Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 741

  Because of the numbness caused by this terrible aura, when the "evil spirit" stretched his hands from his shoulders along his arms to the triangle irons and small copper hammers of his left and right hands, the man did not respond immediately.

   And when the two hands stretched out from behind touched his hands, the man finally noticed that the hand stretched out behind him was definitely the hand of a living person.


I want to talk, but my mouth is actually out of control. Jenkins instilled a lot of spirit of death at close range. Even the corpse can be guaranteed to be almost 100% resurrected. For a living person, it is like injecting into an artery. Sewage.

The man watched as the thing in his hand was snatched by the man behind him. As the psychic ritual centered on the deceit was interrupted, his other three companions jumped up, but at this moment the handle came from nowhere. The sword cut down.

   The two people on the left side of the man were directly split into four pieces, and the companion on the right side of the man was actually entangled by seeds that did not know when they took root. Those branches firmly entangled him like tentacles, and finally wrapped him completely like a cocoon. With the sour sound of bone cracks, the branches continued to shrink and close inward, and blood continuously leaked from the gaps in the branches.

   But none of the men can see anymore, because Jenkins has broken his neck, completely interrupting the psychic ritual.

Chapter 1806 Chapter 1777 Return

   "But why try to make a dummy with a similar face from the soul of Taq?"

   Solved the enemy, Jenkins thought in confusion. Carefully put the trick in his hand aside, and then tested the snort of the woman tied to the table with his hand. She is still alive, but her breath is so weak that she can't even wake up.

Jenkins then treated her for a while, looked around with real eyes, and found no other gifters, so he drew a piece of paper and wrote down the main information he learned from the conversation with Tuck, and threw the paper on the woman. Only after leaving the warehouse door, I put on the air bomb ring and slammed his hand at the air. The rumbling void exploded, causing the sound of a mountain explosion to spread far in the silent night.

After calling out his unicorn and flying him to the sky, Jenkins was relieved after observing that the church gifters who heard the news appeared first, not the tree house or the gear artisan society. Yuexia rode her mount and flew towards the city.

   "It seems that I haven't called you for a while."

   He leaned on the little beast's back, stroking the soft fur while striding over the city.

   The unicorn uttered a soft cry, but because the neck was not long enough, it couldn't rub Jenkins's hand by turning his head. Jenkins also thought of the [Prime Amber Stone] presented by Silver Dragon Lord Anastasia. Unfortunately, the growth cycle of the unicorn is too long. If you want it to wear that stone, you have to wait hundreds of years at the earliest.

   got off the unicorn from the alley near the church. After bidding farewell to him reluctantly, he wanted to return from the main entrance to show that he was not missing. But quietly glanced in the distance, there was no disturbance in the church, and no one seemed to have noticed the disappearance of the Son. So he carefully turned in from the side wall without touching the alarm. After entering the corridor, the people who saw him in the church did not show any strange expressions.

   So Jenkins understood that no one really found himself missing, and when he returned to Miss Bevana's office, just opened the door, Chocolate rushed over.

   "It's okay, am I back here?"

   He hugged his cat and said, patted the cat's head gently. Then he looked suspiciously at the office door:

   "How did you get in?"

   He ran to that strange place before opening the door, and the office door can only be pushed open by twisting the doorknob. Of course, it is impossible for someone to push the chocolate away, otherwise someone will find that Jenkins is missing.


   The cat was in Jenkins' arms without panic, squinting his eyes and rubbing his chest with his small head. Jenkins didn't ask when he saw it. Maybe it was Fini who helped the cat open the door when she was passing by, or maybe the cat got in from the window and closed the window by herself. In short, Chocolate was not afraid of his disappearance.

Sure enough, no one found that Jenkins had disappeared for a while. Therefore, whether it was the news that the old woman from the dead church was B-12-1-6213 [unintentional soul-attractor] in half an hour, or nearly The trace of the tree house found in Nolan East at ten o'clock had nothing to do with Jenkins.

