Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 933

   "Yes, this lady is not strong enough now, so she needs to take a crucial step."

   Silver Dragon, who was still tilting her head and looking at the "landscape" outside the window, frowned when she heard these words. She turned her head and looked at Mr. Pisco:

"are you sure?"

   "Of course it is."

   The bored middle-aged man nodded.

"right now?"

   Yinlong confirmed again.

   "Yes, it's now."

"Yes it is."

  Alexia also agreed:

"It's now."

Two thousand one hundred and sixty-fourth chapter three books

   Seeing that Alexia said the same, Lord Silver Dragon turned his head to look at the shorter lady:

   "I didn't expect you to have reached this point."

   She muttered to herself.

   "This is not surprising. In your opinion, the existence of this Miss Miller in this era is indeed abrupt, but if you know the original arrangement of fate, then it is not surprising."

   Mr. Pisco said.

   "The original arrangement?"

   Sigrid asked rhetorically.

   "Yes, even if it is an epic of time, it is impossible to see the most complete destiny, so there will always be some subtle deviations. In the original estimated history, Miss Miller..."

   "No need to explain."

   Alexia interrupted him, she seemed to react normally:

"Since it's something that won't happen, don't say it. I know a certain treacherous situation that Jenkins has experienced, and there are similar situations. But our world, the timeline is stable and unique, and there is no possibility of division, so we don't What will happen, it will certainly not happen."

   "Yes, you are right."

   Mr. Pisco nodded slightly, then sighed:

   "So, you know what I want to say?"

   "Combined with Jenkins, telling me the secret after everything is over, what you want to say is actually a good guess. For him, for the world."

"Since you understand, that’s good, then end this topic and return to what was originally meant to be said. Now that you have opened the door and saw the way, even if there is still a long way to reach the end, at least you know the end. Right?"

"Yes it is."

   "Then, I have a way to let you briefly experience the power of the end point. I think this power is enough to help Jenkins."

   "So what do you mean?"

   Hathaway still doesn't understand the cat, but the sullen chocolate on her head does understand, but the chocolate is too lazy to explain.

   "I want to become a **** temporarily."

   Alexia said softly, ignoring the surprise on Hathaway and Sigrid’s faces:

"Unlike Jenkins, he has actually reached the end. He became a **** and is the true god. But I haven't yet. Even if I succeed with the help of this gentleman for a while, I can only be regarded as a **** in the world, a mortal. God is a false god. But if you can use that power for a moment, I think it will be very helpful to Jenkins."

   The reason why Mr. Pisco will reach Nolan at this point is because the story of the Eighteenth Century has reached the end, and this moment is the period when the so-called "destiny" is the most powerful. After the savior Jenkins Williams entered the treacherous realm, it was equivalent to the temporary absence of a savior in the material world. Therefore, even if the original fate would not be realized, in this case it still reached "All saviors disappeared, but Alexia is still in the situation.

Mr. Pisco is the epic of the years, and the goblin Venette is the treasure of all things. As long as the unpredictable power of all things is added, then the three powers are assembled, and there is indeed a chance to hold a ritual to fake and cultivate, let Alexia felt the power she would gain without Jenkins.

   Of course, this sounds difficult to achieve, after all, this is to make people a god, and Alexia has not yet reached the last step.

But the idea proposed by Mr. Pisco is indeed feasible. Moreover, everyone’s actions are to help the savior. Therefore, they should be favored by fate and increase the probability of success, just like the old elves have not succeeded in hundreds of years. "Open the door" has succeeded now.

   Therefore, the only thing lacking at present is the power of the Wanxiang impermanence card. There is still a [World] in Jenkins's hand, but that one cannot appear here.

   Fortunately, this is the Church of the Sages. Jenkins cannot bring into the pile of things in the nine-story tower.

So everyone took action separately. Mr. Pisco, the little fairy Vinette, Silver Dragon and Princess Sophia went to the gate of Vientiane to arrange the ceremony, so that they could also use the power of that gate. As for the rhetoric of the church, Let Hathaway speak.

   Alexia went to find two fortune-tellers and asked for his opinion on the Wanxiang impermanence card. Sigrid went to the church to ask for the Wanxiang Impermanence card. Not every card met the requirements, so he had to come over and distinguish them one by one.

   Sigrid was the quickest. The church heard that it was to help Jenkins in the tower, and immediately took out all the impermanence cards Nolan had. In fact, there are only three in total, two of which have been in the Diocese of Nolan.

  The two in the Diocese of Nolan have their owners, one belongs to the old tombkeeper of the Church of the Dead, the oldest demigod in Nolan, and he holds the [Impermanence of Vientiane-Grave]. The other one belongs to the nun Natasha of the Ocean Church. This nun only became a gifter last winter, so she is only level 1.

