Dominate the Treacherous Realm

Chapter 961

   Mortals may worry about the other's spirit contaminating their own spirit, but Jenkins has no such worry. He still relied on his own soul to be strong, almost communicating with the broken soul in a crushing posture. At the same time, even if the core of the differential engine instills more power into this body, because it is not controlled by the body, the advantage is still in Jenkins.

The gray mist around    is getting thicker, but the twenty-four demigods who have come prepared are not just to show their faces. Everyone came with determination. Although Jenkins does not rely on the power of the church, the Orthodox Church is, no matter what, the most powerful and extraordinary organization in the material world.

   The light of divine art, the aura of spells and the gray mist are twisted together, making Nolan in the treacherous realm even more terrifying. It's not just the earth, because it has exceeded the upper limit, this inherently unstable space fragment has already appeared cracks. The space is shaking, and ordinary people may not be able to observe this, but both Jenkins and the difference engine understand what this means.

"world Tree!"

   Jenkins shouted, even though the ability of [World Tree Seedling] could not be revealed, the appearance of a giant tree still vaguely appeared behind him. It was not a normal world tree phantom, but more like the giant steel tree of the previous world.

The flow of    spirit drives the body to control more powerful power, and the blood vessels under the skin faintly protrude, as if to outline a huge rune on the body. The eyes seemed to gleam, and the arms seemed to merge with the cane he was holding. The figure of Jenkins standing high in the sky appears and disappears from time to time at this moment, and no one can be sure that he must exist in this continuous time and space.

   This almost all-out force crushing, almost immediately destroys the metal giant under the ground. But at this time, the broken soul that had been crushed moved, driving the mental power transmitted by the bell at the core of the difference machine, and the phantom of a man appeared in front of Jenkins.

   This is a phenomenon produced by the transfer of the mental power of the two. If Jenkins gives up contact with the broken soul, this phantom will not affect him at all.

   "What tricks do you want to do?"

   The golden ripples in the distance passed, and I don’t know which demigod’s magic could actually enhance Jenkins’s power at this moment. It's just that the phantom did not change at all in the golden ripples, and the translucent man zhan looked at Jenkins above the spiral structure in the air. He was wearing a linen robe with a white ribbon wrapped around his head, with a gorgeous feather of an unknown animal pinned on the ribbon:

   "Is the future of machinery bad?"

   This is not the difference machine talking to Jenkins. Jenkins feels it. This is the thinking of the past creatures manifested by the spiritual power. This is an ancient human who has long died, and it is the spiritual imprint of the ancient human left by the difference machine.

   "What is good about the future of machinery?"

"Humans are too weak to defeat those terrifying alien races. If we can turn flesh and skin into metal, bones into steel, and internal organs into gears, we can also occupy a piece of our own land in this world... ..."

   This person probably lived in a very old age, when humans were very, very weak.

   Since ancient times, there will be no shortage of supporters for differential engines. And now, those former supporters have appeared.

Chapter 2220 Past Thoughts

   "But now is no longer the past. Human beings have mastered the power and no longer need to change their own structure. Therefore, you can sleep quietly. This era belongs to this era and does not need the wandering souls of the past.

   Listening to Jenkins's words, a regretful expression appeared on the man's face, and he slowly disappeared into the air.

   "Do you have only this method?"

   Jenkins asked the huge monster through the connected mental power, as if in response to his question, the metal tentacles dancing wildly under the night sky finally changed.

   The top of the tentacle was originally sprayed with gray mist. At this moment, a chain of gears sprang from the fine hole at the top. These chains shot in all directions, hooking up with the chains ejected by the other tentacles.

   In a blink of an eye, a large metal net hooked up by a brass chain covered Nolan's sky. The transmission of the spirit has become more convenient, and at the same time, the lines of the chains are also drawing a larger ritual formation.

   Jenkins saw the light and shadow of Mr. Gilbert's flaming rapier, and saw the golden magical sheen trying to cut the metal grid. But these are all useless. This net confines the space and greatly enhances the power of metal creations in this space.

   The boundless darkness seems to be pouring from the ground. Even if the two full moons in the sky still hang high here, no one can guarantee what will happen next.

   Another phantom appeared in front of Jenkins. This time it was a woman. She wore glasses and barefoot in a sacrificial robes. Her chest was in the shape of a half moon:

"According to my research, even if humans evolve for tens of thousands of years, their physical fitness cannot surpass most of the alien species of the same generation. Even if humans can expel aliens from the material world, leaving only humans in the world, humans rely on flesh and blood. , It is impossible to realize the development of the whole world. Therefore, it is the best choice to transform the flesh into other substances. Compared to transforming flesh and blood into light, four elements, etc., it is the best choice to transform into the same material metal. ."

