Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 541: Or do you change your surname?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

Wang Pingan glanced at the other person carefully. If it were not for his faint aura, he thought he was a civilian.

White and pure, with a gentle and elegant smile, if it is not the official atmosphere of that high-ranking person, if he meets by chance, it is difficult to imagine that he will be the person in charge of the operation department that governs the province.

"You are the new person in charge. Where is the last one? Was it stunned?" Wang Ping'an was very dissatisfied with this action office, with a little hostility.

The middle-aged man has walked in front of Wang Ping'an and smiled softly: "There is a new appointment at Cheng Division. I am not sure which area is currently in charge. By the way, let me introduce myself first. My name is Fu Yuanqiu and my hometown In Tiannan Province, we are fellows. "

"It turned out to be the office of payment, Gee, even if sitting in the position of the official position, it is also the name of the deputy. Is it uncomfortable?" Wang Pingjing shook his head and sighed.

"Oh, it wasn't uncomfortable at first. It's really uncomfortable to hear you say that." Fu Yuanqiu replied.

"Or, you change your surname?" Wang Ping'an kindly suggested.

"Forget it, I'm afraid my father will kill me ..." Fu Yuanqiu's smile was undiminished, the hairspray on the big back was thick, and there was no mess of hair.

Wang Ping's was a little surprised. The new man in charge was a little deep in the eyes. Didn't he get angry when he was so irritated?

Fu Yuanqiu's smile became more obvious when he saw Wang Ping's expression: "I took the liberty to ask, do you have an opinion on our action office?"

"No, you misunderstood, not only the action office, I have opinions on your entire department." Wang Pingping replied.

"?????" Fu Yuanqiu froze for three seconds, his smile almost interrupted, and then added a sentence in time, "Sorry, our work was not done well, let you down. As far as I understand, it was because Xu Qing was attacked, let You misunderstood us? "

"Oh, your investigation is really careful. If I answer yes, how will you make up for it?"

"This is caused by Cheng Long ’s decision-making error. He has paid the corresponding price. We are an official institution and will only enforce the law impartially and correct past mistakes. There is no remedy plan ... However, in the process of getting along in the future, We will take care of one or two as appropriate. "

"Oh, no sincerity, I don't need your care. It's time to eat and talk back." Wang Ping said, waved his hand and left the hospital.

"Master, wait for me, I'm going to rub the rice." Tang Shenyi was afraid of being targeted by this group of people. He closed the door of the medical hall extremely decisively and followed Wang Ping'an and left this land.

Fu Yuanqiu shook his head and smiled bitterly. When he first took over the business of this stall, he knew that Wang Ping'an was not easy to fool. Unexpectedly, after contact, it was more difficult to contact than he thought.

"Boss, why do you care about this kind of person? Give him some color, and want to open a dyeing room. This kind of rivers and lakes are stunned, we have seen more, how many people can come to a good end?"

The subordinates around him were not upset, and tried to show their sense of existence to the new boss, licking it without losing.

Fu Yuanqiu shook his head: "No, he is different. Although he can't see where he is, he is really hard. No one can say for sure about the future, but we are in the eyes of him. "

"A declining medicine Wang Gu inheritance, what can you do? Isn't it the ability to rescue people? Which of the thousand-year-old factions does not have a few full-time magicians?"

"They can't cure fire and poison. Wang Pingneng can rely on this. The medicine Wanggu has the value of existence. Think about Cheng Long's misfortune and give you a chance to reorganize your language."

"..." There were several subordinates who were uneasy and calmed down instantly.

"Let's go back to the volcanic gorge first, you have to watch those big-cultivators, don't ruin the seal of the volcano. The things inside the volcano are not what they can provoke, at least not now." Fu Yuanqiu said, leading Return to off-road vehicle.

In the orchard villa, a group of people are eating.

Wang Ping'an didn't mention what happened just now, and Tang Shenyi didn't dare to say it, and he didn't necessarily believe it.

Qingyun Dao, who beat the Maoshan faction, forced them to hand over the magic weapon Taomu Jian, and finally paid the treatment fee honestly? Oh, who believes that the monks of the Maoshan School will be so weak?

As for the back, the operation department replaced a new person in charge and took the initiative to visit Wang Ping'an. As soon as they met, Wang Ping's face made him suspicious of his life.

This is a normal monk, what can he do?

So Tang Shenyi believes that his master must be abnormal.

Xu Qing tasted some dishes at the Huaxi Hotel today, not too hungry. He ate some casually and stood up for activities. He found an extra peach sword on the table. He curiously cried, "Hey, why is there a peach sword on the table?" ? It looks very textured. "

Speaking, just pick it up and take a closer look.

"There are still a few lines of traditional Chinese characters on it. What Jiazi Year Sanmao Law will be refined by the Maoshan School, what temple will it be worshipped in, and what will the disciple Qingyun do ..."

Gu Qingcheng couldn't hear it anymore. He grabbed the Taomujian and said: "No culture, it's terrible. I can't even recognize a few traditional characters."

"You don't have any culture, I haven't learned traditional characters, is it normal to not know?" Xu Qing said angrily.

"Say you ... um? This is the sword of Mao Yunpai's Qingyun Dao, how could it be here?" Gu Qingcheng felt the situation serious and asked Wang Pingping.

"Is Dao Qingyun famous? Is this the sword that he gave me." Wang Pingping replied.

"Qingyun Daochang is of course very famous. He is the best among the second-generation disciples of the Maoshan School. The third uncle Yu Jia who met with you last time saw him, and he was very clever. This sword is the weapon of Qingyun Daochang. , As precious as the Second Life, how could he be willing to give you away? "

"Maybe I'm very close to me. I have to give it to me. I don't want to do it again. I have to accept it." The parents were still at the table. Wang Pingping didn't want to expose too much, so he used low-key words to describe the facts.

Tang Shenyi almost squirted out the rice in his mouth and could n’t help whispering, “My father almost killed Dao Qingyun, what is his second life, or send the peach wood sword, The first life may not be guaranteed. "

"..." Gu Qingcheng slapped his forehead and knew that the story was not so simple. He said that Wang Ping'an can really cause trouble, even the Maoshan School dare to provoke it, which is beyond description.

Qin Xiaoyu's chopsticks were frightened, and he stared at the Taomujian in a daze, and then looked at the peaceful Wang Ping.

I thought that when I saw Wang Ping's extermination of an old man in the Wanjia family, I felt that the sky was about to fall. I didn't think that it would be fiercer now. Even the behemoths like the Maoshan School dare to provoke death.

This is not a thigh, it may be an iron pillar that will burn at any time.

Only Xu Qing's ignorant, fearless, staring at Wang Ping's heart, exclaimed: "Wow, Erbao is so powerful!"

Mother Su Wenting grabbed Wang Ping's ear and taught him: "Who did you fight with? Have you robbed someone else's wooden sword? How old are you and still be a child? Give me the wooden sword tomorrow! "