Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 514: Tea picking up the mountain

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

When Wang Ping found the big yellow dog and several small yellow dogs, he saw them surrounding a wounded fat hare, screaming at it, and teasing it from time to time, but he didn't eat it immediately.

The big yellow dog looks like a mountain of graciousness, sticking out its tongue, and cries out from time to time: "Look, we didn't eat you immediately, are you moved?"

"Don't dare to move, don't dare to move!" The fat hare, whose hind leg has been injured, is pulling, unable to use force, and can only be reduced to hunting props for puppies.

When Wang Ping came to see him, the big yellow dog stopped playing, and rushed up instantly, biting off the hare's neck, shaking his head and shaking his tail, and gathered in front of his master to invite credit.

"Wang Woo, Wang Woo." The big yellow dog screamed smugly, as if to say, look, this is the rabbit I just caught, right?

"Good thing, sparrow. I have a spicy rabbit dry pot tonight. At that time, you will bite a few bones." Wang Pingpin rubbed the dog's head lightly and praised it.

"?????" The big yellow dog was shocked, so big a rabbit, it divided into several bones? Is there still human nature?

It's like handing over a ton of ebony, giving you hundreds of bonuses, and sending another certificate.

"Okay, okay, lie to you, except for a few bones, I will definitely give you a piece of meat."

"..." The big yellow dog was so sad that he couldn't speak, although he couldn't speak.

Wang Pingan took the hare from his mouth, installed it into the system warehouse, and continued to climb up, counting the number of wild tea.

When they encountered some wild fruits, they picked them off and ate some of them. The rest were loaded into the system warehouse, and they were ready to take them back to Xu Qing and Gu Qingcheng for tasting.

Although they are a bit stingy and leave when they mention the money, they cannot be stingy. As a man, they must be generous and generous. If they have something delicious, they will never forget them.

After all, the Huaxi Hotel is about to be renovated, and the Longshoushan tourist area is also undergoing high-speed development. At present, it has started publicity and daily work is inseparable from their support.

Treat them better and let them make money for themselves, is there anything wrong?

Autumn is a harvest season. Even if Tiannan Province is like spring all year round, there are some special seasons in this season.

For example, some five-step snakes are particularly restless this season. On the wilderness road, they hang their necks and scream, glaring at Wang Ping, blaming him for disturbing his own sacred heritage.

Here, the common venomous snakes are not yet protective animals, and are too close to home. When Wang Ping sees them, they often choose edible protection, pick them up and throw them in the system warehouse, preparing to make snake soup at night.

Following this path, when he reached the top of the mountain, Wang Ping found three poisonous snakes. It can be seen how many poisonous snakes are in this small barren mountain. No one here usually has become a paradise for snakes.

Next to this path, Wang Ping'an has found more than 60 wild tea trees, large and small, and even different varieties, and the outlines of the leaves are obviously different.

Farther away from the path, or where he can't see, I don't know how many wild tea trees there are.

The tea trees in Baoshan City can be picked from March to December. Now the tea is not good, but it will not be too old. I saw some tender leaves just growing out, and Wang Ping also picked some, ready to return Let's make a stir-fry at home and try the taste.

If the taste is not too bad, he is going to clean up a place around the top of the mountain, specially cultivate a batch of tea trees, irrigate with Shenjia mineral water, and see if the cultivated spirit tea can improve the taste a lot.

As for the weeds and weeds in the middle of the mountainside, temporarily do not move it to prevent soil erosion.

Although the big yellow dog feels wronged, he has been following Wang Ping'an for a long time. It seems that he has forgotten this matter, and with a few half-big dog cubs, he continues to rampage among the mountains in search of new game.

Not to mention, this is not only a paradise for poisonous snakes, but also a paradise for hares.

It didn't take long for them to find another one. Under the lock of the big yellow dog, they didn't have the ability to escape at all. Finally, several puppies fell down extremely tragically as a tool for practicing hands.

This time, Wang Ping did not grab anything for them. After all, this rabbit is a bit thin. At first glance, it is malnutrition. It is a bit unbearable to eat them. I still like to eat nutritious and healthy hares.

So a few dogs, with tears in excitement, ate the hare.

It was already 5 or 6 in the afternoon, and Wang Ping picked some young leaves of wild tea before going back.

When they returned to the villa, Gu Qingcheng, Gu Dongli, Qin Xiaoyu and others had already returned, sitting in the living room and chatting, exchanging their cultivation experience.

Seeing Wang Ping carrying a fat hare and three viper snakes together, he suddenly showed joy in food.

Xu Qing just came out of the kitchen and saw something in Wang Ping's hands. She suddenly shouted in surprise: "Wow, it's actually a hare? So cute, it's suitable for braised at first sight."

Gu Qingcheng immediately retorted: "No, those who like braised, heresy is a heresy, and spicy hares have souls."

Xu Qing also countered: "Your Chinese medicine base, isn't it okay? Is there time to come back to dinner at night? Well, the food tonight is not yours, after all, I was the only one left."

Seeing the signs of intensified conflict between the two women and the escalation of the conflict, Wang Ping An immediately said: "Don't be noisy, half braised and half spicy."

"Humph!" The two women grumbled at the same time, turned their heads, and no one ignored them.

Their honeymoon period has passed, and war is the norm.

Wang Pingan threw the game into the kitchen, washed his hands, and took out a handful of wild fruits. After cleaning, he put it on a plate and brought it to the coffee table in the living room for everyone to taste.

Although these people are stingy, they are guests after all, and they cannot give them general knowledge.

Entertain everyone first, and then continue to charge various fees next time.

Sure enough, after seeing a bunch of brightly colored fruit flavors, everyone was happy again, and it seemed that they forgot to ask, how did these things come back from Wang Ping'an, when he just entered the door, he didn't seem to see it?

However, in front of delicious food, no one thinks too much, or sour, or sweet wild fruit, very popular with everyone, even if there is no aura, people like to try fresh.

Wang Ping'an called Snake Baby to stop him from working in the orchard and hurried back to cook.

Since he was sent to study cooking for a few days, he must make the best use of the materials and make the best use of his talents. The three meals a day are inseparable from the work of the snake baby.

Shewa didn't have much to say, and soon returned to the villa to deal with hares and poisonous snakes in the kitchen, preparing to use these two game as the core dish tonight.

Wang Ping returned to the room upstairs and took the picked wild tea out of the system space, thinking about which method to use to make tea.