Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 383: Then rub it a hundred times

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

There was a lot of people in the village entrance after a heavy rain, but some people couldn't go, so they didn't go, even if they heard that there were zombies on the mountain, they still didn't go.

Like the police, not only did they leave, they also sent more than a dozen heavily armed police officers to search for zombies in the mountains, and at the same time investigate the truth of the incident.

In the peaceful years, even after receiving a reminder from a special department, many police still did not believe that there would be such things as zombies.

Until they saw the fragments of the corpses in the camp, they might understand some things. There are some strange things hidden in the world.

Wan Dongting escaped without a trace. When Wang Ping'an passed the entrance of the village, many people saw him carrying a red furnace, but no one dared to step forward and ask what.

The archaeological team did not leave, but they were shocked, and they were receiving psychological counseling and crying to the police about the dangerous environment at that time.

In the tomb, he was nearly stoned to death, and when he came out, he was almost scared to death.

If there is a choice, many people say that they will never dig other people's graves in this life.

It's scary.

"Erbao, I heard that there are zombies on the mountain. Didn't you walk in the direction of Longshou Mountain this morning? Did you see the zombies?" Some elders in the village came together and asked mysteriously.

"Zombie? I haven't seen it. We went around the village and went to the North Grand Canyon of the village." Wang Pingan replied.

"Huh, what's in your hand? It looks like a copper stove?" Someone asked again.

"I picked it up in the ravine and didn't know what it was. Going back and tinkering with it for a few days, if it's not fun, I sell it."


In three words, fooling the villagers, Wang Ping carried the Dan furnace and walked back to the orchard.

Those who know what Danlu is, dare not step forward and ask.

Some things that happened on the mountain just now have spread through the survivors' retelling.

The details may not be known, but Wang Ping'an was definitely on the scene and returned unscathed.

He was holding a Dan furnace. The Dan furnace excavated from the tomb was originally in the hands of the Wan family, but now it is clearly back to Wang Ping'an.

As for how he escaped from the zombies, he needs further inquiries.

When returning to the villa, Gu Qingcheng and Xu Qing were calling in the living room, and they were both very busy.

Seeing the return of Wang Ping'an and Qin Xiaoyu, the two women were very acquainted, quickly hung up the phone and greeted them.

"Erbao, I heard that zombies appeared on Longshou Mountain? Are you okay?" Gu Qingcheng asked worriedly.

Xu Qing also said: "True zombies, or fake zombies, is it terrible? Have you seen them?"

"It's barely a zombie. It's blood-sucking and may eat human flesh, but IQ is online. It has great self-control ability and won't easily kill ordinary people." Wang Pingping replied.

"Have you really seen a zombie? You still know him so well?" Gu Qingcheng said in surprise.

"God, there are zombies, this world is too dangerous." Xu Qing exclaimed.

Qin Xiaoyu showed off with excitement: "Of course, I saw a zombie, and I also played a fight. My brother Bao was so powerful, I wanted to fight the zombies. After begging for mercy, I put on a little friendship and let it go. he."

"Ah? Is there such a thing? According to you, zombies are not so cruel." Gu Qingcheng said in amazement.

Qin Xiaoyu argued: "Why not be cruel, before we went, the zombie killed all the people in the camp, all the cultivators in the Wanjia family were all killed, and part of the blood was also sucked up by the zombie, only one escaped Wan Dongting ... "

"It's terrible, it killed all the humans in the camp?"

"By the way, Erbao, have you been injured? I heard people say that being injured by a zombie can poison the corpse and become a zombie."

"I'm okay, the skin is not broken, and it will not become a zombie." Wang Pingping replied, putting the red furnace in his hand on the ground, preparing to take the time to clean it again, helping Qin Xiaoyu to refine two furnaces of red medicine.

As a disciple of Shennong, and inherited from "Shennong Medical Code", refining some common elixirs is not too easy.

Without aura, you are not afraid, you can use ordinary charcoal fire to heat the furnace.

"What is this?" The two women stood beside them, asking curiously.

Qin Xiaoyu rushed and replied: "Bronze red hearth, this is the red hearth my treasure brother snatched back from the zombies, and can make alchemy."

"..." The two women don't want to say anything anymore, are their men too fierce? Dare to grab things from the zombies.

The Dan furnace is being cleaned, and Wang Ping's cell phone rang.

"Two tigers, two tigers, run fast, run fast ..."

The cheerful music interrupted Wang Ping's wiping work.

Once connected, the voice of father Wang Degui came over the phone: "Hey, Erbao, have you come down the mountain? I heard that there are zombies on the mountain, many people died, and the police are ready to seal the mountain again."

"Dad, my friend and I are back. Rest assured, everything is safe."

"That's good. By the way, is that zombie really fake? Have you seen it? Me and your mother are arguing about it." Wang Degui asked.

"Oh? What is my mother's attitude, believe it or not?"

"She must not believe it, you don't know her yet, a firm materialist, who is criticizing me, saying that there are zombies in this world are all deceiving things."

"My mother is right, there are no zombies in this world, don't listen to others yelling and frightening yourself." Wang Pingping's decisive answer, very principleless, stood on the mother's side.

"..." Wang Degui scratched his head. After hanging up, he always felt something was wrong.

In the living room of the villa, Gu Qingcheng, Xu Qing, and Qin Xiaoyu all stared at Wang Ping'an with contemptuous eyes. For the sake of stammering your mother, you didn't have any principles at all?

He also said that there are no zombies in the world. You just beat up zombies, okay?

After playing, do you want to not admit it?

Do you need a face?

"Master, Master, are you the old man?" Tang Shenyi, as a disciple of Wang Ping'an, won Master's master's biography and had no intention of having a face.

"Here, come in." Wang Ping did not close the gate of the orchard just now, and Tang Shenyi could enter the villa courtyard directly.

A dog, and a crescent bear, were also familiar with him. When he came in, he was too lazy to look up at him.

"Thank you Master, I heard people say that you took the Dan furnace from the cemetery back from the Wan family? That is a good baby, you have to lend me a visit." The voice of Shen Shenyu, It has already spread into the living room.

"Come on, you came just right. Help me clean up the dirty marks of the Dan furnace, and wipe it a few times to ensure that you are satisfied."

After Tang Shenyi entered the room, he saw the half-man bronze bronze furnace at a glance, his eyes widened in excitement twice, excitedly said: "This is the furnace? Great, I finally saw the complete Dan Furnace. Master, let me wipe it, I would like to wipe it a hundred times. "

"OK, then wipe it a hundred times."
