Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 605

   "Jenkins? Oh, my God, why did you come here so late? Come in, I heard that you are already on the way back to Nolan, is there any trouble?"

   Jenkins quite trusted Miss Audrey, and briefly talked about his experience in the first half of the night in ten minutes. After speaking, I asked Miss Audrey if she knew about the founder of the school. Miss Audrey, who was still sleepy on her face, thought for a while before shook her head:

"The history of the school is too long. Although the inheritance has been maintained, many records have disappeared in the past turmoil. I can't even tell you the original name of our school and the name of the founder. But you mentioned Blacktown. We still know the vampire event and the [Vampire Buster]. The dagger is a very important token of the school and has always been a status symbol of the school leader. But it was lost many years ago, and I did not expect it to be lost. I went to the royal treasure house of the Northland. I should suggest that the teacher come forward and find a way to buy it."

   "It's fine if I go to buy it. In a few months I might not even spend any money...Is that so? Everything is lost..."

   Although it is a pity, this is the most suitable result. If Miss Audrey suddenly took out the notebook that Jenkins could not bring back, that would be a terrible result.

Chapter 1487 Chapter 1464 Wishing Flower

   The night is already deep, but Miss Audrey’s house in the suburb of Nolan is still lit. Jenkins sat on the sofa with a disappointed expression on his face. The female fortuneteller sitting next to him reminded:

"Jenkins, although I don’t know for what purpose you came to ask me this question, I must remind you that time travel is a very dangerous behavior, not only for you, but also for the world. You can continue with you. I won’t stop you from the night story, but please don’t have any idea of ​​changing history to bring that fortune-teller to modern times."

"I know this, and I just treat her as a friend. I have no other idea... Don't worry, the time of each story I experience will be older than the last one, and there will be no chance. To change history, I will never have a chance to see her again."

   I don’t know what kind of mood he was and returned to the bedroom of the Blacktown church. He picked up the chocolate and put it on his lap for a while before reaching out and picking up the book to open the ninth story; "Wishing Flower".

   "This title sounds like a fairy tale."

   Jenkins thought, after spending a few minutes reading the story, he fell asleep again.

   This is obviously a point before the 13th era, because when Jenkins raised his head and looked at the night sky of the small town, there was only a blue moon behind the clouds. You must know that even with the smallest phase of the moon, it is impossible to see the red moon at all. In this era, the red moon obviously has not yet risen to the sky.

   This story has many similarities to the seven-color flower mentioned by Jenkins in the "Story of a Foreign Landman", but the flower for fulfilling a wish here can only fulfill one wish, and in the end no one uses it to make a wish.

   This is a story full of desire/hope and contradictions. Under the temptation of the wishing flower, the sentient beings in the small town have done some terrible things.

   "How does it sound like the [fantasy flower] I planted? I don't know how far the actual events in history are from the records in the books."

   He walked on the empty street. Compared with the rundown of Blacktown in the previous story, the town of this era is very similar to the town at the end of the eighteenth century, but the architectural style is very different.

   His idea is still to first go to the church to find out the situation, and then arrange the next plan based on the information he has obtained. But before taking two steps, I saw an unusually familiar little girl with a basket carrying a basket standing in the dark intersection ahead.

   She wrapped her hair in a dark cloth, and she was wearing a small slim dress made of neat cloth, standing there with a pair of small black leather shoes. She obviously noticed Jenkins, turned around and smiled at him in the dark, then took a step back and disappeared into the night.

   Even though the costume is very different from the ragged clothes when we first met, Jenkins will never forget his temperament and appearance:

   "A-01-2-0198! [Little girl selling flowers]!"

   He was forced to stop because of surprise. He didn't have much fear in his heart, and he even wanted to talk to the girl. But seeing familiar people in a long time ago, the sense of dislocation and absurdity in his heart made him lose his mind for a while.

