Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 904

   The castle is very gloomy, but compared to the corridors of the "Night Manor" that Jenkins has experienced, it is really not worth mentioning. He led Miss Xirufu and left the door along the corridor on the left side of the hall. The corridor was a bit slanted and curved. When they encountered the first corner, the two pushed open the door of the broom cabinet. After discarding the cleaning tools inside, they came to another new corridor from the trap door behind the cabinet. .

   cautiously avoided the activated iron armor patrolling in the new corridor with a spear, and then found a room with a red door. After pushing the door open, the elf and Jenkins cleaned up the poisonous spiders together, then removed the heavy solid wood wardrobe, followed the hole under the wardrobe, and climbed the rope to the basement.

  To go to the kitchen on the first floor, going around the basement is the safest way.

Chapter 2136 Chapter 2105 The Skeleton Drinking

   Below the closet is the east room of the cellar in the basement. In it, the two met a skeleton holding a wine glass and constantly pouring wine into his mouth. It sits on an oak wine barrel, the lid of the wine barrel is a wooden grille, so the wine poured into the skull will re-enter the barrel along the bones, and then be scooped up by the skeleton with the somewhat weird white-bone wine glass.

   Except for the splashing of drinks, this almost constitutes a never-ending cycle. It doesn't look terrifying, but rather funny.

   Skeleton found the two people who had landed from the hole, but it just turned its head and glanced, then continued its "drinking" action. This thing is indeed marked on the map in Jenkins's hands. This is a friendly target even though he is in the castle. Although it is an object that can be interacted with, as long as it is ignored, it will not talk to anyone passing by.

   It was Miss Xirufu who provided additional information. Although she did not pass here in her adventures during her lifetime, she knew that such neutral monsters in the castle had information about the castle. In addition, if you are willing to pay the price, you can also exchange some items from these monsters. These items do not belong to the castle but belong to the monsters, so they can be taken away from the paradox.

   "It was just told by my companion back then, but it has not been verified."

   Miss Elf said nervously.

   Jenkins thought for a while, instead of continuing to walk, he temporarily stopped and approached the skeleton.

   "Do you have any wine?"

   The skeleton suddenly turned his head and asked the two in ancient elven language. Miss Siluf shook her head hesitantly, and Jenkins replied:

   "I don't have wine, but I have a cup."

   said, took B-03-1-8383 [the hidden fear glass] out of the backpack. This is a Category B extraordinary item obtained by Jenkins in the "Spiritual Incident Mutual Aid Association" a long time ago. This wine glass not only has the effect of exuding fear, but more importantly, it can brew fear into a spiritual drink.

   In order to make the most of it, the wine glass was lent to Dolores by Jenkins, and under the authority of the princess, he collected fear in prisons and other locations. In order to be fully prepared this time, Jenkins also brought this wine glass.

  Any item that can increase the user's spirit is extremely precious, but now is the last moment. Jenkins understands what can be discarded and what he needs.

   "Nice cup."

   Skeleton stopped to scoop down the wine barrel under him, and said in a very monotonous voice.

   "I want to exchange this cup for something from you, okay?"


   Skeleton nodded, his phalanx pointed at the wine barrel under him:

   "Your glass is very good, I can exchange my glass, and allow you to drink a glass of my wine. My wine is very good, can let you..."

   It pointed to the elf, and the elf was a little disturbed and hid behind Jenkins sideways.

   "It can make you enter the next stage immediately. It can make you..."

   It paused:

   "Quiet your thirst."

   "No, we don't need your glass or your wine. I want to exchange some information."

   The flame of the soul in the eye socket of the skull flickered a few times:

   "You can ask, but I don't necessarily answer. When I think I have enough, you must give me the cup."

"what do you think?"

   Jenkins asked his companion, Miss Silufu thought for a while:

   "Maybe you can try it, but do you really have to pay for your cup in such a place? I also have some good things..."

   "No need."

   Jenkins politely refused, not embarrassed to say that the things on the other's body are actually worthless.

   "Well, the first question, who is the lord here?"

   This is his most worried thing. The old butler outside the castle has been suggesting this role. Jenkins is very worried that the returning lord will be something more terrifying than the power of the beast of disaster.

   "You don't need to know this, the lord will not appear. This is the separated area, the lord does not have time to look at this corner."

   It feels much more relieved when he says that Jenkins.

   "Do you have anything to ask?"

