Doom Lord

v2 Chapter 125: Special task

Cheng Yang raised his wrist and looked at the watch above.

This watch was picked up by Yu Kai’s team in the ruins of the city. At that time, there were three pieces that were picked up, and one of them was tribute to Cheng Yang.

In this last day, the mobile phone can not be used, the electronic watch is also unusable, but this mechanical watch is still working hard. This is also the only standard that people now confirm the current time.

The time at this time is already 9:30 in the morning.

"There are still half an hour!" Cheng Yang snorted and began to wait quietly. Half an hour, I can't do anything, even if he wants to go outside to kill the monster, it is estimated that this time is not enough for him to run to the edge of the land reclamation area. As for the area that has been abandoned, Cheng Yang is not interested.

ten minutes……

twenty minutes……

Twenty-five minutes...

Time passed slowly. At the moment of the 30th minute, a voice familiar to all people in the world appeared again in the ears of everyone.

"Humble ants, seeing that you live very well, the spirit is very bad. This is a great opportunity for evolution brought by the gods, but what have you done? Intrigue, fight for power? To give you Punishment, the gods decided to evolve the magical beast again, and make some adjustments to the rules of the main city. You will enjoy it happily!"

All the people who stayed in the mission hall listened to this voice, and the expression on their faces was not very good, because every time this voice came, there would always be bad things happening.

The first time this sound appeared, the end of the day came, and the second time it appeared. The first large-scale evolution of the monster, now is the third time, listening to the tone of the guy, seems to have to evolve the magic beast, what changes will this time?

But they haven't had time to think too much. There was another strong white light in the mission hall, which caused a brief blindness in the eyes of everyone. After the light dissipated, people found that there was a virtual screen in the mission hall, so they stood in the middle of the hall.

Cheng Yang quickly walked to the bottom of the screen, and then carefully looked at what was displayed on the screen.

This virtual screen is also a pick-up task, unlike territorial tasks and personal tasks. This shows the mission of God, which is also known as the system task. As you can see from the name, this system task is system-issued for the game world. For the world, it is the task that automatically derives the rules. The rules of the world are formulated by the gods. So this type of task is called the mission of God.

The name of the mission of God sounds very impressive, but the mission itself does not have much special features.

Generally speaking, the territorial mission is related to the construction of the territory. Including the main city, such tasks are basically focused on collecting raw materials or performing certain tasks.

The construction of the field station is inseparable from the raw materials. Although the main city belongs to the rules of the gods, it has been defined as the main city from the very beginning. But in fact, the main city can also be upgraded. Its upgrade only requires the construction of the main city, that is, the quantity of raw materials. of course. If the main city wants to upgrade, the amount of raw materials needed is undoubtedly very large. In the early stage, the difficulty of upgrading is definitely much higher than that of the field.

But in fact. The benefits of the main city upgrade are not very large, except for the increase in the space inside the protective cover, other functions will not increase much. As for the addition of certain attributes to the warriors, it is even more impossible.

The system tasks that are now appearing also exist in the pubs of the main city.

The reason why Cheng Yang waited here in advance was to wait for the emergence of this system task. His goal is one of the tasks. This mission will reward a nice baby.

In the system task. Some special missions are released each month, and these special missions not only increase a lot of mercenary points. It is also possible to obtain extremely precious treasures. Most critically, such mercenary missions are not restricted by mercenary levels.

But relatively speaking. This type of special task is very difficult, basically not possible in the current period of time.

For example, now, there are three special tasks hanging high on the top of the screen, one of which is to capture an orc cottage. The last time this task was hung on this screen for half a year, and finally disappeared automatically. It is not that someone has completed this task, but the gods believe that this task is not a special task for the average strength of the current people.

Special tasks are called special tasks, not only because of their high difficulty, but also because of their high profitability. Another reason is that they are open to the world. That is to say, at the same time, on the virtual screen of the whole world, there are only these three tasks, and everyone can pick it up, and everyone can do it. And these three tasks are all displayed in red font, very eye-catching.

Since Cheng Yang is now planning to take on a special task, he naturally has the grasp of completion. Because he is very clear, when the system task first appears, it is relatively difficult to complete a task.