"Why is she here? It turns out that she has been active in the material world since at least the 13th century, but hasn't collected enough sin coins for tens of thousands of years to embark on the road to becoming a god? It seems this The road to becoming a **** is more difficult than I thought."

   has many questions in her heart, and she rushes to ask the girl who sells flowers, but she is no longer in front of her. Jenkins was sure that he was not mistaken, and he knew that it was definitely not a coincidence that he met her here. Maybe in this story, the master who is in charge of the blossoming forest is also involved.

   went around in the town and was surprised to find that the church could not be found. He didn't know the current time, but he was obviously still far from dawn. In desperation, he could only walk to the forest outside the town and stay alive on the big tree for one night.

   Early the next morning, Jenkins was awakened by a sparrow on the branch. The two birds seemed to want to stop on Jenkins’s belly, but after realizing that Jenkins woke up, he immediately flew away in panic.

   entered the town to investigate, and it took a lot of effort to find out that there was no Orthodox church in Black Town in this era, because it was completely unnecessary to set up a church in a remote town. As for the rumors of the wishing flower, it has already spread among the townspeople. People don’t know the origin of the flower or the origin of the rumor, but they are willing to believe it.

   Just in the evening of that day, the hunters who were out hunting together brought back their companion's body on a temporary stretcher made of tree branches. Many people saw the corpse when it entered the town, as well as the small white flowers blooming on the chest of the dead man.

   Jenkins confirmed with his own eyes that the flower was indeed rooted in the corpse, drawing nourishment from the corpse for production. The aura color of the flower is green mixed with black, which is not the aura characteristic of fantasy flowers, but even if the times are different, the meaning of the two aura colors is the same. This is another powerful flower.

   Rumors about the wishing flower circulated in the town for a while, and it is said that the wishing flower was blooming on the chest of the corpse, and the color, size and petal color all matched the flower on the dead hunter.

   This caused a commotion among the townspeople. When Jenkins tried to find out what happened to the hunters, the atmosphere of the town quietly changed, and an accident occurred within a few hours.

   It was already eight o'clock in the evening. For such a country, it was already time for people to go to bed and rest. But tonight’s town was extremely lively, and the townspeople flocked to the door of the town’s sheriff’s house, and the body is now stored in the sheriff’s backyard.

   Jenkins stood on the roof from a distance to watch the excitement, watching the sheriff standing in front of the house embarrassedly saying something to the townspeople, and then let the leading people come in with him, and walked out together a few minutes later.

   The noisy voice made Jenkins unable to hear what the sheriff was talking about, but at least he saw who suddenly took the action. Then the middle-aged sheriff was knocked to the ground, and the scene immediately became chaotic.

   When people regained their senses, three more corpses appeared on the ground, one of which was the corpse of the sheriff.

   "This story is a bit different...but I guess it ends."

   Early the next morning, the news that "wishing flowers" grew on the chests of the three who died spread throughout the town. People moved the four bodies to the square in the small town, and then crowded together in an attempt to discuss the distribution plan for the four flowers. Everyone was sure that this was the wishing flower.

  PS: I see a lot of readers are mentioning new things. In fact, I would like to write more if possible. After all, this book is hardly recommended now, and I can't find a better way to attract new readers. However, considering practical reasons, my master’s degree in a certain university is a two-year system instead of the usual three-year system, which means that my postgraduate studies are very busy. Even if I have not returned to school now, I rarely have free time at home. Complete tasks beyond 4000 per day.

   In fact, saying so much is just making excuses for myself. In fact, I have always kept the habit of holding at least 40,000 words to save the draft, so that it is convenient to delete and modify the plot before and after, and every time I add a change, I actually save 60,000 before I dare to start offering a reward. Recently, there is not enough manuscripts on hand, so I try to take advantage of the May 1st holiday. The next volume is the last volume "Want to Wear the Crown", and there will definitely be a reward before the end of the book.

   Thank you for your support over the past two years. I have also done it 24/7 and have never asked for leave. I hope that everyone has the conditions and can continue to support me. I will also write a better story.

