Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 749

   "It means literally."

   Dad replied vaguely. Seeing Jenkins was still puzzled, but he didn't want to explain clearly:

"Remember our conversation today, and make sure that this conversation will not be known to anyone. Whether we want to admit it or not, there will be a day when what we are talking about today will happen. At that time, Jenkins, I hope you Be able to do as I say."

   "So old man, how long can you hold down this key?"

   Dad heard what Jenkins meant, nodded and replied:

   "Don't worry about me, I will die tomorrow. The arrival of the doomsday also increases the power of the snake-man baby fossil. Let it suppress it this time, and I can hold it for at least half a year."

   This is better than Jenkins thought, because he believes that the real end will come, definitely before the end of this winter.

   He wanted to ask more about the evolution key, but the old man refused to answer. I tentatively asked whether [Circulation (White Foundation)] had anything to do with the key, but the old man pretended to explain this ability last time, he did not sigh at all and insisted that he knew nothing about it. .

   Knowing that it is impossible to find a breakthrough from the old man, the disappointed Jenkins can only do other things. Miss Stillwell had left the church, and Jenkins went to find old Jack to relive her old age, and by the way, she asked Miss Bevana to report on the mining area in order to deal with the hammer.

   When passing by the chapel and seeing the holy emblem of the sage, he suddenly realized that he still had one thing to do:

   "I seem to be in a rat state now."


   The chocolate on the shoulder really hopes that Jenkins can forget this, not because he still wants to "play" with the mouse, but because he thinks Jenkins will find it to settle accounts tonight.

Because he had dealt with a similar matter once, after explaining to Miss Bevana, he followed the lady with a smile at the corner of his mouth into the underground ceremonial venue, calling for the sage’s gaze, in the magnificent gentle gaze that seemed to wash away the filth of the body and mind. In, the influence of the light of evolution and degeneration disappeared.

   When calling the sage to watch, Jenkins did not take off the [Prime Amber Stone], but presided over the ceremony in a human form, because he didn't want to change back to a mouse again. Therefore, when the special influence receded, he did not change from the outside, he still maintained the appearance of Jenkins Williams, but the inner life essence changed.

After    the sage’s gaze slowly disappeared, Miss Bevanna and Dad walked to the center of the ceremony venue, wanting to ask how Jenkins was feeling, but saw Jenkins holding a small yellow crystal in his hand:

   "The amber stone is broken."

   He said, the crystal in his hand has no power at all, and the centipede-like thing that was originally sealed in the amber stone has disappeared.

   "My friend gave this to me. She had worn it for many years, but it broke me in one fell swoop."

   Jenkins said with regret, although Anastasia made it clear that it was a gift to him, how can Amber Stone have accompanied the Silver Dragon for thousands of years. Next time he saw the dragon and the princess, he didn't know how to explain it.

   The old man knew that this stone most likely came from the silver dragon that appeared above the evergreen forest and then quickly disappeared. Listening to Jenkins calling him a "friend", he couldn't help but glance at him curiously, and then reminded:

"I think I probably know the reason for the destruction of the amber stone. The two transformations you experienced were all genuine and complete transformations except for the soul. This probably made your body remember this state, and then the sage's gaze gave You have made some subtle changes, but what you need is not only deforming, but also returning to the original appearance..."

   Jenkins almost knew what the old man meant. He called out his ability light spot, and found that there was a brand new ability:

  【Malicious transformation (red fighting)】

   This is based on physical changes and does not require spells, so it is a typical red fighting ability. It occupies one of the remaining two bubbles, and now there is only one left.

   [Malicious Transformation] is not a rare ability, it is based on the talent of the ancient "druid" before the formation of the ability system of the gifter. The effect of ability is literal. "Transformation" means that from now on, Jenkins can master the method of transforming into other creatures through some rituals and methods. Now he can only become a mouse.

   "Maliciousness" represents the price of this ability. After all, the Eighteenth Era is no longer the Archaic Era where adventurers run across the world, and the extraordinary power of the material world has undergone a fundamental change.

