Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 688

   After eight o'clock in the evening, Jenkins did not go out again, but played a card game with the three ladies at home.

   He still hasn't fully adapted to living with so many people in his home, but this is also good, at least better than going home every night when the home is empty.

   Four people sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace can feel the warmth of this home.

   Considering that there are still very important things tomorrow, so playing cards is over until nine o'clock. Jenkins hugged the cat and prepared to go back to sleep. After greeting the three ladies, he looked back. The blond girl shook her head slightly, she was warned by Hathaway; the red-haired girl blinked at Jenkins, but also shook her head, she didn't want Jenkins to think that she was an unreserved person.

   So that night, it was Julia in a maid costume that appeared in Jenkins's room.

  PS: In the afternoon, there is a 90% probability that it will be an 8K chapter.

Chapter 1694 The first thousand six hundred and sixty-seventh chapter poison assassination (8K chapter)

   Tonight is very peaceful, on the second floor of St. George Street, Jenkins's bedroom is also very peaceful.

The maid who walked in quietly, she was not wearing a normal maid outfit. Julia’s ordinary uniform is the kind of thick type that makes you sweat at first glance in the summer. It is really dirt-resistant clothes for work. .

   Tonight she is wearing a very light and fabric-saving maid uniform. Although it saves fabrics, this dress is definitely expensive, because there are many decorative lace and tulle designs on it, which makes Jenkins sigh that even if the productivity level is not as good as his original world, but the designers of this world Thinking and vision are also quite superb.

   " something wrong?"

Only the gas lamp beside the bed was turned on in his room. He was reading a book just now, leaning on the pillow, "Echoes of Elegant Collection". Although the title of the book sounds like a collection of poems, it is actually an ancient fortune-teller in Miss Audrey's collection. The manuscript, Jenkins needs to finish reading and submit reading notes within a week.

   "Yes, something is up."

   Julia's face is very red. Although she is a decisive and elegant maid, she is not the kind of girl with a thick skin. Turning around and closing the door, the moonlight and the light of the bedside gas lamp allowed Jenkins to easily appreciate the beauty of the maid outfit with few fabrics that seemed to have crossed the age.

It's not that he doesn't understand Julia's meaning. In fact, by now, he has had intimate relationships with three different girls, and is no longer the young man who didn't understand anything before, but... .

   "Dolores asked you to come?"

   He put down his book and put on slippers and left the bed. Julia wanted to answer, but Jenkins didn’t give her a chance:

"I know you won't betray Dolores. The question I asked you just now really embarrass you, so I don't need to answer it. You don't need this, no matter who asked you to come, this kind of thing... ..Ok......"

   The organizational wording he is working on:

   "You will definitely be unhappy about this kind of thing, no need to be like this, Julia, I respect you very much, so you don't have to dress so cool to see me."

In Jenkins’s opinion, this is probably the young princess. Seeing other women mingled into Jenkins’s house, she was jealous but helpless. So letting her maid temporarily replace her “position” is easy to understand. Jenkins is here The palace novels that the world sees are all written in this way.


   Before Julia finished speaking, Jenkins took the clothes he had draped on the chair and draped it over her shoulders. The maid costume was too lethal, and Jenkins didn't want to damage the reputation of himself and Julia because of a piece of clothing.

   "Go back to sleep, if Dolores asks later, I will explain."

   said, he involuntarily took the hand of the maid and walked out of the bedroom, and then politely said goodnight to her before closing the door of his own room.

   The maid lady in the hallway still flushed. Instead of leaving the door, she leaned against the wall in Jenkins' coat, as if she wanted the cold wall to absorb the heat in her heart.

   suddenly pressed his own heart, every time that heart beats, there was a throbbing soul. This is not a heart disease, and the maid probably understands how she feels at the moment.

Tonight’s action is half Dolores’s hint and half is voluntary. Dolores regards her as a relative, of course she will not be forced to do this kind of thing. Julia has a certain affection for Jenkins, so she volunteers to do so. do.