   The story of Jenkins is the same as that of Li Gan. It will have a good ending. Life is already very hard. I will not be disgusting in the novel. Please rest assured.

Chapter 1488 Chapter 1465 Purification

   Unsurprisingly, the wishing flower distribution plan negotiated by the townspeople is completely impossible to pass, because everyone has their own wishes, and everyone wants to make a wish for themselves. The contradiction eventually turned into a conflict, and the more severe violence than last night produced new corpses, but this time people did not feel sorry or annoyed, but happily placed the new corpse with the four corpses.

   Several hours later, new flowers grew on the chest of the corpse.

   The town is completely crazy, no one waits in the square anymore, hoping that they can be assigned a wishing flower. The cunning townspeople chose to wait at home, waiting for more victims to appear. As long as people continue to die in the town, sooner or later everyone alive will get a flower.

   In just three days, countless violence and conflicts appeared in all corners of the town. Regardless of men and women, young and old, and occupations, everyone has become a murderer, and everyone has become a victim.

The corpses quickly filled the square, and the smell of rotting corpses made everyone who came here frowned, but when they threw the corpses of neighbors and family members into the square, they added an extra to the counter. When I am, I always look happy.

   Jenkins wondered why he had to gather the corpses and wait for them to bloom, but no one was able to answer his questions. There were no normal people in this town except him.

   Even if more than half of the people have died, this farce is still not over, because the more the flowers, the fewer people, the more people alive can make wishes. The moon and the sun passed overhead in turn, and when the seventh day came again, the last two residents in the town died at the same time. One was smashed into the skull by the opponent's pan, and the other was pierced into the lung by the opponent's pitchfork.

   Jenkins waited aside, and after confirming that both of them were dead, he kindly moved their bodies to the town square.

   As a result, all the people in the town are lying here irregularly.

   He stood by the square and waited for a while, enduring the smell of rotting corpses, and then heard light footsteps coming from behind him. Turning to look around, the little girl selling flowers came over with the little basket.

   Compared with her in the eighteenth era, the girl's clothes at this time are very neat, she looks younger, and the black aura on her body is also very weak. This makes her handsome face more attractive than the eighteenth century, and her face is more beautiful than Jenkins thinks. This may be because the atmosphere and clothes when meeting in the past affected his judgment.

   "Hello, sir."

   The girl greeted Jenkins.

"Do you know me?"

   Jenkins pointed to himself and said.

   "No, although I don't know you, I know your bloodline. You are a sacrificial family, this is worthy of my respect."

   She said sweetly, and then tiptoed to look at the many corpses in the square, with an innocent look on her face.

   "The townspeople are all here."

   Jenkins introduced.

   "That's great. This is the first time that my lord has sent me to perform a mission in the material world. If it messes up, then the next time I am qualified to stay in the material world for a long time through the treacherous realm, maybe it won't be mine."

   She said happily, and carefully lifted the cloth on the basket. The emerald green vines swarmed out of the black basket like a snake, and jumped over Jenkins to the corpse in the square.

   "Would you mind telling me what happened here? Although I guessed a little bit, it is still not very clear."

   All of Jenkins didn't stop all of this because he found that all the townspeople and the town itself had black auras. With the death of the townspeople, the aura of the corpse and the surrounding environment will spontaneously converge to form a flower on the chest, and as the flower grows, the absorbed black aura will become more.

   He therefore guessed that all this seemed to be a process of self-purification. In addition, after investigating the death of the first hunter on the spot, he did not find any strangeness, so he didn't rush into it in the end.

"This town has gathered a large number of sins. These sins are the effects of that nasty thing in ancient times. If it is not filtered out, once the town's sins are condensed into substantive and extraordinary objects, they will affect the entire material world. Catastrophe. So my lord sent me here to cleanse all the sins of the town. I wanted to save these mortals, but it was too late. These people are already one with the town."

   said the little girl, and the carrying basket quickly absorbed the flowers made of black aura. I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Jenkins felt that the sky suddenly changed a bit. The town, which had become weird because of the killings, was gradually returning to normal.