   This does not refer to the weakness of the energy and ability system, but certain abilities become more difficult, and certain abilities are easier than ancient times. Among them, transformation is a type that is difficult to use from generation to generation. Therefore, transformation requires a price, and the cost varies from person to person.

  Because Jenkins can only become a mouse now, he only knows the price of becoming a mouse.

   After placing the chocolate far away, Jenkins turned into a mouse again in front of his father and Miss Bevana. During the transformation, the hot steam enveloped him again, and after the transformation, the feeling that the whole body was being burnt did not disappear.

   He can clearly feel that every blood vessel and every nerve in his body is burning and tingling in a rat state, but fortunately, this feeling is not strong, so it can be tolerated. And before the chocolate sahuan pounced in the distance, the gray mouse in the pile of clothes leaped into the air, turning into a ball of purple light and spinning continuously, and then naked Jenkins stood in front of the two of them, following the old man. Dad sighed, covering his face as the end of this matter.

   "Malicious transformation requires a change of clothes, malicious transformation requires a change of clothes, and malicious transformation requires a change of clothes."

   Jenkins kept repeating these words in his heart when he followed Miss Bevanna to the office. When he changed back to himself with amber stone, he also had no clothes, but it was strange that Anastasia, the silver dragon, had clothes. He planned to see that dragon next time, so he must ask her how to do it.

Chapter 1823 The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-four

   solved the rat thing, the next thing is the hammer.

   Jenkins “handed over” the hammer to himself just now, mainly because there was really no time to trade with the mechanical church. Now there is time, but believers of lies cannot appear immediately.

   He did not ask to keep the hammer himself, but temporarily gave [Thor's Wrath] to the church for safekeeping. On the one hand, because this thing is not a gift, it can’t be carried conveniently, on the other hand, because it is still considered a trick. If you bring it home, the cats and girls in the house may be affected, so it’s better to hand it over to the church. It's not too much trouble to get it back when you use it.

   In addition to handing in the hammer, Jenkins dictated what he saw from the perspective of an onlooker for insurance. He emphasized the "mechanized corpse curse", a bizarre curse composed of multiple elements.

No one could have imagined that last year the gear craftsmen would spread gear germs. It was not entirely for the purpose of concealing people’s eyes and ears to find underground things better. They were also for collecting experimental data. What’s more unexpected is that the holder of the Skeleton Sword appeared in Nolan. It is related to the spreading experiment of the disease.

But at this point, the curse that has formed cannot be undone. After he explained to Miss Bevana the performance of the curse and the characteristics of probability propagation, Miss Bevana also realized that this is definitely no less than thirty. The catastrophe of the corpse plague that spread to the whole world years ago.

  Mixed with mysterious and extraordinary elements, ordinary people's methods can't deal with those corpses that are fused with machinery. Although the cursed people who incorporate machinery have not yet appeared in large numbers, from the perspective of the differential engine, the curse has been spread out. The Luther that Jenkins saw was a special case of being fed with germ dilution. The flesh and blood fused with the textile machine a few days ago did not seem to be a "finished product". Today, the corpse of the fused piano is really the first he has encountered. A cursed person.

   This sounds terrible, even worse than the Son of the Mist. The church must be prepared. This time it is no longer just a matter of Nolan. Jenkins doesn't believe that the Gear Craftsmen's Association in collusion with the difference engine just released the curse in Nolan.

   Through Jenkins’s bystander’s statement, Miss Bevanna also inferred that the monsters fighting the lie believers were manipulated by things underground. Not only Jenkins, the church also understands what a terrible situation this means.

   Therefore, after listening to Jenkins' report, Miss Bevana immediately hurriedly passed the news around. This matter will soon be passed on to the Holy See and to every church. In any case, the Church of Orthodox God is the most powerful force to maintain the material world order. Even if it knows that the arrival of the end cannot be prevented, it cannot just wait and die.

   At the very least, cultists such as the Tree House and the Gear Craftsman's Association should be arrested and brought to justice.

