Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 783

   He coughed violently, and the color of his body drifted upward at a faster speed.

   "Then it's my turn."

   Miss Rose took the conversation, she smiled relaxedly, but she could see a little regret:

"Jenkins, thank you for everything you have done for us. Although it seems to me that this is just a very ordinary day, I took a carriage to the hospital after I went out early in the morning... I have no valuable gifts for you, either. Then I’ll give you some helpful hints. Since it’s the end of the era, I think you should know the rumors of the savior."

   "I know."

   Jenkins believes that no one knows a savior better than him.

"I don't have any understanding of the next eighteenth era, but some rules should still exist. My teacher once talked to me about the end of the era, and I also touched taboo knowledge in strange classics. In fact, I I have always held a very special duty in the church. Jenkins Williams, if you are not a savior, then you must not approach any savior. The meaning of this identity is salvation, but it itself attracts disasters."

   "What if I am?"

   Jenkins asked, and the woman laughed:

"If you are a savior, then please remember that disaster is the sin of a whole epoch. To solve the disaster, strong force and superior intelligence are not necessary conditions. There is only one necessary condition, and the savior must understand that disaster. If you don’t understand what it is, you can’t bear it.”

   Her voice gradually became blurred, and all three of them looked at their hands, not only the colors, but the bodies began to break into pieces and flew high into the sky, leaving only the outline of a transparent person still in place. Everything in the hospital shouldn't exist, and only their souls who are going to go on will stay.

Chapter 1898 Chapter 1869: Time Abnormal Zone

   "It's almost time, it's over."

   After dealing with the affairs of the three companions, the headed time paradoxist reminded.

   Jenkins nodded and looked at the golden ring in his hand. Now there are two drops of divinity in it. The question is how much he should keep and how much he should turn in.

It is obviously unrealistic to keep all of them. Although I don’t know if the sage can understand this matter, Jenkins thinks it is better to be cautious; it is even more impossible to hand in all of them. Jenkins must ensure that he has at least a drop of divinity Only by hand can I sleep peacefully in my bed.

   "So there is no need to think about it at all."

   He stroked the ring with his left hand, slowly leading a drop of divinity from the crack on the surface of the ring.

   The bright golden droplet stayed in Jenkins's palm, and Jenkins also tried his best not to absorb it. Looking at the air in front of him, the lines appearing in the void outline the ritual of praying and watching the sage. But Jenkins did not immediately make sacrifices. The common sense of the old man showed that greats hate tricks, so Jenkins did not plan to call the sages to watch on this occasion before the hospital disappeared completely.

   "Is there a way to hide this ring?"

   Jenkins asked the time paradoxists, and the one on the right who had not spoken replied:

   "You may be able to try it."

   Jenkins thought for a while, and put the ring that was faint because of losing a drop of divinity on the wrist of his right hand. With the control of the spirit, the silver ring gradually shrank until it became the size of a bracelet.

   He nodded, so that he could temporarily contain the divinity in this way, at least not worrying about being seen by others at first glance. But after returning home, he had to replace it with a metal block seal. After all, the ring had been crushed by him, and problems would happen sooner or later.

   "Then, Miss Lowe, Luck, Mr. Robinson, goodbye."

   After solving these things, he dragged the golden light spot on his palm with one hand, and nodded slightly to the three of them, who also bowed to Jenkins to express his final thanks.

   Then, Jenkins, who stood with the time paradoxes, watched everything fly into the colorful colors inside the huge ring in the sky.

   Because of the disappearance of the hospital, he slowly descended to the ground. The last thing he saw was three companions standing in the air waving at him.

   As everything goes away, the circle shrinks and closes, and the shadows of the time paradoxes also disappear.

   "I want to ask, at my point in time, is there any time anomalous zone closer to Nolan in the material world?"

   He didn't forget that there was still this incident, and asked before the time paradoxists left.


  The time paradoxist gave the answer very simply, but Jenkins was not disappointed. Astral is still a backup plan, but it is a little troublesome and has the possibility of failure.

   "But you can create a time anomaly zone, it's not difficult."

   Talking, the three time paradoxers stretched out their fingers to Jenkins together, and a part of the escaped hospital turned into an arc and flew into Jenkins' pocket, bumping into the pocket watch that had just been repaired.

   "The **** of lies, when you reverse this pocket watch, you will create an independent time stream that can only exist for 9 minutes and 59 seconds, which is 1000 times slower than the normal time. But it can only be used once. Good health, goodbye."

   In the buzzing sound, a dazzling white light made Jenkins close his eyes subconsciously. When he opened his eyes again, he stood alone in the small woods in the moonlit night, where rice was planted.

   Everything just now seemed to be just an illusion, and the hospital didn't even have a trace.

   Some spirits flowed into Jenkins' soul from the void. This was the reward he worked with the time paradoxists to solve the trick [Bigs Hospital] from the root. It also proved that the matter just now was not an illusion.

