Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 953

Chapter 2204: People Walking with Head Down

   "Life is like an adventure. Although it seems peaceful, new stories will happen every day."

   Jenkins said in a low voice, the middle-aged sailor agreed with this view:

"Although you don't know who you are, you must have a lot of experience in life, right? You are right. Life is like an adventure, like an adventure on a calm sea. Although it seems calm, it will often meet in the next moment. To danger. No one knows what will happen in the future, as if no one knows in advance what will be ahead of an unknown route. Life is an adventure, oh, this is definitely something a poet can say."

   He exclaimed, but Jenkins already has inspiration:

"Sir, although you have given up on adventures at sea, in the face of the unknown, shouldn’t you also maintain the adventurous spirit when facing the ocean? Even if you don’t want to face the risks of the sea, you grind on the sea After decades of years, it will eventually settle into courage and strength. Although life is difficult, the adventure of life is just for you to come to a new qi point, a new pier, we have to look forward, if Fear of life, then how do you live the next days? Everything will be fine, as long as you face life bravely, I believe everything will be fine."

   There was also a smile on the face of the middle-aged sailor:

"Yes, everything will be fine. Although there will be some problems at the club, I think there will always be a way to solve it. I don't plan to go to sea in my life, but my adventure will definitely not stop because of this. Like you said, the adventure of life is just beginning. Marriage, childbirth, big and small things in life are all strange and challenging to me, but I don’t think I will be afraid. After all, experience What could be more terrifying in life after the adventure at sea?"

   Jenkins wanted to remind him that sometimes the mischief of fate would make life more terrifying than facing the sea monster, but in order to prevent his tongue from being wasted, he carefully chose to shut up.

   "I can't lose this courage."

   The sailor reached out and held his heart:

"Whenever I think of fighting against nature in a storm, or of the desperate fight when encountering pirates, my heart still beats fiercely. For the sake of my life, I will not go to sea, but that kind of excitement, the excitement of facing adventures and nothing Fear, I will not lose it. This is the most precious treasure of my life, and the treasure I have accumulated over the first 30 years of my life. Yes, it will always get better, although life on the shore may be bad, the club There will be some difficult tasks assigned to me, but I will not be afraid, after all, I always have to live, for myself, live..."

  His voice gradually became low and turned into a whisper that only he could hear. The heart-shaped gemstone emerged from the sailor's heart and was held by Jenkins with one hand.

   is one-handed, it is because the volume of this gemstone is not large, or very small. After all, no matter what Jenkins said, the sailor also lost his fearless heart of adventure and gave up his life as a sailor. Even if he was stimulated to have a passion for life and the courage to face the difficulties in life, it could not conceal the fact that he was afraid of the ocean.

   Therefore, it is incredible in itself to be able to appear this gemstone. Jenkins doesn't ask too much. "Passing" in the treacherous world is enough. "Excellent" is just to get more rewards, and this time he just wants to pass.


Jenkins tossed the gemstone in his hand, turned and said to the Gearman. The latter did not speak, but led Jenkins to the bow facing the pier and the city, and shared with him the appreciation of the midsummer rain and the stream of workers. A dock full of voices.

   In order to facilitate the work of the terminal, the degree of vaporization here is actually not lower than that in the urban area. Not to mention, the density of street lights installed to facilitate night work is also higher than that of most ordinary blocks.

   "The sailor matter, can you no longer connect you to the shortcomings of human society? His story can happen in any era, as long as people still have the heart, there will be fear."

   Jenkins said.

   "I don't want to discuss sailors with you, I want you to see this scene in front of you."

   If the scene of workers working on the dock in the rain is painted at this moment, it is definitely the best picture to record the epitome of this era.

   "William the savior, do you think this is fair? These people work in the rain and get nothing but..."

   "I think we have discussed this topic, can we talk about something new and interesting?"

   Jenkins interrupted it rudely.

"Well, let's change the topic. In the era when civilization reaches a new culmination, everyone will play a different role. Careerists will squeeze upwards, hoping to achieve their own class change through wisdom, strategy and hard work. There will always be people walking with their heads down, who don't know what the time they are in, such as the people in front of us."

   The gear man stretched his finger to the dock below:

“Of course, it’s not correct to say that they can’t see, because they didn’t mean to see it, but someone made them invisible. No matter how big the cake is, there will always be someone who wants to get the most part, so they have to Let more people not see the cake, and even don’t understand that they have the right to divide the cake. Look at this group of people, they were born with their heads down, and died with their heads down, never knowing to look up and see everything in front of them. , William the savior, these people are the cornerstones of civilization, and the cornerstones of civilization are dirty and despicable."

"I thought you were still discussing some new truths, but I didn’t expect to return to this topic. I still insist on my views. First, there are opportunities to change. Change in human’s own way, instead of transforming everything into Mechanical gear structure. If you don’t have a new idea, please don’t sell this piece to me anymore. It’s really boring."

   He waved his hand.

   "If you really think so, then I am also sorry. But there are only two goals left, William, are you ready?"