Crazy counterattack: special mission, within a day, killing a thousand meta-beasts in the middle of the first stage. Mission completion reward: mercenary (military) points 10,000 points, one special item.

Undoubtedly, this 10,000 mercenary points or military points is a good thing. The benefits of military points are self-evident. The 10,000-point military rank is enough to upgrade a person's military rank from the first-level rank to the third-fourth. .

As for the mercenary points, it not only restricts the quality of the mission, but also affects the income that the individual obtains from the mission. The 10,000 mercenary points are also enough to upgrade from the low-level mercenary to the e-level low.

But now Cheng Yang is not looking at the 10,000 mercenary points, but the special items.

Cheng Yang almost did not hesitate, immediately chose to accept the task, and then the system began to count down.

At this time, Cheng Yang can't delay the time. Although it is very simple to kill the first-order mid-term magical beast with his current strength, it is more difficult to kill a thousand first-order early magical beasts in one day. . This difficulty is not reflected in the killing, but in the search.

There is a strong resentment in Cheng Yang's heart, because the demonized beast to be killed in this mission must be owned by the wild, and the demonized beast in the copy is not counted. Otherwise, Cheng Yang is fighting to consume some potions, but also to go to the difficult copy of the Necrom Canyon to get the first pass.

The number of cockroaches in the copy is no less than a thousand, and under difficult difficulty, the monsters in the copy are all in the first-order medium-term strength, which fully meets the requirements of the task. As long as you win the first pass, the task will be completed.

Now this road does not work, Cheng Yang naturally only has to go outside to find the demonized herd.

Fortunately, after the transformation of this rule, the first-order mid-term magical beast has increased from the previous 5% to 20%, which undoubtedly makes it easier for him to complete the task. Basically killing a thousand-scale magical herd, you can complete one-fifth of the mission.

However, it is not so easy to find a demonized herd of more than a thousand heads. Even if it is a land reclamation, it will be a good luck to encounter two or three thousands of demonized beasts a day. So more often, Cheng Yang needs to run to find the magical herd that suits his own slaughter.


Cheng Yang will be regarded as lucky with thousands of or more enemies, but for others, that is bad luck.

For the servants of any of the current main cities, the so-called demonized beast that suddenly popped out of the sound is definitely a bad news.

Prior to this, the enchanted herd had about 5% of the first-order mid-term demonized beast, which was already very taboo. Every time the strategists team up against the Enchanted Herd, as long as their size exceeds their own, they must only detour and do not dare to touch each other. Even if the number of encounters is lower than their own, they can only destroy the first-order mid-term demonized beasts, and then gradually eroded other weaker beasts.

Even so, when faced with the demonized herd, they will inevitably have some casualties, and will slow down their efficiency in killing monsters.

Now that the demonized beast has evolved again, I am afraid that there will be more big guys in the middle of the first stage. As for whether there will be some first-order post-stage things, they have no bottom in mind. In the face of such a situation, how do they continue to ensure the daily psionic value acquisition?

The problems of ordinary warriors in these main cities are more popular, but for the managers of these main cities, the changes in the rules of the main city are the issues they are most concerned about.

In fact, the changes in the main city rules are not big, just added a public opinion evaluation and security protection.

Security protection is very simple, that is, in the main city people can not kill each other.

As for the public opinion evaluation, each person in the main city can view a public opinion evaluation list on the property panel. In this list, there are two lists of good people and bad guys.

As long as you are in this main city, you can add people who think they are good people or wicked people to this list, and you must write clearly why you should identify each other as a good person or a wicked person. The reason given by it will be self-assessed by the rules. If the submitter is tested for forgery, he will forever lose the authority to submit a good or bad person.

Of course, good people or wicked people are on the list, naturally it is not just as simple as public. All the people in the main city can judge the good or the evil who are displayed. If one-third of the current number of people in the main city casts a eviction ticket to the wicked, the person will be expelled from the main city and will never be able to enter again. As for the good people list, it is a reward. For the same reason, as long as more than one-third of the people in the main city also reward the person, then the person will receive a reward of 1,000 psionics.

These warriors also have certain restrictions on voting. If the good and evil of this person does not affect themselves, then they will not be able to vote.

Ps: Seeking a subscription, asking for a monthly ticket. (To be continued)