Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 906

   "You mean...oh, I understand."

   was still a polite knock on the door, and after no response, the two tried to push the door. Even though the first two goals are inexplicable, they are still ready to fight head-on.

   Therefore, when the green evil spirit rushed out from behind the door, Jenkins immediately slashed his sword.

   "Yes! This is the kind of monster I encountered at that time! I just said, how can there be no one to fight!"

   Miss Elf shouted behind him.

   But Jenkins had no time to respond to her words, the sword touched the evil spirit but actually passed through its body. Then the evil spirit's arm wrapped around Jenkins's neck like a cloth, and directly hung him.

"what's the situation?"

   temporarily lost the sword and resisted with both hands instead, this time it succeeded. But it was useless for Jenkins to shake off the spirit body from the neck, Miss Xirufu pulled the bow and shot the evil spirit's arm off.

   When Jenkins fell back to the ground, the evil spirit wailed and retreated into the room without any light.

   "Be careful~"

   Jenkins whispered to his companion, but he didn't get a response. When she turned her head, she actually saw Miss Elf pinching her neck with a grim face, that expression can be easily understood as "anger".

   "Oh, what are you going to do?"

   Jenkins suspected that she was possessed by the evil spirit, and quickly grabbed her hand to break it away, but was thrown away by the elf backhand:

   "Don't worry about it."

   She yelled at Jenkins, and then yelled at herself:

   "You trash, if it weren't for you, how could I be trapped here, parents, friends, and her..."


   Jenkins was taken aback, and then realized that this is not the time to think about it. He blinked his eyes and found that Miss Sirufu's spirit was okay. At this time, his performance was not that he was possessed by an evil spirit, it was more like he was angry with himself.

   "After jealousy and arrogance, this time is anger? Wait, if it's the same as I thought, I seem to know what's going on this time."

   thought about it, walked around behind Miss Elf, and knocked her out very carefully.

   "There will be no problem now."

   He dragged Miss Elf into the house, then put his backpack and the two remaining metal cocoons aside. Only then did I look at this "divination room". The area of ​​the room is not large, but because there are curtains and black gauze hanging everywhere, it is impossible to see every corner of the room at a glance.

   The special aura of the treacherous realm and the power of the diffused shadow prevent Jenkins from finding enemies. So he simply closed his eyes and stood there quietly with his hands down.

   "It's now~"

   slammed forward, and the green light with vitality suddenly lit up the whole room. Behind the curtain, the evil spirit attempting to attack Jenkins was punched through the spirit body, but because of the particularity of the spirit body, it quickly disappeared into the darkness.

   "It's really furious."

   Jenkins retracted his fist and immediately felt that his emotions were abnormal. An unnamed anger spread from the bottom of my heart, but compared to Miss Elf who couldn't control her emotions, this anger had a smaller impact on him:

   "But sometimes anger is good."

   thought in his heart, it was natural to completely fill his heart with anger. The anger merged with the flame, and the flame came out, making Jenkins incarnate again close to the appearance of the "flame spirit".

   "You dare to waste my time."

   The flame splashed everywhere, and because of the blue soul fire that could burn the soul in the second treacherous realm, it also had a very strong lethality to the soul.

   The flame-shaped human figure drew forward suddenly, and the evil spirit hiding in the darkness was caught by him. He squeezed the head of the evil spirit and forced the opponent to look at him:

   "Do you also have a tragic past?"

   he asked, the voice echoed slightly in the room. But he didn't get any response, and the evil spirit completely lost his reason. Judging from the traces of the spirit body, he must have suffered a great deal during his lifetime, but these stories may never be known by other people.

   "Then you go on, and I wish you rest in peace."

   The golden light jumped between the fingers, and as the flame disappeared, the power of divine magic enveloped the evil spirits. In the golden light, it disappeared little by little. Even if the alchemy items given by the Church of the Dead are gone, Jenkins can purify the soul on his own. After all, the first treacherous realm was the territory of the devil, and it was too difficult to take the soul from there.

   Miss Elf continued to fall asleep, and when she woke up from a very disturbing dream, Jenkins had already carried her to the mezzanine between the first and second floors.

   "So now is reality."

   She complained while jumping off Jenkins' back.

   "What did you dream of?"

   "It's nothing? Oh, how did I get into a coma? I only remember the anger that I was leaving just now."

