Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 647

   Now the distance between Jenkins and the countess has entered the effective range where hair can play a role. It only takes two minutes for the hair to be fully functional. Jenkins tends to delay it for two minutes, rather than risking being killed by the opponent and doing some tricks.

"It seems that you brought all the things I wanted. This is great. Now put [Vampire Fangs] and [Holy Blood Stained Cloth] on the table. After I have checked the authenticity of the items, I will let them You leave, while keeping your promise, to provide the church with the necessary help to eliminate these cursed people."

   Miss Cape did not move, she understood that Jenkins was the leader in this action.

"I’m afraid I’ll have to wait a moment before this. The church has agreed to your request, but it doesn’t require anything in return. Your threat is on the one hand, but on the other hand, the church wants to know who is providing you with information behind the scenes. ?"

Chapter 1600 The first thousand five hundred and seventy-five chapters from the tree house

   When the church sent Jenkins and Miss Capet to meet the Countess for the second time, they did not ask to ask any questions, so what Jenkins said just now was all his own. But Miss Capet didn't question Jenkins either. She knew that the saint son of the church definitely made sense.

   "Answering questions is not within our trading scope."

   The countess said hesitantly, but did not immediately refuse, which shows that in her eyes, the value of the three items is greater than that of her helpers. If Jenkins is not wrong, she and the group of people behind her do not have a strong ally. The two sides should be just a simple cooperative relationship, even worse.

"The church has shown sincerity. You see, we have brought everything. Now as long as you name the organization or certain people, our cooperation can still continue. You are not saying that after this incident, you Will I not reappear in a hundred years? Even if those people know that you betrayed them, can they really find you?"

   I don't know if it was Jenkins who was superb, or whether the relationship between the countess and the helper was really bad, she was actually moved by Jenkins.

   looked at Miss Capet hesitantly. At Jenkins's signal, Miss Capet first took out the small copper box containing the [Vampire Fangs] and placed it next to the silver dinner cup. This tooth will not have any taste when it is placed in a pure copper vessel, otherwise it will release a very disgusting but non-toxic bad breath to the surrounding air.

   "This is our sincerity."

   Jenkins said, and at the same time glanced at the pocket watch in his hand to confirm the two-minute time limit:

   "The church requires us to come out within two hours, otherwise it will think that the cooperation has broken down, and they will use other means to deal with you. You have to think clearly."

   The church also didn't say this, and Jenkins said it casually. Miss Capet still pretended not to hear what Jenkins was saying.

   "Actually... it is not impossible for me to tell the identity of those people."

   The countess hesitated, not guessing that all the words in the mouth of the young man sitting on the side were bluffing.

   "But I have another request."

"Please speak."

   Jenkins said politely, anyway he promised nothing, even if the other party wants to become the queen of Beldiran, he dare to discuss the specific details and plans with the other party.

   "There are still 30 seconds~"

   He thought to himself, trying to control himself not to smile.

"I know that the Orthodox Church has asked the pharmacists to allocate [hemolytic toxins] that are no longer in circulation in the material world in order to deal with my kinsmen who have not paid for it in the Nolan area. I want ten samples of toxins. This is not to find The way to crack the toxin is just for self-protection. As you know, my method of fleeing from Nolan to Berdylan is not glorious. I am afraid my people will think that I am a fugitive or even a traitor. As for the people behind me. , That is a very large united system, including the followers of different evil gods and different cult organizations, among which the leading position is the "tree..."

"Have you betrayed us just for the sake of only ten hemolytic toxins? It seems that trust between people and different species is also so cheap and sad. This is probably the sorrow of intelligent creatures... ."

  The voice came from the other side of the banquet hall, which was opposite Jenkins and Miss Cape. Behind the tapestry embroidered with abstract vampire bats, a man walked out. Jenkins squinted his eyes and looked at him. He didn't find his aura just now, because this banquet hall is due to the relationship between the [Blood Mosquito Curse] and the lock, and the complex aura colors are enough to block the aura of the small human gifters.

"who is it?"

   What annoyed him even more was that the appearance of the man surprised the countess. The strange-looking woman actually stood up and then took two steps back, just out of the range of hair.

   The effect of the hair requires a continuous effect, so that the delay time he has just been wasted, even if the opponent enters the range of action again, he still has to find a way to delay it for two minutes.

   "Of course I am the person sent by the organization to monitor you. As expected, you can betray your own clan and you can also betray us. A guy like you is destined to die."

   "The person who provided me with information is a tree house."

   The countess made up what hadn’t been done just now, glanced at the [Elemental Blood] and [Vampire Fangs] placed on the table, and asked the man who had just appeared with a mocking tone:

   "Although I don't know what means you used to sneak into the lock, you don't think you are my opponent, do you?"

