Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 789

   said Miss Windsor.

   "Is that so? Could it be that you want this gentleman here to insult me?"

   smiled at Jenkins after speaking.

   Jenkins didn't speak, but Miss Windsor glanced at Jenkins. After seeing that he was still the kind of expressionless, as if there were no waves in his heart, she asked softly:

   "Since you know that we are the benefactors, don't you worry, we will use the method of summoning the dead to bring Herro Sophie back?"

  Miss Magic immediately looked at Jenkins, probably trying to learn from him who it was, but Jenkins didn't know, this was the first time he knew the name.

Chapter 1910 Chapter 1881 A Story That Hasn't Happened

"how dare you?"

  Mingming was still calm and composed just now, but when she heard these words from Miss Windsor, Queen Windsor's face suddenly changed. It seems that everyone has their own secrets in their hearts, just like Sigrid in the horrible landscape of flowers, also gaffes because of a small incident in the past.

   For a moment, Jenkins thought she would rush forward to strangle Miss Windsor, but she did not do this:

   "What do you know?"

   "I know everything about you, tell me now, how did Queen Isabella die?"

   Miss Windsor asked again. This time Queen Windsor did not immediately refuse. She gasped and looked at Miss Windsor, as if she wanted to see the clues on her face.

   After a long time, I answered softly:

   "I killed it."

   "Sure enough..."

   Jenkins said in his heart, Miss Magic helped Miss Windsor to prevent her from falling. Although I was stimulated by Jenkins just now, Miss Windsor still couldn't distinguish reality from illusion as easily as Jenkins and Miss Magic. At the moment Queen Windsor opened her mouth to tell the truth, she seemed to have really seen "she" killing Queen Isabella.

  In this world of possibility, people's personalities and life experiences are roughly the same as those of real people. Windsor cannot accept the fact that he has the possibility of killing Queen Isabella by himself.

   "How did you kill it?"

   Miss Windsor asked again. Jenkins wanted to stop her from asking, but Miss Windsor ignored it. She bit her lip and stood there firmly, looking extremely afraid of the next answer.

   "There is a potion that can make people half-dream and half-awake, and I regularly give her to take it. That day, I put a layer of wax on the floor of the stairs, and then pushed..."

   Her voice became smaller, not because she was ashamed and unable to continue speaking, but because she wondered how familiar with the woman who was talking to her.

   Miss Windsor had already covered her chest at this time, her face was painful like angina.

   Jenkins hurriedly walked over and grabbed her arm. Although an ability in the treacherous world can only be used once, after becoming a seedling of the World Tree, mobilizing the spirit of life has become an instinct. It was not treatment at this time, but simply transporting her own spirit into her body, reconciling the agitation of the spirit that appeared due to emotional fluctuations.

   This is a very dangerous sign. The giver has witnessed too many truths and terrible things in the world, so he is more likely to go crazy. The precursor to madness is that it is difficult to control one's own spirit.

   "It doesn't matter, she did it, not you. You are not her, and she is not you."

   He whispered, comforting Miss Windsor.

   "You take her out, I will ask myself."

   raised her head and said to Miss Magic, but she was immediately rejected by Miss Windsor:

   "No, I must know why this is."

   said, he raised his head and looked at Queen Windsor:

"why is that?"

   "Are you doing some funny show?"

  Queen Windsor asked ironically. At this moment, compared to when everyone just broke in, she looked much more relaxed and confident:

   "Who are you? Don't tell me, you are the little girl that Queen Isabella saved occasionally when she visited before, so you care about her so much."

   "Why are you killing her?"

   Miss Windsor asked again, her right hand covering her chest, her left hand took the pen on the table as a weapon, but her eyes seemed to be shining:

  【The force of oppression】.

   But she is only a zero-level gift, and her mental power is not much stronger than that of Queen Windsor, who has experienced more things, so she did not scare her:

   "I want to kill her because she deserves to die."

   "What do you mean?"

   This is what Jenkins asked.

   "She is too old to occupy this position. This era belongs to young people, not to stinky old women."

   "Is that your reason?"

"Yes it is."


