Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 347: Taozhi makes more money than peaches

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

After breakfast, when Wang Ping'an strolled into the vegetable garden, he could deeply feel the envy of the three employees. His eyes were shining, like stars, and he opened his mouth several times. He wanted to ask him about the secret skills of getting along with women.

Wang Ping did n’t know, and he did n’t give them the opportunity to ask for advice. He just urged them to work hard to grow vegetables.

Because Wang Ping'an didn't know what was going on, let alone how to get along with them.

Anyway, the house is big enough, there are enough rooms, you can live casually, it is empty.

Xu Qing went to the construction site of Huaxi Hotel and said that he had discussed with the person in charge of the contractor to build a road in the middle of Taoyuan to the gate of the villa yard.

Money is not a problem, the construction team is next to it, and as long as it is a simple negotiation, construction will start tomorrow.

This point was discussed with Wang Pingping just before breakfast, and Wang Pingping had no opinion.

In the past, a wide passage was left between the two orchards to prepare for road construction.

Xu Qing is willing to come forward, he raised his hands to support.

And Gu Qingcheng was not idle. After dinner, he went to the village committee to work. On the previous list of land reclamation workers, he could find some hard-working workers who could become formal Chinese medicine base employees.

The Chinese herbal medicine base is mainly established for the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine, but the cultivation is not ordinary Chinese medicine, but some Chinese medicine improved by Gu's family, with a strong experimental nature.

Otherwise, with Gu's financial resources, where can't buy Chinese medicine?

Why spend human and material resources to plant medicine in this ravine?

Everyone has their own busy business, and life is full and meaningful. Wang Ping feels very good. If you make money faster, it will be even better.

Because he wanted to complete the small goal of one billion early, exchange the "spirit value" that Master said, and embark on the road of cultivation.

At this time, Mr. Tang and Mr. Han, the Tang's orchard next door, visited and found Wang Ping, who was growing vegetables.

"Boss, I haven't seen you for a long time. We have some business matters and want to talk to you."

Boss Tang and Han Honghong's postures were very low, and they looked like people.

"Uh, the two bosses are good, just say something." Wang Ping's mood is good, seeing them, and Yan Yan also.

"The police said that the lost fruit seedlings may not be found temporarily, so we want to find you to buy some more peach branches to cultivate new fruit seedlings."

"My peach tree branch is very expensive. You just suffered a loss. If you spend a lot of money on my peach tree branch, will it be financially unsustainable?"

"No, no, we have money. You don't have to worry about us for this."

"That line, let's talk while walking, and talk about the price by the way." Wang Ping said, patting the ash on his hand, stood up from the vegetable ditch, a bunch of vegetable seedlings just pulled out, and handed them to the snake baby to bring them to transplant .

Now that Honghong Hong is making public appearances, he wants to buy Wang Ping's peach branches to cultivate fruit seedlings. In fact, he has already revealed his identity in disguise.

However, after seeing it or not, everyone can continue to talk about business.

Wang Ping'an wanted to make money, didn't want to quarrel, and didn't want to hit his face, so the two sides had a pleasant conversation, taking peach branches per foot as the standard, 10,000, and the upper limit was 200.

Less is not enough, and more is afraid of wasting money.

This time, Han Honghong and Tang boss determined to spread the risk and plant these fruit seedlings in different places, fearing they would be stolen again.

They have always suspected that Wang Ping's work was done, but suffering from no evidence, even the police have suspended the investigation. What else can they say?

Therefore, they secretly decided that when the fruit seedlings were cultivated this time, only one-third of them were planted nearby. The remaining fruit seedlings should be as far away from here as possible.

When the three of them walked to Tao Shulin, the business was also negotiated. Han Honghong made a phone call to let people call the money in Wang Ping's account first, and then let the worker next door bring tools to cut the peach here Branches.

In the Shennong Peach Forest, one hundred pieces were cut, and in the Shennong Peach Forest, one hundred pieces were cut, both in length and thickness, and all met the agreed specifications.

Now the relationship between the two parties is tense and I am afraid that I will do something extraordinary and break this deal.

Seeing the two million new arrivals in his account, Wang Ping secretly sighed and found that selling peaches is better than selling peaches to make money.

I wanted to transfer this money to a stock account and continue to buy stocks of 100 herbs. However, today is a one-day limit, with a volume of more than 600,000 contracts, and I have no chance to buy it.

"The feeling of having money and nowhere to invest is really helpless." At this moment, Wang Ping realized the feeling of a local tyrant.

But when I think of the investment in the Huaxi Hotel, I have not paid cash yet, and the feeling of the local tyrant disappeared instantly.

"The hotel hasn't been built yet. When it's time to renovate, pay for this investment yourself." Wang Ping always feels that the money is not enough. The money in the account is more, and I can be more happy.

Tweet, tweet.

There was a quick and short eagle cry from the sky, and a familiar figure of a big bird fluttered its wings from the cloud in a strange manner, and it was about to fall.

At the root of its right wing, a crossbow arrow is inserted, and blood runs down the tail of the arrow, rolling down like a raindrop.

Falling at this height and speed and falling into the Taoyuan, it will definitely become a dead bird, and the big yellow dog is too lazy to eat.

So when there were dozens of meters above the ground, Wang Ping immediately used the system warehouse function to put the injured eagle in, and the next second, when it was released, it was placed on the ground safely and securely.

"Oh, your luck is really good. If this arrow shoots at the root of the wing, if it is more accurate, it will just shoot a cool heart. If you can't fly to me, you will die." While observing, he muttered.

"Quack, giggling ..."

The big bird made a strange, weeping sound, staring at Wang Ping'an, revealing his prayer.

This big bird was the one Wang Ping grabbed from Zhu Chongjiu. It was huge. With Wang Ping's knowledge reserve, it is still impossible to tell whether it was an eagle or a eagle.

However, it should be a good bird.

Because after it was released last time, it still knew about gratitude and deliberately captured a hare and threw it in front of Wang Ping'an.

So now seeing that it was injured, Wang Ping's rescue was done without letting it fall into a slime.

The arrow inserted on the wings of the bird is made of pure metal, and there are a lot of letter marks engraved on the arrow. I don't know what it means.

Both the arrow and the tail of the arrow have barbs, which cannot be directly pulled out, otherwise this big bird will definitely lack a piece of meat, even if Shennong mineral water is used, it may not be able to cure it.

"It's troublesome, you have to cut this arrow." Thinking of this, Wang Ping called out the big yellow dog to let it guard the big bird, and borrowed his own tools.

As soon as the big yellow dog saw the fierce big bird, he was overjoyed, and barked at it and turned around, as if showing his strong body.

After all, the last time I met, the big yellow dog's body was still a little weak, and I was scorned and mocked by this big bird.

"Quack, giggling ..."

The big bird barked a few times weakly, eyes half closed, and with the big yellow dog tossing around, he admitted.


Wang Pinggan slapped the big yellow dog and ordered seriously: "I let you protect it, not let you scare it, keep it here, I will borrow a tool."

The slap went down, and the big yellow dog came down honestly.

The neighbor's elder brother's copper lock house is complete with tools. Once he drank too much, he took Wang Ping's hand to show off and said that he needed whatever tools to work at home, although he borrowed everything from him.

Wang Ping'an is going to borrow a hydraulic pliers this time. I don't know if he has a copper lock.