Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 651

   "The qualifications for representing incantations have just emerged, and the specific circumstances are not yet known; Exuberant Life is the only savior of the church who knows clues, and so far, the only natural savior that has appeared in this era."

"Who is that?"

   Jenkins nervously explored that it would be his opponent.

   "Yes, who is that?"

   Daddy said quietly, his eyes narrowed so that the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes were particularly obvious, the two white eyebrows were slightly curved, his eyes fixed on Jenkins.


   Chocolate got up, jumped from the desk to the ground and then on Jenkins' lap, raised his head and squinted, rubbing Jenkins' hand with his small head, seeming to remind this somewhat stupid man.


   Dad asked again, the meaning in his eyes almost turned into substantive sentences and projected out. Now there is no need to hide, believers of lies are close to the showdown, the final day is coming, now is the time.

   "That... won't it be me?"

   Jenkins, who just wanted to hear some news, got confused, but finally understood.

   "Think carefully, who else can it be besides you?"

Jenkins never thought that the soul power derived from the blood of this body [the origin of life] has any special features, even if it has evolved twice, even if its healing effect is better than any similar ability that Jenkins has heard of... .... Yes, this ability is indeed very special.

   On the second day after hearing the news, Dad and Jenkins came to the Holy See together, and learned most of the savior’s ability [World Tree Sapling] from the old secret guard elder Brossier.

   "This is the first savior ability foreseen by [Epic of Time] and the most detailed ability announced by [Fate and Lawful Church]."

   The Destiny Church does not share all the information, so even the Sage Church does not know the name of the ability [Unknown Way Forward] so far.

"The sons of the elves reproduce the material world, come into contact with healing and soothe all beings in the world; the breath of healing spreads to the corners of the world, and the source of life is the first source of enlightenment. This is the information that fortunetellers are willing to provide. When I first heard it, I felt that this is the same kind of The prophetic poems that people can't figure out, now it seems they are quite straightforward."

  The old secret guard looked at Jenkins:

   "It just pointed directly at you."

   "You are the descendant of the elven sacrifice, the most obvious William of this generation, and the only surviving gifter of the Middleton family. This can only be you."

   Dad also added.

   What they said is very reasonable. Although the Middleton family still has a descendant of Miss Capet, it is obvious that the description of ability is almost directed at Jenkins.

"Just waiting for your ability to evolve again, you will be able to obtain [World Tree Sapling]. The church has found some ancient documents. This is a rare ability that can only appear in the ancient elven royal family. With this ability, you You can manipulate all the vitality in this world almost at will."

Chapter 1612 Chapter 1587: New News

   The secret "manipulation of all vitality" is a bit exaggerated, but the natural savior ability is beyond ordinary. Jenkins deeply felt the power of the acquired savior, and the innate ability could not be worse than the acquired ability.

   "So how can we evolve?"

   Jenkins asked again.

"The elves have been gone for a long time, and we don’t know about this issue. But according to the fortune-tellers, the savior can’t actively pursue it, he can only be called by fate, so you don’t have to worry about many things. Fate chooses you, so only Just wait patiently for that moment."

  Because of this idea, the church originally did not intend to tell Jenkins the truth about this ability before he actually obtained the [World Tree Sapling]. It's just that things have developed unexpectedly. His growth rate is far beyond the church's estimate. Coupled with the fact that believers who lie take away the gifts of fate again and again, some things still need to be prepared in advance.

Later in the meeting held in the sanctuary, under the holy emblem of the sage, the demigods of the church told Jenkins very formally that the church hopes that he can represent the church and compete with the believers of lies and other hidden guys for the savior. Of places.

   The only ones who knew that this was a path to godhood were the secret guardian Mr. Brossier and the demigod with the oldest qualifications in the church, but they didn't tell Jenkins about it. Just stress with the other demigods that this is for the future of the entire world.

   Jenkins originally planned to be the savior by himself, so he told everyone very seriously that he would not be afraid of unknown dangers and challenges, and had sufficient confidence to face other savior qualification holders.

