Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 346: The war of two women

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

(The previous chapter was chapter 345, and this chapter is the real chapter 346.)

Wang Ping'an believed Gu Qingcheng's words of persuasion. Anyway, he knew nothing about stocks. After earning enough waves, he decisively withdrew.

After all, this is also a trial for him. Trying to make money with this method is not within the scope of the mission.

After looking at the money in the stock account, I didn't notice that Gu Qingcheng had entered the villa and chose a large sunny room on the second floor, next to Xu Qing's room.

After Wang Ping's reaction came, Gu Qingcheng had announced that she officially moved in today and would not return to the city to stay at the hotel.

It seems that I promised her just now, and what Wang Ping'an said, there will be no regrets, only what she wants.

But it was not dark, Xu Qing heard the news and drove into the villa with two large suitcases.

In order to celebrate the "moving joy" of the two of them, specially made a rich dinner in the villa, Wang Ping also called his father Wang Degui, mother Su Wenting.

Su Wenting, who had never been to the villa, had heard that two beautiful girls had moved in her son's new house, and she was happy and worried.

To my delight, my son finally got rid of it and knew to find a girlfriend. Sadly, if you do n’t find it, you wo n’t find it.

Moreover, these two girls are very good, with good looks, good figure, good family background ... not that they are not worthy of their sons, but that they may not be worthy of them.

In fact, in Su Wenting's heart, she felt that the female anchor who took a selfie for ten minutes after eating was more suitable for her son than his two beautiful women.

After all, both of them are small and small households, so they are right.

Before eating, Su Wenting wanted to persuade a few words to let his son grow a snack, don't be fooled by a woman, wasting a good youth.

When eating, Su Wenting found out that it was just two women who were hot at the end, and their sons were too lazy to respond. Like a wooden man, they just drank and drank.

Is this wrong?

It is said that women chasing men, interlayer gauze, these two beautiful women, the chasing thought is very obvious, the son is not at all emotional?

It ’s absolutely not normal to even look at them without thinking.

Is it possible that the son does not like women?

After reaching this conclusion, Su Wenting was worried.

Su Wenting asked him face-to-face when he waited until after Wang Ping and Wang Degui went out to pick flat peach.

"What do you think of my son?"

"It's excellent. The people are super handsome. They can also grow and cook, as well as cooking." Xu Qing said.

Gu Qingcheng was not far behind, and he generously confessed: "He can pick medicine, hunt, and go into the mountains with him. He feels very safe."

"Do you like him?" Su Wenting asked.

"Ah, it's not good to ask this question in person? But it's nothing, I definitely like it." Xu Qing glanced at Gu Qingcheng like a demonstration, and admitted in public.

Gu Qingcheng hesitated for a moment before replying: "I haven't reached that point yet, I just think he's interesting, I want to know more about it."

Hearing this answer, Su Wenting was relieved, but he did not like his son, indicating that things had not reached the point of uncontrollability, and that the world was not messy.

Then, Su Wenting asked relaxedly, "What is the attitude of the two treasures to you?"

"He?" Xu Qing and Gu Qingcheng were stunned for a moment. It seemed that they had just remembered that Wang Ping'an had no attitude towards himself.

I have never actively pursued myself or even contacted myself. If I really want to find a relationship to describe, it is a cooperative relationship or an ordinary friend relationship.

Xu Qing felt that his attitude towards pursuing Wang Ping'an was obvious, but he still didn't get a response from Wang Ping's, let alone showing love.

Gu Qingcheng thinks about his situation, which is a bit complicated. Whether it is for the purpose of exploring Wang Ping ’s mystery, or for the family ’s mission, he must approach Wang Ping.

Therefore, her reaction to Wang Pingping was even more bland, and she did not care much.

It's just that any woman, in her heart, wants to know how much men value themselves.

But Wang Ping'an, she couldn't understand it, and she couldn't figure it out.

At the same time, she did not understand why Wang Ping's mother asked such embarrassing questions in person.

"Huh? Looking at your expression, it seems that my son is not very active. Do you think he is interested in women?" Su Wenting finally asked the question he really wanted to ask.

"Ah? This ... we really don't know!" Xu Qing and Gu Qingcheng panicked. They never considered this question.

"Have you never tried it?" Su Wenting asked in disappointment.

Xu Qing replied: "Not yet ..."

Gu Qingcheng: "Auntie, it's none of my business."

Su Wenting just wanted to give Xu Qing several highly operable plans, let her help try her son.

I saw that Wang Ping'an and Wang Degui came back and picked a lot of fruits, not only the Shennong flat peach, but also the mango, banana and dragon fruit.

It turned out that the orchard contracted by Wang Hongliang's family had many kinds of fruits and a small slice of orange, but it was not mature yet.

The fruit just picked from the tree is very delicious, but the people who have just eaten the most are the Shennong flat peach. They can't eat other kinds of fruits at all.

The three women looked at each other and communicated secretly, knowing that the topic just now could not be continued.

After eating the fruit, Su Wenting and Wang Degui returned to the old house to rest, while Wang Ping'an, Xu Qing and Gu Qingcheng returned to their respective rooms, in harmony and tranquility.

Wang Ping's heart was really quiet, fell to the bed, and soon fell asleep.

But Xu Qing struggled for a long time next door, tried a few sets of sex-sensual underwear, wanted to knock on the door next door, but finally had no guts to walk out of his room door, covered his face, and fell silently on his bed.

Rolling and rolling, she also fell asleep.

However, Gu Qingcheng was busy with official duties, and she had to sign and review a lot of documents and reports. She was busy until midnight before going to sleep, and had no time to think about other things.

This was the first night for the three of them to live together in this villa, and it passed so silently.

There is no fragrant-glamorous scene imagined by others, and no warm and romantic tenderness.

In the morning, when Laiwang, the War Commission, and Shewa came to work, they saw Wang Ping'an, Xu Qing, and Gu Qingcheng wearing pajamas, sitting in the villa courtyard and having breakfast together.

"My God, what do I see? The two girls serve a husband? Who said the day before yesterday that the boss couldn't find his wife?"

"Tiwen felt distressed. The goddess in his mind spent the night in the boss's villa last night."

"Calm down, don't worry, we must have misunderstood. The boss is not such a person, maybe these two women have just slept with the boss."

The tools in the hands of the three people landed, alarming Wang Ping, who was having breakfast.

The breakfast was made by Xu Qing and Gu Qingcheng. After Wang Ping got up, he sat down to eat.

He was secretly excited just now, and he felt that everyone would make breakfast in the future, so he could laze around.

But now seeing the reaction of the three employees, Wang Ping's woke up. This may be a trap. These two women deliberately expressed their presence in front of the employees.

Xu Qing can do this, Wang Ping'an can understand.

And you Gu Qingcheng, what is the fun?

The two met several times, and only talked about things like work, medicine collection, rewards, cooperation, etc., and never expressed anything like love.

Moreover, she is not like a woman who is easily emotional.

Now this situation, perhaps, is a war between two women.

Even if it is not what you really want, you have to compete silently.