in the crowd, Jenkins' eyes flashed with purple brilliance that mortals could not see. The black aura in his eyes spread to the whole town centered on the woodcutter's house.

   waited until the crowd dispersed, Jenkins came to the ruins of the house again in the misty light rain. He thrust his cane into the dirt nearby, then knelt down on one knee and dug through the ruins with his bare hands. Not long after, he found a crudely crafted box.

Chapter 1468 Chapter 1445 The Snake That Devours Pine Cones

   There are obvious traces of fire on the surface of the box. Just shaking it gently, the box disintegrated in Jenkins's hands, and the fruit of the golden pine cones inside slipped into his hands.

   The raindrops quietly fell on the surface of the pine cones. The unique color of gold and the heavy sense of wealth almost made Jenkins say something like "my-_precious".

   He took a sharp breath and held the pine cones tightly in his hands, closing his eyes and staying for two or three seconds before standing up.

   "Interesting trick."

   The pine cones he held tightly in the palm of his hand, the black aura faintly seeped through the palm of his hand. But the long silent [Hero (Black Sacred)] has already played its role silently. Most of the dissipated aura of the creepy things escapes directly through the palm of the hand, and a few are transformed into spirits that Jenkins can absorb.

   Without the ability of [hero], Jenkins would never dare to directly touch such a curse-like creature with his hands. But the current situation is still not optimistic. Just relying on the poor conversion efficiency, Jenkins can not eliminate it for hundreds of years.

  According to the content of "Secrets of Black Town" read on the bed in the bedroom, this cursed pine cone, which symbolizes wealth, caused a huge disturbance in the town afterwards. All those who have it because of accidents will soon suffer misfortune, and the corpses and souls of those unlucky will be transformed into the nourishment of pine cones, making it more powerful.

   It wasn't until a boy who was kind-hearted and innocent, or a boy who didn't understand anything picked it up, and discarded it in the woods outside the town after playing, the curse was the end.

   If it is only used as a fable, the original intention is to warn people not to covet windfall. The story is still qualified, but it is too terrible to put it in reality.

   "I am not an innocent little boy, but you are unlucky when you meet me."

   He held the golden pine cone and returned to the hotel room, and then returned to the woodland with it and the stone box that originally contained it. Put the pine cones back in the stone box and refill them in the deep pit where the woodcutter found it.

   When digging a hole, he found a few pages of an old thread-bound book in the same location. Jenkins ignored it. After receiving it in his pocket, he buried the box and the pine cones in the depths of the earth.

When    was filling the last pile of soil, Jenkins seemed to hear the wailing from under his feet. He shook his head and dreamed of sitting up from the bed, that "dream" was over.

   "Since it is cursing the greedy humans who have taken the pine cones, wouldn't the curse be cut off by returning things to their original place?"

   sighed and wanted to look at the few pages of paper he harvested this time, but suddenly felt some moist marks on his face. Raising his hand, there was indeed some water stains on the left cheek. He carefully put his fingers in front of his nose and sniffed, but he didn't smell any smell.

   "Chocolate, you wouldn't spit on my face while I was asleep, would you?"

   He asked his cat, but found that the cat curled up into a ball and buried his head deeply in his belly. He has never used this sleeping position, and because he can't see the cat's face, Jenkins is not sure if he is really asleep.

   "Chocolate is a bit weird."

He muttered softly, and then looked at the pages with yellow auras in his hand. Just like the previous piece of "Ghoul in the Cemetery", these pages still have the same stories with the same names as the old book stories, and they are in There is also a handwritten header of "Secrets of Black Town" in the header.

   stacked the pages of the two stories together, and after a while, seeing nothing happened, he put on his coat and prepared to go out. Before leaving the house, he called his cat, but Chocolate did not respond. Jenkins thought it would not go out, shrugged and slipped out the window.

   left the church alone and followed the route in his memory into the clearing in the woods. Time has passed more than long, but the forest has memories, especially for Jenkins, it is impossible for him to get lost in the forest.

   crouched down and used the tip of the sword to poke the soil away, and soon saw the ancient stone box. Carefully took it out, wiped off the dust on the surface and opened the lid. The golden pine cone was still lying inside.

   "It's so beautiful."

   After so many years of being buried in the ground, its power has been much weaker than when Jenkins saw it in his "dream". Hold it in the palm of your hand, there is no biting cold touch, but you can still feel the temptation of the pine cone itself.

   He chuckled and called out his own gold ring of ouroboros. Unsurprisingly, the ring buzzed and vibrated as soon as it appeared, and it was longing for the pine cone.

   did not swallow it with a ring in the "dream" because the fruit was still very strong at that time. But now is Jenkins's own timeline. Pinecone has been "hungry" underground for so many years, and has long no longer possessed the power to influence the ring of gifts.

   Under the effect of the same kind of swallowing, the ouroboros that constituted the golden ring seemed to be alive, wandering from Jenkins' fingers and clinging to the pine cone. The two seemingly identical gold blended with each other, and soon, as the spirit that destroyed the deception flowed into Jenkins’ body, the small golden ouroboros wandered back to Jenkins’ fingers again, biting his tail and returning to a ring. Look like.

   It was originally able to solicit wealth for Jenkins, enabling him to complete wealth accumulation that others could not complete in his entire life in just six months. Now it has swallowed the pine cones, and shows no other functions.

   But Jenkins is not greedy, as long as he destroys the tricks, he will be successful.

   returned to the church bedroom with satisfaction and glanced at his lady's pocket watch. It was only about ten o'clock. Wearing his pajamas, he went back to the warm bed and picked up the old book again with the light of the candle on the bedside.

   "Should I continue to read the third story? Although all of this is very interesting for now, it must be abnormal."

   wants to let his cat express some opinions, but the cat still shrinks into a ball. Tonight’s chocolate is a bit too well-behaved. Jenkins stretched out his hand and touched its back, only to feel relieved when he heard the cat's call.

  'S eyes returned to the cover of the old book in the dim light, shrugged his shoulders, leaned back on the soft pillow, turned the pages of the book and opened the third story.

   The name of the third story is "Girl in the Lake", which is quite similar to some stories Jenkins had read when he was in his hometown. This also happened in the forest near Blacktown. More precisely, the first act of the story took place in the lake where the church’s steamship made an emergency landing.

Chapter 1469 The first thousand four hundred and forty six

   realized that he was "in a dream", and what he saw before him was the scene of the forest in early spring. Although Black Town belongs to the Kingdom of Hampawo, it is already the southern frontier of the kingdom. The spring in Black Town is as prosperous as Nolan.

   Jenkins's eyes are a strange lake. Compared with the real time point, the area of ​​the lake is smaller now. But this does not prevent the young people in the town from outing or outing here. The spread napkins indicate that it is noon. The men and women wearing obviously non-contemporary clothing are sitting scattered on the grass in front of the lake, enjoying the rare spring days. scene.

   Jenkins stood in the green shade of the forest outside the lake, looked up and saw a big-tailed squirrel holding a pine cone in two paws, standing on a branch and looking at the lake, and asked;

   "The lake is really nice, very beautiful."

Under the influence of   , he clearly understood Squirrel’s answer:

   "It's not bad, but there is something terrible underwater, it's best not to get close there."

   "Strange thing? What is that? And, what time is it in the general calendar, is it the eighteenth era?"