Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 626


   exhaled abruptly, and when he inhaled again, he was choked by the peculiar smell in the air. The first three carriages were all merchandise related to the benefactor, and in the fourth quarter it was finally the antique market mentioned by the old man.

   There is no abnormal space. The carriages after four sections have kept the same as they should be. The vendors who look almost exactly the same pile their goods on the ground, leaving only a narrow aisle for customers to pass through.

   There was a choking earthy smell in the air, and people rubbing their shoulders bent over to check the goods in each stall.

   Jenkins retracted the cat from his shoulder into the pocket inside the coat, and then mixed into the crowd trying to find the old man.

   When I reached the fifth car, I suddenly heard someone calling my name. I looked up and found that there was Miss Capet not far in front, and she was here too.

Crowded carriages are not a good place to reminisce about the old days. Jenkins wanted to find a less crowded carriage to talk again, but saw Miss Capet make a vigilant silence, and then pointed to a short distance with a black hat and tall head. Man.

   "I'm following him."

   She barely made a sound.

   Jenkins squinted his eyes. The man is a Level 4 bestower. He has never seen that person.

   "He should be a cultist of [Gear Craftsmen's Association]."

   Miss Cape said again, and then took Jenkins's hand and stepped back to hide in the crowd. It was also at this time that the man in the hat turned his head and looked back with a sense of feeling, but did not find the two of them.

   "When I was in Nolan, I was invited by the night watchmen to participate in a secret operation. I saw him at the time, but he escaped."

   Miss Cape said to Jenkins’ ear, and then asked:

   "Do you want to know what he is looking for? I found out after I got in the car. He was very purposefully searching for items among these vendors."

  Jenkins, of course, also wanted to know what the guys at the Gear Craftsman Society were doing, so the plan to find the old man was put on hold again. He followed Miss Cape with the cat, and followed the suspicious man far away, and at the same time he did not forget to check which stall he stayed in for a long time.

   Generally speaking, the stall owners will not reveal the privacy of their customers. This seems to be related to the rules of the market. So no matter how Miss Cape asked the goods that the man in the hat checked, the stall owners kept silent.

   But when Jenkins asked, everyone was willing to tell him the answer. This is probably the advantage of VIP customers.

   "B-11-05-3900 [Antique Bazaar] Is it a sage opened it?"

   Miss Capet was very puzzled about this, Jenkins couldn't explain, so she kept silent and let her cousin guess.

Chapter 1546 The first thousand five hundred and twenty-two chapters meet the craftsman again (3/10)

A man from the Gear Craftsman's Association is looking for some thousand-year-old metal accessories. Under normal circumstances, he can never buy it. Not to mention how badly metal products will deteriorate in a thousand years, but only from the development of civilization in the eighteenth century. Look, it is hard to say whether there are standard metal parts thousands of years ago.

   This is the interior of the Type B extraordinary event. There may not be what he needs a thousand years ago, but there may be accessories made of special alloys in the last period two thousand years ago. The cultist was looking for something similar. Jenkins and Miss Cape followed him for half an hour, but they haven't seen him find his goal yet.

   "You said, would they be the big thing that wants to repair the Nolan underground?"

   Miss Cape guessed softly, standing side by side with Jenkins pretending to observe a gramophone with a wonderful structure. The gifters living in Nolan now almost all know that the gear craftsman will find something extraordinary in the underground. Jenkins hopes that the church will pay attention to it, and it is better to find a way to fight the ancient difference engine before him.

   "It must be. After being sealed for so long, even if it is actually dug out by the cultists of the Gear Craftsman's Association, it will not be intact."

   Jenkins replied in a low voice, Yu Guang glanced at the man they were following, only to find that he suddenly speeded up and walked to the back of the carriage.

  【Antique Bazaar】The train is not completely linear, not even a circular closed space. In Jenkins’s view, this is more like a forked tree branch. Every time you open a door, you make a choice. There are multiple at the end of the train, but there is only one at the beginning, that is, the auction will be held in the evening. Car number one.

   The two moved quickly in the carriage with the man. When they opened the door again, the noisy antique market was no longer in front of them, but a row of clocks and watches full of clocks. The sound of gears turning and pendulum shaking, like a sea wave, hit the eardrum. Even though these sounds are not strong, they have a shocking feeling when combined.

   This carriage is mainly made of brass. The walls are covered with clocks, the corners of the walls are placed with tombstone-like clocks, and in the counter are countless pocket watches with exquisite shapes.

   This reminds Jenkins of the watch shop that he eliminated last year. When he visited for the first time under the recommendation of the professor, he was also shocked by the beauty and order of the machinery.

   Except for the man and Jenkins, there is no fourth customer in this carriage. Behind the counter is a receptionist wearing monocles and repairing pocket watch parts with tweezers. He looked up at the three of them, and found that they were looking at each other with a menacing look, so he reminded:

   "Fighting is not forbidden here, but anything broken must be compensated at three times the price!"

   The man in the hat put his right hand on the counter, looking at the two people who just entered the door calmly:

   "Sure enough, someone was following me, luck is really bad, this kind of place can also encounter enemies, so... are you believers of lies, or lackeys of the Church of Orthodox God?"

