Domineering CEO Is My Son

Chapter 56: Dad's Controversy (two more) (Your fathe

On the way back, Yueqin got in the car but did not start the car, but took a box of rice bubbles from the side.

The little parrot leaned in right away, his little head almost stuck into the box, his tone was very excited: "Mi Bubble!"

It turned out that after the baby can talk, it looks like this.

Yue Qin picked up Mi Bao Bao and said, "My baby who couldn't speak before also liked Mi Bao Bao."

The little parrot immediately lay on his father's knee, revealing a soft-feathered belly, and his feet and feet with green wool shook again.

Why didn't he find out before? This guy is shameless.

It was the same before. He accidentally threw his mobile phone into the bucket and immediately lay on the ground, pretending that he didn't know anything.

Yue Qin took the little guy out and said, "This rice bubble should be reserved for Kangkang, who likes to eat rice bubble the most."

The little parrot felt that his father must have not recognized himself, and said, "Half of Kangkang, half of me."

Yue Qin looked at this heartless son who was so proficient in being a bird, and asked, "Now Kangkang doesn't seem to like to eat rice bubbles?"

"Why doesn't Kangkang like to eat rice bubbles now? He used to like rice bubbles the most."

"Baby parrot, is there anything you want to tell me? I will believe you no matter what you say."

The little parrot's feathers trembled and continued to shake their feet, with green wool on their feet.

Yue Qin said again: "Dad already knows everything, baby, do you have anything you want to tell dad?"

The little parrot continued to shake his feet, as if he could not understand anything.

Yue Qin pressed his temples, his own son was completely unable to communicate. His own son used to be unable to speak. He doesn't want to speak now, so he pretends that he can't speak for granted. His small eyes are very serious, as if to say, how can you force one What can a bird that can't speak speak?

At ten o'clock in the kindergarten is a flag-raising ceremony, and teachers can be heard holding loud speakers from a distance.

There was a little parrot standing on Yueqin's shoulders. Hearing the sound of the school's flag raising ceremony, the little parrot flew up and happily flew there.

Halfway through the flight, I probably thought of my old father again, and flew back again.

The little parrot flapped its little green wings and said happily: "I am the little parrot teacher, I am going to class."

Yue Qin didn't want to let him go. However, he could only look at the little parrot and nodded: "I will pick you up this afternoon."

The little parrot flew into the kindergarten, and the children looked up and looked at the little parrot teacher.

Among a group of children, Yue Qin saw the child standing in the third row on the far right of the line at a glance. The child's clothes were the same as the sweater he put in the child's room yesterday, with a white red panda printed on it.

The child now has a stern face and looks cool, a little different from when he was at home.

The children on the left and right were whispering to the children close to them. The child stood there and couldn't blend in with the other children.

Mr. Kang was thinking about how to tell his big dad to eat his 4-year-old birthday cake again, but he saw the big dad standing outside the railing.

The big dad probably sent the little parrot over to class. He still remembers that when he came to school on the first day, the big dad and the violent mother were watching him outside.

He ignored them at the time.

The little fat man next to him knew the uncle and said, "Kangkang, Kangkang, your father is outside, and your father is watching you."

Chubby was obviously a little excited.

Under normal circumstances, when the national flag is raised, there will be some grandparents outside to visit their children.

Most children want to see their grandparents, but feel embarrassed to see them.

Occasionally, mom and dad will come to see you, but it's not a lot. Every time a mom and dad come to see you, other children will say so and so, and your mom is watching you.

Then, the kid will blush with embarrassment.

Kang Kang who is cool, smart, and able to bargain with the teacher is different.

His father is not the same as the fathers of other children, because his father is really tall and tall. In the eyes of the children, Kang Kang's father is the tallest father.

So his father came to see him and everyone looked over.

The teacher on the stage was talking loudly about the children's performance in the past week.

Teacher Xiao Liu didn't interfere with the children in the class, so the children around Mr. Kang said in a frantic voice--

"Kangkang, your father is so tall, will you grow so tall in the future?"

"I also want to grow this tall in the future, so that I can take down the grapefruit with one hand."

There is a grapefruit tree next to their playground with three grapefruits growing on it. In the eyes of the children, Kangkang's father is as high as the grapefruit tree, so he can directly take the grapefruit from the grapefruit tree.

"Your father must reach out and get the grapefruit." Another kid said enviously.

"Kangkang, your father is waving to me!" One of the more extroverted children waved to Kangkang's father, only to see Kangkang's father waved to himself.

The child looked at the big dad outside the kindergarten and said, "He is not waving to you, he is waving to me!"

Mr. Kang said, with disgust and dissatisfaction on his face, he waved his hand to the people outside and shouted--

"Dad, you confessed to the wrong son!"

At this moment, the teacher just stopped talking with eloquence on stage, so the whole audience heard the cool Kangkang kid in school shouting to his father---

"Dad, you admitted your wrong son, I am here! The one waving is not your son!"

After a brief silence in the audience, the children laughed.

President Kang blushed all of a sudden, and he wanted to find a place to sew in.

The principal said: "Kangkang, don't worry, your father didn't admit his mistake. He is greeting your classmates."

The kid who beckoned just now said, "Kangkang, I won't steal your dad with you. I have a dad myself."

Mr. Kang said in a loud voice: "Your father is not as tall as my father!"

"My dad earns more money than your dad!"

After hearing this, Mr. Kang only felt that it was an insult to his big father.

The big dad does not make much money, but he is much better than the capitalist who can make money. Mr. Kang only thinks that this person misunderstands the big dad, and he blushes with anger just thinking about it: "Your dad is a capitalist! My dad is. The proletariat, the world will be the world of the proletariat from now on!"

When Teacher Xiao Liu heard this, he said in his heart that he is more than a dad, and a class struggle will become a class struggle in a while, so he hastened to fight: "They are all good dads, no more disputes."

Mr. Kang snorted, and still gave Teacher Xiao Liu a face.

Teacher Xiao Liu saw the kid Kangkang who had just stunned, trotting all the way to the side of the playground.

"Dad, are you looking for something to do with me?" The child raised his face, his little blush flushed, and his voice was a little embarrassing.

This is the first time he talked to his father in front of all kindergarten children in the school, and other kindergarten children are watching them.

"I didn't quarrel with that kid just now, he was the one who quarreled with me first."