Doom Lord

v2 Chapter 614: Heavenly selector

“Thank you for your lord.” Wen Zhengde immediately said, “But if you build a fortress now, I am afraid that with the coverage of the magic tower, it is impossible to protect the fortress.”

Cheng Yang took a forehead and said: "I have forgotten this nephew. So, there are still some materials in the territory, enough for the magic tower to rise to level 1. Originally, I was planning to build a magic tower in the city of Fengcheng. Now that the demand here is more urgent, let's build it here. Anyway, the Territory continues to acquire materials, and it is estimated that it will take a long time to build a new magic tower."

Wen Zhengde immediately rejoiced. If the Magic Tower is upgraded to Level 3, it will be stationed in three magicians. The attack range can exceed one kilometer, and the fortress opposite the channel can be covered.

So Cheng Yang immediately returned to Luofeng City, just as the person who arranged it just bought the material and spent almost 800 million psionic value. It seems that the more high-end buildings, the more resources are spent. If a small force gets the drawing of the magic tower, it is estimated that it is impossible to build.

With these materials, Cheng Yang returned to the village of Kanter. As for the psionic stone needed to upgrade the magic tower, it did not make Cheng Yang embarrassed, because in the previous period, Luofeng Town began to mine the psionic stone veins in the territory, including the psionic power deep in the Shenlong forest. Stone mine. Now let alone a thousand three-level psionic stone, it is a four-level psionic stone, and Cheng Yang can also make it out.

The upgrade of the magic tower was very smooth. After Cheng Yang upgraded the magic tower to level 3, he put the last peak-level magician into the magic tower, making it the third magician to enter the magic tower.

At this point, the upgrade of the Magic Tower in Kanter Village has come to an end. If it is not necessary, Cheng Yang will choose to build a new magic tower. Instead of upgrading this level 3 magic tower. Not because of the other, just because this magic tower is not very useful for the high-rises of Luofeng City, but if you build a magic tower in Luofengcheng. It can bring value to a greater extent.

After all, the 4th level magic tower needs a thousand 4 level psionic stone to successfully upgrade, not Cheng Yang wants to build can be built.

Cheng Yang stayed in Kanter Village for a while. I learned about the specific situation on the spot and I am very satisfied with the status quo of this village. Although the village cannot provide much psionic value gains or high-grade ore for the territory, occasionally high-grade wood or high-grade herbs are still surprising.

There are now five or six hundred people in the village of Kanter, but the average income of each person is already higher than that of the phoenix in Luofeng City. This has to be said to be a miracle.

At the same time, the speed of cultivation in this village is almost 60% higher than that of ordinary places, which is also very attractive to other warriors. If it is not in Fengcheng, there is no announcement about Kanter Village. Otherwise, I am afraid that a large number of mercenaries will come here.

Cheng Yang did not care too much about the things inside. The income of Kanter Village is still quite good, but it is not a big deal with the income of Luofeng City in Shenlong Forest. Of course, this is not to say that the resources in the border zone are more barren than the resources in the forbidden land, but because the magical beasts in the border zone are so powerful that the current city of Luofeng has not been able to develop extensively here. In the outskirts of Shenlong Forest, the guards of Luofeng Town can already do it freely.

After returning to Luofeng City, Cheng Yang continued to go to the intermediate copy of customs clearance. In fact, what he wants to do most now is to go to the abandoned land again, but he has not been able to kill the Tiger King. So I temporarily postponed this matter.

After all, the abandoned land is seven days, and Cheng Yang does not hope that the tiger king will evolve in these days, or that there are other unexpected situations.

Ke Chenggang returned to the territory. I got a report from Li Wanshan, saying that some people found a light curtain on the south side of Wucheng City. The appearance is similar to that of the replica portal, but since the copy gates have appeared before, this suddenly The things that popped out were not allowed to be exactly what they were, so they didn’t dare to act rashly.

After Cheng Yang listened, he suddenly frowned. This matter was quite unexpected.

"Are you sure you are not an arbitrary portal?" Cheng Yang asked.

Li Wanshan shook his head. Dao: "I have seen it personally, and I am sure that it is not an arbitrary portal."

"So..." Cheng Yang felt a move. Busy asked: "Can you determine how long the light curtain has existed?"

"It will take up to five or six days at most." Li Wanshan said, "The subordinates have been inquisitive. In addition to being active in those areas six days ago, no one has been there. The last group is The people who live there did not see the existence of light curtains."

"Six days..." Cheng Yang thought in his heart and calculated the possibility of this matter.

Li Wanshan tempted and said: "Lord, do you say this will be a new copy of the portal? For example, medium or large copy?"

Cheng Yang shook his head and said: "There is also the possibility of a medium-sized intermediate copy. As for the large copy, so far we have not encountered even a large primary copy. I don't know what it will be. There is nothing available. Reference. In addition to these two possibilities..."

“What do the lords think might be?” Li Wanshan asked.

Cheng Yang said: "Advanced copy."

"Advanced copy?" Li Wanshan suddenly stunned.

Cheng Yang nodded and said: "It is indeed a high-level copy. It is necessary to know that the intermediate copy appeared at the beginning of April, and today it is just in early October. Although the voice of the rule of the day did not appear again, the **** will cannot According to common sense, at the same time, according to the previous situation, the lowest strength of the intermediate copy of the magic beast is the first class, the highest copy of the lowest strength of the magic beast should be the first division, we will fall the phoenix a few days ago The town is upgraded to a small town, which may also trigger some sort of rule setting."

Speaking of this, Cheng Yang paused and smiled and said: "Let's go and see it again. Anyway, it's just a portal. At my current level, even if I can't beat the monster in the copy, there is no problem with life."