   Her self-confidence is reasonable. The man from the tree house is only level 6, which is consistent with Jenkins's real level.

"Not to mention that this is inside my maze, just the power I gained from [Blood Mosquito Curse] is enough to fight against everyone. Even the Church of Orthodox God dared not break in and fight me. Who do you think you are? "

   "I want to correct a little. The Orthodox Church outside is not afraid of you, but is worried that the blood mosquito will curse and pollute Bel Dylan, otherwise you would have died long ago."

   The man corrected, and then asked:

"As for the mystery... if I remember correctly, this mystery is not the knowledge you brought from your hometown outside the material world, but you obtained it through trading with the human gifter in the Nolan area. Guess. Guess, who is the human who happened to come across by you who sold taboo ancient books because of lack of money?"

   With a smug smile on his face, Jenkins understood his thoughts, arranged countless backhands, and then announced after the opponent was fooled. It was indeed a very happy thing.

"you guys......"

   The countess understood.

"Misuo itself is not a problem, it is genuine and genuine. But we have changed part of the ritual matrix, which created a loophole that is not a loophole. Now your role has ended, and the attention of the Orthodox Church has been transferred to Bell Dylan’s time is long enough, and the plan to come to Nolan has been implemented smoothly. To ensure that you don't betray the secrets of the organization, now you should go to see the **** of death."

   The blood-red mist filled every corner of the banquet hall. The blood-sucking species' talents in manipulating blood combined with the bizarre power brought by [Blood Mosquito Curse] allowed the countess to manipulate blood energy as if manipulating her own arm.

   The surging spirit vibrated in the air, as if to crush everything blocking it. But the goal of this power is not Jenkins and Miss Capet, but the man from the tree house.

   "The loophole that is not a loophole is that the ritual base can be destroyed, and it can be destroyed by mortal means."

Chapter 1601 Chapter 1576 The Manor Big Bang

   The man’s voice came from the thicker blood fog, and along with his laughter, Jenkins heard the strange sound of "di di di di~" from the top of his head.


   With a move in his heart, he held down the cat on his shoulder, and then he wanted to throw Miss Capet down. But she didn't expect Miss Cape to jump over and press him under the table first, while she propped up her body to protect him.

   The sound of a rumbling explosion came from above the head in the next moment, and the sound of a continuous steam bomb detonated almost smashed people's eardrums.

   The banquet hall is the core of the mysterious lock. The original place like this cannot be destroyed by non-superior means, because the ritual secret ceremony is a conceptual force. However, because the countess's knowledge was passive, more than 30 bombs that were placed in key locations of the manor in advance and detonated remotely with extraordinary power actually directly blew up the banquet hall.

   Stone bricks, glass, and wood fell from the sky to cover up almost everything, and the thick red mist dispersed in the banquet hall also escaped to every corner of the manor due to the air flow caused by the sudden explosion.

   Jenkins looked at Miss Capet who was pressing him hard. The lady had turned red and vomited blood because of being hit by a falling rock.

"what are you going to do?"

He couldn't control a lot. He stretched out his hand from the woman's ear and directly supported the beam that fell from the sky. Regardless of the falling crystal chandelier cut the palm of his hand, he slammed into Miss Cape with his other hand. Pulled behind him, then knelt on one knee and raised both palms, abruptly lifting the huge stone slab.

   Although this is heavy, it is strong enough to block the building waste, broken furniture and various broken bodies that will fall from the sky.

   Although Miss Capet was injured just now, she escaped from the danger in time. She sat on the floor with a pale face and watched Jenkinstor holding the back of the large slate, her eyes flashing with inexplicable emotions.

   "Are you crazy? You want to save me in this situation?"

Jenkins roared loudly. One foot of the slate landed on the ground, and the other side was lifted by him. He lifted the big rock that provided a temporary shelter for the two of them. He didn't forget to blame the woman behind him. It really scared him just now. jump.

   "Because... you are my younger brother (youngerbrother), I don't have many relatives..."

   The word "brother" made Jenkins feel a chill. He had never been called this before. Even Newman only called him by his name, and he hated women of the same age calling himself that way. But at the same time, he was also a little touched. After coming to this world, the family affection came plainly, so he cherished it very much.

   "Don't call me like that in the future. Even if your identity is disclosed, don't call me like that. Just call me Jenkins."

   While he was talking, he gritted his teeth and pushed up hard. The banquet hall is probably on the first floor of the building, but there are three floors of things falling down. Although the explosion and collapse were only momentary events, after that, Jenkinsto lifted more than just the slate above. God knows how many things are still on the slab.

   "Okay, Jenkins."