   "Then when you researched, have you ever thought that human beings can rely on wisdom to develop the same civilization as aliens relying on physical strength?"

   The woman looked at Jenkins regretfully, shook her head, and disappeared before his eyes.

   Now, Jenkins finally figured out what the weird mental power was just now. During the countless times when the differential machine was discovered and used, there should be many humans who agreed with it and were willing to help it.

   Although Jenkins does not agree with its point of view, but also agrees with the point of view of the difference engine is very attractive. And those human beings who believe in the theory of the differential engine and are willing to help it achieve the goal of mechanizing the world, their own life span cannot break through the life lock of the material world to 999 years.

  The mental power of the dead supporters was collected by the differential engine and continued to assist it in achieving its goals. Part of it was shown in front of Jenkins' eyes, trying to contaminate Jenkins's thoughts with these past human thoughts.

   It should be said that this kind of idea is very creative, allowing people from the past to convince the modern "stubborn" Jenkins. But if the differential engine wants to use this to make him change his mind, it would be too easy.

   The dancing tentacles shook the brass gear metal net that covered the sky, and the expansion of the spirit caused a new round of erosion of the gray mist. Cracks have appeared on the flat ground of "Nolan", as if there is something huge, trying to rush out of the ground in one breath and unfold in front of people.

   Twenty-four demigods have helped Jenkins suppress the power of those tentacles, allowing him to deal with the core of the giant metal monster wholeheartedly.

   was supported by the differential engine, and the metal tentacles twisted with the vine moved again. They are deeply attached to the thick vines, as if they are trying to rub each other into the lines with black aura on their surface.

   Jenkins thinks that the current situation is completely controllable, so he didn't panic, but continued to use his own spirit to touch the broken soul. As long as he wins the battle on the spiritual level, then he can take the opportunity to control this huge metal monster.

   The old man under the roof couldn't see this, so he was a little anxious. He kept taking out all kinds of strange things from the pocket of the sweater that Jenkins was familiar with, as if he was preparing something next.

   There is no fog near him, not even the harmful gas spreading around the tentacles. The cat on top of his head protects Dad, and Chocolate is still very sensible. It sees that Jenkins has the upper hand at this time, so it is not anxious at all. It just wants to recharge and wait for the core of the difference engine to show its strength.

  As the spirit got closer, a third phantom figure appeared in front of Jenkins. This figure was actually an elf, just an old elf, and looked similar to the old elf who was about to die naturally a few months ago, and his life was about to come to an end.

"The body has a limit after all. Even if it is an immortal race, it will eventually reach the limit of life. Poor flesh and blood, after all, can't withstand the washing of time, even if it has almost infinite vitality, the corruption of the body will happen sooner or later. "

   This is the truth, just like Jenkins, even if he instills infinite vitality into a big tree, he cannot make it immortal. It will only let it experience the prosperity and decline of the years and then reach the end in a short period of time.

"Life" itself has the meaning of beginning and end. Jenkins personally told the master about his views on the natural cycle of life and death in the blooming landscape. Therefore, the power of nature cannot do anything in the true sense. eternal life.

   "But machinery can live forever. If it is broken, replace it, and upgrade the low-level one. This is the beauty of machinery. There is an end to the flesh and blood, but the machinery is forever."

The translucent elderly elf stands high in the sky, and the surrounding cyclones roll up black smoke and gray fog. The violent wind sweeps everything in the slyland. Even if the tentacles dancing wildly behind it are just a glance, mortals will be completely lost. reason.

   "Since machinery is forever, then why is the phantom in front of me, not the robot?"

   Jenkins asked amusedly while manipulating the spirit against the giant underground.

   "At that time, the technology of Great Wisdom was immature, but it is now mature. Has the technology of the Gear Man you defeated before has reached the point where it is almost immortal?"

   Even if the gear man kept a small gear, it can be said that the individual still exists. It can be transformed and reorganized with metal nearby. It can be said that it is almost immortal. This kind of immortal thing is completely a real deception.

Chapter 2221 Argumentation

   "I noticed that you call the difference engine ‘Great Wisdom’ instead of my lord? This is surprising."

   The conversation in the air is still going on. Compared with the difference machine, these spiritual imprints from the past are more reasonable, and I found that Jenkins would not continue to entangle it.

"We agree with the idea of ​​great wisdom and what it does, so we help it in the short time it is out of the seal. We have the same status as great wisdom, and great wisdom also agrees with this point, so we will take the initiative before we die. Cut out part of your own spirit and give it to it."

   the old elf replied.