   He asked Miss Elf again, who thought for a while:

   "Do you know the butler outside the door?"

"Know, the impure-minded guy was supposed to be responsible for dealing with the castle, but instead made the castle the way it is for himself. Before returning to the world of the lord, if it can't find a way to go to your world, then It's dead."

   When Skull said these words, his tone finally ceased to be so emotional.

   "Then it's my turn again, we want to leave here, can you tell us where the door is?"

   "Of course not, although I do know, but we all have to abide by the rules."

  Because I had guessed that it would be such a result a long time ago, Jenkins was not disappointed, but motioned to the elf to continue asking. Miss Siluf frowned and asked:

   "So, how much do you know about the paintings in the hidden rooms on the second floor?"

   Obtaining that picture is a task that must be completed after obtaining the map. For the four monsters that need to be defeated, Silvus can also provide Jenkins with some suggestions, but these additional tasks are completely different from what she experienced.

   "I haven't been there, I don't know."

   "So what about the scarlet gem on the tower on the right side of the castle?"

   the elf asked again.

"I know this. The gem at the top of the tower on the right is related to blood, reproduction, and curse. You'd better not touch it, otherwise you will definitely become a madman eager to have pei. He doesn't care, but don't hold it too long. can only ask one question. Whether I can answer or not, you must give me the glass. I haven't tasted the fear for a long time."

   Just the news about the gems is worthy of Jenkins's wine glass. He nodded and passed the wine glass directly:

   "Forget the last question, this one belongs to you."

   Skeleton did not hesitate, and almost grabbed the cup from Jenkins. Put the wine glass on his face and rubbed it for a while:

"I know what you mean, but since I took your things, I won't take advantage of it. The castle was invaded by something smelling organic oil, and the **** old housekeeper reached an agreement with it, and even got a round of moonlights. Bright and noble shadows. The butler will certainly not let you leave easily. The only weapon in the castle that can cause damage to the butler within the rules is on the highest floor of the castle. It is not the tower, but the highest floor in the center of the castle."

Chapter 2137 Chapter 2106 The Poison of Jealousy

After    the drinking skeleton gave a hint, he tossed his original bone wine glass into the barrel, then scooped a large full glass with a brand new wine glass, and poured it from between the skull’s teeth:

"really not bad."

   It said, leaning back on the skull.

   After this, Skeleton was unwilling to answer any more questions. Even if Jenkins took out the sin coin, it didn't care at all. So Jenkins and Miss Elf could only set off again. He felt that what happened just now was as if the "hidden mission" had started.

  Miss Xirufu didn't feel much. After continuing to set off, she followed Jenkins nervously. In order to adjust the atmosphere, when the two climbed the wine cabinet and returned to the first floor from the corner of the wine cellar, Jenkins took the initiative to open the topic:

   "Speaking of which, have you seen the real world tree?"

   he asked, climbing up first, and then pulling the elf up too. After returning to the first floor, there is a brand new room, like a study room, but the bookshelves are empty. Standing on the wall at the entrance were some strange specimens, not humanoid creatures, but some resembling small dogs.

   "I saw it once when attending the coming-of-age ceremony. She was very kind and kissed me on the cheek."

   "The world tree appeared in a human form?"

   Jenkins asked in surprise, while the elf whispered while looking around:

   "No, it's a branch brushing across my cheek, but this represents a kiss."

   In the darkness, some unusual blushes appeared on her face, which made Jenkins very worried about the hobby of this ancient fairy lady.

The road after    was unpredictable, and the most dangerous was when I encountered a sudden collapse in the corridor. This is not an event marked on the map, it should be just a simple castle in disrepair.

  The cave is actually nothing to Jenkins and Siluf, but there is a three-headed dog in the basement under the cave. Only the head in the middle is alive, and the heads on both sides are turned into white bones, and the figure is more than ten times that of Miss Jenkins Gassy Lufu. And compared to Jenkins' well-behaved pet cat, this dog is quite unfriendly to people.

   This kind of thing between undead creatures and life is extremely difficult, and there is also a terrible guy in the nearby corridor marked as "better not to be disturbed". In the end, Miss Xirufu shot an emerald green energy arrow with her bow, temporarily suppressing the big dog with the simplest life force, and the two people had the opportunity to temporarily escape in other corridors.

   Of course, this was just a small episode on the road, and it didn't hurt them.

   finally came to the corridor where the kitchen is, probably because there are strong monsters in the kitchen, so there is no danger in the nearby area.