The deceitful creature [dead doll] originally hanging on his chest is gone. With the emptiness of a big dream, he looks at the jumping golden droplet held in his left hand, and touches the pocket watch with aura color in his pocket. , And also heard other people's voices coming from other directions in the woods.

In the distance, because Jenkins was too long in the hospital, the church was worried that something really went wrong, so it decided to venture closer to the outside of the hospital and observe what happened inside in a short time from the outside of the hospital to judge whether Jenkins was true. Is it necessary to send a second wave of rescue in the time loop?

  The Church of the Sage is selfish, so it tries to arrange its own people as members of the observation group. But it's impossible for all people in the Church of the Sages. Therefore, in the team led by Miss Bevanna and Miss Audrey, in fact all members of the twelve churches exist.

   The group of people had just entered the periphery of the dense fog. When their vision was completely blocked by the white fog, they felt the unparalleled pressure from the sky. It was the time when the time paradoxists destroyed the hospital without divine power.

   But for safety, Miss Bevanna and Miss Audrey asked everyone to wait for a few minutes before moving on after the pressure disappeared.

   With the restoration of vision, the strange environment of woods and farmland mixed due to the overlap of space appeared in front of them, but everyone looked around, but did not see the Biggs Hospital with extremely tall buildings as mentioned in the report.

   The chocolate that followed Miss Audrey's feet, hidden in the shadow of the tree trunk that the moonlight couldn't find, moved its little nose.


   The cat smelled of divinity, so he knew that his capable Jenkins had succeeded.


   This is chocolate's compliment to Jenkins, but it is a pity that Jenkins can't understand it even when he hears it. It lifted its short legs, and wanted to take a cheerful step to meet Jenkins who had obtained the good stuff, but suddenly stopped. An unhappy expression appeared on the cat's face, and it looked up at the sky not far away.

   A few seconds later than the chocolate, humans also felt the almost substantial gaze projected from the void. Everyone saw a gleam of bright golden flashes rising up into the night sky with the mighty surging power, and that gaze stayed for a long time before disappearing.

   Miss Audrey frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Miss Bevanna with a little displeasure:

   "Are you hiding something from others?"

   Miss Bevanna has an undisguised smile on her face:

   "This matter can be discussed later, let's find Jenkins first. Oh, Jenkins, don't have anything to do, otherwise your cat will be left unattended."

   Seeing the kitten rushing out, the young writer clutched her forehead and appeared behind the grass with a puzzled face. She changed her words again:

   "Look, he is here."

Chapter 1899 Chapter 1870 The Sage's Reward

   It is impossible to fool the past with divine things. The scene where Jenkins sacrificed the divine was seen by the observation team of the Twelve Church. As these people returned to the temporary camp with Jenkins and reported the scene just now, the Sage Church soon received reprimands and inquiries from the heathens.

   Of course, this has nothing to do with Jenkins. After leaving the fog group, he didn't even rest in the camp. Before he could return the Vientiane Impermanence card, he was dragged into the carriage by his father and ran all the way to the church in the city.

   There were only two people and one cat in the car. After confirming that no one would catch up after leaving the camp, Dad looked at Jenkins carefully:

   "This time, you are really beyond my expectation. You actually succeeded."

   "When you asked me to do this, didn't you think I would succeed? Also, I didn't seem to say that I succeeded."

   While talking, he pulled the sleeve of his right hand and covered the silver "bangle" to prevent it from being seen by the old man. Chocolate squatted aside and looked at Jenkins, not knowing what he was making.

"A few minutes ago, when Bevana took people into the fog to look for you, we received an urgent message from the church by special means. The holy emblem hung in the main hall of the church suddenly glowed, and then everyone in the church , I felt the power of God descending in the church. This is the blessing of the sage. If it weren’t for your success, I wouldn’t think of any other reasons.”

   said the old man, and then asked curiously:

   "How did you do it? What did you see when you entered the basement?"

"It’s just good luck. I’m a seedling of the World Tree. I have a very sensitive perception of those strange powers. And, you know, old man, I’ve been very sensitive to spirits before, so this time I’m lucky. After entering the basement, I found the target immediately, and even destroyed the tricks because of it. It's a pity that those spirits didn't allow me to level up..."

   "What do you think? It has been less than a week since you reached level 7. Do you think it is easy to become a demigod?"

   Dad shook his finger and said, but he hesitated and said:

"Of course, it might be easy for you. After all, it didn't even take you a year from an ordinary person to a 7th-level gifter. If I remember correctly, there are about ten days left before us. The date of the first meeting."

   "Yes. Dad, do you want to give me a present?"

   "Why did I give it to you? Shouldn't you give it to me?"

