Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

v1 Chapter 142: It's definitely artificial

"The end begins with a nightmare (

After the invisible ghost baby ran away, the 8th floor was safe.

Next, Dr. Feng took Lin Mo to find the ward of Mr. Ma.

This is the best and most expensive intensive care unit in the hospital, which is similar to the suite.

The door of the room seemed to have been destroyed by something. Nine times out of ten, it was the ghost baby, but it was convenient for Lin Mo and the others to go in and investigate.

In the room, they found a body.

This man died very artistically. The whole person was face down and stuck to the ceiling. Half of the corpse had been wrapped by the mold on the ceiling, and it was completely integrated with the mold.

"This person seems to be President Ma's secretary." Dr. Feng stared at the corpse and said something with a look of horror on his face.

It must be a huge shock to see someone familiar become like this.

Lin Mo thought about it, he glanced at Li Feng, who frowned, probably thinking about it with Lin Mo.

The belly of the corpse on the ceiling has been completely gouged out, and the internal organs have disappeared, but if you look closely, you will find that the belly of the corpse is not destroyed from the outside.

But from the inside, as if something, forcibly burst out from the inside.

"That kind of mold seems to be born from here." Lin Mo said.

This is not a random guess, but the mold in this room is the most dense, and you can even see the root system coiling around, which is most likely the source of the mold.

And the source of the house is on the corpse on the ceiling.

Look closely, mold grows from the body of the corpse, even in the eyes, nose and ears.

"By burning this corpse, will the growth of those molds be interrupted?" Li Feng said at this time.

Lin Mo glanced at him, then said to Dr. Feng, "Please find some more alcohol, the more the better."

Li Feng's idea went together with Lin Mo.

The mold outside continued to grow, and the pollution area would continue to expand. Lin Mo insisted on coming in to investigate, which originally meant to explore the source of the pollution.

Lin Mo had observed it outside before, so it was certain that the source of the mold was in this hospital building.

Then it doesn't matter whether this room and this corpse are the source of the mold or not.

Yes, of course it's a good thing, it doesn't matter if it's not, Lin Mo plans to burn down the entire inpatient building next.

If it really doesn't work, then I will try to burn the entire hospital projection area.

Just destroy the growing mold.

Of course, finding some survivors and saving them is another purpose of Lin Mo's trip.

But in this situation, there is little chance that there are other survivors in the residential building.

They found a lot of alcohol, and the three of them found flammable materials from sheets and paper, sprinkled them with alcohol, and piled them on the ground.

Lin Mo took out the brick and shook it.

The flames came out, and Lin Mo lifted it up, igniting the corpse on the ceiling first.

Alcohol had been poured on the body, and it was on fire at one point.

The flammable objects piled up below were also ignited, and the whole house soon became a sea of ​​fire.

In the flames, a large number of molds on the roof were burned and fell off, and some strange roars, like screams, could be heard vaguely.

The three of Lin Mo immediately stepped back, and after a while, the flames had spread to the outside, and the more they burned, the more intense they were.

It seems that burning this layer is not a big problem.

Next, even if the entire building cannot be burned, it should not be a problem to burn most of the inpatient building.

The three went downstairs together.

When I got downstairs and looked up, I could also see the eighth floor, the fire was surging and the smoke was billowing.

Every now and then, burning debris and walls fell.

There is no other way but to continue to retreat to a safe area.

The situation of the fire was the same as Lin Mo had expected.

In the dim world of nightmares, the burning flame seems to be a beacon, dispelling part of the darkness.

After half an hour.

"The mold has stopped spreading."

This is undoubtedly good news, which means that the polluted area will not expand.

"We have made a contribution this time, right?" Li Feng said.

"Definitely." Lin Mo looked at the edge of the surrounding projection area.

It has expanded a bit more than before, and it has involved some residential areas and other buildings, but the Security Bureau has already made full plans, and all personnel have been evacuated within five kilometers from the center of the polluted area.

So even if the projection area expands, no one is involved, so no new nightmare will be born.

In the past half an hour, Lin Mo and the three were looking for the trace of Mr. Ma while investigating the mold.

But the other party seemed to disappear and could not be found.

"I suspect that this contamination was caused by that guy." Li Feng expressed his own judgment.

"Be confident and get rid of doubts." Lin Mo was absolutely certain.

Otherwise, how could such a coincidence happen.

The source of pollution was President Ma's secretary. The other party was completely parasitized by mold, and the death was extremely tragic. It became a source of pollution in itself. The mold growing from his body also has the effect of pollution, and it grows and spreads disorderly.

And after burning the corpse, the mold stopped growing, and even large areas died.

As a secretary, a good-looking person cannot become a source of pollution.

Someone must have done it on purpose.

Coincidentally, that horse was always a rich man, and he had enough money to do it all.

The motivation is also simple.

He's going to die soon.

In the real world, his body has reached its limit and can only be abandoned. After that, he can choose to continue to survive in the nightmare world.

In this way, a simple conjecture is established.

A rich man with more than one billion assets, when he was terminally ill and dying soon, chose to exchange money for a 'rebirth' in a nightmare world.

This inference is reasonable and reasonable for a person who wants to survive; but for a person, it is extremely selfish and devoid of conscience.

But there are still many unsolved mysteries.

For example, Mr. Ma himself can't do this. Where did the pollution source come from, and how can he ensure that he will continue to survive after entering the nightmare world.

This must be helped by an So who is the person doing this business with Mr. Ma?

Also, the secretary was supposed to be just a tool person who was used, but something was clearly bursting out of his abdomen.

What is it?

Lin Mo preliminarily deduced that it was a nightmare, and it was even possible that it was the black-handed nightmare that came out of the mildew spot that he encountered before.

This nightmare is extremely dangerous. I don't know what the attack method is. Lin Mo suffers a loss when he meets him. If it wasn't for the red balloon, he might be dead.

That's why Lin Mo chose to temporarily avoid the edge.

Outside the hospital, in a residential building, Lin Mo was setting up Dr. Feng.

Regarding the fact that Dr. Feng died in the real world, this time Lin Mo did not hide it, but explained the situation clearly.

Doctor Feng obviously had some difficulty accepting the fact that he himself had died.

"I am dead?"

"It's just in the real world." Lin Mo tried his best to put it on the bright side: "Doctor Feng, think about it, that Mr. Ma has scattered hundreds of millions of his family's wealth, and all he wants is to survive in this world, and you will get it all at once. Now, and it doesn't need to spend more than a billion, what a good deal, right?"


"If you think about it again, even our high-level executives have said that it is only a matter of time before the nightmare world completely breaks out. At that time, everyone will have to enter the nightmare world. Without exception, you only come a year and a half before them. Lonely is a bit lonely, but the timing is good, you can accumulate skills and connections first, and when others come in, maybe you are already a big boss."

After Lin Mo finished speaking, Dr. Feng was speechless, feeling that what the other party said was quite reasonable.

"But I'm alone, and I can't protect myself in the face of danger." Dr. Feng realized that his biggest problem was also the big problem in front of him.