   After finishing speaking, the gear man jumped off the bow of the ship. Jenkins caught the cat in his arms, followed it and jumped off the bow, and then landed safely in the old antique shop.

   fiddled with the gemstone in his hand a few times, and then threw it on the counter. The gear man who had returned to the counter grabbed the dripping gemstone and placed it in the secret compartment on his chest for the fifth time.

   "How about the various excitement of human beings?"

   Jenkins asked.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

   The gear man replied.


   was then easily dismantled.

   Now there are only the last two goals left. Since Jenkins decided to put Nolan Clock Tower's goal at the last one, the sixth goal must be the woman in the Chengdong Textile Factory.

   The brass-colored statue shows a woman sitting in front of the textile machine, bending over to work. This is undoubtedly the most common female worker in textile factories. As far as occupation is concerned, there is nothing unusual about it.

   "It's better to tell me before we reach the target, what we are asking for this time."

   Jenkins pointed to the red dot and proposed, and the gear man nodded:

   "This time is the heart of hard work."

   "Women textile workers? Hard work? Oh, you really have black humor."

   Jenkins praised half-truths, in terms of labor intensity, there is actually not much difference between ordinary workers in textile factories and porters on the docks. Although it is not at the level of "Bundling Workers" that Jenkin has read, it still belongs to work by burning one's life, and the rewards are completely incomparable with the time and labor.

   That's why Jenkins said that the other party has a sense of black humor.

"William the savior, although the next goal is very ordinary, there is no outstanding feature compared with the previous ones. But the textile industry is the beginning of your human steam revolution, so this lady has a certain degree of representativeness. . Before we leave this store for a new adventure, can you answer a little question of mine."

   "You can ask, I won't necessarily answer."

   Jenkins touched the chocolate and said that the cat was completely impatient. It just wanted the differential engine to suddenly lose heart and attack Jenkins madly against the rules. When Jenkins has no choice but to escape for his life, Chocolate will incarnate as a savior and defeat a terrible opponent to gain Jenkins's trust again.

The cat has thought about this scene countless times in his head. Every time I think of the differential machine being smashed by one of its paws, and then Jenkins holding it happily shouting "Chocolate is the most trustworthy person", the cat will be excited. Trembling.

   Although its heart is excited by imagination, its expression is a bit melancholy looking at the gear man who is still talking, not understanding what to do to waste such a long time talking about meaningless things.

"When you wear clothes made by these factories, have you ever wondered how much money the women textile workers can make from you? Of course most of your clothes are handicrafts, but you must have used some of these factories. The cloth produced."

   Gearman asked.

   "Probably not much, I haven't calculated it specifically."

   Jenkins replied, he guessed what the other party wanted to ask.

"Look, you have gone through the first five goals, and now you come to the sixth. These six people who represent different miniatures of your era, you actually don’t understand. William the Savior, when you stand at the top of the society When you look down, there must be blind spots that you can’t see, and there must also be things that you can’t do if you see them. Even if you really become a god, you can completely change everything with the seat of a false god. Of course you can’t. The gods are also restricted by each other, and you can’t directly influence the material world.”

   "What...what do you want to say?"

Chapter 2205: A Woman's Story

"I know you have dreams, and dreams can be conquered and changed by yourself. Williams, we all stand at the corner of this big era, and we all have our own ambitions, but the path of becoming a **** cannot help you realize all your dreams. And ambitious, after you become a god, you will suffer a greater bondage. Have you ever thought that if you want to realize your ideas, can you really succeed only by saving the world? The history I have seen is longer than you In fact, there were not many successful saviors in the past, but few can change the world. All they can do is stand high in the sky and overlook the earth."

   "You are not a god, how do you know I can't do it?"

   Jenkins asked Gearman, who looked at Jenkins:

   "Because it is obvious, God means sublimation, and sublimation is oneself."

   "This is also very good, all I want is to sublimate myself."

   "So what about ideals and ambitions?"

   "This is a secondary goal."

   Jenkins answered very honestly. His original goal was to become a god, which has never changed. If the difference engine thinks that it can rely on a few simple words to make him give up when he has almost reached the end, then it would be a little too ridiculous.

   "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go, let me see what story this female textile worker has."

   After finishing speaking, he took the lead and jumped into the map with the cat in his arms. Seeing Jenkins left, the Gearman did not stay long, and immediately jumped up and was sucked in by the map.

   The two have just disappeared. In the static antique shop, the old man suddenly put down the newspaper.

   The blood on his normal face immediately faded, and he groaned in pain, and then held his heart for a long time before he got up from the rocking chair:

   "Beffana didn't say that this ceremony was so painful...but luckily she finally came in. It was a crazy idea, but I didn't expect it to succeed."

   Daddy staggered to the counter, supported the counter with his right hand, exposing the thick knuckles. The old man looked a little weak. In Jenkins' eyes, he had always been the kind of old gentleman who was not too strong, but with extraordinary energy. At this time, he was just like an ordinary old man.

   This may also be due to the loss of the evolution key.

   first checked the map and confirmed that he could not enter those places like Jenkins, so he looked at the backpack left by Jenkins on the counter. After thinking about it, instead of moving Jenkins' backpack, he turned and left the antique shop and disappeared in the rain.

