Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 792

   "No, I won't use extreme methods, don't worry."

   Miss Magic smiled at her.

Chapter 1915 Chapter 1886 The Same Windsor

   Compared with Jenkins's invisible rewriting, Miss Magic's methods are much more straightforward. She turned her back to Jenkins and Miss Windsor, put her hand on Jessica Windsor's head, and whispered a spell. Then, the king's illegitimate daughter struggled with a look of horror on her face.

   This process lasted for ten minutes. When Miss Magic released her hand, Jessica Windsor was sweating and she seemed to have just crawled out of the pool.

   She awakened from the illusion that Miss Magic had carefully woven, her face pale and trembling and she looked around carefully. Even if she just came out of a mental illness sanatorium, some people might believe it.

   "What did you show her?"

   "Some things that normal people shouldn't see. Not only do you have a magical experience, I have also been in every corner of the material world to witness the magic and secrets of this world before I settled in Nolan."

   said Miss Magic, and then asked Jessica Windsor:

   "What is your relationship with Jenkins Williams?"

   "Cooperate, I provide him with a living sacrifice, he provides protection, and accepts my commission."

   Jessica Windsor's voice was shaking, this time it was not a lie.

   "Living sacrifice? What kind of living sacrifice?"

   "A healthy man in his 20s to 40s who is engaged in the machinery manufacturing industry."

   Jenkins suddenly raised his head:


   This is the same function as the mysterious lock he assisted in breaking not long ago:

   "What does he want these people to do?"

   "It is said to be related to a large ceremony."

   "What ceremony?"

   Miss Magic asked. She was commissioned by Jenkins to investigate the "Destroyer" ritual, and she naturally knew what Jenkins cared about at the moment.

   "I don't know the details, I just know that this involves a sly."

   "Cracked Realm?"

   This is a completely unexpected answer. So far, there is no evidence to prove that the ritual of the treacherous person is related to the deceitful realm.

   "The ritual of the trespasser is related to the deception? Or is the purpose of the difference machine in the real world for those brains and brain specimens, not the trespasser?"

   Jenkins thought in his heart, and hurriedly asked:

   "Do you know more details?"

   "No, we are just collaborators. The cooperation agreement does not stipulate that the information of both parties must be completely confessed."

   Knowing that he couldn't ask anything, Jenkins stopped talking, tossing and thinking about whether the information obtained from this possibility had any impact on reality.

   Seeing that Jenkins stopped asking, Miss Magic continued on the topic that was not over:

   "So, the reason you killed the woman in the photo was not because she found out that you were Isabella's illegitimate daughter, but because she found out about you and Williams?"

   "Yes. Miss Magic has been hired by her Majesty since last year, and then she came into contact with me. She is too smart, she just pretends not to know, but she wants to investigate."

   Jessica Windsor cowered and said, Miss Magic's mouth twitched, then suddenly raised her hand, and a loud slap hit the opponent's face.

   This shocked the other two people.

   Jenkins was still thinking deeply, but was also awakened by the crisp sound. It was the first time that he saw Miss Magic use such an innocent way. Thinking about it, he seemed to have never seen a female friend around him slap an enemy with a slap in the face.

   "I won't kill you, you are just false."

   Miss Magic snorted, and then motioned to Jenkins to come forward and continue to ask. Jenkins stared at her hand for a while before sighing in his heart that women are really not easy to mess with.

  Miss Magic had already made the other party's mental breakdown a little bit, and when Jenkins interrogated, there was no more difficulty. Since there is still no sign of return so far, Jenkins asked in detail what Jenkins Williams and Miss Magic are known to Jessica Windsor.

  Miss Magic's character and way of doing things are not much different from the real Miss Magic. And Jenkins Williams has almost nothing in common with the real Williams.

   Jenkins emphatically inquired whether Jenkins here has a cat, and after getting a negative answer, he confirmed that the so-called William of the world of possibility is definitely the one who is not occupied by outsiders.

   The most astounding thing is this Jessica Windsor’s method of acting. The style is very similar to that of Queen Isabella. They are the kind of people who do not care much about the cost for the purpose.