   "This is the moment of destiny. The holder of the savior qualification has officially accepted the challenge. There are not many things left at the end of the eighteenth era."

   The old secret guard sighed and looked at Jenkins very relieved. Jenkins is also very pleased to look at everyone present. Everyone here is his backing and confidence. The savior does not necessarily have to face the savior who ultimately failed in the story of "Mad Men and Fools". Also has a large number of its own army.

  If he can unite more power, whether it is extraordinary or mundane, then maybe it will be easier in the final day. Jenkins now fully agrees with Alexia's reason for persuading him to inherit the throne. The short girl really knows him best.

  Although everything about Bel Dylan has come to an end for the time being, it does not mean that this will be a boring day. I spent the whole morning in the Holy See with my father. After lunch, Jenkins wanted to take his cat to find Alexia to see where the group of them is now.

   But before leaving the Holy See, someone hurriedly delivered a newspaper. Then the messenger brought all kinds of news to the Holy See like a snowflake, making Jenkins and Dad very confused, who were planning to leave after listening to the Mass.

   They waited for a while, and then, as expected, saw Pope Saint Ponteve IV hurriedly approaching. Behind the old man were some elderly priests and nuns, all dressed seriously. It seemed that the group was going to attend some formal occasion, but they suspended all plans after receiving urgent news.

   "Just received news, [The Church of All Things and Nature] announced that they have found another heir to the royal family."

   Dad was startled, but he never expected such a change:

   "How come, how can this... sorry, Saint Ponteve, who is that?"

"It's a reserve nun from the Nature Church. She seems to be a gifter. St. William should know that lady. When St. William was recuperating in bed the other day, she was taking care of her. I remember that lady. His name is Sigrid Capet."

   This is something that Jenkins has known for a long time, but everyone except him regards this as big news from the blue sky.

   The Church of the Sage never expected that the Middleton family could have other descendants besides the Williams family, especially this descendant is also a gifter.

   Don’t worry too much about the throne. After all, although the church expects Jenkins to sit on it, it doesn’t necessarily win it. But the identity of the savior is a major issue. Judging from the current situation, Miss Cape, who also has life-like abilities as the source of the soul, seems to meet part of the requirements of [Epic of Time].

   But it is only part of it. All the characteristics shown by Jenkins are perfectly in line with the information provided by the prophets. In addition, the [Church of Fate and Balance] sent Miss Audrey, a promising fortune-teller in the church, to teach Jenkins very early, so the identity of the savior must be Jenkins.

The fright only lasted for a long time. It was confirmed that the [Church of All Things and Nature] did not connect the Middleton family with the [World Tree Saplings], but only hoped to be able to fish in troubled waters in the succession of the Fedictelli Kingdom, the sage The church finally breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to readjust some arrangements in response to the incident.

   Although the church is relieved, there is nothing more exciting than the emergence of new royal descendants for the people of Bel Dylan. The succession of big news made the citizens feel like a holiday. They like to talk about royal anecdotes, and it is obvious that the four men from West Norland City can't satisfy their curiosity very well.

   The appearance of the beautiful blond girl Sigrid Capet is what really excites people. In the Evening News that evening, all the photos on the front page of Miss Capet with a slightly stiff smiling face were taken as the front page pictures.

   Newsboys in the streets shouted news headlines, stuffed newspapers into people's hands and stuffed coins into their pockets.

   This is even more lively than when the Jenkins family were recognized as descendants of the royal family. Even if Miss Capet is also a foreigner of Chessland, in the court politics and legendary novels, the blonde beauty is obviously more capable of fascinating imagination and discussion.

   This evening, Miss Capet, as a descendant of the royal family, walked into Cold Spring Palace to meet with Queen Isabella, but no one knew what they had said.

