Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 952

Chapter 2202 The Brave and the Sailor

   "Interesting? Since you think humans are interesting, will you give up your plan to let the steel land come?"

   "Of course not, the land of steel will definitely come. Then I will be able to observe the transformed humans as I wish. I think this will be more interesting."

   went through the door and returned to the antique shop. The Gear Man walked quickly back to the counter, opened the hidden compartment on his chest for the fourth time, and put the smaller gemstone in it. Jenkins did not comment on this behavior. He held the cat in his arms again, lowered his head and continued to check the map of Nolan and the surrounding area.

  Of course, this way, when you lower your head, your chin can touch the hairy head of chocolate. Chocolate seems to like Jenkins to do this.

   "What do you think of this era at the end of the Eighteenth Century?"

   Jenkins with his head down suddenly asked.

"Very good, I must admit that even though I have seen human civilization go through many peaks, your era is definitely one of the strongest eras I have ever seen. Although the extraordinary power is not obvious, but Relying on the power of machinery, mankind has also created a whole new era."

   It praised it sincerely.

   "Have you ever tried to calculate, if the current civilization wants to continue to improve, I mean the great progress, where is the direction?"

"If we exclude [the material world suddenly has a great geographical discovery, people have discovered another civilization that is completely different but equally prosperous, or even slightly behind, and then seeks development in competition and change] this almost impossible possibility, Then I think the way forward is to let the land of steel come, so that civilization can continue to progress."

   "The two possibilities you mentioned are both civilized progress promoted by external forces."

   Jenkins pointed out.

   "Of course, the human civilization has progressed here, and the inside has become corrupt. If there is no external force, it is difficult to make changes by itself. This is the result of my calculation and simulation, and I quite believe in this result."

   Jenkins was silent, because the other party was actually right. The changes brought by Jenkins also belong to the effect of external forces on the local civilization. After all, he is a foreigner, and the knowledge and historical lessons brought by him are also external forces.

Maybe there is no difference engine, no outsiders, and the civilization of the material world can progress to a higher level like the previous world, but now that there are two, the situation has become two kinds of external forces, competing against each other. Civilization works.

   Compared with the difference engine, Jenkins is gentler and more acceptable to people. He understands the context of history. The difference engine method is to completely subvert everything, so it will be resisted by the material world civilization.

   Although there is some suspicion of boasting, Jenkins is convinced that the changes that he brings are changes that are beneficial to civilization. So he believes that what he has done all the time is the right thing, so he can strengthen his heart and confirm that he will be able to win.

  Differential engine can't convince Jenkins, but he is still working hard. In fact, Jenkins is also trying to change the other side's thinking. But both of them almost understand that the ideas of their opponents are like rocks in the country toilets, smelly and hard, so it is difficult to say whether they all think it is possible for them to win the support of each other by persuasion alone.

   Differential engine and Jenkins walked around in this era. Perhaps it was a farewell ceremony for one of the two and the world, but it was more that the two exchanged their own ideas and tried to understand the opponent's cognition. But the more so, the more they can reflect their differences, which are irreconcilable.

   The inventor just now was the fourth target, and now there are only three untouched reds on the map. Jenkins wanted to use the clock tower in front of Nolan’s Civic Square as his final goal, so he chose between the remaining two.

   "Then go to the dock and have a look."

   Jenkins points to the left side of the map. The red dot is on the edge of the pier near the sea. From the clothing point of view, the brass-colored statue is a typical middle-aged sailor.

   He looked expressionless, with his hands on his chest as if he was examining something in front of him. The figure is tall and strong, because the sleeves are rolled up, so the scar on the left arm can be seen.

   "Don't ask me if I am sure, I am really sure."

   Jenkins said again before the gear man spoke.

   The Gear Man glanced at him, then jumped into the map. Jenkins glanced at the still old man in the antique shop, and then he hugged the cat and jumped into the map.

   is still falling from a high altitude. Although Nolan has a large area, the mine on the east and the wharf on the west have almost exactly the same light rain. From the air, you can see the flow of people on the stationary dock, and the docked ships are even more lively.

   The light rain does not affect the work of the pier. Because there is no wind, the boats will not shake. People only need to be careful not to slip and fall. The difference here is not much different from that on a sunny day.

The two of them landed on the empty space on the wharf where the cargo boxes were stored. The stationary workers lined up to carry the cargo off the large ship on the side. Others were organizing the use of canvas to cover the cargo boxes to prevent the rain from soaking. The goods.

"This way."

   It was still the gear man leading the way. The two bypassed the sailors and workers on the dock and boarded the deck of the nearest cargo ship that was unloading. On the side of the deck, a middle-aged sailor who looks exactly like a bronze statue is supervising the workers to carry the goods piled up here.

