Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 907

   Both of them leaned against the wall of the corridor, and it took a while to get rid of the influence completely:

   "I feel that this goal is more dangerous than the first three."

   Jenkins is still thinking about joking.

   "Yes, as long as the first three have strength, this one will be over if you don't pay attention."

   Miss Elf has not recovered to her best condition, otherwise she would not use this adjective to talk to Jenkins.

   Although this fourth paradox looks easy, in fact, compared with the first three, this one can definitely rank in the top two in terms of difficulty. This horrible realm tests all aspects of force, intelligence and luck, which is a bit like the possible horrible realm that I experienced with Jessica and Miss Magic not long ago.

   Jenkins is because he is well prepared and his own situation is special. Otherwise, if he changes to another person, the probability is that he will end up just like Miss Xirufu. The force must be enough to deal with the monsters in the castle, the wisdom must be enough to cope with all kinds of emergencies and trials, and even good luck, don't encounter the more dangerous monsters in the castle.

   After all, the four monsters of the mission target are definitely not the most dangerous here. Jenkins and Miss Elf know this very well.

   "Maybe the level of trouble in the treacherous realm is also related to the size of the scene."

   He thought in his heart, along the main staircase of the castle, and Silufu ascended to the highest level of the castle.

   You don’t need to walk through secret passages or solve puzzles to reach the highest level of the castle, just go straight up along the main stairs. And I don’t know why, the main staircase of the castle runs from the bottom to the highest, without any danger. Just be careful not to touch the broken handrails, you only need to move your legs to reach the highest level.

The layout of the rooms on the highest floor is different from the other floors. After coming here from the main staircase, you immediately see a hall with red carpets in front of you. What’s more unusual is that there is actually a bonfire pit that can barely illuminate the hall. Some areas in the center.

  The large number of bonfire pots are placed in a spiral shape, and a sword is inserted on the ground in the center. Compared with Jenkins' White Bone Sword, this sword is unremarkable, without any decorations, and only anti-slip lines on the hilt. In addition, this sword is just a sword.

  The old butler was standing next to the sword, hunched over his waist and rubbed his hands while waiting for the two to arrive.

"How will you be here?"

   Jenkins asked while holding the sword beside the old butler, but the latter did not answer.

   "Where is the door?"

   Jenkins asked again.

   "Do you want this sword?"

   The old butler didn't care about Jenkins' questions, but instead asked his own questions.

   "If I say yes, what do you want?"

   Jenkins replied, the elf had already clenched the longbow, and Jenkins was ready to take out his sword at any time.

   "I knew that there were some annoying guys in the castle who would tell you about this sword."

   The butler finally stopped rubbing his hands and straightened up to look at Jenkins and the elf. Half of the normal and half of the face is brass-colored metal, with an unusually plain expression.

   "You want to kill me?"

"No, we just want to leave. We have completed all the tasks you asked for. According to the rules of Deception, we should be allowed to leave. What I want to take away is the partner behind me, so that we are not the same. I owe it."

   "Do you know the meaning of the test you just went through?"

   asked the old butler again.

   "I am not obligated to answer your questions, and tell me the location of the door now. Do you want to violate the most basic rules of Deception?"

   "Do you know how long I have been trapped here?"

   "I said, I have no obligation to answer your questions."

   Jenkins emphasized again.

"I can't answer how many years it has been. For so many years, I have been waiting to return to my hometown or enter the material world. But the lord did not recall this castle again, and the adventurers who entered here did not give me a chance to leave. The ordinary treacherous realm has not been passed for a certain period of time. After the treacherous realm collapses, a guy like us can enter the material world. But this place is very special, and this place will not collapse, because this is the lord’s castle."

   He said to himself that neither Jenkins nor Miss Siluf were interested, but Jenkins had already guessed what he wanted to express:

   "Are you trying to say that the difference engine gives you the opportunity to enter the material world?"

   "Differential engine? Its name is Great Wisdom."

   The old butler pulled out the sword that was inserted on the floor. The sword itself conflicted with the butler’s power, but the butler’s hand was a mechanical arm bestowed by the difference machine, so he was able to touch the sword:

"This sword is also the lord’s collection. It is the most valuable sword item left by the lord in the castle. The residents here usually call it the [Heart Light Sword]. It can rely on the power of the soul to show its power. I am also useful."