Chapter 2140 Chapter 2109 The Mirror of Gluttony

   "Yes, you are indeed unconscious, you accidentally knocked your head out...Well, I'm not good at lying, I knocked you out."

   Although Jenkins said so, the elves didn't care.

   The mezzanine corridor between the first and second floors has a very low ceiling. Even if Jenkins pads his toes, the top of his head may touch the top.

   There is only one room at the end of the corridor, which is marked on the map. This is the secret room used by the castle lord to hide his collection. Originally entering here, one had to obtain a key that was divided into three parts, and the three key components were hidden in different positions on the first, second, and third floors. After assembling the keys, you have to solve the puzzles on the wall, and within the limited time after completing the puzzles, follow the prompts in the oil paintings on the walls to step on the five different positions of the floor tiles.

   But because of disrepair for a long time, the wall fell fragilely by Jenkins, so the process of coming here is not troublesome at all.

   "We are here to get the mirror, so don't touch anything except the mirror."

   Jenkins warned before opening the door, and the elf nodded:

   "It would be better if I wait for you at the door."

   After what happened just now, Miss Xirufu also realized that maybe she might be a burden under certain circumstances.

   "No, no, if I got the mirror and you disappeared, wouldn't it be more troublesome? And don't worry, you are my companion, we should go on together."

   opened the door as he said, but it was still pitch black. In fact, there are no lights in any corridors and rooms in the castle, but there is fire from a campfire outside the windows, so the places with windows are not dark. Obviously, this secret room has no windows.

   The room is very small, with metal display shelves on all four walls, and various items on the shelves. Some have become **** due to the passage of time, but more remain shiny, as if they were scrubbed in the last second.

   Although I didn't see the mirror at first glance, I soon discovered that there was indeed a mirror hidden behind the curtain.

   Neither Jenkins nor Miss Elf dared to enter the secret room immediately, but waited a few seconds before stepping into it.

   "Is there no danger?"

   He looked around:

   "Are the puzzles just now dangerous?"

   "But it's not dangerous."

   the elf said, and then asked:

   "Maybe the danger lies in the mirror itself, we don't want to lift the cloth in front of the mirror, just take it and go."

"good idea."

   Jenkins nodded, and reached out to wrap the mirror in a curtain. But in front of him, there was a gust of wind in the windless room. As the wind opened the curtain in front of the mirror, the extremely sweet smell in the wind also made him and Miss Elf’s belly "gurg" at the same time.

   Jenkins did not turn around and asked Miss Elf if she was hungry, because in the mirror facing him, another person appeared.

"Are you hungry?"

   This time it is a serious human chef. The scene in the mirror seems to be the restaurant of the castle. He is sitting in the main seat of the restaurant. The table in front of him is filled with silver and gold plates, and the light of candles reflects the glamorous food.

   "You must be hungry."

   The man in the mirror smiled.

   The smell seemed to be transmitted through the mirror to the small secret room. The stomachs of Jenkins and Miss Siluf rang again, and Jenkins even heard the latter's drooling voice.

   "Fortunately, my cat did not follow."

   He couldn't help saying while feeling very hungry, then reached into the mirror and pulled the smiling man out:

   "Is it interesting?"

   He asked by pulling the collar of the other party's dress, and then, regardless of the other party's struggle and the black smoke coming out of his hand, he took out his sword and pointed it at his forehead:

   "You only have one chance. We are going to take away a mirror. Is that mirror this?"

   Maybe it was because Jenkins really didn't mind killing him. Compared with the three monsters just now, this time the man told the truth very sensibly:

"This is what you are looking for, the mirror of gluttony. I am the spirit body in the mirror. You kill me and the mirror is destroyed... Actually, I am not in any danger, but I just want to persuade you to eat some food. ...Well, please don't threaten me. If you eat my things, you will give me your shadows. This is actually nothing, but I can manipulate you through shadows... "

   So, after jealousy, arrogance, and rage, Jenkins and the elf encounter gluttony again. They sent the mirror outside the castle first, and then gave it to the old butler before continuing the rest of the adventure.

   Even if you count the sword that can hurt the old butler, there are actually only three things left in the next journey. The simplest of these is the gem on the tower. Because there is a pre-remind of the drinking skeleton, there is no danger in the process of getting the gem except for being attacked by some strange-looking mosquitoes.

   Gems were also sent outside the castle first, and handed over to the old butler to prove that the task had been completed. The housekeeper was still rubbing his hands there, but his expression was a little strange. Miss Elf assured Jenkins that the butler definitely had a problem, and it was very likely that she would jump out to stop them at the end.

