Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 63


   "Please influence these two sinners with my love."

   The boy stood up and straightened his chest.


   "They are twin demons of destiny, and the world needs them."

   The boy opened his arms, closed his eyes and raised his head.


   "God, why are you so harsh, so..."

   "Once you become a devil, it is absolutely impossible to turn your head back. The devil does not have kind thoughts. You are not the devil of fate, you are the devil of love."


   "Your selfish love has created demons that have ravaged many epochs; your selfish love killed yourself and killed others; your selfish love..."

   He can't make up anymore.

"The twins swallowed your power, but you haven't disappeared. I don't want to know what this is because of, and I don't want to know if you have planned for this a long time ago, and I don't want to guess if this is another conspiracy... .."

   "God, you really are evil!"

   The boy with a soft white light waved his hand and sucked the table knife on the table and stabbed Jenkins. Jenkins Lisso snatched his backhand and thrust a knife in his forehead. The golden divinity and the singular power of Jenkins were fused together, poured into the knife, and the light spots represented by [Contact Healing] and [Unknown Road] tremble at the same time.

   The boy looked at Jenkins with resentment and surprise, and then disintegrated and disappeared. Jenkins stared at the table knife in his hand, and purple, black, and gold patterns appeared on the silver knife surface.

   The red aura seeps from the knife and brightens little by little. This is the first extraordinary item that Jenkins has seen transformed from a mortal thing.

   Because you killed the boy? Because it is used by Jenkins?

   He didn't know, but threw the knife in front of Bevana, who kept her eyes closed. Then, while the woman was not paying attention, she picked up the coin on the ground.

   "Use this to kill them."

   There is not much divinity left. Let her solve the demons on the ground. Let's stop here today.

   "Thank you, Holy One."

   The woman said in a trembling voice.

   Jenkins shook his head and walked to the magnificent floor-to-ceiling window. The red and blue moons were still hanging in the sky, and a lot of benefactors had gathered on the grass downstairs.

   "Maybe I should choose a grand way of leaving."

   While he was thinking, he looked at the 8 power spots in front of him. When the line of sight fell on [Reading and Writing], the creation pencil also began to tremble.

"I understand."

   The young man with black hair and black eyes raised his hand and gently pushed, and the window opened.


   A jet-black cat jumped out of the darkness and cleverly fell on Jenkins's shoulders.

   He smiled, and in the void in front of him, vertical black lines appeared in the air. The black lines combined with each other, from point to surface, from surface to body, a stone step leading to the sky slowly took shape.

   The man with the cat walked on the stone steps to the sky, the stars gathered around him, and the chants lingered in his ears. He walked in the sky with the stars as the curtain, and the steps behind him disappeared and the steps in front appeared.

  The gifters looked up and stared at the scene that resembled a myth, until the hymn stopped completely and the saint disappeared into the starry sky, and no one spoke.

  PS: The number of chapters in the morning is wrong. Seven chapters have been updated, so the afternoon is five chapters.

Chapter 133 Chapter 129 Escape

   Bevana carefully squinted her eyes and looked around. After confirming that the saint had really left, she dared to open her eyes and stand up, and killed the two demons one by one with the knife imprinted with three-color stripes. Walked to the window and looked at the disappearing black spot in the sky.

   "Void creation? Sage, who is this?"

   The creation pencil didn't have the ability to erase, otherwise the bicycle would not be so easily disposed of.

   This is the result of the pencil stained with divinity. Jenkins stood on the highest step, then concealed himself with a slight divinity stained with black robe, and once again built a narrow staircase and walked down.

   Jenkins' body and Miss Hesha are leaning against the largest tree in the forest. There was a clearing in front of the tree, and the dust from the devil's death soaked the ground, causing the ground to emit a subtle light.

   Mottled moonlight projected through the shadows of the trees onto the quiet faces of the two of them, and the black-haired young man in the black robe walked down from the sky with the black cat. The steps disappeared behind him, and he faced the sleeping men and women.

   The last trace of divinity remained unburned. He took out the dead bone from Jenkins's arms and wanted to study how to destroy it. Who knows that the bones shattered just as soon as the hands got deep into his arms.

   "Create a new spirit body that is close to the holding spirit body, and I am now..."

   While thinking about this, he slowly leaned over, pressing his forehead against the forehead of the handsome blond young man, slowly sinking into his body.

When    opened his eyes again, in addition to the horrible emptiness that spread throughout his body, four blank bubbles appeared in front of him.

   The two demons in the manor in the distance were killed exactly at this time, and one of the bubbles trembled slightly and turned into a red light spot.

  【Twin Devil (Red Fight)】

   Jenkins ignored it, but closed his eyes and combed through the new information he had just obtained. Without understanding the occult knowledge in the divine nature, he learned the second piece of information about becoming a god:

   "It can be a god, but not a human being."

   "So I am not a human?"

   He thought suspiciously, and then felt that there was some truth to this idea.

   The black cat walked up to Jenkins gracefully, meowed, and the color of her coat gradually changed back to the black and white look of chocolate.

   "It really is you, chocolate, how did you become like this?"

   he wondered.

   A ray of light flashed in the yellow vertical pupil, "Meow~"

   "Oh, I see, that potion has worked."

