Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 165: Go out

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

Through the access control system, Wang Ping'an opened the door. Not long afterwards, he saw Wang Wen only carrying a bag of fruit and came home with a smile.

"Erbao, I heard that you came back last night, but something happened at home and I didn't come in time. No, I picked the fruit in my orchard early in the morning and came to see you."

"Oh, I'm willing to pick my own fruit, it's too expensive. Say, what's the matter begging me?"

"Looking at what you said, it seems that if you have nothing to ask you, you will not bring gifts. But seriously, I want to borrow some money, buy a small truck, and go to the city to run and sell fruits."

This set of road kings knows well, but you seem to have failed the second hurdle, bought a car, can you drive?

Feeling Wang Ping's skeptical gaze, Wang Wencai explained proudly: "You may not know that I passed the second subject examination yesterday."

"That must be congratulated." Wang Ping'an did not play routines with him. After all, he was a friend who grew up wearing crotch pants from an early age. "When you get your driver's license, the money to buy a car will not be less than you."

Wang Wencai was grateful and said awkwardly, "Thank you, thank you ... Actually, my parents urged me to come over. Everyone in the village said that you made 100,000 yuan in a trip to the mountain, and you have money. People borrowed it. "

"There are indeed 100,000 yuan, but I used it to build a house. That is, you borrow it. If someone else borrows it, you can't borrow it from me."

"Hey, I understand." Wang Wencai scratched his head and naturally understood what he meant.

In fact, Wang Wencai knows that even a fool can tell who is good for himself and who is bad for himself.

Touching his conscience, he felt that Wang Ping'an was better than his brother-in-law.

If it was not forcing him at home, he would be embarrassed to borrow money.

"How come Laiwang hasn't come today, the sun is drying his ass, he hasn't come to work yet, he has to deduct his salary today. I'll help you feed the chickens and fish first, I'll do the work, definitely not worse than him.

Wang Wencai was hard-working once today. He carried a bag of chicken feed and ran to Taoyuan.

Not a hundred pounds of chicken feed can be carried by anyone. After taking a dozen steps, he couldn't do it anymore. He had to pour it in a bucket and raise it three times.

Wang Ping'an shook his head and felt that this little partner was not a material for farm work at all. Let him spend two years outside and gain more experience. After doing business or management, he should be stronger than the villagers who have not gone to school.

At more than nine o'clock, Laiwang arrived in Taoyuan.

Today he was dressed very smart, he just had his hair cut, his beard shaved, and he wore a new dress.

"Boss, I have to ask for leave today. A relative introduced me to an object and let me meet at the meeting." Lai Wang said with embarrassment.

"Ha, this is a good thing, do you need a driver? I will drive you through." Wang Ping encouraged.

"You ... forget it, if Wang Wen would drive, he came to the driver and I might agree."


Laiwang pointed to his face and said with a bit of frustration: "If you follow the past, do I still have a chance of success?"

"..." Wang Ping shrugged and blamed me?

Wang Wen, who had just fed the fish, heard angrily and said angrily: "Laiwang, you are not confident yourself, why even strike me together? With my handsome appearance, if you follow, you have no chance of success."

"Hehe." Lai Wang smiled lightly, too lazy to explain.

Laiwang has a driver's license, and he came to Taoyuan to borrow a car. Wang Ping didn't have any problem. He found the car key and threw it directly to him.

"Pay attention to safety on the road, what's the matter, call at any time, in the entire town of Huaxi, which dare to bully our brother, I directly smoke him."

Wang Ping's wild nature is hard to close, said with domineering.

"Uh ... OK." Laiwang found that Wang Ping'an had changed a little bit more violently and madly than before entering the mountain.

When Laiwang left, Wang Wen pulled a chair and gathered around Wang Ping'an to chat.

"Wencai, has anything special happened in the village in recent days?" Wang Ping'an asked.

"Nothing special. After the bald man was cremated, he was buried on the west side of the mountain. The old principal sold out his family's supplies, except for the first aid and burial expenses. There was only about a thousand dollars left."

"The old headmaster didn't return to the city and said that he suddenly discovered that he lived in the village than Tan was in the city. His son picked up the car specifically to pick it up, but he didn't return."

"Two days after you first entered the mountain, the people in the village said that you could not come back. Like Wang Jiefang, they might have died in the mountain. So the tiger and the leopard were a little excited, and dared to wander around Taoyuan. "

Upon hearing this, Wang Ping An suddenly waved his hand and asked, "Tiger and leopard are not honest anymore? Ask someone to ask if my house was stoned every day. Did they do it?"

"Hey, I'm good at this, I added Shewa's WeChat ... Shewa, you remember, the guy with snake skin on his body, occasionally mixed with tigers and leopards, was thrown among the people who caught fish in the mud last time , There is him. "

Wang Ping's wondered: "Well? It seems a bit impressed, what's wrong?"

"Snake baby has fallen out with them. They haven't been together recently, but the previous relationship is still there, and it's convenient for me to find out. In fact, he wants to find some serious work, let me help him find it on the Internet. Me, I asked him about it, he didn't dare to coax me. "

"Well, okay, I don't ask about the process, as long as the result." Wang Ping nodded and let Wang Wen deal with the matter.

Ding Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding.

The access control system rang again. Those who can ring the access control bell usually look for Wang Ping'an. If you are building a house, go to the open space between Taoyuan and Wang Hongliang Orchard.

"Erbao, are you in Taoyuan? It's me, you promised to send me good wine, why is there no shadow?" The voice of the old principal Wang Banli came from the access control system.

"Haha, I didn't forget, I just hurried into the mountain. I didn't have time to send it to you. Please come in."

Wang Ping'an still respects the old principal. He used to treat himself well before, and he helped his mother before he retired.

After pressing the button to open the gate, Wang Ping took the initiative to meet some way, and took the old principal to visit Taoyuan.

Of course, when I met mature big peaches on the road, I picked a few, and I was ready to invite him to taste.

Wang Banli is in good spirits. He has a white shirt, long pants, and a paper fan in his hand. He likes Taoyuan's environment very much.

"Listening to the villagers saying that the peaches you plant have mutated? Convenient to disclose, is there any secret? If it is suitable for large-scale promotion, our villagers in the whole town are full of hope."

After sitting down, Wang Banli seemed to say something casually.

Wang Ping asked Wang Wencai to wash the peaches, and answered this rare question seriously: "The popularity is too difficult, at least there is no hope now, and I will never hide it when I get the know-how of popularization."

This is not a nonsense, because Wang Ping'an has not yet mastered the cultivation of Shennong, and now he grows fruits and vegetables, all because of the effect of Shennong mineral water.

Want to master the real planting technique depends on when the Shennong system is reliable. He feels that the hope is very slim.