Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 649

   Jenkins, who stepped back slowly, had a slightly imperceptible smile on his face. He was also very face-conscious, and he had a mission to accomplish nothing at the end. And he doesn’t have to worry about it being self-defeating. When lying under the ruins, he has already used the newly acquired air bomb ring to deal with the unsuitable air under the ruins. Once things develop differently from what he thought, he will Detonate the air immediately, so that the bomb that could still push the explosion to the person in the [Tree House] was not triggered in time.

"this is......"

   The countess seemed to be set in place, her eyes widened and she looked down at her chest. This simple dagger with a historical atmosphere did not cause her to shed blood after piercing her body. Now around the wound, there are layers of white fly ash leaving her body with the flow of air. This dagger is against the blood-sucking species. Superimposed on the special effects of Jenkins and the Alien Special Attacks of Jenkins, she definitely has no possibility of living.

   "[Vampire Buster]? Why is it here?"

   She screamed incredibly, the sound even tingled her eardrums. But with the screaming, the countess finally reacted in a brief shock, and rushed towards Jenkins with her arms open again without thinking and with the determination to die. Unexpectedly, at the same time a woman suddenly crawled out of the ruins next to her, and a pounce threw her to the ground.

   pressed the countess to the ground, Miss Capet rode on her in disregard of her image, took the small dagger and pulled it out and then pierced it again, pulled it out and pierced it again...

   It was not until Jenkins pulled her up that Miss Capet cried silently and hugged Jenkins's neck and sobbed softly. She was really terrified just now. She woke up from her sleep and saw Jenkins being held captive. Although Jenkins succeeded in fighting back, she saw that the countess wanted to die with Jenkins, and she rushed out without thinking.

  PS: I mentioned before that Jenkins knows that [Unknown Road Ahead] belongs to the emblem of the savior? The author Jun remembers that he didn't mention it, so he didn't know it by default in the previous chapter. The other chapter 1284 should have missed the purple fate, which has been added.

   If any reader remembers where, someone has told Jenkins that the unknown path belongs to the savior emblem, or in which chapter he wants to understand, please remind me.

Some readers pointed out it in the interim post, but it was hinted by Miss Broniance in Chapter 897. The author has already made the hint more obscure, which is equivalent to Jenkins not knowing that the qualifications of fate belong to him, which is equivalent to me. The book revises the previous chapters.

Chapter 1606 Chapter 1581 Chapter Event Ends

   "It's okay, it's okay."

   Jenkins comforted Miss Capet who was still sobbing, and then took the opportunity to smooth the dagger still tightly held in her hand into his hand. The scene where Miss Cape repeatedly pierced the blood-sucking species just now made his spine chill.

Behind them, half of the ugly blood-sucking species had turned into fly ash, but she still held up the remaining right hand and wanted to curse the two, but the vocal part of the throat had disappeared, and in the end, only left was left. The strange syllable of "Uh~uh~" completely turned into a mass of white ash and was blown away by the wind.

   "St. William, are you okay?"

   Seeing that the Son of the Church of the Sages easily solved the opponent, the others also did their own things. The people of the Church of the Sages came up to greet Jenkins, and the demigod of the Church of Nature and Miss Capet also greeted her.

   Jenkins nodded to say that he was okay, and suddenly felt a sinking shoulder. It turned out that chocolate jumped up. He wanted to reach out to touch the chocolate's head, which was a reward for it so well-behaved today, but he remembered that the dagger was still in his hands.

   This dagger is made of pure Mithril. In the ancient past, before it became a numbered item in the hands of Jenkins, it itself was a rare treasure. At this moment, being held by Jenkins in the palm of his hand, there is a strange cold feeling.

   Jenkins likes this dagger, which reminds him of the fortune-telling girl in the story of "Vampire". I sighed the past story in my heart, I wanted to give this dagger to someone, and then play with my cat, but I didn't expect that when I raised the weapon in my hand, it suddenly began to shine.

   The light is not very strong, you have to look carefully in the evening sun to see clearly. More conspicuous than those emerald green brilliance is on the handle of the dagger. Between Jenkins's fingers, the lines of the dagger itself wriggle like alive.

   The runes and patterns that were originally engraved on it moved in an orderly manner, spliced ​​and deformed, and finally linked together into traces like trees and vines. This vision didn't last long. After the tree and vine patterns appeared clearly, he returned to calm again.