   Jenkins also went back to the hotel to discuss this matter with his family. He was very familiar with Miss Cape, so he was able to tell his family about most of this distant relative. Sure enough, after hearing that Miss Capet was an orphan adopted by the church since childhood, Mary was very sad so that Jenkins had time to invite her to sit at home.

   There are no maternal relatives of the three Jenkins brothers, and the relatives of the patrilineal Williams surname are also missing. Both Mary and Robert believe that Miss Capet is a more important relative of the family than Queen Isabella who lives alone in Cold Spring Palace.

Chapter 1613 The first thousand five hundred and eighty-eight chapters of the North Kingdom delegation arrives

   "I thought I would never have the opportunity to inquire about my hometown in this life. I didn't expect that at this age, I would still hear about my relatives."

   After hearing from the newspaper that Miss Capet was also William Williams, Robert was very happy. He also said that he had planned to move to Shire’s William Temb after returning to Nolan, and now his grandfather’s three brothers, the eldest brother’s descendants, have also been found. This is the **** blessing the William Te family. .

   "We can treat that girl as our own family. The newspaper says she is about the same age as Jenkins? That's great. Young people at this age are easy to communicate."

Inviting Miss Capet to see her family can be postponed after returning to Nolan. Jenkins thought that the next day, Tuesday’s newspaper, would still attract attention with royal news, but he didn’t expect to see it after getting the newspaper. , But it is another breaking news:

   "King Salhi II of the Kingdom of Hampavo will lead the royal family to visit Berdyram? Tomorrow night?"

   Hathaway read the headline of the news in this tone, and then looked at Jenkins with suspicion:

   "Instinct told me that Dolores Stuart is coming too, and you definitely know this in advance."

   Her instinctive premonition is correct, and Jenkins cannot deny it. So for a while, the matter of the descendants of the royal family turned into unnoticed news, and the visits of foreign kings squeezed the focus of people's topics.

   The news that the King of the Southern Kingdom of Chesland is about to visit a few days ago, although it was behind the Williams family in the newspapers. But this time it was the visit of the King of the North Kingdom, which meant that Berdyran would gather all the kings of the three kingdoms. This was big news that was enough to suppress all other news. Not only Berdylan, but with this city as the center, as the news spreads, people from all corners of the world will understand what kind of gathering it is.

   The delegation of the Kingdom of Hampawo arrived in a steam floating airship. The members of the delegation included the royal family and a large number of nobles and diplomats. The visit of the Chessland royal family is by sea shipping. They will depart from the port city of Eldron in the southern tip of the mainland, and then dock at the west coast port of Nolan, and then take a special train directly from Nolan. Lan came to Bel Dylan.

   Although I didn't tell my whereabouts until I was about to arrive, it made the Northland delegation seem suspicious, but people's enthusiasm could not be stopped. Throughout Tuesday, the whole city of Berduran was decorating. People in the streets combed their houses and streets, excitedly talking about whether the famous Northern King would walk into the pub on the street or would be interested. View the shops along the road.

   People want to show their best side, but Jenkins does not have this time. Although he has decided to accept the invitation of Queen Isabella, accompany her to meet the royal family of the Northland. But on Tuesday and Wednesday, he spent most of his time in church and private conversations with Miss Windsor.

   Three major conspiracies were uncovered one after another, and just the aftermath work made the church busy. In addition, the believers of lies invited a joint delegation of the Twelve Orthodox Churches to Nolan to meet them, and other Orthodox Churches also sent more weighty representatives to Berduran.

   Receiving this group of people and dealing with the clues left by the cultists made Jenkins, the son of the church, also had to participate in some things. During the day, he was busy in the Holy See, and at night, he had secret meetings with Miss Windsor to discuss cooperation matters. After Miss Windsor learned that Dolores Stuart was coming to Berdyland, she asked Jenkins specifically about his actual relationship with the princess.

   This made Jenkins very hesitant, but he still told the truth, which shocked Miss Windsor:

   "How did you do it?"

   Hathaway also asked this question, with the same tone.