   She and Jenkins are also acquaintances. Last fall, she killed the art school students and sacrificed to the divine rainstorm night. Jenkins had recuperated at the Ocean Church. It was the nun Natasha who took care of Jenkins (Chapter 49). It's a pity that Jenkins was not in the mood to talk about love at the time, otherwise there might be nothing about Hathaway.

   The card in the hands of the Sisters of the Ocean Church has nothing to do with the ocean, but "Impermanence-Holy Sword". The Ocean Church believes she has the potential to become a hero.

   The emergence of the Wanxiang impermanence card is often accompanied by a destiny that must happen, such as the [Angel] used by Jenkins. These two cards have obviously found their masters, and they have nothing to do with Alexia. And the last one that was collected by the church and transported to the church for helping Jenkins was Alexia’s goal.

   The name of the card is [Vanxiang Impermanence-Spirit Number·Zero].

   "This card appeared for Alexia at first glance."

   Sigrid took the card and went underground and said when he came to the gate of Vientiane. At this time, the short lady hadn't come back yet, Hathaway had already obtained permission from the church to use the open space in front of the Gate of Vientiane.

   "Speaking of which, what did you say to the church? The people of the Orthodox Church seemed to react very ordinary, and did not panic because of the effect of the next ceremony."

   Princess Sophia and Hathaway stood together and watched the church deliver various ceremonial materials.

"Of course I will not say that Alexia wants to become a god, but that she wants to gain a one-time powerful power to help Jenkin in the tower... This is not a lie, but it does not fully explain the facts. . The church doesn’t need to know what we are going to do, does it?”

   Hathaway replied with a smile, reached out her hand and touched the cat on her head, the chocolate meowed a bit, thinking that the red-haired human girl really learned a lot from Jenkins.

   Alexia on the other side also successfully found Miss Broniance and Miss Audrey. She did not say half and half as Hathaway did, but directly said what she wanted to do.

  Ms. Bronie Anse kept the fortunetellers' usual calmness, without any special reaction, Miss Audrey was quite surprised:

   "Have you come this far?"

   Miss Audrey and Alexia have been friends for many years, and both have different goals than ordinary people. Miss Audrey relied on helping and guiding the savior to gain the power to divide fate, while Alexia relied on talent to walk a new path.

   "It's not there yet, it's far away, but I have to help Jenkins, he needs me. The results of arithmetic and divination have shown that I am the so-called [Mortal God]."

   This is the conclusion reached by the machine and the demigod.

   When the three of them came to the underground gate of Vientiane, the ceremony was almost ready. The main body of the ceremony is not complicated, and the materials are simpler. It is easy to collect even without the help of the church. Most of them are gold and silver.

The focus of the    ceremony is the power of the three books. After Hathaway gave the Vientiane Impermanence card to Alexia, she withdrew to the wall with the cat. Unexpectedly, Chocolate poked Hathaway's head with the tip of her tail, and then used her tail to guide her direction, leading Hathaway to leave here temporarily.

   No one noticed Hathaway's departure, everyone's attention was on Alexia standing in front of the bronze door.

   There is no unnecessary nonsense. After the church members were temporarily evacuated, the secret guard stationed in front of the Vientiane Gate also gave Alexia the permission to open the door, and then left temporarily.

   Mr. Pisco nodded, and after confirming that there were no other people who shouldn't be there, he signaled the ceremony to officially begin.

   The candles on the wall provided light to the underground space. After a short while, Mr. Pisco and the little fairy Vinette also glowed. The two figures gradually became illusory, disappearing completely after a few minutes, turning into light particles and blending into the torn paper and the old parchment scroll respectively. The torn white paper was completed, and the rolled parchment slowly unfolded.

   Alexia lightly opened the hand holding the card, and the Vientiane Impermanence Card immediately soared to the same height as the two sheets of paper. Originating from the three oldest books, the power of the books that symbolize the world turns into three purple lines that connect with Alexia in three directions.

   A series of phantoms swiftly sprang from the pages of the epic poems of the years, flashing in front of Alexia's eyes. She saw that timeline that could never happen again, understood her own gains and losses, and thoroughly understood what Jenkins's so-called secret was.

   "He thought I would care about this?"

   The short lady laughed at Jenkins in her heart, and then felt the power from the three books that together complemented the road she had not yet traveled.

  The huge figure composed of complex formulas and geometric patterns is formed at the feet of Alexia, just like Jenkins's savior emblem. At the same time, the sky-blue Rubik's Cube representing the [Mathematics] also emerged from her forehead to the top of her head. The blue light and shadow light up this underground space, and everyone's face is illuminated.