   He shouldn't be a sailor on the bottom of the ship, but Jenkins can't tell exactly what position he is.

   "What is the goal this time?"

   Jenkins asked while looking around.

   "Without fear."

   "That is the heart of the brave?"

   "The same can be said."

   As he spoke, the hustle and bustle around gradually sounded, and the still people continued to move. Only the middle-aged sailor stood there with his hands on his chest, as if he was still affected by the freezing time.

   looked at him briefly, Jenkins raised his eyebrows unexpectedly:

   "The goal this time is really interesting."

   He said to the Gear Man:

   "It turns out to be a gifter."

   Although he is a gifter, he is only level 0, so he is just getting started. Although the gifted person's talent will not be weakened by age, but at this age to become a gifted person, there is a high probability that there is no future for development. According to Jenkins' eyes, this middle-aged man was lucky enough to be able to rise to two levels before he died normally in his sixties.

   Therefore, even though he is a gifter, it is totally okay to treat him as a normal person, because the difference between the two is actually not that big. Jenkins was very curious about each other's story, so he directly asked:

   "Are you a gifter?"

  The sailor glanced at the stranger who appeared on the deck:

"Yes it is."

   All targets in the treacherous realm have a fairly high initial friendliness to Jenkins.

   "How did you become a gifter?"

   Jenkins asked again.

  The sailor took a close look at him, then looked back at the workers carrying the goods:

"The old captain of the ship I followed introduced me to a club called the'Old Captain's Sorority' that he participated in. In that club, some of the people were benefactors and formed a secret society. I was invited to join because of literacy. After learning about the risks, I read some...very strange things for a long time. After five or six years, I finally became a benefactor."

   Judging from this information, this is probably not a large-scale pseudo-god sect or a historical organization with inheritance. It is probably a subordinate organization created by a higher-level gift. Otherwise, it would not take so many years to cultivate a gifter.

   "What does your community exist for? It doesn't exist purely for existence, right?"

   Jenkins asked again, this time the sailor didn’t answer immediately. He seemed to hesitate for a while:

"We sailors who often go to sea, no one can avoid encountering some strange things on the sea. You probably also know that there is the blessing of the Orthodox Church on land, but the sea can only rely on ourselves. The purpose of the existence of the society is not for Help us improve our survival rate, but hope that we can bring back some valuable items when we encounter strange things."

  He paused, as if thinking of a bad memory:

   "By bringing back the items, we can gain more power through the community. If we can't bring them back, we can also know some things on the sea through communication with each other. This is a very good organization."

   This introduction almost confirmed Jenkins's guess about this small organization. To be honest, this kind of organization does not seem to be as strong as Mr. Hood’s party. Mr. Hood’s party is not counted as Jenkins, the others are also genuine gifted people, who are really “beginners” and climbing. And these captains and sailors, at best, only saw the door, and it is estimated that the organizers of the society did not have much knowledge.

   The information revealed in the sailor’s words did not show that he was brave or not brave. But according to the experience of just four times, these target people usually lack the characteristics that Jenkins wants to obtain.

   So he intends to test it further:

   "So after becoming a gifter, has your life changed? Is it because you have gained strength, and you have more opportunities for development?"

   "Although strength is good, it also comes at a price."

  The middle-aged sailor gave up the action of holding his arms on his chest:

"I didn't know anything before, so I was not afraid. Even if I heard an inexplicable sound at night on the sea, I just thought it was the sea breeze; I saw strange shadows in the storm, I just thought it was a fishing boat that was blown away; Encountering the altars of the indigenous people on the overseas islands is only considered to be an ancient custom of animal worship.

   But now that I understand that the world is not as simple as imagined, everything has changed. I am afraid of the night, because I am worried that the strange sound comes from the sleeping monsters on the bottom of the sea; I am afraid of the storm, and the cause of the storm is the evil being sealed in the endless sea; I dare not touch any tribe in the ocean, and worry that they worship the ancients Cthulhu. "

Chapter 2203: The Hesitation of Life

   The sailor was talking, and there was more melancholy in his words:

   "It used to be like a simple child, because of ignorance, so fearless; now that I grow up, I know the dangers of the world, so I look at everything differently."

   "Are you afraid?"

   Jenkins asked.

   "No, this is not fear, this is caution, this is... fear."

   is actually scared.

"I have lived for more than 30 years to realize the dangers of this world. Now think about it, it is a miracle that I was able to live ignorantly on a boat since I was 16 years old. But people at sea can never rely on miracles, so I know that sooner or later I will die in an accident."

   "Are you not going to go to sea anymore?"

   "Actually, it's time for a sailor of my age to disembark and should give the opportunity to young people."