   The day after tomorrow is the day when the joint meeting of the Twelve Orthodox Churches is held. After temporarily handling the matter at hand, Jenkins is not as embarrassed to continue to disturb the busy Miss Bevana. The original plan was to continue to read the materials sent by the Holy See in the church, and prepare for his speech on the opening day of the conference.

   But just after two o'clock, Miss Windsor sent someone to deliver the note. After reading it, Jenkins left the church and boarded Miss Windsor’s carriage with an unusually well-behaved cat.

   Fei Ni told Jenkins a few days ago that due to choir rehearsals, the children in the church temporarily stopped working on the street selling flowers. But Fini was reluctant to bear the friends she had just met, so she entrusted Jenkins to take care of them.

   Jenkins entrusted this matter to Miss Windsor, and Miss Windsor came to Jenkins this time because of this.

   Now the tulips on the Nolan market have far exceeded the usual price. Through reasonable supply control and some hype methods, the appreciation potential of the flowers has not been drained, and things continue to develop in a very good direction.

  Ms. Windsor, according to Jenkins's request, asked her staff to distribute some of the sources of finished tulip flowers that were not very good in appearance to Fini's friends at a very low price. This is very simple, there shouldn't be any problems, even if someone takes a fancy to the tulips in the hands of the flower girls and is unwilling to spend money, Miss Windsor's people will help the girls.

The part of the event is the flower fetching part. As usual, every morning, there will be a truck loaded with fresh flowers from outside the city to a fixed location in the city. On the one hand, they send flowers to the small flower shops in the city. Let the scattered flower sellers have channels to purchase goods.

  Big flower shops usually have their own flower gardens outside the city, so they don’t need to get goods from outsiders.

   The flower girls collect flowers from the truck at a higher price, which is cheaper than buying from a flower shop, and then sell them to the people in the city at a higher price. Today’s accident was also in the morning. For some reasons, the truck didn’t enter the city until around eight o'clock, and then encountered a major earthquake when the third-layer black metal tower was raised, which delayed some time.

By the time the girls picked up the goods, it was already half past nine in the morning, so it was usually the scattered flower sellers who gathered together to wait for the trucks, plus the flower shop owners let the employees see It depends on the situation, so more people gathered in the unloading yard than usual.

   The unloading process was unremarkable, until the young people from the flower shop almost fought because of the scramble. In fact, this is normal, but he hit someone and plunged into the flowers that were placed on the ground waiting for the bulk cargo, and then that person died.

   When I heard Miss Windsor's introduction like this, Jenkins tilted his head for a few seconds, but just couldn't figure out how to fall into the flowers.

   "Did you fall to death? Or did you have a heart disease?"

"No, the deceased was very young. Because of the death, they chose to call the police. During this period, someone accidentally touched the flower bush and died. After the police arrived, according to the normal investigation process, they thought it was poisonous in the flower bush. , A police officer died during the inspection, so the church was notified.

   The little girls you asked me to take care of are still waiting in the yard, and the situation is a bit chaotic. I am not sure if this is a matter of the giver, but I am worried that it is a curse. "

   As she said, she looked at Miss Yindi who was silent in the corner of the carriage. Miss Magic asked for leave today, and only Miss Yindi was here.

"I am not as good at finding mysterious traces as Miss Magic. I am better at protecting. So for safety, I would like to ask you to take a look at this incident and bring those little girls out by the way. Now the church does not allow anyone to leave. "

   Miss Yindi said.

   The strange events happening in Nolan City are at least twice as many as in the past. There are some trivial things that Jenkins doesn't know. He only focuses on events that may be related to the Doomsday and the Tree House and Gear Craftsmen's Association.

   Therefore, I was originally worried that the Orthodox Church gifters who led the team would not know him after arriving at the scene, but fortunately, the Church of the Dead was responsible for handling this matter. The Church of the Dead is a local church. Although they are not familiar with Jenkins, they can recognize Jenkins.

