Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 243: Viper hurts

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

Xu Qing would be mad if he knew that Wang Ping'an was considering selling peach trees.

Of course, Wang Ping'an didn't think it was a big deal, because he didn't really care.

His true secret will not tell anyone, and no one will believe it, because that foolish word like a lunatic, in today's society, few people believe that there are immortals, and the reincarnation of immortals and the like.

Xu Qing was angry but didn't leave. She sat in the metal house and played with her mobile phone, not planning to help in the kitchen.

Wang Ping'an was happy because he called out two loyal and good employees.

Laiwang and the War Commission are responsible for the side dishes for cutting vegetables. Wang Pingping is only responsible for cooking. The three people talked about some situations on the wasteland site and quickly prepared their lunch.

After the meal was served on the table, Xu Qing smelled the fragrance and couldn't hold her face any longer. She took the initiative to come over and help the rice, and then sat quietly and ate madly.

"Boss, Wen Cai really went to the traditional Chinese medicine base to open up wasteland. It seems that he always loves Xiao Gu. He does not feel tired of doing anything for her." When he came to dinner, he remembered this and said it in public.

"Today Xiao Gu is not here again, even if he is exhausted, it is useless ... More importantly, Xiao Gu is too beautiful, she can't see the above, it can be seen from the expression and eyes." Always ruthless The war commission said a big truth.

Wang Ping said with a smile: "You are bystanders, and you have time to persuade the genius, don't let him toss about it. With this skill, it is better to do something right."

Three big men, in front of another beautiful woman, complimenting the appearance of another beautiful woman, it is simply intolerable.

"Hey, who are you always talking about Xiao Gu? Actually, Wang Wen was really fascinated?" Xu Qing asked curiously.

"You don't even know Xiao Gu? Oh, yes, you haven't seen her ... People who have seen her in our village think she is a fairy."

"She is the boss of the herbal medicine industry, because her brother is also the boss, so we all call her Xiao Gu."

Speaking of Gu Qingcheng of Bai herbal medicine industry, Xu Qing instantly had an impression, because she had met before, and it was indeed an unforgettable woman.

Even a woman like her has a powerless sense of frustration than her looks and temperament.

However, at this time, she was extremely vigilant.

"Have you all seen her? She often comes to the village?"

"Not only in the village, Xiao Gu always visits our Taoyuan, and we are familiar with our boss!" Lai Wang and the war committee replied.

Xu Qing's eyes were instantly sharp like a knife, staring at Wang Ping's eyes, trying to see through his heart.

"Erbao, what they said is true? Why didn't you mention it to me?" Xu Qing's voice was gentle and weak as Liu.

"I'm not familiar with it, but I've only seen it a few times, and there's nothing to say." Wang Ping thought for a moment and replied seriously.

"Really, that's fine. I heard from my dad that the herbal medicine industry is too complicated, and Gu's family members are more complicated. It's better to have less contact, otherwise there will be big trouble."

"Well, I also think Gu's family is so troublesome." Wang Ping'an thought deeply, often letting himself go into the mountains to find fire ginseng was really annoying.

Hearing Wang Ping's words, Xu Qing felt relieved and became happy.

"Come and eat more dishes. The vegetables you make are particularly fragrant, and they are better than the bamboo rat meat and hare meat you have eaten before." Xu Qing said, and gave Wang Ping some chopsticks.

"Thank you for the compliment." Wang Ping'an said, bowing his head and eating.


After dinner, Xu Qing was going to the Chinese Medicine Base to see if he wanted to explore the enemy's situation.

Wang Ping'an didn't have much trouble, just digested, and took Xu Qing along the path toward the Chinese medicine base.

At this moment, when there was a panic in front of me, someone shouted loudly: "Shout to the doctor, the snake baby is bitten by a poisonous snake! It's OK to call an ambulance."

When Xu Qing heard it, she was a little ignorant. She was bitten by a poisonous snake? Is this fratricidal?

Will a poisonous snake bite a poisonous snake?

When Wang Ping heard this, he knew what was going on. Shewa was her personal name and was bitten by a poisonous snake. She really needed first aid.

Earlier in the village, the death of the bald man was also bitten by a poisonous snake.

Therefore, the villagers are now terrified of poisonous snakes, and even some bear children dare not play snakes easily, otherwise they will be discovered by adults, and they will be beaten hard.

Several men, carrying the snake baby, ran fast, shouting while running. A few men from the village were also beside him, ready to replace the lifter at any time.

"Which kind of poisonous snake was bitten?" Wang Pingan pulled Xu Qing and stood on the side of the road, making way for them.

"I don't know very clearly. She said that she didn't see it clearly, and the venomous snake slipped away, vaguely remembering black and white markings." Someone replied in a panic.

"There are many black and white venomous snakes. If you can't see clearly, even if you send to the hospital for emergency treatment, there is no way to treat it." Wang Ping'an followed the crowd who transported the snake baby and ran slowly to the village.

"No matter what, I hope it is not a silver ring snake, otherwise it will be difficult to cure." Some people sighed.

The position of the snake baby was on the outside of the ankle and was bitten by the poisonous snake. It has been treated briefly. A cross was cut with a knife, squeezed through the blood, and the rope was tied at the knee of the proximal end. .

Although others were flustered, the snake baby himself was a little calm, and he spoke from time to time to comfort everyone, saying that he was okay, it was impossible to be so unlucky, and he suddenly encountered the silver ring snake.

However, his mental state is not very good, and he is a little sleepy. He closes his eyes from time to time and wants to sleep.

There are two clinics in the village. The western medicine clinic may store some snake venom serum. The Chinese medicine clinic does not know how. Although the name boasted by Tang Shenyi is large, he has never seen his rescue level, which is not easy to judge.

"How long has it been since being bitten?" Wang Ping came to the clinic and asked about it.

"It took about twenty minutes ... At first, the child of Shewa did n’t tell everyone, but she sat on the side, secretly bleeding and squeezing the poison. When asked, she said she was bitten by the poisonous snake. Lift it out. "

At this time, Shewa's sleepiness was even stronger, and she smiled tiredly: "I was bitten by the snake at the beginning, and it didn't hurt. Later, when I saw the wound's teeth, the impression of the teeth was wrong. It hurts, it feels sleepy and it's a bit difficult to breathe ... "

When everyone heard it, they suddenly felt bad. The typical symptoms of the silver ring snake biting are like this.

"Dr. Huang, come to save people, the snake baby may have been bitten by the silver ring snake, can you have anti-venom serum here?"

A few tens of meters away, someone yelled loudly and alarmed Dr. Huang in the clinic.

"No, last time when I treated the bald bald, I used the last two anti-snake venom serums to no avail.

It ’s not easy to get the goods recently, and it ’s not easy to save. I do n’t have anything here. Besides, the silver ring snake venom is a neurotoxin. Even if it has antitoxin serum, it may not be cured.

By the way, across from the Tang's medical hall, I heard that the old man was a psychic doctor. He carried the wounded person over and asked him to heal him, maybe it would have a magical effect. "