Li Wanshan also knows that Cheng Yang is telling the truth, and immediately does not argue, it is recognized by Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang is alone to Wucheng. Although this matter is very important to Luofeng Town, Li Wanshan can't follow the past too. He still has a lot of things to deal with. If you say that there is now the busiest town in Luofeng Town. Li Wanshan can definitely rank in the top three.

After Cheng Yang came to Wucheng, someone naturally led him. Without any effort, I found the light curtain that Li Wanshan said.

At the moment of seeing this light curtain, Cheng Yang confirmed that this is a portal and a replica portal. As for which level of copy is in the end, Cheng Yang can't confirm it.

There is no headache for this process. He went straight to the portal and instantly wore it.

"Rely! What is this ghost place?" Cheng Yang was a bit dumbfounded. This situation is somewhat different from what was originally guessed.

A copy of Cheng Yang has been to a lot, whether it is a small copy or a medium copy. Whether it is a primary copy or an intermediate copy. But those copies have one thing in common, that is, the copy space is absolutely limited.

Not to mention those small copies, it is a medium-sized copy of each main city, the area is up to 40 or 50 square kilometers, you can see it at a glance. Although the margin is not really a wall or something else, it is just a foggy piece that people can't cross, but it is always a margin?

But the scene here is different, and the place is very boundless. It is completely a wilderness.

Such a place gave Cheng Yang a feeling that this is not a copy, but a real space. It may even be no less than the present earth.

However, this is only a guess of Cheng Yang now, and it has not been confirmed. But he can also be sure that this should not be a secret like a deserted land. It was not just an intuition, but not far from him, there was an old man with a cane standing there.

Just now Cheng Yang ignored this old man, not because the old man was too short, Cheng Yang could not see it, nor because he was in stealth, but because the old man was like being integrated into this space. Looking at the past, the subconscious ignores his existence.

This feeling is mysterious and mysterious. But it is also very simple to describe. Just like a slightly larger stone placed on a gravel road, who will notice the stone when walking from here? And the old man. It is like a stone.

Cheng Yang’s heart flashed a trace of suspicion, and he was completely unsure of what it meant in the appearance of this space.

"It’s another heavenly person." The old man’s eyes suddenly became a little surprised, saying: “Hey? It’s a chief choice, it’s rare.”

Cheng Yang heard a confused, and suddenly asked: "Old Zhang, what is the winner? What is the chief candidate?"

The old man looked at Cheng Yang’s expression with a hint of appreciation, saying: “The younger brother can enter the world with the chief candidate, and he wants to have something extraordinary. But as the chief choice, I don’t know this. Things can be understood. I will tell you this."

"Lao Zhang please speak." Cheng Yang said very humbly, the mystery of this old man has to be courteous to Cheng Yang, the other side is not easy to provoke, Cheng Yang in the quiet use of two reconnaissance reels, even the slightest Can not see the other party's attributes, which is enough to make Cheng Yang shocked.

The old man smiled at Mimi and said: "Your world should be just a place of God's choice soon?"

"The land of God's choice?" Cheng Yang first was a glimpse, and then some understand.

The old man obviously did not talk to people for a long time. Not only did he not mind that Cheng Yang interrupted him, but he smiled and said: "The land of God's choice is the one-sided world chosen by the gods from the endless space, and then transformed with their own power. Let this world embark on the road of cultivation."

Cheng Yang nodded, which is almost the same as what he had guessed. However, he did not immediately return to the problem before the old man. After all, the situation is not known, and he does not want to say too much.

The old man went on to say: "The chosen person is the title in the land of God's choice, after reaching a certain level of strength. You can come to this world, because your conditions have satisfied the chosen person. Condition. Of course, it is not that all the chosen people can enter here, and they must also upgrade to a small town after the territory they have been enrolled in."

Cheng Yang had some understanding in an instant, and the appearance of the portal was really related to the upgrade of Luofeng Town to a small town.

"I don't know what the conditions for becoming a winner?" Cheng Yang asked.

The old man replied: "The conditions of the chosen people are not exactly the same. For example, the apprentices must have a yellow level of combat power, and the rank-level warriors must have an orange level of combat power, division or above. At the level of the strategist, you need to have a red level of combat power. Of course, there will be some changes at the later level, but this is not what the young man can know at this stage."

Cheng Yang is already satisfied with this answer. It seems that it is not an easy task to become a candidate.

For the setting of this condition, it seems reasonable in Cheng Yang. When the order is lower, the more difficult the battle is, the higher the chance of obtaining higher level evaluation. As the order rises, the strength class will decrease.

To give a very simple example, an early apprentice-level warrior needs only one giant force, which is enough to double his attack power. After a few days, he will not be able to rely on other, but also have a yellow level. Fighting power. But for Cheng Yang's current division, don't say that it is a huge force, it is a hundred, a thousand, to upgrade its level of combat power, are very difficult.

Do not look at Cheng Yang has now cleared the blue tower of the seven-color tower, once he broke through the division to reach a higher level of the king, they have to re-pass the seven-color tower, regained strength evaluation. This is also to prevent some people from obtaining higher tower evaluations when they are lower in strength, and then to have a very high cultivation speed forever.

It seems that the gods are also very treacherous, and they are not going to let people drill these loopholes.

As far as the current Luofeng Town is concerned, there are probably not many people who can qualify as candidates for the day, and no more than ten people. Before Cheng Yang, he was worried that there would be no one to pass through the portal. Now it seems that there is no need to worry.

"Old Zhang, this is a good candidate. Is there any benefit? Why did you come to the world from the portal? From the meaning of Laozhang’s words, it seems that many of the chosen people will come here?" Cheng Yang asked a series of questions.

The old man said: "Young man, this is not necessarily a good idea. It is just an opportunity. Just to get this opportunity is to let yourself go further, or to fall down, then look at the personal creation. "(To be continued)