The place where the carriage was unloaded was the yard of the carriage guild in the south of the city. The police on the outermost block knew Jenkins Williams, so after asking him symbolically, they asked him, Miss Windsor, and others. The guards continued to walk inside.

   Then came across the squad of gifters from the Church of the Dead who was responsible for handling this matter. The courtyard now only opened an entrance from the building. The two men guarding the door recognized Jenkins, but did not let him in.

   One of them asked Jenkins on the spot, and the other went to the yard to find the captain of the Tomb Keeper team.

   Jenkins can’t say that he and Miss Windsor are behind the manipulation of the recent tulip market. What he said is related to Fini. He just declared that the girls selling flowers in the yard were friends of his friends, so he wanted to take them away.

   This statement is a little weaker. For reasons of principle, Robin Rogers, the captain of the grave guard who looks skinny but taller than Jenkins, did not agree.

   Jenkins is not angry, after all, disagreement is the right way to do it. He knew that the other party was worried that some contagious curse would be carried out and spread to the city, so after being refused, he did not ask for it again, just wanted to go into the yard to take a look:

"I want to ensure the safety of those girls, and I am also a very good gifter. I know this is not in compliance with the rules, but I swear I will absolutely obey your arrangements. If I really get into trouble because of my entry, I will be responsible. It can be memorized."

   Jenkins's words have been said to this extent, and Captain Rutgers will naturally not refuse. But he only allowed Jenkins to go in alone, Miss Windsor, Miss Silver Flute and other guards could not enter.

   Jenkins didn't intend to involve them too, he didn't know what was going on inside now.

   "I'll settle this matter, thank you for telling me what happened here."

   In front of outsiders, Jenkins is a little stranger to Miss Windsor.

   "Don't be so polite, Viscount Williams."

   Miss Windsor also responded coldly, and then left with her people.

   Jenkins then went through the door with Captain Rutgers and entered the yard. He noticed that the door frame had been engraved with the holy symbol of the righteous **** [End of Death], which was a unique restriction method for the followers of the **** of death.

   Today’s air is still foggy, and the yard used for unloading is naturally the same. None of the people in the yard at the time of the incident were released. A small number of policemen maintained order at the scene, and three bodies were lying on the ground covered with white cloth. The girls, under the care of the female hires in the carriage rental, gathered together a little timidly and stood by the wall, not daring to look at anything in the yard at all.

Chapter 1824 Chapter 1795: Flowers and Poisons

A few hours ago, the difference engine mentioned that the current mechanized corpse curse is only a probabilistic effect on the corpses of ordinary people. Therefore, the three corpses covered with white cloth did not fly to the nearest machine, but quietly. Lie there.

   But Jenkins was already a little nervous, and he used his eyes to confirm that the corpse was really just a corpse, and then he walked safely to a group of little girls with flower baskets standing in the corner of the yard.

   The girl who must get up early to buy goods at this age is definitely not from a wealthy family. Most of their clothes are mainly gray and black cloth, most people have at least three patches on their clothes, and almost all of them have dirty faces.

   It's not that they don't like washing their faces, but they have not had such a habit since they were young.

  There are all kinds of messy and unfit shoes on the feet, but because it is summer, at least no one wears clothes that are out of season. The most valuable thing all over the body should be their basket. After all, it is a tool for survival. If you carry a basket with holes, even people who buy flowers will subconsciously lower the price of the flowers, so they treat themselves The small basket is especially treasured.

   Only a few girls have hair ornaments on their heads, but they are only cheap cards issued from nowhere. After noticing that the man who had just walked in looked straight at the body, he walked towards them. A dozen girls were clustered together and looked at him hostilely, even if they were the flower-sellers and talents brought by the priesthood. It was not enough to offset their panic.

   Looking at them, Jenkins thought of the scene where he met Fini on the street last year. Fini was the same at that time, looking pitifully at Jenkins who was avoiding her. Different people have the same look. Fini is now "saved" by Jenkins. Jenkins can also save a dozen girls in front of him, but the world is so big that he has no power to save everyone.

   "Who is Fini Faithful's friend?"