   Jenkins and the elf came to the door. Because of the black aura, Jenkins could not observe the situation inside the door. On the contrary, Miss Xirufu's investigative ability is very strong, she claims to smell a very strong smell of blood, as if the door is a slaughterhouse.

   "I walk in the front, if there is any accident, you don't need to care about me, just exit the room, understand?"

   Jenkins said to his companion, and then regardless of their opposition, he pushed open the kitchen door first.

   What catches the eye is the kitchen with blood stains covering the ceiling and walls. Because it is responsible for the food for the entire castle, the kitchen is unexpectedly huge. White tiles clung to the outside of stoves and stone brick cupboards, and a group of pigs in white chef costumes stood busy in front of a **** stove and sink.

There are some brown unidentified substances on the ground, the rusty steam pipes spreading on the walls are still leaking, and the pot on the stove seems to be smelting urine with ancient methods, plus other things caused by cooking. With soot and the smell of food, Jenkins almost coughed immediately after pushing the door open.

   Apart from standing up and wearing clothes, the chefs are really pigs. The strongest and tallest one also carries the identity plaque of "Chef."

   Of course, Jenkins didn't know the words on the sign. It was translated by Miss Sirufu. It is said that it was the words used by the orcs of the material world in the time when she was born.

   "Don't fight here, this is a place to cook."

   The big wild boar with fur threw the kitchen knife in his hand on the cutting board, looked sideways at the two people who had raised their arms at the door, and then motioned them to the refrigerator in the kitchen to speak.

   Jenkins and Miss Siluf will certainly not approach the enemy’s territory boldly, so the pig snorted, which is a sound that the pig itself can make:

   "Elves are always like this ****"

  Because the language it uses is very biased, although Jenkins barely understands it, he can't translate those rare curse words. But from Miss Silufu's expression, it could be seen that it should be a rather shameful sentence.

   He reached out his hand to stop Miss Elf who seemed to want to give that pig an arrow, and then said:

   "We are here to kill you."

   "Of course I know, is it possible that you still give me ingredients?"

   Chef Pig snorted again, and narrowed his eyes to look at the two carefully:

   "Of course you can kill me, but we have to follow the rules."

   It beckoned to the back, and not long after, a pig chef pushed a metal dining car. The dining car was also rusty, and there were blood stains near the wheels. It is filled with porcelain bowls of different sizes, and the bowls are full of fragrant broth, which is completely different from the nauseating air in the kitchen:

   "There are 20 portions of broth here. If you drink three of them, I will let you kill them. If you don't want to drink, get out and don't delay our work."

   Jenkins was taken aback, then turned to look at the elf. Miss Silufu said that all the monsters she encountered could only be killed through battle.

   "I don't know what's going on... the rules have changed?"

   The elf was equally surprised, and then naturally stretched out a hand:

   "Then I drink first, I choose..."

"and many more."

   Jenkins stopped her, and then asked the pig chef who looked at them:

   "What material are these broths made of?"

   "I came from hunting nearby."

   Chef Pig said nonchalantly, seeing Jenkins still staring at it, he added:

   "Don't worry, I can guarantee that it is neither human nor elven meat. These two kinds of meat are too sour and not tasty."

   This sentence is true no matter which component.

Jenkins' eyes blinked. As expected, he saw black auras in all the bowls. After putting on the monocle, he observed more carefully, and even saw that there was a malicious soul staring at the meat and soup. To the top.

   "I'll come first."

   Miss Elf said again, but Jenkins made up his mind and said:

   "I'll come first."

   "World Tree, this is really..."

   The elf saw Jenkins' determination. She wanted to stretch out her hand, but she didn't dare to defy his orders. At the same time, the emotion in her heart could not be expressed, and her heart was mixed for a while.

   "Don't worry, my luck is not so bad."

   He pretended to say lightly, and was taken aback when he finished:

   "This sentence...Mr. Barnard also said it."

   Those few dialogues above are exactly the same as the dialogue with Mr. Barnard when Jenkins first entered the world a year ago. The gentleman's appearance faintly appeared in front of him. He pretended to be calm and stopped Jenkins, who was still a level 0 bestower at the time. Instead, he drank the potion first, as if he had just appeared yesterday.

   "After the matter is resolved, I am going to visit Mr. Barnard's grave. In a blink of an eye, it is also a year..."