   "It's almost 100%."

   she said.

   There is a small episode in the adventure. Although the gluttony of the mirror is temporarily over, Jenkins and Miss Siluf are indeed hungry. Fortunately, Jenkins said that even if he can't get the photosynthesis in the sun, he is actually full after taking a few breaths. But Miss Elf is not a tree, she is still just a mortal thing, and she needs to eat when she is hungry.

   So, when she pulled Jenkins' sleeves and blushed and told the fact that she was really hungry, Jenkins realized that she had ignored the needs of her companions.

   "It's easy, wait a minute."

   He opened his backpack again and turned out a burnt yellow leaf for a long time:

"this is for you."

   "This is a bit familiar."

   Miss Elf said, putting the leaf in her mouth and chewing a few times, Jenkins took the opportunity to introduce:

"This is the creation of the Church of the Gods of Nature in my time. A leaf is enough to provide the energy needed for a whole day of action. And you can choose many flavors. For example, your slice is orange. Although I don't need to eat, they Still prepared some for me, after all, leaves don't take up space."

   "This is actually the creation of the elves."

  Miss Xirufu said to Jenkins while chewing slowly like a camel chewing fodder:

   "This is the rations for the elves when they are marching. In my time, this was still a secret formula. I didn't expect humans to have it now. However, the ones I have eaten are not as good as this one."

   The last target monster is located on the fourth floor of the castle. It is a guest room with a Do Not Disturb card hanging on the door, but the handwriting is blurry. I don’t know how many years ago it was hung.

Chapter 2141 Chapter 2110 Greed and Moonlight

   Jenkins still knocked on the door first, and then pushed the door to enter after receiving no response. Like most unmanned rooms, it was cold and humid, and the ground was yellow-brown. I don't know if it was dust or other dirty things.

   He stopped Miss Silf, then motioned her to look at the bed on the left side of the room. It was a four-poster bed with a curtain. Although it looked very old, it was still in a usable state.

   The elf can't see the aura, but Jenkins can see that there are people on the bed.

"Hello there."

   He tried to ask:

   "I want to kill you, can I?"

   still couldn't get a response, and looked at each other with Miss Siluf. The other party didn't understand what was going on now. So Jenkins swung his sword away, and easily split the guy on the bed into two. The bed itself was not harmed because of concerns about the additional impact of damaging the furniture.

"So simple?"

   Jenkins muttered in surprise, letting the elf stand where he was and don't walk around. He cautiously came to the bed, opened the curtain and the quilt, and saw the corpse he had split into two pieces.

   It's just that the corpse is actually an acquaintance, a young swordsman that he saw when he chose to help. In addition to the corpse of the swordsman, there was also the corpse of a middle-aged woman dressed very old and lying beside him. She died when a dagger pierced the heart while the dagger was in the hands of the swordsman.

   "Oops, it turned out to be like this..."

   A feeling of lethargy came, and I wanted to come to the young swordsman who accepted this task. After assassinating the old woman, he fell into this room and fell into a permanent sleep like this.

   But Jenkins is better than a swordsman from which era, so he can forcefully turn and leave the bed:


   He said to Miss Sirufu, who reached out and took his hand, trying to drag him out of the room. But as soon as they touched their hands, Miss Elf also felt sleepiness in her heart:


   She also said the same, but before she fell asleep to the ground, she used her last effort to throw Jenkins towards the door. Jenkins was distraught because of drowsiness, so without any resistance, he flew out at once, hit the door frame heavily, and immediately bulged his head:


   He bounced back to the ground due to a violent impact, and rolled twice on the carpet at the door of the room. Because of the pain, his consciousness was briefly awake. But at this moment, the whole body is weak and weak. Although the consciousness is clear, the body can't resist the sleepiness. Except for the soul, every part of him wanted to sleep, and the consciousness's manipulation of the body had obviously reached its limit.

   In a hurry, he held the leaves of the World Tree consciousness that he had given him before leaving, and the cool feeling spread from his mouth to his body, before finally regaining some strength.

   slammed the ground hard, jumped out of the door, and then hit the wall on the opposite side of the corridor with his head again. After a while, he stood up and pulled out the sleeping elf inside the door with a hook and rope. Although the other party's clothes were broken, but fortunately, Jenkins made it up before she woke up.