   The girl's words are similar to the principle that the masters send those strange creatures to the material world to collect sin coins, and are essentially a recyclable purification process.

   "But after that, new residents will be attracted soon, right? What if those sins gather again?"

   Jenkins asked.

"Dear sir, you don’t have to worry about this kind of thing. The material world itself can absorb certain sins, and the stability of the world is stronger than we thought. Although after this large-scale purification, every few hundred years in the future, Anomalous events will still occur here, but an event of this magnitude will have to wait at least until the end of the Eighteenth Era, when the greats of that time will definitely send new candidates to deal with the problem."

   At this point, the little girl seemed to have thought of something. She inserted her tender white hand into the creeping vine gap, took a white flower from the basket and handed it to Jenkins.

   "This is for you. I'm glad to see you."

   The girl raised the flower on tiptoe, with a bright smile on her face. This scene easily reminded Jenkins of the "last year" fall, the scene that took place when he got off work for the first time, and he was stunned.

"I am glad to meet you too."

   After reacting, he smiled and said, took the flower from the girl's hand and the book page wrapped with stalks, and after putting the flower into his mouth, he woke up from the church bed.

"At the end of the Eighteenth Era, the sins gathered in Blacktown will once again become unmanageable. At that time, the masters will send suitable people to deal with...Who will be sent...It won't be me Right?"

   He felt that he had guessed the meaning of reading the story tonight, and understood that it was not a coincidence.

   "So, the previous story is to let me know what happened in the town, but the last story is very likely to encounter very tricky things?"

Chapter 1489 The first thousand four hundred and sixty-sixth treasure hunt adventures

   So far Jenkins has read 9 different short stories, and from the table of contents, this book contains a total of 13 stories. It's almost two o'clock in the morning, and after reading the remaining four stories, it should be just before dawn.

"But since the accident will happen at the end of the 18th century, what's the point of allowing me to keep entering the past? Is it because the legendary root of all tragedies in Blacktown, the terrible thing that was born in this land? But that thing Since it's so powerful, I shouldn't be its opponent, am I? If you have divinity in your hands, maybe you can give it a try, but not now."

   No one can help him answer the question. Although the cat knows the answer, it doesn't want to say anything. It shrank into a ball and lay next to the pillow, quietly looking at Jenkins with a puzzled look.

   Jenkins has always had a lot of questions, but at least tonight, he will have the opportunity to solve one of the more important ones.

   The tenth "Treasure Hunt Adventure" is a long story. Compared with the previous "Wishing Flower", the length has increased at least three times. This is an adventure story, which is no longer popular in modern times, but hundreds of years ago, the main continent of the material world once set off a wave of overseas exploration of the new continent. At that time, it ended with finding a large amount of gold or treasure. Adventure novels were all the rage, very similar to the fashion that the middle class now likes knight novels.

   Soon Jenkins came to the gloomy town of Black. The town looked a little dilapidated, and there was no trace of the steam industry. I don’t know what era it was.

   According to the book, three young people living in the town found a strange cave in the forest, and found a large number of treasures after entering. The story mainly describes the strange hallucinations that a group of people face after entering the cave, and the intrigue between the three people in order to distribute the treasure. Of course the ending was good. All three of them gained their own wealth and lived a prosperous life ever since.

   "I haven't heard of such a big cave near the town of Black in the Eighteenth Period. Could it be that geological changes destroyed the previous traces?"

   With such a question, Jenkins walked into the town. This time he found the church of the Orthodox Church, but because the church didn't need help this time, he just looked at it from a distance and turned away.

  The story does not describe the names of the three young people, but uses their own nicknames to call each other. Even if the town is not big, strangers like Jenkins are troublesome to find three people, so he adopts the method of waiting for a while, enters the forest in the east of the town, and waits for someone who fits the description to enter here. This waits for a long time, at night. , Only noticed that three young people were holding torches, talking and laughing, walking along the path into the forest.