   Jenkins looked at [Vampire Buster] in surprise, guessing what this change was because of. Carefully handing it to the old secret guard, Mr. Brossier also looked surprised, but there was a distinct joy in the surprise:

"I have long heard that even numbered items can evolve further under suitable occasions. I didn't expect to see it once after so many years of living. This is really interesting. I want to... those divination experts. It seems to claim that this is theirs, and now its clear ownership is in the hands of the Stuart family, um..."

   Jenkins ignored the old secretman’s thoughts, happily rubbing the top of the chocolate with his hands. The cat raised his paw dissatisfiedly to try to remove Jenkins's hand, and did not forget to use the tip of his tail to sweep the back of Jenkins's neck.

   Miss Capet stood aside and looked at them with a gratified face, and then found the demigod Mr. Nerfons of her church looking at her.

   The two looked at each other, and they obviously didn't speak, but they both possessed the same ability of [Sympathy of Living Beings], and they were much better than half-hearted Jenkins.

   "Do you already know?"

   asked the demigod, this passage naturally appeared in Miss Capet's heart. Without the mental ability of [Mind Speaking], the demigod of the natural church can easily achieve similar effects.

But Miss Capet has no such power yet. She hesitated for a few seconds and then nodded insignificantly. Mr. Neelfons closed her eyes and sighed. She stopped looking at the few people here, but instead. Lock the inside of the magical fan who is still working.

   The setting sun is shining on this land, and the messy land is being purified one by one by the power of divine magic. People of different beliefs come together for the same reason, all over here like ants, using different extraordinary powers to detect the ground under their feet.

   He thought of the conversation with the lie believer just now, and thought of the elders of the secret guards of the Church of the Sages proposed to renew the alliance after imitation of the old covenant.

   The sky is getting dark, and the purple stars next to the two moons are already looming. Today, the end of the Eighteenth Era is no longer a rumor, but a fact that everyone knows. It is also at this moment that not only is the occurrence of various abnormal events in the entire world frequently, but also all kinds of weird monsters that have been hidden in subspaces or have been sealed for many years return to the material world, and even ordinary people are bothered by great power wars and throne changes.

   All of this shows that the age of turmoil is about to begin, and the few people behind him are likely to be the key to determining the future direction of the material world in the next hundred years.

  Although it was the lie believer who suddenly jumped out of nowhere and then jumped away in the end that resolved the matter, but Jenkins and Miss Capet are also credited, and everyone is very happy for them.

   So far, the only huge loss in the action from this afternoon to the evening is the destruction of the B-type supernatural [Vampire Fang]. This tooth was set in her mouth by the blood-sucking countess. After the blood-sucking species was hit by [Vampire Buster], the fangs turned into fly ash directly with her.

   Dad is happy for Jenkins to return safely, and to celebrate the success of this operation, he specially took him to the best restaurant in the city for dinner. Although the old man looked a little ugly when he checked out, but because he happened to meet Miss Windsor, he and Jenkins didn't pay a cent in the end.

   Jenkins is unwilling to let others help with the checkout. Although his current net worth cannot be compared with the old nobles like the Windsor family, a meal is nothing. It is a big deal to reduce the cost of food for himself and chocolate.

   But Miss Windsor insisted on paying the bill, implying in her words that she was thankful for inviting her to the banquet on Saturday night.

   Just as before, this time Jenkins does not think that the encounter with Miss Windsor is a coincidence. Dad naturally saw this too, and he didn't want to get involved in this matter, so he quickly found an excuse to leave, and asked Jenkins to have time to meet him, and he wanted to discuss with Jenkins about returning to Nolan.

   Then Jenkins got into Miss Windsor's carriage, and as the day before yesterday, the carriage drove the two into the quiet night of Nolan.

   "As soon as the banquet is over, you will take me and the two beautiful girls back. I don't have time to talk to you."

  Miss Windsor took the initiative to open the topic. She knew that Jenkins didn't like alcohol, so the glass she handed him was filled with wine-red grape juice-although this drink would have an alcoholic taste after being stored for a long time.

Chapter 1607 The first thousand five hundred and eighty-two chapters finally made up

   "Did I leave you no time to talk?"

While the carriage was driving slowly, Jenkins recalled the end of the banquet last night. He only remembered that it was very late at the end of the banquet. After he put his father and brothers in the carriage, he sent Miss Windsor to her mansion and then sent them away. Hathaway and Britney return to Rosalia Hotel.