   He bid farewell to Bishop Parrod at ten o'clock, and greeted the two demigods of the church before he planned to leave. I happened to see Miss Windsor's carriage at the entrance of the church, so I didn't have to trouble the church to arrange the carriage to send him to him, and directly took the cat into the carriage.

   "Good evening, Miss Windsor."

   "Good evening, Jenkins."

   She looked a little tired, leaning on the side wall of the carriage. In addition to her in the carriage, there is also a maid and Miss Magic. And behind this carriage, there were two accompanying carriages, inside which were the guards of Miss Windsor. After Tuckwen was killed, most of Nolan's nobles strengthened their security.

   "Why didn't you see Miss Yindi?"

   Jenkins sat down and asked Miss Magic, who shrugged and didn't treat him politely:

   "Our friend, the gentleman who just returned from Turin had some minor problems. Miss Yindi went to help."

   Due to the presence of Miss Windsor and another maid, she did not directly say that it was Mr. Black Cat. But this statement is equivalent to admitting that she knows that Williams may be Mr. Candle, but Jenkins doesn't care how much she guessed.

   "What's the trouble?"

   Put the cat on the cushion beside the seat, Jenkins leaned forward and asked with his right elbow on his right leg.

   "It's just a small trouble, and our friends have all gone to help him."

  Miss Magic didn't want to say more, and Jenkins didn't ask much. He nodded, then sat up straight and put the cat, who was bowing his head and patting the cushion with his paws, on his lap:

   "Miss Windsor, have you encountered any problems? Why are you still waiting for me at the door of the church so late? It is best not to travel at night during this time. There are more and more strange things in the thick fog."

   "Your Majesty asked me some questions in the evening. She asked me if I wanted to be a king, but I refused."

   said Miss Windsor.

   "That's it, I see."

   Jenkins nodded and glanced at Miss Magic and the closed-mouth maid. She didn't care about what she said. Miss Windsor sighed when she saw that, feeling sad that Jenkins trusted others so much.

   Jenkins asked again:

   "A few days ago, I said I would go with the army..."

"It's already done, and it's done on the day of Tuckwen's death. In a few days, when you finish working on the joint meeting of the Twelve Churches, I will organize a cocktail party and invite all your supporters to attend. Now. The support we get is almost the same. Although there is still a lack in the army, at least the old nobles mostly support you."

"Well, this matter can't be delayed for too long. I think, in fact, Queen Isabella also knows that she can't stop me, so she keeps on offering conditions. On Monday, she took a step back. I think as long as we can That reception will gain momentum, and she is likely to take a step back. Maybe in the end we haven't had a showdown, she will voluntarily give up the throne."

   Jenkins made a small joke, Miss Windsor smiled reservedly and then said:

   "How is the church investigation about the death of Tuckwen?"

   "There were some clues about half an hour ago. His death may have been planned by himself, and the tree house seems to want to ‘resurrect’ Tuck by some means."


   Miss Windsor frowned. For pretty girls, this kind of action is also very beautiful:

   "I really didn't expect such a result. I planned my own death by myself... It seems that the king of the southern kingdom is not as incompetent as I thought."

  PS: We will add more tomorrow, more and less uncertain.

Chapter 1807 Chapter 1778 Mechanical Corpse

  Since Jenkins and Miss Windsor started talking, the Miss Magic who was in the carriage maintained "professional ethics" and stopped interjecting.

   "Can you tell me about the resurrection you mentioned?"

   But when Jenkins talked about Takwen and Takwen, she couldn't help but suddenly asked curiously, and Jenkins simply said the "clues found by the church". Miss Magic nodded slightly when she heard the words:

   "I've heard of [Soul Echo] this trick, it is a very evil tool for manipulating souls. Although I don't know what the other party wants to do, it is definitely a good thing to be blocked."