   Before entering the room behind her, she thought of many possibilities, but she didn't expect Jenkins to make such a choice—but if she could talk to Britney in advance, she would definitely be able to predict what Jenkins did just now.

   In some ways, although Jenkins’ actions are indeed not pure enough, he still retains the values ​​that belong to Jenkins. For example, Dolores is sixteen, so she can't do anything; for example, he will not sleep with Julia who he thinks is forced to come to his room.

   These are all weird behaviors that people in this world cannot understand.

   "Your Royal Highness chose the right person."

   The maid blushed and thought in her heart, looking at the door next to her, she had the urge to knock on it again. But Julia was still thin-skinned, and finally left the wall and wanted to take a shower and then go to bed. At the same time, she also forgot about Jenkins who was blushing just now.

But at this time there was the sound of footsteps, and Hathaway, who was walking from the first floor to the second floor with a teacup in her pajamas and slippers, appeared in the corridor. She just saw the door of Jenkins’s bedroom, dressed in black and white lace "simple" maid costumes. Julia in Jenkins coat.


   The red-haired girl sighed, thinking about what happened to Jenkins and Britney on the train not long ago, and then based on what she knew about Jenkins, she guessed the story that happened just now.

Without mocking Julia, Hathaway's mentality is very stable, even staring at the "beautiful" maid outfit, staring at it from bottom to top, and finally blowing at Julia. After giving a whistle, he returned to his room with the cup as if he hadn't seen anything.

   The maid now wants to jump directly from the second floor to the depths of the earth.

   At breakfast on Wednesday, the family sitting around the dining table did not show any strangeness, as if they did not know what happened last night. But in fact, even Britney heard Hathaway talk about it, but the two girls didn't care.

   In their opinion, Dolores must have entered this home, so what happened to Julia and Jenkins as her personal maids is also reasonable. They all grew up in large noble families, and their concepts are very different from those of writers in a different world. This is also one of the reasons why the writer bravely expressed his desire for everything, but still did not collapse.

   Today is the day of the Three Kings meeting. Although we all know that this day will come sooner or later, when this time comes, there is a sense of unreality. As a member of the royal family, Jenkins will accompany him to the meeting, so he gets up early and chooses the right clothes with the help of the three girls.

   Jenkins thought that Julia would rush back to Dolores to help her choose her clothes, but Julia said that there were too many maids around Dolores.

   "If my maid is gone, they will not be able to perform their duties, so what is the Royal Princess keeping them for?"

   the maid asked back.

   Although it is the talk of the three kings, it is not that the three kings are hiding in the small black room and the three are negotiating. The entire negotiation session is planned to last for a week, during which various issues including war, financial reform, territorial disputes, environmental governance, and steam technology sharing will be discussed. Seven days is only an estimated plan, and the meeting can last longer if necessary.

   And the joint meeting of the Twelve Orthodox Churches will be held after this meeting, which will last at least one week, and then the final negotiation with the believers of lies.

  Participants in the Three Kings talks are all political elites from various countries. Jenkins is not a political elite, in fact he dare not even say that he understands politics. It's just that the meeting needs his identity, so he must run over to be the background board.

   Although he is now considered to be the most likely successor to Fidictelli, he has never participated in government affairs, so it would be strange to let him speak.

   Today is the first day, which is the opening ceremony. As the beginning of a rare meeting in a millennium, Nolan City Hall and the Kingdom of Fidcicle racked their brains to arrange celebrations.

  The meeting place of the meeting is of course Nolan City Hall. The square in front of the City Hall has been filled with carriages since the morning. After Jenkins arrived, he had to walk in from the corner of the street. Fortunately, he met Miss Windsor, who had arrived one step earlier, and successfully passed the crowd under her guidance.

   Nothing was done all morning, interviews, speeches, photos and handshake, Jenkins didn’t know how time passed so slowly. He had never experienced such a meaningless morning, coupled with the exceptionally hot weather today, even if the weird fog patrolled the streets, it could not stop the temperature from rising.