   "I originally wanted to tell you something, but I didn't expect you to leave so quickly..."

   She looked at Jenkins with a complicated expression:

   "Should I congratulate you, about bloodlines."

   "There is nothing to congratulate, should have known it a long time ago?"

   Miss Windsor did not deny, she raised her glass and took a big sip:

"You are a good person."

   This sentence made Jenkins a little uncomfortable, so he put the soft cat in his arms, and the latter meowed to show that he was satisfied.

"There are things that I don’t want to hide from you. People like you shouldn’t be deceived and exploited. From the first time I saw you, I knew that you were a kind person, and you shouldn’t be forced to get involved in such things. conspiracy"

   She deliberated her own words, thinking about the consequences of doing this, and she did not regret doing it.

   "Although Her Majesty acknowledged the relationship between your family and the royal family, but... in fact, she is only using you. She never thought of giving the throne to any Williams."

   is not a lie, and it is very similar to Jenkins’ observations and guesses, he has long seen that Queen Isabella’s attitude is not right. So she nodded to show that she understood what Miss Windsor meant. Seeing Jenkins's calm face, Miss Windsor asked:

   "You believed me so easily?"

   "You are telling the truth, why don't I believe you?"

   This is also the truth of Jenkins.

   Miss Windsor bit her lip. She thought it would take a lot of effort to gain Jenkins's trust. After all, all the signs showed the Queen's trust in their family. But this situation indirectly shows that Jenkins is indeed a kind and gullible person, and he should not be deceived and used.

"Although I can almost say that I grew up by your Majesty's side since I was a child, sometimes even I am afraid of her. Older people have the wisdom of older people, and this wisdom is sometimes mixed with bigotry and conspiracy. It's us Things that these young people can’t think of. Your Majesty...I shouldn’t say bad things about her, she has always been very good to me, but Jenkins, you must be careful, she really intends to take advantage of you."

   "This is really interesting, so who is the candidate for the throne that your Majesty really likes?"

   Jenkins asked, put the cat on his lap, then leaned back slightly, letting the body above the chest into the shadow of the carriage light. This action gave him a wonderful temperament in vain. Miss Windsor only felt that her chest suddenly became stuffy. It seemed that the man in front of him had become incredibly large and distorted, but after looking back, he felt that Jenkins at this moment was so okay. trust.

"Her Majesty, strictly speaking, is not a member of the Middleton family, although the public and popular opinions will subconsciously ignore this. She was only married to the royal family, so after the death of the previous generation of kings, she inherited the throne for various reasons. You should know this. The Windsor family is close relatives of your majesty’s father’s family. We have a deep relationship, so I can grow up by your majesty. Jenkins, you should know that the family where your majesty was born has a few more people than you. Is older, but a man who has already entered politics..."

   She doesn't have to go on, Jenkins also knows what she wants to express. Intermarriage between nobles is very common. Queen Isabella’s mother is also a great noble, and she had intermarried with the Middleton family before, so she also has certain inheritance qualifications.

   After Miss Windsor’s reminder, Jenkins remembered that when he was chatting with Saint Ponteve IV, when he talked about the current heirs of the kingdom, he had talked about it. It's just that he didn't care about such conversations, so he couldn't remember the names of those people.

   After all, they are no different from the small animals on the street in Jenkins' eyes. They are all people who have heard of it or may have seen it, but there is no need to understand.

   "It's really interesting."

   He whispered, Miss Windsor's words can be regarded as solving his long doubts. He knew that the crown would not fall from the sky for nothing, and there was a reason for everything.

   "Your Majesty will not necessarily let your family disappear and use it to pave the way for others, but it is conceivable to push your house to the front of the stage, it must be to cover up those behind."

  Miss Windsor's voice was a little low, and she belonged to the person who was pushed to the stage. Before the Williams family, she was the ideal heir to the throne, and even if Jenkins appeared, she was still deliberately matched to Jenkins. This was to allow the two to stand together to hide the person that Queen Isabella really liked.

"Your religious background is destined that she can easily provoke the people and nobles to think of the "Tower Agreement" as long as she wants to abandon you. People are always very sensitive to the church's interference in the secular government. And I... I am a woman after all. There have never been two queens in the Kingdom of Fidictle. Although everyone is talking about equality between men and women, this kind of thing cannot be completely resolved in one era."

