Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 626: Sand sculpture, you have become a master

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

Wang Ping'an was aggrieved for the mutant golden eagle, and wanted to ask him a question. Why did he pick me a bully all day?

Even if it is mattress wool, should we change a sheep's mattress?

I was injured all day, do I have no face to mutate the golden eagle?

Seeing the mutated golden eagle lying under his feet, Wang Pingping stepped back in three or four steps, and the blood fluttered on his wings almost splashed on his clothes.

"Say last words, who made you like this?"

"Master, I think ... I can rescue it!" Said the mutated golden eagle.

"I've mutated, evolved, and got my call all day. I'm still injured all day. Even the hare can't catch one back every day. What's the point of saving you?"

"I ... I ... alas." The mutant golden eagle, speechless, lies on the ground and waits for death.

The bulldog sparrow has long heard the movement, crouching beside Wang Pingping, sticking out his tongue, ready to protect his master at any time.

Hearing their conversation, the big yellow dog secretly swears that tomorrow morning, he will take a few cubs to catch hares and bamboo rats in the mountains.

"Ah, it's really a sand sculpture. At this time, I apologize a few more times, and then make another guarantee, saying that I will be injured in the future.

Wang Ping installed a sigh, and waited until the mutant golden eagle wasn't tumbling, before approaching to look at the wound on his body.

In doing so, the main reason is that the sand sculpture will splash blood on the clothes.

It's a pity that the mutant golden eagle didn't understand it. Hearing Wang Ping's sighing words, he even showed a trace of gratitude.

I am so ignorant and still get the treatment of the master. The master is really kind. He will be injured later. He must make up for the master. Catch a hare a day ... No, you have to catch two!

Wang Ping'an glanced at the wound on the mutant golden eagle, and then put a healing pill in his mouth.

Bu Qi Dan is not a special medicine for wound healing, but only has a certain repairing effect on body trauma. It is also suitable for treating the current situation of the mutated golden eagle.

"You are not hurt by humans, but by other beasts. You fly so fast, so fast, what beast can hurt you?"

"It was a wild boar and a monkey. When I caught the prey, they lurked behind the tree and suddenly attacked me. The stone thrown by the monkey was terrible. Even if I flew more than ten meters in the air, it was still by It smashed down, and the wild boar ... White mist and wind blade can be spit out of my mouth. Most of the injuries on my body were hit by the wild boar. "

"Oh, so quickly a beast has appeared?" Wang Ping heard this, and immediately remembered the resolution of the action office. The hunting of the mutant beast is most likely being implemented.

"Yes, those two guys must be fine, pig essence and monkey essence." The variant golden eagle said vowedly.

Suddenly Wang Ping said: "Sand sculpture, you have become fine ..."

"..." The mutated golden eagle suddenly froze, what the owner said seemed reasonable.

I fed a capsule of Qi Qi Dan and fed it some Shennong mineral water, which stabilized his injury.

"You can't die for the time being, but you are also idle. Wait until I start the live broadcast. Don't talk, just pretend to be pitiful."

"Yes, master." The mutant golden eagle is now in pain all over his body. Although the wound is not bleeding, he has no energy and is drowsy.

However, Wang Ping's orders, it does not dare to disobey now, honestly responded, ready to cooperate with the master.

After thinking about it, it still felt wronged and asked weakly: "Well, what about the pig essence and monkey essence? Do you want to help me ..."

"I started the live broadcast, don't talk, and then I will stun you." Wang Ping threatened in a low voice.

"..." The mutant golden eagle pretended to be dead again, closing his eyes.

At this moment, Wang Ping'an has entered the live broadcast room, and first issued an announcement to tell his fans that the live broadcast is about to start.

Recently, the system task is very urgent. If you want to attract more attention from fans, you must broadcast live frequently, so as to attract fans better and faster.

"Hello everyone, my good man is back online for a lifetime, not because of the sudden diligence today, but I found a very strange thing and was seriously injured. Let me help you identify this strange thing. What is it? "

Wang Ping said, pointing the camera at the mutant golden eagle lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.

"Have you seen this? This huge bird-shaped monster has its wings spread like four or five meters. It has a huge body. The feathers on its body seem to have a hint of gold, but more red, with a special light. Using its feathers as a fan, it must be beautiful ... Bah, I'm kidding, love animals, everyone is responsible. "

Wang Wang, Wang Wang.

The big yellow dog squatting on one side pretends to be an ordinary dog, and agrees with it.

The mutated golden eagle shuddered, almost jumping and flying away.

"Just while I was walking in the orchard, this bird-shaped monster fell from the sky and fell in front of me, almost splashing blood on my face. When I fell from such a high place, I must have fallen, and I kicked it a few times. It didn't respond. "

Wang Ping said, pointing the mutant golden eagle at the camera and kicking it twice.

The mutant golden eagle did not dare to move.

Not moving just pretends to die, if it moves, it is afraid that it will really die.

In front of the camera, such a huge bird was seen by countless fans who poured into the live broadcast room, and the whole live broadcast room became lively instantly.

"Oh my god, this is a bird essence. Yesterday I watched a forum. Many people said that the world has changed recently and there are a lot of strange things. I did n’t believe it at the time. I thought the photos were ps until Now I naively found out that those are all true. "

"Photos can be ps, but live video can't be faked. Such a bird demon can even catch people in the air, throw them on the ground, and they will fall to death ... It's terrible, where is the national ability person? , Where is the dragon group member, quickly come out to slay the demon and eliminate the demon. "

"I don't know if you have found it. In fact, the dog in the house of a nice brother has always been very strange ... I have discovered it for a long time. Not only does it look very tall, it is not like a normal dog, its eyes are also very wise. . "

With everyone's discussion, there are many fans who find it interesting. They want to make Wang Ping's photographs clearer and closer.

Wang Ping'an has no requirements for rewards, and even wants to send out red envelopes himself, so that these fans can help them pull people in and pay attention to themselves.

So he responded positively to the requests of many fans. He shot horizontally and vertically, grabbed the head of the mutated gold sculpture and shot it down, shooting 360 degrees without dead ends.

Then he said to the camera: "If you don't know this strange bird species, please forward it to me and ask the relevant experts to answer it. By the way, please remember to mark my live room number when forwarding, otherwise I ’m afraid someone wo n’t be able to find it. Tomorrow morning, I ’ll broadcast again to show you the latest situation of this strange bird. ”

Countless fans said that they would certainly forward WeChat, Weibo, and circle of friends to ask everyone about the type of this strange bird.

Seeing these fans put on the suit, Wang Ping's contention ended the live broadcast today.

Oh, Master also said that he was not active on system tasks.

See, in order to earn fan attention, even routines are used. In order to be able to earn merit, even my favorite money was donated.

A good person like me, if he can't become an immortal in this life, it must be unfair.

Click, the sky flashed a thunder.

Wang Ping'an instantly regained his mind and didn't dare to think about it. He honestly returned to the villa room to rest, even if he was harassed by two beautiful women, he didn't dare to wander around in the fruit trees, afraid of being thundered.