   The cat lying on Jenkins's shoulder has been awake and slept for an unknown number of times. Once, it fell asleep and even climbed on top of Jenkins' head. Jenkins didn't mind the cat doing this, but Queen Isabella severely asked Jenkins to take the cat down:

   "It's a formal occasion now, what's the matter with your image?"

   Therefore, although what she said was not wrong, the careful cat still hated this woman.

   After lunch, the formal talks started in the afternoon. Those who were not important were cleared away, and the first closed-door meeting officially began. All three kings were present at this meeting, which is regarded as setting the general tone for this meeting.

   Jenkins, as an unimportant background board-like figure, sits very back in the conference hall, and in the middle of the conference hall is a long table for participants who need to speak.

   He looked around while listening to people talking. The Stuarts were all there, and everyone was listening attentively. The arrogant of Cheslan also brought his own royal family members. Although not like Salhi II, who brought almost all children with the ability to govern, they also brought at least the second and third successors. Two princes.

   After all, the two countries are still at war, and people understand what he did.

   It seems that everyone except Jenkins and his cat is listening attentively and taking notes from time to time. Translators are sweating and doing real-time translation work, which is not an easy task.

   "I remember listening to Miss Windsor or Alexia said that real-time translation is charged by the hour, and you can get half a pound an hour, which is really a great job."

   He quickly wandered into the world. Although he was still listening to people's speech subconsciously, he was actually thinking of completely unrelated things.

"I can be regarded as a rich person now. Brian said a few days ago that I was too stingy with myself, and there were not a few clothes in the closet. So, should I be generous... such as Increasing the cost of food for chocolate?"

   He completely regards his cat as a part of himself, and will increase the cost of food for the cat as his own consumption. The cat "heared" Jenkins's unconsciously diverging thoughts, his eyes lit up and he almost nodded his head sharply.


   He raised his head and yelled eagerly. Jenkins immediately touched the cat’s head, now he can’t just make a scream.

   eyes unconsciously looked around, Queen Isabella let 10 qualified nobles as the background board to participate in this meeting. In addition to the successors who were originally qualified to come because of government affairs, there are at least 15 successors to Fidcicles present.

   Jenkins' eyes saw Miss Windsor, who was also invited by Queen Isabella, sitting not far in front of Jenkins. Even if you only look at the back, you can see that Miss Windsor is recording and listening earnestly.

   This made Jenkins a sense of guilt that he was wasting his time, but this feeling disappeared instantly with the vibration of the ground.

   "Not good, earthquake!"

   He was startled, and quickly stood up and stuffed the cat lying on his knees into his pocket.

   "Don't panic, leave in order!"

   At the same time, Sarhi II, who was speaking just now, said loudly that the intensity of this earthquake is not too big, but the source of the earthquake is definitely in downtown Nolan. Even if you sit still, you can feel the shaking of the ground, so most people from other places are a little panicked.

   The earthquake temporarily interrupted today’s meeting, but fortunately, the quality of the city hall’s housing was quite good. Except for the crowding when rushing out, the earthquake did not cause any casualties.

   It's about four o'clock now, and when everyone arrives in the square in front of the city hall, no one can be sure whether there will be aftershocks. Therefore, after a brief discussion, today's meeting is temporarily over. If circumstances permit, the meeting will continue tomorrow to negotiate.

   "Nolan earthquakes have occurred frequently in the past six months. This is a very normal thing."

   The mayor of Nolan City, Mr. Saks Ruto, squeezed in front of Queen Isabella and explained while wiping sweat. But no one cared about him. On the contrary, some superstitious people believed that there was an earthquake on the first day of the Three Kings talks, which probably indicates that the talks will not end with good results.

   After the first day of the meeting, a grand reception was held to celebrate this event. But in view of the possibility of aftershocks tonight, the reception was postponed.

Queen Isabella invited Jenkins to the house where she lives for dinner. Jenkins actually wanted to go home to eat with the girls, but Miss Windsor, who was standing next to him, was brought out of the town hall by him holding hands. He agreed directly for him.

  While talking to the queen, Miss Windsor shook her head slightly at Jenkins. Jenkins knew that this was an irresistible dinner, so he nodded in agreement.