   "Strange, what are they doing in the woods so late? Have they found traces of the treasure?"

   Jenkins climbed down from the tree and followed the three of them far behind.

  The three protagonists of the story are all born in the home of the poor, and they are ordinary rural youths that Jenkins can imagine. They can be considered well prepared for their night out. Except for torches, everyone has a weapon. Although it is only an axe for cutting trees, it is also quite lethal.

   "It's here, are you ready?"

   After walking in the woods for a long time, the three silent people stopped. The tallest young man in the lead asked his companions, and the other two nodded. Jenkins, who followed them, looked at the white light gate in the forest, and didn't know what to say for a while.

   Ordinary people can't see the deception, even ordinary people with the gift of gift can not see the entrance to the deception, just like him who just came to this world.

   The three people stopped here so accurately, but none of them were the benefactors. This shows that someone deliberately told the three of them the location of the deception. The purpose of Jenkins is not known, but it is certainly not a good thing.

   He wanted to open his mouth to prevent the three young people from entering the treacherous realm, but before they could say anything, the three of them had disappeared in the light gate. Hesitating for a while, Jenkins also wanted to follow, but he still didn’t wait for him to act. Almost the second after the three stepped into the treacherous realm, the three walked out of the light gate again, and the light gate collapsed behind them, which means The deception disappeared.

   The three of them are still dressed just now, and everyone looks happy. Among them, the tallest young man pushed the wheelbarrow used by the miners. The body of the cart was covered by a canvas, making it difficult to see what was inside.

   They did not miss this forest, and after leaving the treacherous realm, they walked along the same road towards Blacktown.

   So far, except for the appearance of the treacherous realm, everything that has happened is the same as in "The Secrets of Black Town". Had it not been for having a special pair of eyes, Jenkins would have been fooled.

   It was three mortals who entered the treacherous realm, but those who came out of the treacherous realm were three treacherous creatures with strong black aura. Although they have exactly the same faces as the youths just now, it is certain that the three of them did not successfully pass through the paradox, but instead allowed the things in the paradox to come to the material world with their appearance.

   The three of them came here at night for no reason, and the things behind this make my scalp numb when I think about it.

   Jenkins didn't know if he was the opponent of the three tricks, and wanted to know who planned all this, so he didn't do it in the forest, but followed the three tricks into the town.

   They behaved exactly like the original owners of the three faces. After carefully hiding the trolley, they returned to their respective "homes."

   Jenkins lay on the roof for a long time, and after making sure that they would not return, he pushed out the trolley again from behind the stacked timber. Lifting the canvas and taking a look at the light of the blue moon in the sky, there are ancient gold coins, gold and silver wares stuffed with almost no gaps.

   "I thought it would be meat or other weird things..."

   These valuable antiques do not have any aura, nor are they cursed items that Jenkins guessed, they seem to be really just treasures. Jenkins really didn't know what happened, so after restoring the scene, he took advantage of the moonlight to come to the church in the town.

   The last time I saw the church, I was still in the shabby building in the blood-sucking fascination. And the church of this era looks at least as it should be. The nun who answered the door knocked on the door instead of the bare priest without any subordinates, which relieved Jenkins, who had been busy all day.

   This time he still used the name of the so-called "demon hunter" and claimed that he occasionally passed by the town and saw the actions of the three people just outside the town. The priests of the church in this era are all part-time gifters. The priest himself is equivalent to the level of the fourth-level gifter in the eighteenth period, so he immediately understood what the scenes Jenkins saw meant. .

PS: The current nine stories: "The Ghoul in the Cemetery", "The Tragedy of Pine Cone", "The Girl in the Lake", "The Devil in the Fingers", "The Man in the Closet", "The Eve of the Wedding" and "The End of the Traveller" "Vampire" and "Wishing Flower".

   is not a foreshadowing, it just proves that I did not count wrong.