   When Jenkins ridiculed her, she was silent and shrank in fear. But when Jenkins revealed her disrespect for Queen Isabella in her words, she seemed to have overcome the fear of the three in an instant, and the retort sentence blurted out:

   "Your Majesty will never be wrong."

"Then how did she make her daughter the way she is now? I believe you still have a basic view of right and wrong. You should understand that a normal mother will never have the heart to let her daughter become what you are now. ."

   Miss Magic couldn't help but sarcastically said.

   "No, it's not her fault."

   I can see that Jessica Windsor is very scared, but still has the courage to refute Miss Magic:

   "I became who I am now. It was all my own fault. It was my growth environment that caused me to become what I am now, not her."

   "Are you saying that the Grand Duke of Windsor's family made you what you are now?"

   Miss Windsor finally couldn't help but speak, which involved slandering her family.

   "Yes, this is caused by the growth environment. I believe that even if someone with a completely different background grows up there, even if the Duke of Windsor has his own daughter, he will become like me."

   "No, absolutely not."

  Miss Windsor immediately shook her head. She herself is a good example.

   "Even if I don't show myself like this, but as long as I grow up there, the violence hidden in the character and the unscrupulous thoughts to achieve goals will be hidden in my heart from the beginning. This is destined."

   Jessica Windsor looked at Miss Windsor. Among the three of them, she was least afraid of Miss Windsor.

   "I know the Windsor family... children, they are not like this."

"is it?"

   Jessica Windsor gave her a sickly smile:

   "Then you carefully imagine, do you want to get something that does not belong to you, regardless of morals and other people's interests?"

  Miss Windsor wanted to object immediately, but when she saw Jenkins in front of her, the objection was naturally unspeakable.

   At the same time, she asked herself from the bottom of her heart, is there really a difference between herself and the crazy woman in front of her. Of course there is a difference between the two, but what Miss Windsor feared was that she discovered that she actually saw some of her own shadow on the woman in front of her.

   is not only the name and gender, but in her eyes, what she sees in those eyes is another woman who is similar to herself in her bones.


   She raised her hand again to cover her heart. Jenkins had discovered something was wrong at this time and stopped directly between Miss Windsor and Jessica Windsor.

   "Don't look at her eyes, she used her abilities."

   Jenkins said.

   "Is that so...yes, that's it."

   Miss Magic did not see the clues of the other party's use of abilities. She wanted to ask, but seeing Jenkins blinking at her, she immediately nodded and agreed with him:

   "Yes, she is lying, she is using the power of the soul to influence you."

   Jenkins did not give Jessica Windsor a chance to object, and directly blocked the other's mouth with vines like a mask, and then said to Miss Magic:

   "You guys go to the next room to rest temporarily, and I will do the rest."

Jenkins has never entered the treacherous world with the 0-level gifter. His own experience of entering the treacherous world at level 0 is not of reference value. Therefore, I don’t know if Miss Windsor is so easily affected. Is it normal or is it? The influence of the Dark Soul, or her own resistance to spiritual influence is somewhat low.

   But in short, after only him and Jessica Windsor, things became much easier. The two continued to ask and answer, and Jenkins learned more about the world.

   If in the last possibility, the three people found the key point by relying on it, learned important information from Queen Windsor, and satisfied the eligibility to leave. Then this world, purely knowing too much about the small details and different points, has accumulated the qualifications to leave.

   The door frame was shining white, and Jenkins ignored the already crazy woman, and walked across the door to the corridor with her companion. The world behind him collapsed.

   The corridors dotted with the door were dry and deserted, and the three-handed bald old man shrank on the high stool and looked at the three people. Miss Magic's face was as usual, Jenkins was expressionless, Miss Windsor's face was still ugly, and she leaned on Jenkins, unwilling to say a word.

   "It's okay, only the last time is left."

   He comforted his companion again, Miss Windsor nodded, for some reason, her chapped lips moved, but in the end she said nothing. Jenkins realized that the group hadn't eaten or drink for a long time, which was about five or six hours.