   The conversation between the two was very fast. After Jenkins pointed out that this was a lie, Queen Windsor only smiled at him, without any intention to explain. Her complexion was flushed at this time, which was a sign of extreme emotion.

   This incident is not easy for her to forget.

   "Queen Isabella is so kind to you, she almost treats you as her own granddaughter, why do you want to do this?"

   "My granddaughter?"

  Queen Windsor mocked and repeated the words used by Miss Windsor:

"Everyone in her eyes is just a tool for her to manipulate this country. Treating me as a granddaughter, she just wants me to continue her rule, she wants me to become her. You know what she did to me Have you ever been?"

   "She wants you to marry someone you don't like?"

   Jenkins interrupted.

   "Oh, sir, do you read too many palace novels?"

  Queen Windsor immediately sarcastically, and then said to Miss Windsor:

"Madam, you are not me, you can't fully understand me. Maybe in your heart, Queen Isabella is a flawed but almost perfect elder, but what you see is just the appearance that everyone can see. . Are you really sure you know who she is?"

   Miss Windsor wanted to say "OK", but she was not sure what outrageous things would happen in a world without Miss Magic. After all, the "Jenkins" that I saw just now is outrageous enough, maybe the queen Isabella here is completely the opposite of the elder she knew.

   "What did she do?"

   "She knew that she would die sooner or later, but she wanted her rule to be continued in the next successor, so she chose me and trained me to be a qualified successor."

  This is the same as the reality.

   "But she worries that from now on, there will be no traces of the Royal Middleton family in the Kingdom of Fedictelli. She is worried that the Windsor family will become orthodox."

   This point is different from reality. In reality, Queen Isabella has long discovered the Williams family. With Jenkins Williams, the Middleton family could not have fallen. The old man was very accurate, so even if he still wanted Miss Windsor to succeed, he didn’t worry that the Windsor family would have thoughts that they shouldn’t have. .

   "What did she do?"

   Miss Windsor asked with a pale face, she almost couldn't support her body again, but this time she didn't use Miss Magic to support her, instead she supported the desk with her arms:

   "What did your majesty do?"

   "My father, mother, and most of my family died. Last fall, they died in an accidental train derailment accident."

  Queen Windsor closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Miss Windsor knew that she was preventing others from seeing her emotions in their eyes.

  Queen Windsor laughed at herself, then looked at Jenkins:

   "The gentleman over there who likes to read palace novels, please tell this lady, what might be the reason for this?"

Chapter 1911 Chapter 1882 The Dilapidated Lighthouse

   There is only one male Jenkins in the elegant study, and Queen Windsor must be talking about him. He tilted his head and looked at the very beautiful brass figurine on the desk. It was in the shape of a throne and was placed here as a pen holder. It was on the desk, and the light of the gas lamp holding the little angel looked like it was shining. This small ornament might be very expensive.

   "The train derailed, was it arranged by Queen Isabella?"

   Although he didn't want to participate in this conversation, Jenkins still gave his own guess. Miss Magic shook her head and stabilized Miss Windsor, which was actually her guess.

   "Look, I think so too. Even if someone is obstructing, I still found out the truth after that. Can you imagine my mood at the time, ma'am?"

  Queen Windsor asked the pale-faced Miss Windsor:

   "My respected elder killed my family, and I personally killed that respected elder. Now I have nothing to do with me. I am the king of this country, and I should be the king."

   She said to Miss Windsor, both ladies look a little crazy now. The former is because of this unbearable story, and the latter is because of the truth she learned:

   If there is no revealing of the Williams family, the queen she respected would kill her whole family to make her a qualified king.

   "It's okay, it's okay."

  Miss Windsor was trembling all over, the strong mental pressure in the deception and the basic rules of the deception were affecting her spirit. Coupled with the fact that she suddenly discovered something she had never thought about, even if she knew it would not happen, it still made her unacceptable.

  Miss Magic was comforting Miss Windsor, who bit her lip and closed her eyes. Jenkins looked at Queen Windsor, worried that she would suddenly make an unimaginable move.