   "I didn't see that it still has this kind of appeal."

   Jenkins thought in his heart, and then said to the illusory elderly elf in front of him:

   "But you can't persuade me. Let's replace one. Although you are only a manifestation of mental power, you are also an elf. How can you be so disrespectful to the World Tree?"

"world Tree?"

   The old elves in front of him are not even creatures. They are just superficial manifestations of mental power, and can only respond to specific scenes and information. Of course, they can't see what is wrong with Jenkins at a glance like all other elves.

   But he did retain his instinctive reaction to the World Tree, subconsciously he wanted to bend down and bow, but stopped his actions:

"Although I approve of great wisdom and am willing to help it, I have never forgotten that I was once an elf. I also held an adult ceremony with my friends under the world tree. I cannot convince you, but I want to remind you that our Appearing is definitely not to simply interfere with your thoughts. Look at your arm."

After    finished speaking, he also disappeared in the air.

   Jenkins thought about it in doubt, one hand continued to hold the cane, the other hand rolled the sleeve tube, and then he saw that there were a few more black markings on his glowing arm.

   Before being reminded by the elf, he didn't notice at all. This is not a toxin or curse, but the influence of the spiritual power that has accumulated for many years and is about to decay. In other words, that group of mental power is mixed with a lot of mixed thoughts, and after many times of fusion, many times of tempering, and the washing of time, it has become almost rubbish.

   The rotten garbage may be re-absorbed by the earth, but if the rotten mental power can always exist, it is a poison that is harmful to all souls. This kind of thing that is comparable to "human pus" is only possible for an ancient existence such as a differential engine, but any other creature that can exist for so many years like it will not be boring to contain one. A large group of slowly decayed spiritual power.

   In short, due to Jenkins' rash contact, the rotten spirit has spread to his body along the spiritual link. He should be able to detect it, but because of the special nature of this group of mental power, he didn't pay attention until he was reminded.

   "It doesn't matter."

   thinking in his heart, Ling began to wash his torso. Those black traces naturally faded a little bit, but because of Jenkins's continuous contact with the broken soul, it continued to show up. This is a tug of war. Unless Jenkins gives up the spiritual battle, it will continue for a long time.

   The space of the slyland became more and more unstable, and black lightning appeared in the night sky. This is not a thunderstorm, but a sign that the space is about to collapse. The Deception itself is actually not suitable for a decisive battlefield. After all, this is just space debris.

Suppressed by Jenkins on a dual level, with the help of twenty-four demigods who were determined to die in this battle, the difference plane deliberately pulled its most important combat body into the paradox, but it was unable to even the earth's crust. Breakthrough will almost fall into a state of defeat.

   Suddenly, the black aura is strong to the extreme, converging in the space in front of Jenkins. Because of the action of the spirit, the space collapsed and formed a huge black hole. Amid the sound of glass breaking, a huge metal tentacle came out of it. Since the monster couldn't get to the ground by squeezing through the ground, it actually wanted to break the space directly.

   The tentacle hit Jenkins' forehead, but before he touched him, he was still in the air. Jenkins raised his head, and the phantom of the huge rotating gear in his right eye flashed by, as the bronze brilliance almost shot out of his eyes, he said very calmly:

"go back."

   So the tentacles obediently retracted into the shattered space, and the shattered space was restored immediately.

   "What's the point of doing this?"

   Jenkins is a little tired of such a fight, let go of all his strength, let the bronze light flood the double helix structure of vines and metal under his feet.

   The bell rang again, but this time it rang behind Jenkins, and the looming shadow of the huge steel tree appeared again.

   "Isn't it better to let your body core come to see me?"

   suddenly raised his right hand and gently waved it in the air, the bronze metal color was spread into the air. The giant brass chain net shot by the tentacles was immediately corrupted into a rusty bronze color after being contaminated with those light spots. Jenkins is gradually robbing the power of this huge monster.


   Pull out the cane with both hands, then stab it again. Green life, gray death, and bronze immortality, three fully balanced forces follow the double helix structure, from the smallest point in the sky to the ground.

   The rotating brilliance made the entire square light up. But the old man in the square can feel how terrible this is:

   "Jenkins has really grown up."

   Looking at the whole Nolan, Jenkins is determined to end it now. The chaotic colors of the three-color fusion entered the ground and immediately spread to the ground of the entire paradox. People heard the noise below the ground, and saw the fire and hot steam gushing from the cracks in the ground.

   At this moment, Jenkins's arms suddenly itchy, it is the effect of those polluting and decaying mental powers. But he did not waver at all, closing his eyes, making the already very strong mental connection more stable.

