Doom Lord

v2 Chapter 284: Intercept

According to the rules of reconnaissance, Cheng Yang believes that two people in the crowd should not be Liu's parents, and it is probably the substitute that the other party has found.

As for why the other person can find such a vivid person, it is not what Cheng Yang knows. Relative to the human eye, he is more convinced of the exploration effect under the rules of heaven and earth.

When Cheng Yang told this to Liu Wei, Liu Wei was shocked.

Turning around again and carefully watching the two people in the crowd, she really can't see the difference between the two and their parents. If it were not for the trust of Cheng Yang, she would not believe that the two men were not their parents.

After the two went away, Liu Wei said with a blank face: "Lord, since these two are not my parents, where is my parents? What if..."

Cheng Yang said: "Don't worry, according to the information we have learned before, your parents should be in the hands of the Tianfu army. As for why these two people are not your parents, I think it should be a means used by Zhang Linsheng."

Speaking of this, Cheng Yang suddenly asked: "Yes, hey, do you have any brothers and sisters in your parents?" When the words are finished, Cheng Yang feels impossible, even if her parents have brothers and sisters, but It is also impossible to have people who look so similar at the same time.

Liu Wei shook his head and said: "No."

Cheng Yang said: "First of all, even if these two people are not your parents, Zhang Linsheng's action should also be irrelevant to your parents' affairs. I will follow up with you personally, and you will stay here to continue to observe. If I find that there is nothing unusual, I will come back immediately."

Liu Wei nodded.

In fact, Cheng Yang also thought that this may be the means used by Zhang Linsheng to clear the darkness of the road. However, since it is inevitable to go through the south side of the city from Wangjiacun to the main city, it is basically impossible to get away with it. So he ruled out this idea.

After Zhang Linsheng's people went away, Cheng Yang was preparing to jump off the tree, but found that a few people in the distance followed Zhang Linsheng's team and watched their sneaky look. Not like Zhang Linsheng's people.

"Is this few people afraid that other forces will send to monitor Wangjiacun?" Cheng Yang snorted.

Cheng Yang glanced around and found no trace of other people's activities, and immediately climbed down from the tree. Followed the north.

Cheng Yang did not hang directly behind Zhang Linsheng's team, but ran straight from the side to the front of the other side.

According to Cheng Yang’s judgment, these people are absolutely going to return to the main city of Wucheng City, as long as they pay attention to them along the way. You should not worry that the other party will be out of your own surveillance.

However, Cheng Yang has just crossed the Zhang Linsheng team for less than a minute. Before the emergence of a large group of people, from the standpoint of their standing, these people should belong to three forces.

Because Cheng Yang did not deliberately hide his body shape. It was discovered by the other party as soon as it appeared.

"That kid, stop me." One of the people in the opposite crowd shouted, and then more than a dozen people rushed over.

Cheng Yang is also a daring person in the art high. Although the other party has many people, but there is no fear, standing in the same place waiting for the other side.

After the other party rushed closer, Cheng Yang pretended a frightened look and said: "What do you want to do? I am a Tianfujun. Here is the site of the Tianfu army. You must dare..."

The man smiled proudly and said: "What is Tianfujun? Even if Zhang Linsheng sees our commander, it must be well-behaved. We are not going to make it difficult for you. You are staying here, wait for us to When things are done, they will naturally let you go."

Cheng Yang fixed his eyes and found that behind the three groups of people, they were trapped by a group of people, watching the expression of those people's fear. It is estimated that the purpose of these people will not be touched.

Cheng Yang’s heart moved and immediately said, “Okay. I am obedient, you don’t bother me. I still have a 60-year-old mother who needs care...”

The head of the person snorted, interrupted Cheng Yang’s embarrassment, and then let several people take Cheng Yang back to the back and put it with other controlled people.

Cheng Yangxi was on the ground and looked around. He whispered to a young man in his twenties who was next to him: "Brother, what is going on here? Who are these people?"

The young man was upset. He heard Cheng Yang ask, and he was prepared to get angry, but he thought that he was also sick with the other person. He said, "How do I know what is going on? But those people I know, there are The two groups are the forces of the military and the forces of the iron and blood. The other group is the alliance of forces formed by some large mercenary groups in the main city. This is simply a fight of gods, and mortals are suffering. Our little people are not in front of these big forces. Such as ants ants. Hehe..."

This person is very decadent and full of pessimism about the unpredictable fate.

Cheng Yang knows a bit in his heart. Since these people are the other two forces of the alliance, they want to come to Zhang Linsheng, and they know Zhang Linsheng’s news from the main city to Wangjiacun in advance, and come to block it.