   Now that the ceremony was mentioned, Jenkins talked about the relationship between the Southern Fire and Tuck. What Miss Windsor heard was that the Tucker literature sacrificed her own people, and she was very disgusted with such practices. And what Miss Magic heard was the occult aspect, she couldn't help but interjected again, which surprised Miss Windsor. In her opinion, her occult consultant is the kind of dull woman who can't say three sentences a day.

"After the terrible night of Monday, I talked about the Child of the Mist with my friends from other places.. This is a very adaptable and variable creature. It was born in Nolan. In addition to the original characteristics of the fog, it also has the characteristics of metal and resentment; it was born in a burning forest, so it will have the characteristics of flame and forest. Does the other party want to cultivate the child of the catalytic fog?"

   "The church has similar ideas, and they must have had plans since last year."

   "They knew the children of the mist before the church?"

   Miss Magic frowned.

   "Yes, the church suspects that the big guy under our feet gave them advice."

   Jenkins moved his legs and stepped on the floor of the carriage, causing the cat lying on his legs to let out a cry of dissatisfaction.

   Miss Windsor was confused, but Miss Magic understood it completely. She nodded again and couldn't help sighing:

   "In this way, the organization called the tree house is not trying to catalyze the arrival of the end, right?"

   A smile appeared on Jenkins's face, Miss Magic and him thought to go together:

   "I think so too. It seems that you really know this very well."

"No, I just infer it from the principle. Those rituals are very directed. Of course, I did not come to this conclusion alone. My friends are rushing to Nolan from all over the world. Everyone wants to witness this era."

  Miss Magic refers to believers who are also the gods of rituals. When Jenkins offered to cooperate with her as Mr. Candle last month, she mentioned that her church members were also gathering towards Nolan.

   "Then what I said..."

   "They think that proposal is very good, but they want to see'that gentleman' first before they can decide whether to cooperate."

   Jenkins did not speak, but nodded slightly. Miss Magic stopped the topic. She also knew that it was best not to talk about it in front of irrelevant people.

Miss Windsor wanted to send Jenkins back home, but Jenkins thought it would be too dangerous to let Miss Windsor go home "by herself", so she insisted on letting the coachman go directly to the Windsor family residence in the city, saying goodbye to Miss Windsor, and watching her. After entering the courtyard with regret, he turned and left.

   But Jenkins did not look for the carriage, but walked alone in the misty night city. He deliberately slowed down and only heard the footsteps of the woman behind him after ten minutes of walking.

   "Your speed is really fast."

   He held his pocket watch and said:

   "This is only ten minutes, have you found a reason to leave Miss Windsor?"

   "I'm not by her side 24 hours a day, now it's off work time."

   Miss Magic replied, she could hear her panting voice unstable, probably chasing it all the way:

   "Do you think that an outstanding gifter like me will protect an ordinary person 24 hours a day because of money? No, I have a lot of things to do."

   Jenkins stood there waiting for her. After Miss Magic came to her side, she walked side by side together.

   "There is no personal protection for 24 hours. I think it's just because Miss Windsor didn't pay more."

   He said, Miss Magic thought for a moment and nodded:

"Yes, you're right."

  None of the two mentioned why under Jenkins' current status, they would be so familiar. Jenkins and Miss Magic skipped this topic very tacitly. They walked through the mist so late, not to talk about it.

   "So, Miss Yindi is not here tonight. Is it Mr. Black Cat who is in trouble?"

   Jenkins asked questions almost in a statement tone.

   "To be more precise, it was Mr. Black Cat and Mr. Hood who were in big trouble together. Do you know what happened with Tulip recently? Oh, you must know it."

  Miss Magic is with Miss Windsor. Even if she conceals it intentionally, she can't completely notice the relationship between a group of people and Tulips:

"Mr. Hood wants to make a lot of money from tulips. He thinks that this kind of flower will appreciate very quickly in the near future. Mr. Black Cat has just returned from Turin and has a lot of money, so the two want to do business in partnership. ....."