He boldly let go of his soul to touch the soul of the underground giant metal monster. When he opened his eyes again, under the black night sky of Nolan that was about to collapse, one by one translucent shadows appeared one after another, surrounding the sky around Jenkins. Looked down at him.

   These are the gifts that people who have agreed with the concept of the differential engine for tens of thousands of years, and are willing to help it, left that machine. Among them, there are even people who belong to the eighteenth century.

  People all reached out to Jenkins in an inviting gesture, but Jenkins just shook his head:

   "You are just a brand left by your mental power, not even a complete consciousness. Leave it, it's all over."

   he said, but the shadows did not dissipate:

   "Saviors of the Eighteenth Era, we have witnessed countless years, and the consciousness of thousands of people has already demonstrated the correctness of mechanization."

   Everything around seems to be shaking, the black smoke and gray fog are twisted together, and then blown by the strong wind, it seems that the whole world is about to collapse. But Jenkins and the twenty-four demigods who entered the treacherous realm were not afraid. The auras that represented their power were acting very steadily, just like an isolated island on a stormy sea.

   Jenkins himself is confident and has already seen the end, so I don’t worry, but the people who take risks to help Jenkins are purely determined to save the world by courage and determination. There will always be some people who will stand up at the most dangerous moment in the world and sacrifice themselves in exchange for even the slightest possibility.

   This is probably the courage of mankind, this is probably the hymn of mankind.

   The voice of the phantom can only be heard by Jenkins who is in contact with them. The voice seems to be coming from all directions, and it is a collection of thousands of people's voices.

   "Have you argued? No, the truth is often in the hands of a few people."

   Jenkins replied to the violent wind in front of him, the wind made the hem of his coat flutter, and his eyes had to be squinted to avoid tears in the wind.

   "No, the truth is to be demonstrated, and those of us have been demonstrated for thousands of years. The conclusion is that the savior of the eighteenth century, you are hindering the evolution of mankind, the ultimate evolution."

   A series of phantoms crossed the space and rushed towards Jenkins. They were not to attack, but to pass all the information contained in their mental power to Jenkins. These thoughts, even if they are not polluting at all, are enough for a sound-minded person to be brainwashed as part of their thoughts, not to mention that the mental power at this time has long been decayed into something close to poison and **** after the washing of time.

  The huge amount of information washed through Jenkins' mind in a short period of time, and the firm common ideas of thousands of people echoed in Jenkins' mind over and over again. Those ideas about the mechanical evolution of human beings and the construction of a world where all things are equal are all squeezed into Jenkins' mind.

   But these are completely useless, the soul of God will not fear the messy thoughts of mortals. What's more, Jenkins has seen a technological civilization that is more advanced than the steam civilization, and understands that as long as the courage and curiosity of mankind remain, human wisdom is the most powerful weapon of mankind itself, and mankind does not need to get rid of weak flesh.

   If all human beings are transformed from flesh and blood to metal configuration, it will lock the possibility of further evolution of human beings. Each race has its own unique talents and abilities. No race is completely useless. It is really stupid to abandon the characteristics of one's race to cater to different kinds of ideas.

   Therefore, Jenkins is not afraid of those crazy thoughts, but tries to debate with them in his own mind. But those thoughts are just the brand of thoughts, and they don't have the ability to talk to him and exchange views.

   This made Jenkins once again realize that these things are just "repeaters" for differential engines to promote their own ideas. So he stopped paying attention to it completely, and instead forced the broken soul into his own soul.

Chapter 2222 It is among the stars

The battle on the spiritual level is far not as easy as the battle on the material level, but because of the large difference in size between each other, almost the next second when Jenkins is determined to end this battle, that piece of broken soul is split from the incomplete soul. Fragments of soul, then shattered.

   The process of soul fragmentation is invisible to the naked eye, but because of the spiritual connection between each other, Jenkins thinks that he "sees" a small piece of glass and the whole process of being smashed by his own behemoth.

   Lost the guidance of the soul power, the huge underground mechanical monster completely lost control. The more frantic tentacles tried to clean everything on the ground. For a moment, the demigods almost couldn't suppress them, allowing the underground things to break through to the surface.

   "William, what do you do now!"

   Jenkins heard someone shout from the wind, so he also responded loudly:

   "Hold on, it will be fine soon."

   He stepped on his left foot, released the cane in his hands with both hands, and rose into the air. Of course, this was not flying, but just jumped to a high altitude with his own mighty power.

   From a high altitude, the space of the treacherous realm can be seen almost completely. The metal tentacles are like sores growing in the city, making their final struggle.

   Given that the differential engine has the bad habit of installing self-detonation devices on his own creations, Jenkins did not try to completely control this huge metal body.