Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 316: changing schedule

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

In just ten minutes or so, that short video became a hot search on major websites, and people gave it the nickname "Legal Immunity Yu Master". Regarding the events related to the Yu family, it is still being dug in depth.

After Yu Feibai searched for his video, his face changed and immediately made a phone call, letting people do their best to remove the negative news on the Internet.

Even if you can't clear them all, you must first disappear from the headlines and hot search.

Otherwise, even if you can escape the public trial, you will be punished by family law.

"Gu Qingcheng, this is your person, the rules are broken first."

"You appear here because you broke the rules first. My people just took a video and accidentally posted it to the Internet, what's wrong?"

"Oh, okay, I have written down this matter." Yu Feibai pointedly pointed at Gu Qingcheng, then stared at Wang Ping'an again, and sat back to deal with the wound on his body.

Gu Qingcheng asked everyone to choose a place farther away, to rest and cook, before reminding Wang Ping'an: "It's better not to conflict with such people. thing."

Wang Ping'an looked innocent: "I'm an honest man, and I don't want to provoke him, but he wants to beat me, can't I just fight back?"

"..." Gu Qingcheng wanted to say that the injured person was Yu Feibai. If you don't need to fight back, he will be miserable. If you want to fight back, will you still let him live?

Tang Shenyi, who had never spoken, also reminded at this time: "Miss Gu said very much, Master, you can't be careful, this is a surname, but it's not good."

"Got it, I will pay attention." Wang Ping frowned, and both said so, and felt it necessary to pay attention to Yu Feibai.

Then Wang Ping turned around and said to the big yellow dog lying on his feet: "Sparrow, you have to be careful, the guy you just bite may be a crazy dog."

The big yellow dog looked confused, staring at the innocent little eyes, at a loss.

Tang Shenyi, Gu Qingcheng: "..."

Everyone has enough self-heating lunches. In order to reduce the burden, they will consume these self-heating lunches in the initial stage of entering the mountain.

The remaining military compressed biscuits, chocolates, energy bars, canned meat, etc. are left behind in case of need.

If you can find fresh ingredients in the mountains, it would be better. One is delicious, and the other is to alleviate the problem of insufficient food.

Seeing that everyone was busy, Wang Ping'an and Tang Shenyi went to find some fresh mushrooms nearby, washed them with creek water, put them in their backpacks, and kept them for soup in the evening.

After all, there was not much lunch time, and Yu Feibai had just been reprimanded for illegally raising fire and cooking, and he embarrassed himself and followed the fire.

If he is photographed online, he will definitely be laughed at by the audience.

More importantly, Wang Ping'an believes that he is a good citizen who abides by the law and observes the law. Where there are warning signs, he will definitely obey.

When I walked into the valley in front at night and could not see the warning slogan, I raised the fire to cook.

Sometimes, compliance with the law is so simple.

The self-heated lunch box takes only seven or eight minutes to eat. This is a customized lunch box that tastes good and the dishes are quite rich. After eating, drink some pure water, this meal can be solved.

Not far away, Yu Feibai and others did not know what to cook in the pot, and the smell of meat flew out, but looking at that look, after a while, he still couldn't eat.

They were drinking beer, looking at the pot for a while, and then looking at the direction of Wang Ping's, murmuring in their mouths, not knowing what was being discussed.

Wang Ping's ears were sharp, but he could only hear something like "kill him, feed the beasts in the mountains, and clean them up."

In short, it's not a good word.

If ordinary people hear Yu Feibai's vicious words, they will be frightened.

But Wang Ping'an was not an ordinary person. He was calm and passed by before them.

In particular, the big yellow dogs performed particularly well. They also spewed urine on the side of the big stone in front of their pot.

This behavior deeply expressed the contempt for the dignitaries, and at the same time told us that even if you are not a good person, you can't even look down on dogs.

Yu Fei flashed a killing intent in his eyes, but sneered on his mouth: "Qingcheng, you're full so fast? What are you eating? The pig food is stronger than you. Our broth is almost ready Would you like to have some more together? "

"Thank you for your kindness, we are full."

"See you then."

"It's better not to see you, lest there be any conflicts."

Gu Qingcheng didn't want to have any intersection with Yu Feibai at all, and refused very simply.

It was Wang Ping'an who sniffed his nose and muttered: "A pot of bird broth? Really tasteful."

Yu Feibai hummed: "It will taste better if you stew you at night."

Wang Ping's white teeth appeared, and he smiled and said: "Welcome to stew, eat me, and may live forever."

"Neuropathy!" Yu Feibai was horrified by his smile, and somehow there was a problem. He felt a little scared.

It was not until Wang Ping'an and Gu Qingcheng went down the mountain that they disappeared, he relieved himself and relieved.

Yu Feibai feels that there is nothing wrong with the words threatening Gu Qingcheng today, and the countermeasures are also very appropriate.

However, Wang Ping, who came out of nowhere, was strangely ruthless.

It does not follow the normal routine at all.

Some operations were as fierce as a tiger, but he made himself two hundred and fifty.

Not afraid of his own death threats, what else can make him afraid?

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Ping and his party arrived in the valley, but the weather was a bit gloomy.

Wang Pingan looked up at the sky and said to the crowd: "It's not the right weather, it might rain. You can't rest at the bottom of the valley tonight. You must go forward. There are some flat areas in the front half-mountainside for tents."

"When I set off yesterday, I read the weather forecast and asked meteorologists. They said that the last three or five days have been sunny and there is no rain." Gu Qingcheng raised his doubts.

Wang Ping'an said firmly: "This time I am going to the mountain, I am the guide, I can't listen to my mistakes. Even if you are wrong, you have to listen."

Tang Shenyi touched the stones at the feet, as well as the bushes and grass and vine leaves in the gaps between the stones, and said, "I also think it might rain, it's too cloudy, and there is a dull feeling. I listen to Master."

Several other medicine-picking personnel were strong men of blue color and trained by Gu's family. Here, they only listened to Gu Qingcheng's orders. What Gu Qingcheng said, they listened to what others said, it was not easy to make.

Everyone walked the mountain road for a day, and they were all very tired. If they camped at this time, it would indeed be very relaxed, happy, and have a feeling of traveling, not the coolie of exploring medicine.

So, they stared at Gu Qingcheng and watched how Gu Qingcheng decided.

"I listened to Erbao. Erbao said that it must be right." Gu Qingcheng instantly changed his position and judgment, and became a little fan of Wang Ping'an.

"..." Several medicinal team members immediately petrified, which was not in line with Gu Jiaqianjin's temperament in his own impression.

In this case, then continue to hurry.

Yu Feibai and his party walked down the path slowly down the mountain, more than forty minutes away from the valley.

He took out his telescope and saw Wang Ping'an and his party. He continued to rush forward and walked to a deeper mountain, a bit ignorant.

"No, what do they want to do? Want to set aside us before continuing on our way?"

"If they go like this, before dark, they can't find a place to camp, let alone cook on fire."

"Should they hear our deliberations and know that we will get rid of that little white face at night, so escaped early?"