  Since the last place is the clock tower, the old man intends to go directly to the clock tower. Although it is not clear whether this treacherous situation really completely restores Nolan and whether he can move his position with his feet, the old man wants to give it a try after all. If he can really reach the clock tower one step earlier, then he can prepare in advance to prepare for the final battle.

   Although there are large-scale factories in all districts of Nolan, there are the most steam plants in the east of Nolan, next to the mining area. In addition to the convenience of transportation of coal and other fuels, it is also because the land price near the mining area is the cheapest and it is convenient to buy land.

   Jenkins hugged the cat and landed on the street with the gear man. There are large factories around here, and because the time of this treacherous land is only a whole year away from the outside world, people are everywhere on the gravel street at dusk. Even if the factory owner wants the workers to work 25 hours a day, the workers always have to eat.

   Although civilians are accustomed to eating only two meals a day, in order to work at night, dinner must be stricter. Now is the time to go to work and eat, so there are so many people.

  The rain has become smaller, so there are almost no people holding umbrellas on the road. People kept their motions of solidification and stillness, frozen at a certain moment.

   "It's really lively."

   The Gear Man sighed, and led Jenkins to the inside of the factory where the "Sick and Rousseau Cotton Mill" brand was hung. The two walked against the direction of the flow of people. Fortunately, people didn't move, so they walked smoothly:

   "William the savior, do you know the permanent population of Nolan?"

   "I don't know the exact number, but it is definitely more than 3 million. It is difficult to count the floating population in slums, and even the city hall cannot give a truly correct number."

   "Then do you know how many people belong to the so-called bottom of the population of at least three million people, and how many of the top people are provided by these bottom people?"

   "I still can't give an accurate number or ratio, but it's probably pyramid-shaped."

   He gestured with his hands.

   "Yes, and the spire of the pyramid is very sharp."

   The two turned around along the aisle between the factories. These cotton mills are not small in scale, and the target person is in the rear factory.

   "You have been asking me just now, now I want to ask you. What should the social structure look like after your ideal steel land comes?"

   Jenkins took the opportunity to ask.

"It is certainly not such an exaggeration of the pyramid. What I want is a complete plane, everything is in order. I control everything, so there is no need to set up different levels. Under me, all are mundane, all machines They are all equal, and the big gear and the small gear have no different meanings to the machine."

   "Although it looks idealistic, but in fact it is just that you want to control the world. The actual social structure is lagging behind now."

   he laughed.

   "Do you think you are behind now?"

   "The point of what I said is that your structure is more backward."

   The two did not continue their debate because they finally saw the goal.

   It's time to eat after work, and the target female textile workers are also walking out among the crowd. If you hadn't seen her in advance, it would be hard to tell the difference between this haggard middle-aged woman and others.

   Her image completely satisfies the identity of a "poor textile worker". She wears a coarse cloth skirt with a patch on the waist. But the color of the patch is very similar to the dark color of the skirt, so you can't see it unless you look closely.

  The appearance of walking in a static state is subconsciously sagging his shoulders, making the whole person look even less energyless. The freeze-frame eyes were dim and dull, and there was no joy, anger, sorrow, or joy.

   "She seems to be going out, should we follow her too? Is the scale of this treacherous situation that big?"

   Jenkins asked the gear man, and the real scope of the suspicious circumstance included only the old antique shop and seven locations.

   "Don't worry, the scale of this deception encompasses the entire Nolan and surrounding areas. If it is really as small as you think, part of my body and core must be hidden to prevent you from discovering it?"

   Gear Man asked rhetorically.

   It can see that every time Jenkins goes to a place, the first thing to do is to look around. Even if it does not know the secret of "True Eye", it can still tell that Jenkins is trying to search for its core.

   "You have thought about it, I just want to know if I can keep up with her."

   Jenkins pointed at the woman, and immediately, the still crowd began to flow, and the noisy noise during work made the space that was originally only the sound of rain almost broken by the vibrating air.

   The textile worker continued to walk forward, walking like she was rubbing forward. She looked very tired and sleepy. A woman has a big frame of bones, but because she can't eat enough, she now walks on the road, and to exaggerate it, it's like a skeleton dragging its flesh and flesh forward.

   Jenkins took two quick steps and squeezed to the woman's side. The woman ignored the handsome young man who suddenly appeared next to her. After all, the interaction hadn't started yet.

  Although the target acquisition is the "heart of hard work", Jenkins will not be so stupid to ask "are you tired" or something like that. He asked:

   "Madam, where are you going to eat?"

   "Go home, the children have already cooked."

   Typical Nolan accent. This is a native Nolan. Maybe his ancestors have lived here for hundreds of years.

   As for cooking by children, this is not surprising. Children from poor families will cook their own meals at a very young age, because adults often don’t have time due to tiring work. The memory of the original owner shows that when the Williams family was still operating a small shop at the port terminal, Newman, the eldest brother of the three brothers, was generally responsible for cooking.

   "What about your husband?"

   Jenkins asked again, wanting to investigate the other party's family situation. But the woman did not answer immediately. Just when Jenkins thought that the other party's husband had passed away, the woman said:

   "A few years ago, I ran away with someone, and I don't know where I went."