   He and Miss Magic are not afraid of hunger and thirst, but Miss Windsor can't.

   "Drink some water first."

   is useless [read writing], after all, the ability can only be used once. He took out the holy spring water bottle, carefully held Miss Windsor's chin, and fed the holy spring water to her. Although there is only one mouthful of water in the bottle, the holy spring that nourishes the body and mind seems to recall all the strength of the body in an instant.

  Miss Windsor's complexion has become a lot more attractive, and the old man above her head also began to summarize:

   "You killed yourself again without hesitation, are there really no worries in your heart?"


   That's not him at all, how could he hesitate. He quite understands the difference between Jenkins and Jenkin, and in the alien incident, he fully understands it.

  PS: In the last chapter, I forgot to use the [Toolsmith] ability for the second time. It has been changed and is visible when refreshed.

Chapter 1916 Chapter 1887 The Apprentice Hathaway

   "What a terrible person."

   The bald old man commented on Jenkins, and the pure black hand behind him stretched out again. Jenkins wanted to avoid instinctively, but knew that this was a process that had to be passed, so he didn't move.

After   , he added a blank bubble again, which also means that besides the [Uncrowned King], now even [The Blessing of Books] he has a chance to think about it.

   If it weren't for Miss Windsor by his side, he really wanted to come here with more people, no one would say no to the blank ability bubble.

   Because there was no Miss Windsor in the last world, Miss Windsor did not gain anything. Miss Magic gained a fire-related ability because she burned her own body.

   Although Jenkins also burned the body of "self", people and people cannot be generalized, so the gains of the two are not the same.

   The third door was opened by the black hand. As expected, outside the door is still the street of St. George Street where the old antique shop is located. The weather was gloomy, with thick fog scattered on the streets, no different from the real world. There are no pedestrians on the street, only a broken newspaper rolling on the side of the street with the wind and fog.

   "Let me emphasize."

   Before leaving, Jenkins said to his companions:

   "There will be no'I' in the next world, no matter what kind of life you two have in this world, remember, this has nothing to do with the real you."

   This sentence was mainly addressed to Miss Windsor. She also realized this, and she gave a soft "um" and raised her head to look at Jenkins:

   "Can you answer me a question? In your eyes, what kind of person am I? Needless to say compliments, I want to know my shortcomings."

   The words of the different-looking Jessica Windsor made Miss Windsor start to wonder if she really is who she thinks. This is a very philosophical problem. She couldn't solve it by herself, so she asked Jenkins for help.


   Jenkins thought for a while:

   "Although you are independent, sometimes you are not strong enough. You have experienced some hardships, but you haven't experienced much setbacks, so your spirit is not strong enough."

  He is telling the truth.

   "Then do you think I am a good person or a bad person, am I the kind of person who does nothing to achieve my goal?"

   "Absolutely not. If you were, you would have supported me in killing Queen Isabella."

   He looked at Miss Magic and motioned for her to say something. But the lady just looked at the two people and was very interested in the conversation, but she didn't intend to participate.

"Well, when we go out, I will teach you the basics of the gifter and help you take a good look at the world. The gifter has a unique way of knowing yourself. When you go further, you will understand Today’s worries are so unnecessary."

   Jenkins smiled at her, trying to relax Miss Windsor:

   "Besides, your current worries do not mean that you are a good person? A downright bad person doesn't care what kind of person you are."

   He laughed very tenderly, probably because he rarely laughed, and always kept a serious look on weekdays. This expression actually made Miss Windsor stunned.

   She blushed suddenly, turned her head to end the stare with Jenkins:

   "I see, let's go."

   So the three of them stepped across the door frame again and entered the final test of this treacherous realm.

   The smell in the air is exactly the same as reality. This world without Jenkins is very similar to the world where strangers have arrived.

   There are no other goals. The three of them went directly to the old antique shop as before. The shop is still exactly the same as the first two possibilities. The old man also welcomed the three guests who appeared in this boring evening with exactly the same sentence. Even when the three came in, he held the newspaper in exactly the same manner.