   Hearing Miss Cape's gasping sound became even, I knew she was healing herself. Jenkins tried to put the slate down, and then actually found the right angle to carry it on something invisible in the dark.

   Then he was able to sit down and take a breath, and then he felt the woman behind him leaning on his back:

   "Sorry Jenkins, I'm a little sleepy."

   is not a last word before dying, but a large amount of spirit of life to heal herself, leaving Miss Cape depressed. At present, Jenkins only knows that he has the kind of treatment that almost doesn't cost. Others, whether it is rituals, abilities or even potions, require a certain price in terms of treatment.

   "You can sleep at ease."

   Jenkins turned around and hugged her. Miss Cape couldn't open her eyes because of fatigue. At the last moment, she saw Jenkins' purple eyes. The eyes were so charming, so attractive, she fell into the deepest sleep after a trance.

   suppressing the angry Jenkins in his heart, he took off his coat and spread it in this small corner so that Miss Cape was curled up there, then turned his head, with a penetrating cold light in his eyes looking towards the front blocked by the slabs and building garbage.


   was very well-behaved and very sensible chocolate, licking his bleeding palm beside Jenkins, chocolate knew that someone was going to be unlucky.

   The detonated bomb destroyed the building in the center of the courtyard of the manor, but this did not completely lift the lock. The Orthodox Church on the periphery of the courtyard noticed the abnormal changes in the manor, but when they tried to enter through the fog door, they found that the fog door could not pass through.

This time, the tree house only sent a level six gifter to monitor the countess. Although he was confident to restrain her, he was also worried that the church would intervene in uncles. As a result, the explosion destroyed the core of Mizuo, while also letting Mizuo connect with the outside world. Complete isolation.

Now only the demigods of the church and a small number of gifters can fly into the sky, overlooking the manor shrouded in thick red fog through the sky, watching the looming legion of the cursed creeping on the ground in the rolling red fog. The fog tuned their power.

   Above the ruins of the building in the center of the courtyard, the two figures face each other. Although the countess was also affected by the explosion, she did not seem to have any damage. She covered half of her face with a feather fan with some peacock feathers in her right hand and a short red crystal dagger in her left hand. That dagger is continuously absorbing the power in the dense fog. This is an energy weapon drawn by the power of the lock and the curse of blood mosquitoes, which is condensed from pure blood.

   The man from the tree house stood on the raised wreckage of the long table in the banquet hall. He held a silver pistol with his feet close together. The pistol was densely covered with intricate blood vessel-like patterns. It can be seen that this gun is also absorbing the blood energy in the red mist, which makes the lines on the holy silver-white gun look very strange.

"To deal with you, I specially brought the weapon left by the ancient vampire hunter. This gun has a very beautiful name, B-04-3-2863 [Storm Blood Rose]. This is a weapon blessed by the church, plus The traitor in the upper vampire species adds the power of vampire species to it, allowing this gun to completely restrain the vampire clan and the curse of blood mosquitoes. Although it does not have the effect of B-05-4-3911 [Vampire Buster] in a single blow, But it’s just right to deal with you who have both [Vampire Species] and [Blood Mosquito Curse]. Today, you are destined to die in my hands. No one can stop this."

Chapter 1602 The first thousand five hundred and seventy-seventh chapter Cursed Aggregate

   Faced with the threat of the visitor from the tree house, the countess still kept the motion of covering half of her face with a feather fan, but the half face of the mysterious person exposed outside showed a cruel and bloodthirsty expression. The vampire species is inherently ugly. Only at this moment can people remember that the beautiful face bag is disguised:

"Now the mystery lock is not completely broken. Do you think that you can deal with me with that gun? Even if I get backlashed, I am still a demigod. Today, you will die in my hands. No one can stop this. Things happen."

   The church demigods flew high in the sky and watched this scene quietly. Outside the lock, the miracle-like magic lock composed of the gifts of the Orthodox Church chanted together is gradually wrapping up the entire manor.

   The demigods did not do anything, watching the battle between the two on the ruins. Although the Church of the Sage is worried about Jenkins's safety, it also knows that the Son will not die so easily.

   "No one can stop? I'm a little curious..."

   At this moment, the third voice came from the depths of the blood red fog. The red mist was rolling violently, and frost flowers appeared in the humid air. In the midst of the constantly venting cold air, everyone turned their heads and looked around. Behind the mist was a huge black figure. As the bone giant "shoveled away" the thick fog in front of him, the bone giant made up of the corpses in the [Bone Body] transformation courtyard appeared in front of everyone.

   Although this giant is tall, it is still not as conspicuous as the man standing on the ground in front of it and stepping on the bright red soil with his feet.

   "No one can stop you? I'm curious, what did I do..."

