Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 520: Ordered little wild boar

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

Seeing this movement, Wang Ping's expression changed slightly, and so many beasts appeared together. This has formed a beast tide and is an extremely dangerous situation.

Three or five wild beasts can be killed directly. If there are more than a dozen or twenty beasts, especially wild boars, there is no way to stop them. They can only wait for them to be dispersed and try to find a solution.

Wang Wang, Wang Wang.

The hair on the neck of the big yellow dog stood up, yelling towards the west, making an offensive gesture.

Crescent Bear is a little fat, what is the situation? Everyone comes out, isn't it delicious? How do I feel bad? The legs are a bit soft.

"Wait, if there are too many beasts, everyone will flash away immediately, don't stop it." Wang Ping's face solemnly commanded.

"Why?" Brother Gu Dongli, despite the dangers in the mountains, still puzzled.

"Because who is blocking who is dying, is this reason okay?"

"Yes, just when I didn't ask." Gu Dongli narrowed his neck and stepped back a few steps, hiding behind everyone.

Bang, boom.

Like the sound of thunder, a wild boar rushed to the front, turned into a black torrent, rushed across the rugged mountain road, rushed across the river bridge, with the sky and dust, and rushed straight to the village entrance path.

Behind the wild boar, there are running gray wolves, crazy leopards, and crazily crescent bears, and even hares and pythons are also in the fleeing team.

Not to mention a dozen or twenty, Wang Ping's glanced roughly, and the size added up to fifty-six beasts.

"Too much, I can't afford it, let them pass first." Wang Ping said, hugging the yellow dog who was eager to try, grabbed the crescent bear's fat mane, preventing it from escaping suddenly, and blocking the wild beasts.

Huh, hum, hum, whine, hiss ... beasts in the mountains, all kinds of weird, dialects are not uniform, but their meaning is obvious, just rush over, don't stop.

"Erbao, I found that there are no ordinary villagers on the roadside, or should we go home first?" Wang Degui's courage had dissipated, and when he saw the beasts, his IQ increased suddenly.

"It's too late, stand still, don't make trouble." Wang Ping'an warned.

Between the words, the front beast has rushed over the crowd, and has not stopped for a moment, nor attacked them, nor turned, saw that there is a road to the east of the crossroads, and ran straight to the road of Longshou Mountain.

Snoring, snorting.

A large group of wild beasts, the ground was shaking, the dust was flying, and it passed in a blink of an eye.

Even Xu Qing, who had the least dangerous concept, couldn't help but stunned, holding Wang Ping's arm tightly, and later said with fear: "These beasts are too cruel, but fortunately they have not attacked us!"

Then there were a few wild boars who fell behind, only sixty to seventy kilograms in weight, followed panicly at the end, sniffing the smell of the brigade beasts and wanted to continue following.

Seeing the people on the roadside, as well as the big yellow dog and the crescent bear, I was a little scared and hesitated, not knowing whether I should move on.

"Take them to practice your hands. It's not a white run. Sparrow, fat, depending on your performance." After that, Wang Ping released his hand and issued a password to attack.

With a single order, the big yellow dog snapped out, and his strong body, like a cheetah, bit the neck of a small wild boar, slamming it to the left, then to the right, and then to the left. To the right.

One face down, in just three seconds, the little wild boar's neck was broken.

Crescent Bear froze for a moment, smelling the **** smell of the wild boar bite from the big yellow dog, and then rushed past with a wailing sound.

With its extremely fat body and the speed of a small train, it bited a small wild boar, knocked it down to the ground in an instant, and then rolled over on the spot, two front paws hugged the prey, and did not intend to Relax, no one can persuade.

"Come on, guys. Let's go together." Wang Pingping raised his stick, and then shot.

These little wild boars may be tired or terrified, but they didn't react. They were beaten on the head by Wang Pingping, and they fell straight on the spot.

Tang Shenyi picked up the iron stool, followed Wang Ping's pace, snapped, and hit the head of a little wild boar with the corner of the stool, and instantly solved one.

The last one was so scared that he turned around and wanted to escape.

But too nervous, when turning around, the hind legs slipped a bit and turned over. When I wanted to stand up again, I had no chance and was hit by Qin Xiaoyu with a stick.

The five small wild boars were wiped out instantly.

Wang Degui, who was a little nervous, shouted in surprise, "Huh? This wild boar, is so weak? I already knew that, just now the beasts, let's not let go, they run eastward, there are a lot of them In the orchards and farmland, some villagers did n’t hear the broadcast, and they would be in trouble if they were injured. "

"It's not that the wild boar is weak, it's that we are too strong." Xu Qing waved the stick in his hand and eagerly tried, but unfortunately there was no wild boar to practice for her, and he was very unwilling.

"It's true that after preparing for so long, I didn't have the opportunity to practice my hands. I was a little disappointed." Gu Qingcheng also said disappointedly.

Wang Pingan glanced at the direction of the disappearance of the wild beasts, and was equally worried: "Do n’t be sorry, if the environment in the mountains changes a lot, maybe there are wild beasts rushing out, and by the time, your training session will be indispensable. Now, take these wild boars back, I go to the ravine in the east, and I always feel a little uneasy. "

After all, from the broadcast to the appearance of the beast, but for more than ten minutes, if there are people in some remote fields, it is likely that the broadcast will not be heard, or it will be too late to return to the village to hide.

"Then be careful, let's go back first." Wang Degui decided to stop taking risks after being kind, and he can see that these people are not ordinary people at all. What can two people lift a Toyota overbearing?

"Well, Snake Baby and Xiaoyu are with me, and everyone else will go back." Wang Ping picked two of them as good helpers.

Everyone was not hypocritical, carrying the wild boar back to the farm. Crescent Bear Fatty followed everyone back, while the big yellow dog followed Wang Ping'an closely and faithfully.

Wang Ping, with the snake baby and Qin Xiaoyu, and the big yellow dog, went straight to the ravine in the east. He needed to find the trace of the beast to be at ease.

"Boss, although I have practiced to the sixth floor, I don't have any combat experience." On the way, the snake girl said with a stick in her hand.

Wang Pingping comforted: "I know, so I specially created an opportunity for you to practice your hands. When you see the beast that has been ordered, don't counsel, go up and do a hard job, but there are small fish to help you."

Qin Xiaoyu smiled confidently: "The boss is right, I am here to help you, no wild boar, no crescent bear, can't hurt you at all."

At this moment, the big yellow dog suddenly barked at the corner of the ravine ahead.

"Huh?" Wang Ping's eyes narrowed, thinking that there was a beast, but he saw a middle-aged villager with blood all over, and he ran out in panic.

The man saw Wang Ping and his party, and immediately shouted, "Erbao, go to the village and call for help. The old black couple just happened to encounter the beast group. The two were seriously injured and they were almost out of work."

The old black couple in this middle-aged man's mouth are the black grandpa and black maid in Wang Ping's mouth, sweet grandpa and grandma.