   So came to Wednesday afternoon, Jenkins changed clothes early and went to Cold Spring Palace to see Queen Isabella. Because it is rare that the king of the Kingdom of Hampawo leads his children to visit, in response, Her Majesty the Queen will personally greet them and bring her descendants.

   In addition to Jenkins, Miss Capet and his two brothers also came, and there are even some other "legendary" people who are eligible for inheritance. Of course, it included Miss Windsor, who greeted Jenkins with a shy wink, but did not talk to him.

   This is the first time Jenkins has seen Miss Capet since she was called a descendant of the royal family. Queen Isabella kindly asked her to stand close, she seemed to like Miss Capet very much.

   Seeing that Jenkins was also here, the old man also kindly called Jenkins over, praising that Jenkins and Miss Capet look alike, and that beautiful long blond hair is the most prominent feature of the Middleton family.

   In fact, everyone present, not even the cat felt that Jenkins and Miss Capet had any similarities except for the side face. The two have a common great-grandfather, and their relationship is separated by four generations. Even in the era when Jenkin lived, they could get married directly. Therefore, Queen Isabella was only deliberately showing her love for the newly-found royal descendants, but she felt like pushing the two up to the fire, which was enough to corroborate the information provided by Miss Windsor.

   Soon all the "welcome groups" arrived, and a group of people rode in a carriage to the steam airship landing platform in the eastern suburbs. Just as there is a special "parking airport" on the outskirts of Ruen, which is jointly funded by the church and the royal family, there are also similar buildings on the outskirts of Beldiran based on the advantages of the Great Plains in the western part of the mainland.

   Jenkins was a male, and he shouldn't have been sitting in the same carriage with the ladies, but when the carriage was assigned, he somehow got into Miss Windsor's carriage, and Miss Capet stayed with Queen Isabella. This is not that Her Majesty wants to show that she wants to use Miss Capet as the heir, but just to show her love for girls of family descendants. After all, Miss Capet is a foreigner, and her inheritance probability is not much greater than that of Mr. Luther.

   "Miss Capet's matter, I always feel that you know in advance."

  Miss Windsor on the carriage said that because this trip was to welcome the foreign royal family, she deliberately wore a very formal dress. Now that Bel Dylan has officially entered the summer, the carriage is very sultry, and Jenkins feels very hot looking at her outfit.


   The cat, who also feels very hot, is lying on Jenkins’s lap to enjoy the cool, with his chin resting on Jenkins’s knee. Because the cat’s normal body temperature is higher than that of humans, Jenkins feels like he is holding a small stove.

Chapter 1614 Chapter 1589 Welcome Ceremony

   "How about it? Miss Capet has nothing to do with the throne. [The Church of All Things and Nature] just wants to fish in troubled waters. Her Majesty also wants to confuse her. She herself does not conflict with our goals."

   Jenkins in the carriage replied.

   "Is the lady named Cape your friend? Or is it a relationship similar to Hesha and Mihail?"

   Miss Windsor asked inquisitively.

   "No, just my friend."

   "Oh, my friend~"

   She deliberately repeated in that misleading tone, Jenkins hummed ~ and did not refute, Miss Windsor was obviously making fun of him.

   In addition to small talk, Miss Windsor also told Jenkins along the way, among the people who came today, which ones Queen Isabella really liked. After her introduction, Jenkins learned about the intelligence of the so-called opponents, and that most of those people have been in politics, and from now on, Queen Isabella's plan seems to have been planned a long time ago.

   Of course, Miss Windsor also asked Jenkins not to be under pressure. The current public opinion and most aristocrats believe that it is more appropriate to choose the next king among the descendants of the orthodox royal family. It is precisely because of this that Her Majesty the Queen will spend a lot of time planning, and Miss Windsor will decide to abandon her pursuit and turn to help Jenkins.

   "If you didn't show up, no, if you didn't show up and showed enough talent, ability and ambition, I would definitely pursue the throne by myself."