   The frost under his feet sealed the red earth impregnated with blood, and weird vine-like plants were burrowing out of the earth. He carried the sword, and the declining breath of death on his body almost suppressed the blood mist around him. It was the deepest death and represented Jenkins's affinity for the concept of [death].

   Mr. Augustus, who has become the messenger of the **** of death, is right. Jenkins, born from death, is the natural master of death:

   "I'm very curious about what I did to make you disrespect me so much."

   Sword marks were drawn on both sides of him, and all the decayed death power of the Bone Holy Sword was attached to it. The sword mark was bright, and the rotating sword dance split up all the blood fog around him and the bone giant. The whirlwind-like fog surrounded them, but it was still unable to get close.

   "A believer in lies!"

   People recognize him, but only the two people who face him in the Mizuo can realize his anger at the moment.

   The sword dance circle rotating parallel to the ground, three-dimensionally around Jenkins around the center of the circle 360 ​​degrees, forming a gorgeous light and shadow effect.

   He held the sword and pointed forward, the light and shadow expanded to a wider position and then suddenly contracted inward. Regardless of whether this can kill the two people, Jenkins immediately manipulated the giant bone behind him into the ruined battlefield.

   This giant made up of hundreds of bones, although not very exaggerated in size, is also terrifying enough when sprinting forward.

   In the blood dance, it hit the ground with a punch, and then Jenkins unsurprisingly observed that the light spots of the benefactors representing the tree house men dimmed. He had been injured by the sword dance circle just now, and it was normal to encounter the giant bone giant being killed with a punch. After all, he was only a level 6 bestower.

  The sword dance that cut everything, also caused great harm to the countess. Although she was hiding in the red mist, Jenkins could see her power was constantly losing. The steam bomb damaged the core of Mi Suo, and Mi Suo was about to collapse completely.

   Under the command of Jenkins, the Bone Giant kept hitting the ground with his fists like crazy. The countess in the red mist ran away in a hurry, turning into a bat group and spreading out, but was forced back to her place by the spreading frost. She didn't understand how Jenkins saw herself.

   But the countess knew that if she dragged on like this, the longer the time, the worse it would be for her, so after dodge the giant's next counterattack, she jumped into the air with a sudden jump. The blood mist hovered and gathered around her, and the cursed people in the manor crawled on the ground, allowing her to absorb all the curse power.

   The giant on the ground jumped up suddenly, opened his palms, like a mosquito, and slapped the countess in his palm with a bang. But after it landed, there was no blood flowing out of its palm. Instead, an amorphous thick mist clung to the giant's body, wrapping around the bones like blood vessels.

   "She wants to control the bone giant?"

   With a thought, the giant disintegrated under the command of Jenkins, but the countess did not give up the bones. Spots like red sesame seeds appeared on the bones. The blood mist did not recombine them, but absorbed all the cursed power remaining on the bones. After all, these corpses belonged to the cursed, and the countess tried to extract her. The power of every curse that you can touch.

   The white bones quickly turned into firewood-like dry bones and piled up in the blood fog. In a burst of harsh laughter, Jenkins raised his head and saw a huge figure gradually clearing behind the **** fog in the sky.

   Both he and the demigods of the church who are watching this scene know that this is the curse accumulation body that will only appear due to the excessive spread of the curse in the late stage of [Blood Mosquito Curse]. It is a huge monster formed by countless flesh and blood and cursing power. At this time, the countess relied on the last strength of the fascinated lock, and directly drew the curse from the other cursed people, and this gave birth to the thing in front of her.

   The monster became clearer and clearer behind the blood fog. She had a hemispherical head, and her black mouthparts were sharp and deadly. Four legs with black hairs support a mosquito-like disgusting body, and the other two tentacles growing on both sides of the chest resembling a carapace are swaying in the blood mist.

   Jenkins closed his eyes subconsciously. This kind of curse aggregation has only appeared three times since it was recorded. Each time it was a disaster-level monster that would only appear after the blood mosquito curse had developed. It already has the ability to spread curses to ordinary people by sight alone, and the land and water it tramples on and passes through will not allow people to live normally for a hundred years.

   Of course, this time it was a defective product spawned by the power of the lock. Although it is still terrifying, it should not be as powerful as the monster that the curse develops to the later stage and is completely natural.

  The Countess has been integrated with this monster, not as the core of the monster hiding in the vitality, but she herself has become this huge creature.

   "Why do people always fail to understand that once it becomes larger, it means that the area under attack will also become larger?"

Chapter 1603 Chapter 1578 The Battle of Heroes

While thinking about the weakness of the giant monster, Jenkins rode a unicorn to the sky. He glanced at the church demigod who was ready to rush in after the lock was completely broken. He wanted to take the metal block out of his arms. , But after hesitating, I feel it can be saved.