   She hesitated for a while, and asked a question that had been curious for a long time:

   "This kind of flower can make money, right?"

   "The premise is that you have to run fast."

   Jenkins said so, and then it was seen from the opponent's face that Miss Magic did not understand at all. He did not explain, but continued to ask:

   "What kind of trouble can you run into doing this kind of business? Could it be possible that they also provoke the loan shark?"

   This is about the family of Newman’s fiancée, and because of this incident, Jenkins postponed bringing the girls and Sigrid home.

"What about loan sharks? Mr. Black Cat and Mr. Hood believe that although there are large local distributors of tulip flowers and tulip bulbs, and the quality of the finished flowers and bulbs is extremely high, the texture and color are quite good, the local prices are too high. So they want to use the steam train to get a train of leather goods from a foreign country. Maybe this time the business can realize the plan without hard work for the second half of their life. But the foreigner who contacted them who claimed to have the goods was a liar, Mr. Hood. When Mr. Black Cat discovered the problem and went to them to get their money back, they found out that the other party was dead."

   This is really a complicated and tortuous story.

   "Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat were deceived?"

   Jenkins was a little surprised:

   "In my opinion, these two gentlemen are very clever and witty people. Who is the other party? Is it a lie... ahem, what method did the other party use?"

   "The identity of the other party is very reliable."

   said, turn right at the intersection with Jenkins:

   "It’s okay for an ordinary person to die. It’s fine to find your own money and leave. But there is a problem with the identity of the other person."

   Seeing the policeman walking in groups of three to patrol the night, he immediately changed his words and talked about the recent price of food. After the police went away, he continued:

"The name of the deceased is Horace Luther. You should know who it is. After all, it is your potential enemy. It is because this person uses his noble status as a guarantee that our friends can easily believe it. After all, who I never thought that such a person would cheat money.

   Now that he died in the hotel where he lived, Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat had enemies with him because of the gold pound, or were the first people to find his body. What do you think will happen? More importantly, the entire Nolan is looking for him now, and the relationship between him and the death of the southern king is still unclear. In any case, Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat have nothing to do with this matter. "

   Horace Luther and Jenkins also have many connections. If it weren't for the emergence of the Williams family, he would be the highest ranked person in the succession of Fidictely. Because the investigation was found to be related to the cook who poisoned Takwen, the Nolan police, the Chesland mission, and the church were all looking for him, but they did not expect that he would be met by Mr. Hood.

   It was this evening that Luthor was found dead. In order to help deal with the corpse, Miss Yindi went to help temporarily. Originally, Miss Magic wanted to tell Miss Windsor about this matter and let her help solve it. But then after thinking about it, there is no need to reveal the identities of Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat. It should be more convenient for Mr. Candle to help.

   The two talked and went straight to the place of Luther's death. At the suggestion of Miss Magic, Jenkins still used the identity of Mr. Candle and turned the black and white cat chocolate into the white cat vanilla.

   After entering the room, Jenkins understood what "handling the dead body" means. In the spacious room, Mr. Luther was tied to a chair by twine, and the chair was dropped into the air by five ropes, one of which was tied to his neck. Luther was now ulcerated, scaly metal shavings appeared on his skin, teeth and screws burst out of the gums together, a spring protruding from one eye was constantly swaying, and the harsh roar of metal friction in his mouth was still emerging. White steam comes out.

   This person is undoubtedly dead, and now it looks like a corpse resurrected by the undead spell, but those undead will not install metal parts on their bodies.

   "Mr. Candle."

After opening the door, I saw a man with a white cat coming in. Mr. Hood, Mr. Black Cat, and Miss Silver Flute greeted immediately. At this Mr. Hood’s party, everyone was there except Miss Bailing and Mr. White Cat. .

   Jenkins nodded as a greeting, and then asked, his tone a little hesitant: