Doom Lord

v2 Chapter 817: prevent

Cheng Yang manipulated the illusion of the devil and smoothly entered the palace of the Emperor.

This place was the first time that Cheng Yang came over. Although he had been to the palace of the King of the King several times before, the Palace of the King was like a country town compared with the palace of the King.

The entire palace covers an area of ​​nearly ten square kilometers. The shape of the palace is extremely luxurious and magnificent. Any building or any decoration here is carefully crafted but without losing the style of the barbarian.

What makes Cheng Yang feel strange is that the guards in the palace of the Emperor are strict, and the patrol guards can be seen everywhere. Each team patrol is led by a barbarian strongman of the fifth or higher rank. Such people are placed in other The localities are all talents who can lead an army. But here, but it is just a [piggy_pig_island] novel w.zhhuo.m a patrol squad captain.

The power of the Palace of the Kings is evident.

Not the process of Yang found that the power of the Palace of the Emperor was strong, but also saw the suspicious.

It is located in the central part of Africa and is also the core area of ​​the barbarian occupation area. What's more, there is a strong emperor and a powerful emperor. Who would dare to scatter here under normal circumstances? Therefore, the safeguard measures here are not necessarily so strict.

From the current situation, the guards here are not only strict, but each guard's look is extremely serious, and it looks like a wait-and-see, which means that nothing happens in the palace of the Emperor, they do not need to be so nervous.

Cheng Yang’s heart is more joyful, at least the possibility of the injured of the Emperor is even greater.

Later, Cheng Yang launched a carpet search in the palace. With his powerful dark-handed skills, the palace was completely undefended for him. Even if there is any prohibition in the palace or any other protective law, it will not stop Cheng Yang.

This search is a long time past, but fortunately the vicinity of the Bering Strait is not the same as the time zone of the African region. Otherwise, Cheng Yang really has to work in the dark.

Cheng Yang searched the entire palace again, but it made him quite depressed. Not to mention that it is a very old man, that is, no other suspicious person has seen one.

Just when Cheng Yang was about to give up, he suddenly felt a move. I can make a palace in my own lord's house. Can't the Emperor do something like this?

When Cheng Yang does not use the void, he directly uses the ablation skills. Go underground and start searching.

Ten minutes later, Cheng Yang excitedly found a secret underground palace, although the area is not very large, but it is very luxurious.

In this palace, Cheng Yang saw a pile of psionic stone, the lowest is fourth-order, which is a big fortune. If other people see these psionic stones, it is estimated that they will directly rush to collect them, but Cheng Yang’s vision is different. I didn't even take a look at it. I immediately bypassed the hill-like psionic stone and began searching for other rooms in the underground palace.

In a bedroom-style room, Cheng Yang finally found the goal: the emperor.

At this moment, the emperor is sitting on a stone platform. The stone platform is engraved with strange runes. Each of the rune nodes is placed with psionic stone, which is basically fourth-order. The three core positions are placed. There are five levels of psionic stone.

Cheng Yang can clearly feel it. The majestic energy is being extracted from these psionic stones, as the runes run. Entered the body of the emperor.

At this moment, the savage emperor seems to be a little embarrassed, not to mention the ruined animal skin, showing a blue-violet body, and even a lot of places have rotten meat exposed outside.

For this situation, Cheng Yang is no stranger, this is the damage caused by extreme freezing. Just like the serious situation of the old man, he saw for the first time that almost every piece of the body surface is good meat. If you change to a person with lower strength, it is estimated that you have no life.

Cheng Yang has also gained a deeper understanding of the power of the ice seal.

However, now the injury of the Emperor is recovering quickly, and the energy in the rune enters his body. Quickly treating his injury, Cheng Yang can even feel the vitality that surrounds him.

"You must stop him from healing!" Cheng Yang secretly made a decision. If the resurrection of the Manchurian state is completed, the difficulty of killing each other is mostly.

Although there is a little risk of direct hands-on now, Cheng Yang does not care so much.

When Cheng Yang immediately informed Tan Chao to enter the Palace of the Emperor, and told the other party the specific location of the underground palace.

According to Cheng Yang’s plan, it is most appropriate to use Shasha directly to deal with the Emperor. With such a serious injury, if he does not continue to use this extravagant treatment, he will probably have to recover for a long time and may not be able to heal.

Satay is undoubtedly the best way to stop the other party from continuing treatment. Once you get down, the Emperor must immediately detoxify.

If the Emperor does not have a detoxification, then the situation is even more perfect, but the chance is too low.

Cheng Yang’s idea is undoubtedly very good, but soon there is a serious problem in front of Cheng Yang, Tan Chao can not enter the palace of the Emperor.