   Her fingers holding the glass turned white because of excessive force. After she said this, she lowered her head and saw that Jenkins's face hidden in the shadow had returned to the light again:

   "This is really interesting."

   He said again:

   "I knew that the change of the throne would not be so easy. I have been wondering about this for a long time, but now I finally understand it. This...really interesting."

   "Is it just fun? Don't you see the danger?"

   Miss Windsor felt an unexplained anger rushed into her heart. Perhaps it was because she herself hesitated for a long time before she made up her mind to tell Jenkins these words, but the other party did not realize her painstaking efforts.

   "It is dangerous, but it is also an opportunity."

   He sat up completely, exposing all of his body to the light:

"You know, originally I didn’t care who the throne belongs to. Although my...friend told me that it was necessary for me to get it, I still hesitate. Now I know someone wants to use me, take advantage of My family, I think this should be the time to make up your mind."

   The cat raised his head and said "meow~", with his pink nose facing upwards, as if he was celebrating, and Jenkins' eyes seemed to be shining. He did hesitate all the time, but in fact he had already been biased. The impending kick is nothing but the naive mentality of "I don't want it, but you can't help it", but in short, he has made up his mind, and the reason is not important:

   "Let's go and see."

"what are you going to do?"

   Miss Windsor asked with some confusion, but Jenkins just shook his head. He finally understands why the father and the church have not been very positive about whether he inherits the throne. They want to come and have expected the current situation a long time ago, and only wait for him to discover the status quo or learn from them. Everything is natural.

   "I am indeed an immature young man. I am involved in royal disputes. It is impossible to retreat without doing anything."

   He laughed at himself like that.

Chapter 1608 The first thousand five hundred and eighty-three chapters of alliance

   "Not only I must pay attention to safety, but you must also pay attention to safety."

   Looking out the window, Jenkins deliberately changed the subject. He still didn't want to tell Miss Windsor his thoughts. It was okay but not necessary. Miss Windsor remembered the robbery the other night, thought of the coat Jenkins had left her, and nodded with a blush.

   "Speaking of which, do you know that Sarhi II of the Stuart royal family and the proud people of the Arecio family are all coming to Nolan?"

   Jenkins asked.

   "I only heard that the King of Cheslan is coming for peace talks. Will the King of the North also come?"

"Yes, this is a rare event in a thousand years. This will be a grand gathering, but it is also a dangerous gathering. You can imagine how many dangerous people are chasing power and interests, and you can also imagine how many conspiracies and conspiracies are involved. Tricks. This meeting of the three kings will determine many things in the future, and it just so happens that Northland and our country are facing the issue of king selection. History has reached a new point, Miss Windsor~"

   "Jenkins, what do you want to say? Do you know how dangerous you are now?"

   She asked anxiously again.

   "It's very interesting. It's really exciting to be able to come here to see all this."

   Only Jenkins knew the meaning of this sentence. He leaned back and leaned on the soft backrest of the car seat, hiding his face in the shadow. The intriguing pressure came again, but the woman sitting across from Jenkins was inexplicably relieved.

"Miss Windsor, please wait and see, the story of an entire era will finally end on a grand stage. By then, all the actors and audiences will gather around this stage. We are all people in the story. , Are all participants, and those who think they control everything are only supporting roles in this scene."

   [Unknown Road Ahead] is shining slightly, but Jenkins seems to see his destiny again:

"There is no need to worry about whether I will be in danger, nor what those conspirators will do. The Twelve Orthodox Churches gathered together and three kings stepped forward. This is something that hasn’t happened for many years. This happened last time, but According to legend, when the [Tower Agreement] was first formulated in the last epoch."

   "You mean the church and the kings are seeking change? Change everything now?"

  Miss Windsor tried hard to follow Jenkins' thinking. She was a little bit confused as to why this ordinary person of the same age who had no complete higher education would speak like a sage overlooking history.

   "Yes, change."

   The changes that had to be made for the end of the era.

   "Compared with this, the change of throne is just a small splash in the wave of history. We have to focus on more important things..."

   refers to preparing for the end of the era.

   "Those who only stare at the power in their hands are destined to become corpses under the wave."

   "Then will you fight for that crown?"

   Miss Windsor asked again, but immediately realized that this question is very sensitive:

   "Sorry, I shouldn't ask like that."

   "No, your question is very good."

   Jenkins shook his head and said, his motion of petting the cat suddenly stopped, and then asked the woman:

   "So, do you want to fight for that crown again?"