  Miss Windsor sighed to Jenkins, and Jenkins thought of what would happen if he didn't appear in this world.

  Miss Windsor is indeed outstanding, but without Her Majesty’s pursuit, she would have a difficult journey to become a king. Thinking about it a little bit, Jenkins can think of the setbacks, tribulations, failures, struggles and difficulties she will experience. This will be an extremely difficult road, but if Miss Windsor really persists, it is not without the possibility of success.

   "So, will Miss Windsor have the so-called King Soul on her body?"

   He thought in his heart, and then compared [Soul of Tree] [Soul of Dragon], [Soul of Ice] and [Soul of Darkness] with her, but he felt that Miss Windsor did not match any of them.

   "But the mud hidden in the comb I wiped out said that the host of the dark soul can only have such a soul through hardship and torture, maybe..."

   He thought in his heart, pretending to hold his monocle in his hand casually, and while Miss Windsor turned to go to the window of the driving car, he quickly raised the lens to his eyes.

Through this monocle with suspicious lenses, whether it is to see chocolates, unicorns, or family members, there is only a phantom that represents the soul behind, and the phantom will behave according to whether extraordinary power and strength are used. Different agility. But looking at Miss Windsor this time, Jenkins clearly saw a small black flame burning quietly in her heart.

   This is not aura, so black does not represent a trick. But this is also unusual. If the muddy mud said that it "can find the king's soul" is the truth, then the lens left after it dies may be able to let the naked eye see the king's soul.

   "Is this the Soul of Darkness? If I don't show up, will Miss Windsor give birth to this king's soul after a series of tragic encounters?"

   He didn't know whether the things in this flame state were the dark souls that had grown up, or the king's soul in the ungrown state, or not the king's soul at all. But what is certain is that Miss Windsor has an inseparable relationship with the legend of the Soul of the Four Kings. And if he can see the other three kings, Jenkins can determine what he sees.

   "The Soul of the Tree can find time to take a look at Queen Isabella, the Soul of the Dragon has no clue for the time being, the Soul of the Ice..."

   He was almost certain that if the King Soul really existed, then the Ice Soul would be in the visiting delegation to the Northland, even with Dolores.

   Thinking of this, I understand that I will know the truth soon. Jenkins put the lens away quietly, then pretended that nothing happened, and continued to talk to Miss Windsor about the situation he was facing.

   The group quickly reached the eastern outskirts of the city, and before them, the reporters, citizen representatives, local envoys, guard servants, and various people participating in the welcome ceremony had all arrived.

   It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that people finally saw the huge airship flying from the northern sky after a long wait. It took a lot of time for the airship to land. In short, it was almost five o'clock in the evening when the official reception was about to begin.

   It takes a ladder to get down from the airship to the ground, and it takes a while for everyone to step on the ground. Therefore, the welcoming ceremony did not take place next to the airship, but a large auditorium that had been built for many years but had never been used.

  Because this is the first time the king of the Kingdom of Hampawo has visited the Kingdom of Fidiktelli in three hundred years, Her Majesty the Queen has spent a lot of time preparing for the event. With fifteen steam guns spitting out clouded paintballs into the sky one by one, the door of the auditorium was opened.

   The red carpet extends from the door to Her Majesty the Queen and behind the huge welcome team composed of royal family members, nobles and officials, everyone is wearing the most solemn clothes. The guards standing upright beside the red carpet uttered a neat greeting, and then the long-awaited orchestra sang in unison.

The reporters who were invited had already set up their cameras with their assistants, and waited with their breath in the dull and distant sound of the trombone. The moment when Salhi II outside the door and the Stuarts behind him appeared from the corner. , Bang bang bang ~ the burst of flashing lights almost became one piece.

   The representatives of the citizens of Berduran, who had already arrived here and waited for a long time, uttered amazing cheers in the nervous sight of the police outside the door. The ladies in the crowd waved their handkerchiefs, and the gentlemen took off their hats to salute them.