Don’t Mess with the Dark Princess

Chapter 154: Blind your dog eyes!

  Chapter 154 Blind your eyes!

  Huang Yueli had almost used up all the profound weapons she was carrying, but she still couldn't get rid of the national teacher.

  She also began to feel irritable. Huang Yueli, the number one craftsman in the world and the proud daughter of the Ninth Layer Realm, would she really fall into the hands of such an old man in the Fourth Layer Realm today?

   If this gets out and her friends in the previous life know about it, it will really be a joke!

  However, in her previous life, she had practiced outside, and she had experienced countless times of narrow escapes, so even at such an urgent moment, she was not too panicked, and she was still able to look at the surrounding environment calmly.

  Unknowingly, the two chased and fled, and they had already reached the wall of the palace.

  Huang Yueli's gaze flashed, and she suddenly pulled out the little Phoenix who was sleeping inside from the Tianhuang Jue.

   "Tian Lingling, Di Lingling, Xiao Wangcai, hurry up and breathe fire! My sister is relying on you to save my life today! Hurry up and breathe a big one!"

  Wangcai is still a juvenile phoenix. During the critical stage of growing up, sleep is very important. It sleeps for eight hours every day.

   And midnight is the best time for it to sleep.

  Little Fenghuang fell into a drowsy sleep, and suddenly felt a chill, and realized that he had been carried out of Tianhuang Jue.


  Devil, why are you disturbing others to sleep? If you don’t grow tall because of this, can you be responsible? !

  Little Phoenix was full of resentment, and he called out as soon as he came out.

  However, before it finished complaining, it suddenly saw the face of an old man with a bruised face appear behind him, and he stretched out his skinny fingers to grab it.

   "Cheep cheep cheep!"

  Mom, help, this old man looks so scary!

  Xiao Fenghuang was nervous, and with a "hoo", he spewed out a big mouthful of Phoenix True Fire from his mouth.

The national teacher was caught off guard, he was sprayed straight on, and his beard burned instantly. Moreover, the speed of the fire spread was astonishingly fast, and soon rolled towards his body, but in the blink of an eye, the national teacher's entire body was burnt. wrapped in the middle.

   "Ah, what the **** is this?? Ah, it hurts, it hurts! How can this fire not be extinguished?"

   Just when the national teacher was burned to the point of jumping, she leaped forward and lightly jumped into the wall.

  The national teacher was in so much pain that he didn't even care about his own image, he just rolled on the ground, covered in mud all over his body.

  However, the little phoenix was not fully developed after all, and the power of the real fire was limited. The national teacher swallowed a few pills, absorbed and replenished a lot of profound energy, and after a lot of effort, finally extinguished the fire.

  He heaved a sigh of relief, and hastily turned his head to look, just in time to see the back of Huang Yueli climbing over the wall and entering the palace.

  This little thief dared to break into the palace!

  The national teacher was stunned for a moment, and then chased after him.

  Unfortunately, he was far less lucky than Huang Yueli, when he jumped off the wall, he happened to step on a row of nails left by Huang Yueli, and couldn't help but let out a scream.

  In the palace in the middle of the night, such a noise made the patrolling guards immediately beckoned over.

   "Who? Who is yelling in the palace?"

   "Not good, someone came in over the wall, it must be an assassin!"

   "Come on, catch the assassin!"

  The guards of the imperial palace reacted quickly, and immediately responded to each other. A large group of people rushed over and surrounded the national division.

  The national teacher was in pain and anger, and said angrily: "I'll kill you! Don't you see who this old man is? You're blind!"

  (end of this chapter)