   Jenkins's inspiration flashed and suddenly realized.

   "No, why are you here? Didn't I leave you in the church?"

   A ray of light flashed again in the yellow vertical pupil, "Meow~"

   Jenkins flashed again and suddenly realized.

   "Oh, you are worried that I will follow you, so good!"

   Chocolate wags its tail triumphantly.

   There was a loud noise in the distance, and the smell of sulfur in the air was much smaller. Jenkins gently picked up Miss Hesha and returned the silver bracelet to her, with the violin behind her back, and the cat jumped on her shoulders and left in a hurry.

   "What are you going to do? Jenkins."

   The cold female voice came from her arms.

   "Let’s go, the devil’s matter has been resolved, I think Miss Mikhail should be fine."

   Jenkins hugged her and moved fast along the path in the forest. Now she must not be touched by the gifters of the church, or else she can't tell.

   "Why do you confirm this?"

   "I, I have special abilities!"

   He emphasized that the a little bored girl said so much at this time.

   "Just now, when I seemed to be in a coma, I seemed to feel a stranger appear next to me. It is very similar to the black-robed man I met in the hospital last time..."

   Sweat beads immediately appeared on Jenkins' forehead and slid down his cheeks.

   "Kill people and kill their mouths!"

   An icy evil thought appeared in my heart, and then was suppressed by the righteous traverser with reason.

   "No, I am a positive person. Then find a place to imprison her permanently. I remember there is a basement under the house, and then it's okay..."

   Desires grew, but were immediately stopped.

  The walking motion stopped unconsciously, and Jenkins looked down at Miss Hesha.

   She smiled triumphantly, but she was still weak and her lips were pale and chapped.

   "I know, do you know the black-robed man who has recently become the limelight? Let me guess, you become a gifter, this is the way to lead, so you dare not go to the church to register!"


   Jenkins was suffocated and speechless.

   "I was so speechless, right?"

   The girl smiled and said: "Please rest assured, I will not expose your secrets. Thank you for saving me, and thank you for letting your guide to save Britney. I will never forget this kindness for the rest of my life."

   Jenkins remained silent, holding the girl and continuing to walk forward. The light of the city can be seen in the distance, and it seems that the direction is correct.

   "Miss Hesha, why is Miss Mikhail there tonight?"

   He didn't want to continue the topic just now, so he asked this question.

"I don't know which **** told Britney. Recently Nolan's noble boys and girls have learned a kind of'magical' ritual. I discouraged her not to go, but she didn't listen and lied to me to stay tonight. I studied arithmetic at home and came secretly... By the way, did you know that the devil is actually little Wellington. On the night we participated in the masquerade, the question you asked the baron was very interesting. I used a special channel After tracing it up, it turned out that all the rituals were flowed out by Little Wellington."

   "Special channel?"

"Yes, did you know that there is a well-known bounty hunter in the black market. Although the asking price is very high, he can complete the task smoothly every time. I used your 200 pounds to ask her to investigate, and she found it out in one day? ...That's right, it's not difficult to just ask the trash who relies on the ancestral glory to get the answer. She is called the Huntress, and I can introduce you to her."


   Jenkins sighed, this world is really small.

   "What the **** is that demon going to do?"

   It's really hard to walk in the forest holding a person, Jenkins is already a little exhausted. But although his emotional intelligence is not high, he also knows that he can't complain about women's weight casually.

   "I don't know, isn't the devil inherently chaotic? Maybe I just want to do something interesting..."

   She said uncertainly, her voice very weak.

   But Jenkins knows that it is absolutely impossible to be so simple. Last time the evil spirits were also related to demons, and this should be their handwriting. Nolan City can never be so unlucky, there are two waves of demons lurking, right?

   reached out and pressed her hand on Miss Hesa's head, activating the healing ability. Her face looked better, and it seemed that the physical damage was only part of it.

Chapter 134 Chapter 130 Calendar Change

   "What level are you? So many useful abilities?"

   the red-haired girl asked in a low voice.

   "Weaker than you."

   Liar Jenkins told the few truths tonight.


   But she doesn't believe it.

   looked at the expression of Jenkins looking forward for a while, because he wanted to avoid the bumps on the ground, the girl in his arms also trembled. She stared at the endless long night, thinking about the past experience, remembering the feeling of tonight's all-inclusive feeling, and then looking at Jenkins's expression of concentrating on the road.

   "There will be no one in the future, I allow you to call me ‘Hathaway’."


   "When did I get a good impression?"

   Jenkins muttered in his heart, and wondered again.

   The two separated near a horse farm in the outskirts. Hathaway claimed that she could go back from here. Jenkins could only watch her staggering towards the darkness.

"go home."

   patted the cat's head, and the chocolate meowed very cooperatively.

   My luggage was still left at the church, but now I am out of energy to take it. When he lay down on the bed, he still vaguely thought that he had dropped the rapier on the Shire, but let's talk about it when he wakes up.

   The last time I slept, it was two days ago, even if it was a gifter, it couldn’t hold it. The feeling of emptiness after the deification had already made him feel weak, the days of running around completely drained all of his energy, and he finally fell asleep.

   Chocolate lay on the blanket next to the bed, and walked gracefully to the side of Jenkins' head, rubbing his face with his tail carefully.