  The butler's sword points to the ceiling:

"The savior, the savior of the eighteenth century, we had no grudges, and I don’t want to provoke you such a lucky person who is blessed by fate. But I want freedom, I want to leave this place, I want to see A whole new world."

  Some black lights converge towards the sword. On the one hand, it is the power of the shadow, and on the other hand, it is the power of the six missions that Jenkins defeated:

"Arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, gluttony, lust, this is the truth of the task you have experienced. Why do you think it is a real phantom? Is it just a shadow? No, the most real phantom is the reflection of the human heart! It is these forces. You helped me collect the six powers in the castle. Now, it’s the seventh one. Do you know greed? Greedy enough to swallow all things, turn all things into their own power, and even swallow the calamity of the moon?"

  The old butler is laughing wildly:

   "You are doomed to not get out of this castle, ancient moonlight, respond to the greedy call, come! Come!"

   "Greedy? I thought it would be gluttony..."

   Jenkins said something that no one could understand, while reaching into his backpack and taking out the flute. This flute was prepared by himself. Only with the flute can he play the "Dragon Flute" tone:

   "If you think about it, do you really want to help the differential engine?"

   "Now is the end of the material world. As long as I am not killed by you, I will not be punished for anything I do. I take the initiative to participate in the adventure of the savior, just to break this **** fate!"

   Those lights gathered on the sword in the hands of the old butler, and the beam of light slammed upwards directly through the ceiling, and it just so happened that the three people here could see the bright yellow moon above their heads.

   The moon was supposed to be in the sky, but now it seems to be clinging to the roof of the castle. The gargoyle on the roof has been turned into ashes under the power of this primitive moon. The moon is sinking, which can be seen by Jenkins and Miss Elf. The magnificent yellow primitive moon has uneven surface and the markings on the surface of the moon. Saw the black giant cat sleeping inside the moon.

   Jenkins played his flute.

Chapter 2142 Chapter 2111 The Silver Dragon

   Sage Church, "Miss Fabry" room, Princess Sophia and the silver-haired girl opened the door and entered the room. Yinlong kicked off his shoes casually and sat barefoot on the edge of the bed, while Princess Sophia sat on the chair in front of the dressing table with a gentle smile.

   This room is specially prepared for "Miss Fabry" and is the highest standard room in the church.

   "How about? The writer lady just now is very beautiful, right?"

   Yinlong asked this deliberately. They just went to meet the author of "Detective Knight Biography", the young female writer from the Kingdom of Chessland. Princess Sophia spoke highly of the lady, while Anastasia focused on other aspects.

   "You look like a child now."

Princess    commented, and then looked at the clock in the corner:

   "The time is almost up. Don't forget to tell Jenkins later that the writer lady wants to meet him."

   "I won't forget it. And now it's a little bit short of time, so I don't need to prepare anything."

  Because there is no other person here, Anastasia can stretch her waist without any scruples. This action highlights her figure:

   "I heard the rumors."

After    stretched her waist, she said again:

   "Jenkins used the power of God under the tower."

   "In front of mortals?"

   Princess Sophia asked while looking in the mirror to tidy up her hair.

   "Yes, but things didn't seem to spread, but there were private discussions. Everyone dare not talk about God's things at will, and the nun who told me about it didn't seem to believe the news very much."

   Yinlong supported his hands on the bed, his head slightly upward, and his legs dangling.

   suddenly heard a knock on the door, and the conversation stopped abruptly.

   Yinlong looked in the direction of the door:

   "It's Hathaway."

   She said to the princess, and the princess invited the knocker in.

   As expected, Hathaway was still wearing the cat, followed by Dolores and Julia.

   "About ten minutes ago, Jenkins appeared once."

   Hathaway said straightforwardly, and Yinlong immediately stood up:

   "Did he say anything?"

   At this time, Anastasia was brave and bold, with a decisive style, and she couldn't see the style just now.

"He has gone to Evergreen Forest, and Alexia and the fortune teller of the Destiny Church seem to have prepared better help for him. However, before Jenkins left, he told us about the ninth doomsday document. I have already informed. The church, the church has just set out to find it."