   But this is not enough. Alexia has no priesthood or divinity. Even if it is just a false mortal **** in a short period of time, it is not so easy to complete.

The 2165th chapter is the **** of mortals

   Suddenly heard the sound of footsteps, it was Jessica who was supposed to be in the venue walking down the stairs. Ms. J and Ms. Windsor followed behind them. They used two bodies created by Jenkins.

  Because Hathaway and his party may borrow the power of the Gate of Vientiane to prevent the floating hall above the church from being affected, the meeting was temporarily suspended, and the three obviously already knew what Alexia wanted to do:

   "If you want to learn from the fake, you must use the real part, not all of them are fake."

   They said that Miss J and Miss Windsor are the best examples of turning from false to true. The former is a demigod once, the strongest in the world of possibility.

   "In other words, at least the power of the true **** is required?"

   asked Sigrid by the wall.

   "Yes, and it's better to be the power of the true **** with similar power nature. It doesn't need to be complete, even a single trace is enough."

   The three came to Sigrid and stood there, watching the glowing Alexia standing there thinking.

   "This is a bit troublesome, I haven't heard of a **** with mathematics as a priest."

   Yinlong judged the power of the gods without hesitation.

   "But it doesn't have to be mathematics. Isn't [knowledge] also very consistent?"

   Princess Sophia reminded that Anastasia hammered the palm of her left hand with her right fist:

   "So that's the case, is this also in the sage's expectation?"

   As soon as her voice fell, two rays of light, one black and one white, appeared beside everyone, and the two rays of light even overwhelmed the sky blue light from Alexia. But only Alexia could see these two figures, because they only came for her.

   Yinlong seemed to be aware of something, raised beautiful eyebrows, and did not speak.

   Those are two ladies, one is wearing a black robe with a wide-brimmed hat, and the other is wearing a white sacrificial robe from the Church of the Sage, with long hair covering the hood of the robe.

   The two appeared almost at the same time. In the eyes of Alexia, the conflicting temperament between the strange distortion and the sacred order was like a distorted space for the first time, making the originally empty open space in front of the door seem a little different.

   Even a few other people who couldn't see the witch and goddess realized that something had descended in this space.

   The mythical witch and the sage Ovia came along, and Alexia also turned to look at them. Instead of asking about myself, I asked:

   "Jenkins is...Is it okay now?"

   "Not bad, but the bone sword is broken, what a pity."

   The witch replied that even Alexia couldn't see the other person's face clearly, so she didn't know the purpose of giving the answer.

   "Don't worry, Jenkins is fine for the time being, but he needs you."

   Ovia stretched out her finger towards Alexia. She was using the body of Little Fini, but her body changed to the appearance of a girl. The white fingertips shone with a bright golden light. This is the power from the gods. Even if the gods bless the Son, they will not give so much power.

   Alexia’s eyes were attracted by the golden light, and she knew what she was looking for. Subconsciously stretched out his fingers, wanting to touch the brilliance of "Fini"'s fingertips with his fingertips. But Jenkins's silly look holding the cat inexplicably flashed past her eyes, and the short lady came to her senses, shook her head and retracted her hand:

   "Sorry, I don't think this suits me. Although your strength is good, I don't plan to go that way anymore. (Note

   Ovia did not insist, but withdrew her hand. The black witch on the side seemed to want to say something, but shook her head and disappeared with the **** in the white and black light.

   "The road you choose is a road no one has walked."

   These are the words left by the sage before he left.

   "Yes, no one has walked, but Jenkins did show me that way."

   Alexia looked at her hand, Yinlong looked at her with interest:

   "You really refused? Don't look at me that way, I didn't see anything just now... Then now, where are you going to find a divine power similar to your power?"


   "He is indeed a god, but does his priesthood contain knowledge? Or is it that the sage has shared his power with him?"

   Alexia did not answer, but flipped her right hand, and something shiny like a chip appeared in her fingers. The appearance of that thing gave Alexia a complicated pattern that no one except her could interpret. New content was added again. At the same time, the Rubik's cube remained stationary above her head, and finally wriggled and watched the rotation. .

"what is this?"

   Sigrid asked by the wall, only to notice that Hathaway, who was supposed to be by her side, had disappeared.

   "This is materialized knowledge."

   It was Miss J who answered the question:

   "[Knowledge Grant] If the knowledge fragments given by this ability become materialized, they will become like this. But this is difficult to do. In addition to the corresponding ability, there is a problem of proficiency."

   "Yes, Jenkins wanted to give me some knowledge before he left, but I refused."

   Jenkins’s [Grant of Knowledge] ability originated from Alexia after the flame playing card paradise, so Alexia has the ability to materialize illusory fragments of knowledge, which is also possible.