As for why these people can avoid Zhang Linsheng's eyes and ears to get here, it is not really difficult. After all, the surrounding area of ​​Wucheng City has been completed, and all the scope of resident activities have been bordered. It is impossible for all forces to completely obey the borders. As long as they are zero, it is okay to send some people to come.

This can be seen from the scale of these three groups of people. The total number of their forces is only about 3,000, which adds up to more than 10,000. These people are scattered in the range of tens of square kilometers, and it is normal for Tianfu Army to find out.

Cheng Yang’s heart is clear that although Zhang Linsheng did not see the other forces’ people entering the sphere of influence of the Tianfu Army, he could guess some clues.

Suddenly, Cheng Yang understood that Zhang Linsheng had to bring two disguised hostages out of Wangjiacun. It is estimated that he would be able to cope with other forces. Although Cheng Yang did not know how Zhang Linsheng made the two people look exactly the same as Liu Hanshan and his wife, he believed that it was difficult for the military personnel or the iron-blooded people to distinguish the authenticity of the other party. As for the martial arts army, some people may know Liu Hanshan and his wife, but they may not be able to judge that these two people are disguised without knowing the circumstances of the investigation.

This is simply a good show of stealing the column! Cheng Yang can even imagine how the play will be played.

If it is not because of Liu Wei, may he be fooled as well? Who would have thought that Zhang Linsheng would get two dummyes out? I have seen photos of Liu Hanshan’s couple before, and they are exactly the same as the two.

After trying to understand, Cheng Yang no longer speaks, but quietly pays attention to the development of the situation.

In less than half a minute, Cheng Yang suddenly felt that his arm had been touched, and turned around and found no one.

Cheng Yang’s heart was bright, and suddenly he understood what was going on, and immediately nodded slightly toward the air.

Then, an object suddenly appeared in Cheng Yang's hand. After a little kneading, he could tell that it was a paper ball.

Cheng Yang’s face showed a smile, and people with special talents around him were good. Even if they were surrounded by heavy encirclement, they could pass in the news.

Taking advantage of the time that the people around him didn't pay attention, Cheng Yang quickly opened the paper in his hand and glanced at it and put it into the storage ring.

The content on the note is simple, just a simple line of words.

"The two alliances of the military and the iron-blood army decided to jointly exert pressure on the Tianfu army. The minimum requirement was to divide the interests of the pastor statue. The three forces each had their own spies, and the Tianfu army had brought people back to Wucheng."

This note is Tan Chao's pass to Cheng Yang. It is estimated that after Tan Chao heard the relevant news, he did not directly come to find Cheng Yang, so he followed the other person's personnel and rushed over. After seeing Cheng Yang at the scene, he temporarily wrote this note and explained the situation in front of him.

Although most of the things that Tan Chao said have been guessed by Cheng Yang, the things about the two major alliances of the military and the iron-blood army are not known. Originally Cheng Yang thought that these three forces are now fighting each other or uniting. Unexpectedly, this is not the case. The two major power alliances are secretly united, while the smaller power groups form a force to fight for their own interests.

Cheng Yang whispered: "Just wait to watch the show."

The young man next to him said, "What are you talking about?"

Cheng Yang smiled and said: "Nothing, just talk about it."

The young man sighed and said nothing.

At this time, a person in the south walked quickly and saw the three groups of people in front of them immediately stopped at the same place.

"Yellow Yuelin, Ma Qingyuan, what do you mean by this? This is the site of our Tianfu Do you want to break the rules?" One of the Tianfu Army came out, black face and loud voice to the people in front of him. He said, as for the small forces coalition forces, he was ignored.

Zhang Linsheng did not come out in the ranks, because no matter whether it is the military forces alliance or the iron-blood army, the power alliance is only a senior management team leader, and there is no leader. If Zhang Linsheng came out to negotiate, wouldn’t he be worth the price?

"Hu Jun, let's not say whispers, you know why we came. I know that Governor Zhang is also in the team, what to do, you give a quick speech." The guy named Huang Yuelin Stand up and say.

Ma Qingyuan also said: "The requirements of my iron-blood army are not high. As long as you are willing to hand over the Liu Hanshan couple, we can continue to restore the original relationship. If you are not willing to surrender, hehe..."

Hu Jun ironed his face and was about to say something. Zhang Linsheng came over from behind and said: "Are you sure that your behavior today can represent Ye Mingchu and Zhou Xiang?"

Ye Mingchu was the commander of the former Wucheng Military Region and the leader of the current military forces. As for Zhou Xiang, he was the head of the Iron Blood Army. Zhang Lin’s words reveal a meaning, whether the identity of the two can make a decision on today’s affairs. (To be continued)