   He expressed his attitude towards the girls, remembering what he had to do, and walking a few steps forward to ask the flower girls, but no one answered him.

   So he could only take off the idle cat yawning on his shoulders. The chocolate squirmed symbolically a few times to express his dissatisfaction, and then he was cleverly picked up by Jenkins's hands on his waist:

   "I'm Jenkins Williams, Fini should have mentioned me to you. If she said about me, then she must have mentioned this cat."

   Jenkins believes that his most important characteristic is not his hair color, height or body shape, but the cat that he carries with him:

   "Look, this is chocolate."

   said and shook the cat's right paw, and Chocolate was forced to make a move, looking upset.

   I don’t know if it’s because Fini actually mentioned Jenkins and chocolate, or the cuteness of chocolate won the girls’ trust. In short, after showing the chocolate, a bolder girl told Jenkins in a low voice that all of them knew Fini.

   Of course, this is a lie. Fei Ni went down to sell flowers on the streets arranged by the church, not to let the children of the choir run around at will. Fei could not have the opportunity to know so many friends. But since they are all flower girls, they are all within the scope of Jenkins's priesthood, so of course he must protect them all.

"I will pay for the losses you did not make the business today, but you cannot leave for the time being until things are over here. Stay together with peace of mind. If things are still unresolved in the evening, someone will solve them in the evening. Regarding your meal, I will apply to let you leave immediately after the matter is over."

   He arranged like this. A dozen girls exchanged opinions in a low voice, thanked Jenkins together, and expressed their willingness to accept such an arrangement.

   Temporarily appeased the flower sellers, and then we have to solve the problem here. Before Jenkins arrived, the benefactors of the Church of the Dead had carried out a simple autopsy on the body, and believed that the three deceased, namely the employee of the flower shop, the driver of the car dealer, and the police, had all died of poisoning.

  The tomb guards used their own unique methods to directly extract toxins from the corpses. Because the amount is still large, Captain Rutgers showed Jenkins the power of that toxin. He took a flower, then carefully dropped the diluted toxin on the petals, and then threw the flower into the air.

   Before the whole flower fell to the ground, the petals and branches all turned black and gray.

   "This is a toxin? What toxin has this toxicity?"

   Jenkins asked in surprise.

"For the human body, it is a toxin. In order to prevent mistakes, we have tested it with mice. The toxin extracted from the carcass is given to the mice by oral or injection, and they will die quickly. But for plants, this liquid It will directly burn the plants into black ash."

  The toxins extracted by the guards of the tombs showed a weird gray-green color in the misty sunlight, which was somewhat like the color of mold. Toxins are extremely toxic to animals and almost cause death if contacted, while the effects shown to plants are not like toxins. At least Jenkins has never heard of liquid touching plants, which will cause plants to directly turn into ashes.

   It is precisely because of the special effects of toxins on plants that the grave guards believe that this is indeed an event involving extraordinary power. But because the matter was not particularly serious, as long as the source of the poison was found to resolve the incident, only this team was dispatched to deal with it.

   This is because Nolan has a very rich manpower recently. In a normal year, this kind of thing probably only requires two or three people in the team to come forward and pretend to be the police to participate in solving the incident.

   "Since the toxin is so harmful to plants, how can it be hidden in these flowers?"

  Understanding the general situation, Jenkins asked the tombkeeper while opening his true eyes to the flowers piled together. When the first death happened, the unloading was only halfway through, and about one-third of the flowers were on the truck, and the branches and stems were soaked in a specially configured aqueous solution.

   But after all, it’s already afternoon, and the flowers are not as bright as early morning. Even if this matter is resolved, most of them cannot be sold except for a few potted plants and tulip bulbs.

"We are still investigating this point. This toxin cannot be distinguished by ability and rituals, and the spells made by the church to detect toxins do not work. We urgently dispatched some mice to plan a flower for a flower. Try it out."

Although the    method is a bit cumbersome, it is indeed a good idea when there is no other way.

Chapter 1825 The first thousand seven hundred and ninety-six Chapter Fire