   This is just a nicer way of saying, in fact, because of the fear of the ocean, I dare not go out to sea.

   "But are you willing?"

   "What can't be reconciled? Life is the most important thing."

   The middle-aged sailor is different from the previous ones. He has rich life experience and experience, which Jenkins can not easily convince with a few words.

"I don't plan to go out to sea anymore. I never want to touch the secrets in the ocean again. After that, I plan to buy a house in the suburbs of Nolan, and then find a way to get married and train my son to read and read. He can't Be a sailor like me. I have saved a lot of savings over the years, and I have some connections at the terminal, so I can run a small shop in the future, and sell legal and illegal things..."

   He introduced Jenkins to his next life plan. The middle-aged sailor must have already thought of these plans. His plan is very good. If it were not for the current situation, Jenkins would definitely support his approach. What the middle-aged sailor has to do is to make his life more stable, and is determined to let the next generation break through the current class, even Jenkins can't think of a better plan than this.

   Therefore, what Jenkins is going to do at this time is like a bad thing. Let a sailor who has been determined to settle down to set sail again, which undoubtedly encourages him to die. The sailor was right. The risk of adventure in the ocean outside the main continent of the material world where the power of the Orthodox Church is relatively thin is really not that big.

   "Fearless Heart" itself conflicts with the identity of the giver, because the giver cannot be fearless. Even if "not afraid" is used as a description, but not really afraid of nothing, it is difficult for gifters to have such a character.

   The more you know, the more you are in awe of the world. This is a choice that normal people will make. But there is no unpassable situation in the treacherous world, so there must be some way to persuade the sailor to "not be afraid" again.

   "Why did you become a sailor?"

   Jenkins asked.

   "In order to have food to eat."

   the sailor replied.

   This answer is very realistic. Jenkins thought it was a novel plot of young people eager for adventure.

   "But when you were young, did you ever have the idea of ​​conquering the ocean and becoming a great adventurer?"

   Jenkins asked again.

   "That is something that young people who have no brains and are easily excited can think about. I am not young anymore. This kind of ridiculous idea disappeared more than ten years ago."

  Shuishou shook his head.

   "Do you really have no idea about continuing to live as a sailor?"

   Jenkins asked unwillingly.

   "Do you think I am like a madman? With a better life, why should we take risks? There is only one human life, and we should cherish our own lives."

   Jenkins can hardly disagree with him.


   Seeing that Jenkins was a little embarrassed, I was determined to have a well-behaved cat immediately comfort him. It rubbed Jenkins's side face with its little furry face bag, and then let out a pleasant soft meow.

"Do not worry about me."

   Jenkins also responded to his cat, very happy that chocolate is understanding.

   He reconsidered the sailor, hoping to find some ideas from the appearance of the other person. But this is a waste of time. Jenkins, who has no good ideas, can only ask more about the details of each other's life:

   "You leave the fleet like this, can the captain agree to it?"

"We talked about this a few months ago. I have found a replacement for my job as a sailor. The captain is really reluctant to bear me, but we are good friends for many years. He also understands my thoughts, so The same put me off the boat...but there are still some problems at the club."

   The sailor stopped talking. This middle-aged man seemed to have no scheming. He was only worried about his life, not about world events.

   "What's the problem with the club?"

   Jenkins asked immediately, he smelled an opportunity.

"The club also spent a lot of money to train me to be a benefactor, and I know this myself. Now that I have hardly made any contribution to quit, the owner of the club will probably be unhappy. I have asked about it in the club. Other people’s opinions, they all think I’m ungrateful, timid, and I don’t deserve to be a sailor..."

   Jenkins waited for his own opinion, so he didn't speak in a hurry.

"What they said is reasonable. Even those gangsters who are at the bottom of the city know the truth of Zhien's report. I have benefited from the club, but my contribution is not enough to offset these benefits. My own savings Even if the captain agrees to disembark me, the club will definitely trouble me. After all, once this kind of precedent is set, there will be more problems in the future. I understand the truth. "

"Then what are you going to do? Do you still want to stay in Nolan? Or leave here and go to live in another country? I think the club you mentioned should not be able to kill you all over the world for such a thing. ."

"But I don’t know anyone in a foreign country. The dock city where I can stay is also familiar to other people in the club. I don’t want to leave my hometown. Nolan is my hometown. The drifting sailors will always have a hometown. I can always think of something. I don’t mind my life being monitored. Although I no longer go to sea, I can probably contribute to the club by staying on the shore...I hope so."

This is a future full of hope, but full of confused people. He may not have received a good education, but his insight and vision are enough to make up for the lack of education.

   For such a person, trying to change his mind is very difficult, but Jenkins knows that he must do this and must drag him out of the peaceful life he yearns for.