   Daddy smiled, then sighed:

   "Jenkins, you, may be the fastest human gifter who has been promoted to level 7 since the data records. But special talents and strange destiny are often accompanied by special missions."

   "I understand that all gifts of destiny are paid. Father, you don't have to worry about me, I will be fine."

   He held his right wrist and said this sentence with great confidence:

   "It's about your key..."

   "Don't mention this, you are already carrying enough. Before I die, I will bear the key."

   Dad shook his head, but there was still a smile on his face:

   "Jenkins, you are my best apprentice. I am really happy to meet a student like you at this age."

   "Such words... better not to say. I am not superstitious."

   Jenkins shook his head:

   "But Miss Stewart will probably be unhappy to hear that."

   "She should be able to understand me, just as I can understand that she has not contacted me for so many years for her mission."

   Jenkins believes that this sentence should contain a certain degree of dissatisfaction.

   "Miss Stewart should be busy these days, I haven't seen her since the last time she evolved the goblin."

   "I heard that I was busy lying about believers."

   Dad doesn’t care about telling such secret things:

"For me, trying to deceive those crooks is simply lighting candles in the gas room. People always overestimate their abilities, heh, I bet, in the end we will definitely find that we are actually a believer in lies. In a bigger trap."

   People who live longer, really see things more thoroughly.

   "If you think so, why don't you stop Miss Stillwell and the church from doing this?"

   "The believers of lies are not bad guys."

   Hearing this sentence, Jenkins realized that he rarely heard the evaluation of believers of lies from his father.

"They are just another group of poor people in the net of fate. As believers of the new gods, they must have more missions on their shoulders. If you are just forced to be involved in the stage play at the end of the era, then they are this. The actors who have been booked in the play."

   Dad pushed the window of the car, uncivilized, stretched out his arm and pointed at the purple star in the sky:

"Since that star appeared, the believers of the new gods must have something to do with the disaster at the end of the era. Compared to others, they are the real poor people. Everything now is nothing but disaster and salvation. One link. Why should I stop Stewart? No need, what should happen will happen, and believers of lies are probably doing good deeds, right?"

   Dad’s emotion is basically close to the truth. Before Jenkins wanted to express his opinion, he asked again:

   "Speaking of which, what are you doing with your forehead? Are you hurt?"

   "No, there is no injury."

   While he couldn't say that he sacrificed his divine nature, besides the sage's gaze appeared from above, he was kissed again by the invisible figure. The kiss this time was not a simple kiss, or even a blessing kiss when I became a son.

   Now a steady stream of power is surging from the forehead to the whole body, while driving the already powerful body to make further changes, while allowing the spirit in the body to attach a layer of faint gold.

   Jenkins knew that this must be one of the rewards of the sage for his divinity this time, but he worried that saying that being kissed by the gods would be regarded as heresy, so he did not disclose:

   "I was scratched by chocolate just now. It was so excited when it saw me."

   He said that, the old man had no doubts, but the chocolate was very dissatisfied, until Jenkins promised to go to the church to prepare a supper for it, the irritable cat stabilized.

   (Chocolate is running...)

   After leaving the fog group, he was taken into a carriage. One reason was to prevent Jenkins from being questioned by people from other churches. Another reason was that the sage blessed the church and gave a special gift. This gift is a reward for Jenkins' sacrifice to the divinity, so Jenkins must be able to open it.

   Sacrificing to the gods the divinity of the alien gods is an epic feat worthy of eternal singing by the church. The church will reward the believers for doing this, giving material rewards and non-material honors, but this requires certain procedures, and at least a one-month process will definitely have to wait.

The rewards of the gods will not be delayed for long. The last time it was because the canonization of the saint son required some preparations, but this time the rewards given to the saint son can be directly given by the gods, so the sage directly “delivered” the rewards to Nolan Church.

   It is a very sacred scene that the saint child accepts the reward of the sage. This requires witness, so the church in the evergreen forest has also set off for the urban area. When Jenkins and Dad arrived at the church, the others hadn't arrived yet, so after meeting the secret guard and Mr. Gilbert, they took a short break in Miss Bevanna's office.

  Because Ms. Bevana is still being questioned by other churches in the temporary camp outside the fog, Dad will help prepare for the formal occasion for a while. Only leaving Jenkins in the room, when the old man closed the door, Chocolate suddenly pounced on Jenkins's wrist, and then Jenkins pinched his face with one hand:


   Because of the deformation of the soft face, even the voice became a little strange.

   "I was curious just now, what are you going to do?"

   Jenkins put down his cat, and stretched out the silver "bracelet" that exposed his wrist with his right hand. Chocolate squatted on Miss Bevanna's desk and immediately looked up at the bracelet.

   Jenkins moved his hand to the left, and the little chocolate head also moved to the left; Jenkins moved his hand to the right, and the little chocolate head also moved to the right. He thus confirmed that the cat's goal was the bracelet.