   "We are believers of lies."

   Jenkins said with certainty that Miss Capet also understood his meaning in a moment. If the opponent can be caught, this lie will be meaningless. If not, it can at least confuse the opponent.

   "Yes, we are believers of lies, you can catch it with your hands."

   She said righteously, feeling fresh about posing as those crooks.

   "So do you think that if I come out to perform the task, I will not be ready to meet you?"

   As he said, he took off his hat and threw it aside, his right hand was slightly raised above his chest, and the palm was downward, and his left hand was slightly lower than his chest, and his palm was upward. As the sound of the gears turning more clearly appeared, the huge brass gear structure biting together appeared behind him, and steam gushing out of the invisible void, making the illusory gears brighter.

   As the huge gear turned behind him, a rusty copper-colored dagger slowly formed between the man's hands.

   This is a bit like the geometric pattern that appears behind Alexia when he uses mathematics, but obviously the ability of a short lady is more beautiful.

   "Do you really think you are our opponent?"

   A believer who pretends to be a lie is actually regarded as a believer of a lie, but in fact he is not a lie believer.

   "A mortal, never knows what awe is."

   As the man solemnly said these words, the old dagger in his hand was completely formed. The ancient breath is all over the surface of the short dagger, and the patina and cracks make Jenkins and Miss Capet no doubt about its history.

   "Rather than being stabbed to death by your dagger, I think you might as well expect us to get tetanus."

   Jenkins said tauntingly, and then suddenly turned his head, the whistling wind passed through his ears, and a small gear behind him was deeply stuck on the wall.

  The gear pattern behind the cultist still did not disappear. He was holding a dagger with a serious face, and the chains overflowed from the gap of the gears, rolling on the ground like tentacles dancing wildly.

   The aisles between the counters are inherently narrow, and this situation is inevitable. When the brave meets on a narrow road, the brave wins, Jenkins raises his cane from the air with his right hand, and rushes forward.

   The chain came alive at this moment, and pounced on Jenkins like a group of prey snakes. Behind Jenkins, Miss Cape chanted a mantra praising the gods. She believed in the righteous **** [the spirit of all things]. The force of nature stirred the invisible wind and became entangled with those chains.

   slammed the cane violently, and all the chains blocking the road under the tremendous force were broken. The cultist didn't worry, he took a deep breath and slammed the dagger in his right hand. As the patina fell off, the dagger fell apart. A black air current gushed from the gears behind him, and the handle of the dagger seemed to come alive. The small gears that formed it grew rapidly, and a gear sword "grew" out of breath.


   The black aura made Jenkins feel in his heart, but he still threw his cane at the man in front of him without hesitation. The cultists also wielded their swords, and the moment the two fought, the huge spirits converged in the air, banging, and the resulting air wave caused the air to produce a wonderful optical refraction phenomenon in a short time.

   "So strong? What kind of weapon is this?"

   Jenkins did not have the advantage in this brief match. On the contrary, because of the collision of the two weapons, the small gears on the gear sword actually actively clung to the surface of his cane, and rapidly multiplied like germs.

   Jenkins immediately tapped the floor with his cane, and the spirit of life instantly penetrated the cane containing the world tree composition, and the gears on the surface of the wood fell off like rain.

Chapter 1547 Chapter 1523 Mechanical Arm (4/10)

   "It's the power of a deceit!"

   Miss Cape reminded her that she felt the familiar power in Jenkins, but she didn't think much about it yet.

   "This is not a trick, mortals can't imagine what we found underground!"

   The man from the Gear Craftsmen's Association swung his sword again, and Jenkins greeted him with a stick. With his current strength, he still hasn't gained an advantage in the confrontation.

   guessed what was going on in his heart, and used the stick like a sword. After a short blow, the flame spread along the stick to the opponent's sword and clothes. The unquenchable fire of purification quickly burned his clothes and skin, revealing the original appearance of his arm-a steam-powered device closely entwined with flesh and blood.


   Miss Cape made a disgusting sound. Like Jenkins, she disliked this unnatural body structure. Jenkins endured the nausea in his heart, knocked the opponent back again, and asked loudly:

   "This is your pursuit? For strength, you are willing to be like this ghost?"

   "You don't understand, believers of lies, this is the direction of human evolution."

   is probably because the secrets of the body have been exposed, so there is no need to hide it. This time when he slashed the sword in his hand at Jenkins, the huge gears behind him blended into his back, so that the entire arm was spraying steam outward. When the two weapons collided, the steam rushed to the extreme, and the cane almost broke out under the tremendous force. Jenkins felt like he was kicked by an elephant, and a huge roar came from his ears. At the same time, he almost vomited bleeding in his chest.

   couldn't help taking a step back, and Miss Cape hurriedly supported him. She put her hand on Jenkins's back to heal his injuries, and the blood-like spirit of life merged into the body, allowing some injured internal organs to heal immediately.