   Hathaway briefly introduced the situation, and then said to Anastasia:

   "I know he will ask you for help. When you set out, can you bring him the nine-dollar doomsday paper?"

   "Of course there is no problem. But the doomsday essay...I didn't expect to be able to find all of them, it's amazing."

   The silver-haired girl nodded, but added:

"The flow of time in the treacherous realm is different from the outside world, let alone the nine treacherous realms he experienced. I don't know when Jenkins will call me, so if you want me to take the slates with me, I must find them as soon as possible. I entered the treacherous realm against the rules and could not bring extra help, but the slabs are special, otherwise I can't do anything."

   "No problem, the ninth stone slab has been found. The church knows the alley and the wall that Jenkins is talking about. The other stone slabs are in the Evergreen Forest. Now a message has been sent to transport the eight pieces."

   Hathaway said, and then let Julia hold her weakly. Although it was dark outside, it was like late at night, but it was almost six o'clock in the morning. She was busy all night, and the red-haired girl, who was extremely nervous because of Jenkins's departure, was a little overwhelmed.

   "Why don't you take a break for a while, I'll take care of the rest...Chocolate can also lie on my head temporarily."

   Dolores supported Hathaway and suggested.


The cowardly voice came from the top of Hathaway's head. Except for Hathaway who couldn't raise her head, the other four women in the room looked up at the black and white kitten. Everyone was stunned, but no one spoke. Suddenly the talking cat made a comment.

   Hathaway smiled:

   "Look, chocolate only wants to be with me."

   Chocolate didn't speak any more this time, probably because he was too lazy to comment on this sentence. It is also deeply trapped in the sadness and worry of Jenkins leaving and being in danger, and being unable to follow it.

   Deception also rejects chocolate, a complete beast of calamity. In the past, it didn't show its power so it was fine, but now it can no longer be fooled as before. Just like the people who helped Jenkins by Protoss, Mr. Augustus, etc., chocolate has only one chance to be shot, so it intends to stay until the end to let Jenkins know who can help him most.

   Although I know that Jenkins will not encounter danger in the middle of climbing the tower, the cat is still very worried, which is also the reason why it is not emotional.

   "Speaking of which, did Jenkins come out to get help?"

   Princess Sophia shifted the subject lightly, so that people no longer pay attention to talking chocolate.

   "We don't know the situation in the Evergreen Forest, but since Alexia has arrangements, it should be fine. She seems to have received help from the future..."

   Hathaway thought of the unborn girl from the Williams family:

   "So it must be fine."

   "The future?"

   Yinlong asked suspiciously, but didn't say much. Princess Sophia asked Anastasia again:

   "Am I going with you in a while?"

   "Of course not, what are you going to do in such a dangerous place?"

   The silver-haired girl raised her head and said:

   "I can go by myself."

   "Are you sure you are fine?"

   Princess Sophia's tone was slightly worried.

  Her worry is also reasonable, after all, it is part of the power of the beast of calamity. Even if it can't be compared to the real calamity beast, it is equally dangerous to the silver dragon. Although the silver dragon has gained great power over the long years, it will never be stronger than those terrifying creatures who bear sins.

"no problem!"

   Yinlong said confidently, Hathaway and Dolores wanted to thank her again, thanking her for taking the risk to help Jenkins. But Anastasia suddenly raised her hand and motioned to the people in the room not to talk. She listened for a few seconds:

   "The dragon-calling flute rang."

The ritual [Dragon Flute] comes from the father’s B-10-2-4291 [Somer’s esoteric ritual book]. This ritual can even call silver dragons and princesses outside the material world directly to the material world, and of course it can also The silver dragon entered the treacherous realm directly. The ritual used through B-10-2-4291 was originally not memorable by the user, but just like [My God is here] and other abilities cannot be memorized by the passer, for Jenkins, many rules are not for him. constraint.

Chapter 2112: The Dance of Dragon and Moon

   Anastasia listened for a while and confirmed that it was the flute sound played by Jenkins, and then took the time to hug Princess Sophia:

   "Even if I can't beat that thing, I won't lose. Don't worry about that."

   Although there are times when they will show some inconspicuous personality, in general, the ancient Silver Dragon Lord is still very reliable. Especially for Princess Sophia, she knew that her lover would not make jokes at this time.

   "Then guys, I will leave."