There is a super enchantment around this palace of the Emperor, which not only can be anti-stealth, but also has a barrier effect.

The anti-stealth effect has no effect on Tan Chao. Tan Chao's concealment technique is a kind of mystery. In addition to being discovered by opponents whose strength is higher than their own, the other methods are ineffective for Tan Chao's concealment.

But the blocking effect can be another matter. Stealth is just that other people can't see or feel it. It doesn't make the body disappear. If the strength is not enough, even if it is a low-level barrier to enchantment, Tan Chao can't cross it.

Now Tan Chao is faced with such a problem, unable to cross the barrier enchantment.

"Lord, what do I do now?" Tan Chao asked.

Cheng Yangdao: "You don't move, I can see if I can think of other methods."

There are many ways to circumvent such barriers. The easiest way is to forcibly break open, but forcibly breaking open has its disadvantages and it is easy to alarm others. If the other side has any early warning format, it is basically impossible to break open silently.

The rest of the method is to use space-like skills such as Cheng Yang's void. If the barrier-like enchantment is too high, ordinary space-like skills are useless, such as transmission.

Thinking of the transmission, Cheng Yang suddenly shines, this is only a barrier class, not an alien space. In this case, is the transmission array effective? Really not, can you use the gemstones?

Cheng Yang felt that he could try it, so he took out a piece of gems, marked the coordinates of the palace, and then quickly sneaked out the palace of the Emperor, and smoothly handed the gems to Tan Chao.

In the hands of Tan Chao, there is also a piece of gems. Considering the safety factor, Tan Chao holds two pieces of gems in his hands.

Then Cheng Yang quickly returned to the underground palace, he needs to look at it to ensure the safety of Tan Chao.

After the appointment of Cheng Yang, Tan Chao started the transmission of the gems for the first time. Everything went very smoothly. Tan exceeded the outermost periphery of the underground palace.

If it is normal, the Emperor will be able to sense the subtle changes in the surrounding space, but now he is in the critical period of healing, and the text on the stone platform has the effect of blocking energy transfer, otherwise the energy passed by the rune It is impossible to be absorbed by the Emperor by the maximum. Therefore, for the arrival of Tan Chao, the Emperor is completely ignorant.

Tan Chao quickly summoned the sand scorpion, and the command to kill the savage emperor was instantly transmitted to Satay’s consciousness.

I saw that the sand shovel quickly turned into a golden light and disappeared directly at the end of the palace in front.

"Ah..." An angry and miserable scream came out of the palace, and even the barbarians on the ground could hear the snoring.

Tan Chao naturally does not dare to stay in the slightest. With the strength of the Emperor, even if he just blows his breath, he can kill him thousands of times.

After a hit, Satay had already returned to Tan Chao. He did not hesitate to put Shaying into the pet space, and then launched another transmission gem and fled to somewhere.

Cheng Yang continued to hide in the void, he was not ready to leave, not only that, but he also summoned another magical illusion to him.

This is definitely a great opportunity. If possible, he will never let go of the chance to kill the Emperor.

At the moment, the Emperor was under the eyes of Cheng Yang. After being hit by the sand scorpion, the Emperor suddenly jumped from the stone platform. The angry man searched for the enemy's trace. The speed of the sand is really too fast. I have already escaped with Tan Chao.

The savage emperor who did not find the enemy was even more angry, which made him angry more than the sneak attack of Cheng Yang and the four magical illusions. Last time, at least on the front line of the battlefield, this time it was attacked in his own nest. This is not the same thing.

However, the strength of the Emperor is amazing. The speed of Satay is very fast, but the Emperor still feels that a alienated beast has attacked himself, and he has found that his attacked arm has now appeared dark brown, reflecting other The part of the blue-purple is even more horrible.

"Damn! It is poisonous!" The Emperor was angry, but it was not the time when he was angry, because he felt that his vitality was slowly passing away with time, and even his strength was slowly being taken away.

This is definitely not an ordinary poison!

The Emperor came to the conclusion, although this conclusion does not make any sense to his detoxification.

When the next Emperor was sitting on the ground, he was ready to make a fortune.

Originally Cheng Yang was ready to start immediately. After reading the action of the Emperor, he was ready to wait a second time, at least to determine whether the Emperor could force the poison out.

What's more, the longer the savage emperor drags, the more serious the strength will be, and it will be much easier to cope with it.

But the Emperor only sat on the ground for less than five minutes, and stood up because he felt that his luck did not have any effect.

This made the Emperor's great horror, but the poison that made him helpless was rare. (To be continued.)