After returning home and changing clothes, I went to a banquet. There were only Queen Isabella and Jenkins on the dinner table. The restaurant in the house was huge, but because of the unexpected earthquake, the nearby gas pipe failed, so there was only The three candlesticks on the table still provide light.

   Jenkins sitting at each end of the long dining table and an old man with silver hair can only see a dark shadow sitting opposite. The servants who served them carefully bent over and pushed the dining trolley, walking in the dark.

   This is a bit like what happened in a gloomy old house in a horror story. Jenkins patted the cat's small paw that was reaching the table in the dark, while taking up a knife and fork to prepare to cut steak.

   "So, why not light more candles?"

   In the end, he took the initiative to break the silence since the beginning of the dinner and asked, he was curious about this.

   "Soon the moon will emerge from behind the dark clouds, and then it will be bright."

   said the old man opposite, and also picked up the knife and fork. She is getting older and her teeth can't handle steaks, so she eats different foods than Jenkins.

   "So I'll just ask questions, you invited me to be a guest, shouldn't it be just to invite me to dinner?"

   He asked while cutting the steak drenched in the soup, the cat's eyes glowing in the dark with his front paws on the edge of the table and staring at the piece of food.

   "Jenkins, you shouldn't ask questions directly at this time. Instead, you should be patient with me in the dark, and then wait for the other person to speak first."

   Queen Isabella’s old voice fits perfectly with the dark and weird atmosphere in the restaurant.

   "Is this a special rule?"

   he asked knowingly.

   "It's not an explicit rule. This is the etiquette recognized by the nobles for thousands of years. I know that you grew up in a commoner family. There are some things that you can only tell, but you can't explain it. You need to learn it by yourself."

   A similar thing was said by King Salhi II yesterday, so Jenkins just nodded, but realized that the old man on the other side might not look good, so he said:

"I know."

   The cat rushed to the table silently, because Jenkins put the first calf cut off on a plate aside. According to the rules of eating at home, this belongs to chocolate.

   "It's no big deal to come to you today. It's just that the Three Kings talks have officially started. I have the intention to announce my chosen heir to the whole country after this."

  Her voice is still so flat, as if what I just said was the evaluation of the food on the plate, Jenkins raised his eyes, and then went on to deal with his own dinner:

"Yes, I understand."

   "Aren't you curious?"

   "Even if I am curious, I don't think you will tell me the result in your heart."

   Jenkins said.

   "Your performance now is much better than before."

   There was a smile in the voice of the black figure opposite, but Jenkins thought it was a disguise.

   "I plan to choose you."

   Lie, this is a lie.

   Jenkins's mouth bends slightly, laughing at the behavior of the old man opposite. But she did a good job. If it weren't for the lie clergy and Miss Windsor's reminder, maybe he should have a small chance that he would really think he was the lucky one who was appointed.

   "Then why not choose Miss Windsor? If I am not one of the participants, from an onlooker's point of view, she is superior to me in all aspects except for her pedigree and is a better choice."

   he asked.

   "Is this testing me, Jenkins?"

   The voice on the other side was still calm, but still answered Jenkins’ doubts:

   "No, I won't choose Jessica, she is really good, but it's a pity that she is a girl."

   This sentence also caused a reaction to the lie clergy, which was beyond Jenkins's expectation:

   "Which point of view is problematic? Isn't it...Miss Windsor is actually a man?"

   He was amused by his own thoughts, but thinking about the sentence just now, there seems to be only one point that will trigger a lie-"I won't choose Jessica."

   Jenkins frowned. There are too many possibilities. Maybe there is a woman named Jessica in the heir. Maybe even Miss Windsor was cheated by Queen Isabella.

   But it is impossible for Miss Windsor to lie to Jenkins from start to finish. Jenkins is confident that she will not be deceived as the **** of lies.

I thought of Salsh II’s reminder last night. He opened his mouth to say something and tried further, but when he looked up at the other end of the long table, he heard the old man say "Uh uh uh~" At the same time, it seemed to make a pinch of the throat.