Jenkins frowned and pulled the cat out of his chest and placed it on the counter on the side. Those glass counters had all been shattered by the burst of air just now. The receptionist leaned against the wall with a blank face and watched the three people fight, without wanting. The meaning of stop.

   "Have you seen, believers of lies, this is the direction human beings should move forward. The end of the era is coming. If you don't choose to evolve, you can only be eliminated by the world."

   The man laughed, the giant gear behind him was more solid than before. In the void behind him, the spiritual light source that only Jenkins' eyes can see continuously enters his body. This means that the person in front of him can only be tied with Jenkins by relying on distant support. This is not His own power, so it is not difficult for him to deal with this way.

   The air in the carriage is full of burnt odors and oily odors. This comes from the burnt skin on the one hand, and on the other hand the smell of steam from the body of the cultist.

   "How mechanized is your body?"

   Jenkins asked suddenly.

   "Ninety percent, your weapons can't deal with me."

   The cultist said, leaping up with swords in both hands, and slashing directly at his shoulders without giving Jenkins a chance to speak.

   Jenkins pushed Miss Capet to a safer area behind, and the cane in his hand was slightly shaken to look like a spear.

   The stabbing gun is much longer than the gear sword, so when the man was in the air, Jenkins prodded him into his left chest. But this attack was completely useless. The lancet in his hand couldn't penetrate the steel plate made of mysterious alloy on his chest at all, only a layer of sparks splashed.

   While Jenkins' right hand was numb from the shock, the gear sword slashed severely.


   held the sword with his left hand. Even though the sword had no blade at all, the huge impact caused Jenkins' wrist to fracture, and he was almost overturned to the ground.

   But this is his purpose, enduring the pain and throwing away the cane in his right hand, while the two are so close, two rotating silver light belts appear in front of Jenkins like a flowing galaxy.

   flicked his right hand, a small piece of light chip was ejected, and went straight into the man's forehead. The strength of his chopping disappeared immediately, and the whole figure seemed to be still, maintaining a falling posture and fell to the ground.

   He kept twitching, and the majestic giant gear image behind him was distorted for a few times and then disappeared. At the same time, the man's pores were continuously blasted with steam, and the abnormal clicking sound inside the body became louder and louder.

  The reason for using [Grant of Knowledge] is because it belongs to the sage church. Miss Cape is nearby. Jenkins must not risk using [Profane Production].

   The knowledge from another world directly destroyed the soul in the body of the mechanical avatar, and without the support of the soul, this completely anti-natural body began to self-destruct.

   "I warn you, if this thing explodes and blows up this carriage, I can't afford to sell all of your things to me."

   The receptionist who has not spoken all the time looked at the continuously spreading white steam and said.

   "Then we sell it to you, do you accept it?"

   Miss Cape said immediately, and the receptionist's eyes lit up:

   "Of course, this is a very novel creation. I think someone will like it in the next 100 years."

   "Leave us an arm. In addition, we only accept sin currency transactions. Everyone understands the value of this body."

   Jenkins finally got up and said, holding the rune sword in his hand. This sword was trying to infect his wounds with gears, but as soon as it touched his blood, the gears melted immediately.

   "But I helped you solve his self-exposure problem..."

   The receptionist with the monocle muttered, then took out an empty box from the counter and threw it into the cloud of steam. After a while, the diffused steam was gone, and the receptionist walked out of the counter and picked up the box from the floor.

The front of the    box is made of glass, allowing customers to see the goods inside. So Jenkins and Miss Capet could see the shrunken male corpse lying inside.


   The receptionist said, using the tweezers he had just held, carefully removing his arms from the shrunken corpse. He dismantled it carefully, keeping the gears and bearings at the joints as intact as possible.

   When that little arm left the box, it immediately recovered its original size and lay on the counter with all the glass exploded.

   Without the cover of the skin, this arm made of bright red muscles mixed with alloy steel cables, structural gears and pressure bolt pumps lay brightly under the gas lamp. The red flesh, brass alloy and black gears together construct this very cruel "artwork". The complete artificial beauty and absurd construction materials also make this malicious creation exquisite.

Chapter 1548 Chapter 1524: Searching (5/10)

   "I've only heard that gear craftsmen will be fascinated by the mechanical transformation of human bodies, but I didn't expect them to have achieved this level."

   Miss Cape said while healed Jenkins. She was standing behind Jenkins. She obviously didn't want to lean too close to that arm, treating that thing as a disgusting thing like excrement.

   "Is your injury okay?"

   She has noticed that the wound on Jenkins's left hand is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but she is still worried about something like [Gear Germ] on the gear sword.

   "It's okay, the injury is not very serious."

   said, he put the gear sword and the arm together and pushed it to the receptionist behind the counter:

   "I remember that the market can deliver goods for customers free of charge. Please send these two items to the Cathedral of the Sage on the outskirts of Berduran."

   Although it was the spoils of Jenkins and Miss Capet, it was mainly Jenkins who contributed, so Miss Capet did not oppose the decision to send them to the Church of the Sages.

   "Of course it can... Then can I talk about compensation now?"

   The receptionist pointed to the glass counters that had exploded and said.

   "I think it's better to calculate the value of the corpse first."