   "I know that as a person who has nothing to do with this matter, it may be useless to say these things. But I want to say that you are really a strong girl."

   This was to Queen Windsor, and she looked at Jenkins with red eyes. Jenkins hesitated and removed the disguise on his face, revealing the appearance of Jenkins Williams. He thought this face was probably more friendly.

   It is clear that Queen Windsor has no impression of the wanted criminal William, so she did not express doubts about this face. She stared into Jenkins' eyes:

   "Sir, what do you mean?"

   "I have always admired brave people, especially independent ladies like you. You have the right to see my face, which shows my appreciation and trust in you."

   Saying this didn't calm the Queen Windsor, she was still emotional. On Miss Windsor's side, Miss Magic's encouragement also did not have any effect. Miss Windsor covered her chest and closed her eyes. Although her body no longer trembled, Jenkins saw the abnormality of the Dark Soul in her soul.

"No way."

   thought in his heart.

   "Now, can you understand my actions?"

   Queen Windsor asked Miss Windsor with red eyes. Miss Windsor was silent and asked for a long time:

   "How did you feel when you pushed her down?"

   Jenkins thought that this sentence was for revenge, because after Miss Windsor asked, Queen Windsor, wearing a luxurious dress, couldn't control her emotions again. In order to prevent others from seeing her ugliness and to maintain her own image, she pulled Jenkins over and buried her head on his chest very rudely.

   This is a very rude behavior and does not fit the image of a reserved lady. Jenkins wanted to push her away immediately, but when he felt the trembling and a slight sob of the other party, he was forced to stop.

   Windsor in this world, like the Miss Windsor he knows, is essentially a kind person, who looks strong on the outside, but it's just because he didn't feel the pain of being touched. Jenkins admired such a strong and brave girl, so he couldn't push her away at this time.

   Of course, he can be sure now that Miss Windsor's question is to avenge Queen Windsor.

"You said I don't know you, no, I know you very well. Jessica Windsor, ask you from the bottom of my heart, are you really doing all this to avenge your Majesty? Isn't it, of course, the moment she pushed her Are you cheering about your upcoming succession?"

   Miss Windsor, who was holding her chest, asked again.

"you know me?"

  Queen Windsor raised her head, and she was seen by three people for the first time in tears. She asked Miss Windsor:

   "Then do you know how many lovers your respected Queen Isabella has?"

   Miss Windsor has never considered this issue.

   "You know, until she died, she was still involved in the two lovers?"

   Jenkins pretended not to hear anything. Miss Magic's face was flushed. She looked like she wanted to laugh, but she tried her best to hold it back. Jenkins thought such perseverance was not easy.

   "Do you really know her? Or, she is just a beacon in your heart, she is very shining from a distance and can guide the direction; but when you look closer, she has long been dilapidated?"

  'S words directly penetrated Miss Windsor's inner line of defense, and her face suddenly turned purple, as if she couldn't breathe:

   "Then what about you, you murderer?"

   This is probably called self-harm. In short, the two ladies wandered on the edge of hysteria. Queen Windsor continued to bury his face on Jenkins' chest. Jenkins felt his chest clothes wet. He wanted to make a helpless expression, and then saw Miss Windsor hurriedly approaching and buried his face in him. On the other side of the chest.

   Jenkins is now very convinced that if it weren't for worrying that this is a strange land, the Miss Magic who saw this scene over there would probably laugh away.

   At the same time, he was also very thankful that the chocolate did not come this time. If the cat with strong territorial consciousness saw this scene, it would definitely splash around on the spot.

   It took a long time for the two ladies to slow down and leaned on Jenkins, inexplicably giving them a sense of peace and peace, and the smell of Jenkins was very good.

   Queen Windsor pushed Jenkins away, stumbled to the chair behind the desk and sat down. Miss Windsor did not look at Jenkins's face, and went back to the chair beside Miss Magic and sat down.

   "I think we can go now."

   Jenkins said, the door of the study was closed tightly, but the door frame was emitting light. This was the way to leave this illusory world of possibility. They collected enough differences and it was time to go back.

   "Are you leaving?"