Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

v1 Chapter 213: Close the door and beat the dog

Falling in love with, the end of the day starts from a nightmare

The black door was closed.

But it didn't disappear immediately.

The terrifying aura is still there, but this time, the anger of the demon in the door can only be borne by the person who summoned the black door.

Just like the men in the dress know, the devil will never go back empty-handed.

If you can't kill the enemy, you will take your own breath away.

This is the devil's usual way of doing things.

An evil force instantly enveloped the nun, the latter let out a scream, and her body began to twist, as if being squeezed and squeezed by an invisible big hand.

The bones began to deform and break, and the nun wanted to escape, but a force of the five elements grabbed her and squeezed her into a flesh ball the size of a palm.

Blood spurted out.

During this process, neither the man in the dress nor the black shooter dared to fart, they just shivered over there.

Afterwards, all the flesh and blood was sucked into the Black Gate.

As if the demons inside were satisfied, then the black door disappeared.

Without the **** light on the black door, the surroundings were plunged into darkness.

This time, it's closing the door and hitting the dog.

The screams sounded, one after another, but at most ten seconds, those screams stopped.

Darkness dissipated.

There were only two corpses left on the ground. The man in the dress and the black shooter died miserably, which was normal. Among the three, the ghost nun was the strongest and the most balanced. She belonged to the meat shield and was also the main attacker.

The black shooter is a long-range, tuxedo man, a support at best.

The meat shield is dead, can the range and support be good?

At the moment, Lin Mo was heading towards the direction of darkness and said enthusiastically: "Thank you, Sister Yue, I came here in a hurry this time, and I didn't bring any gifts. I'll remember to make it up for you next time."

Sister Yue in the dark didn't pay any attention to Lin Mo at all, and obviously didn't like seeing him very much.

Lin Mo didn't care either.

He is not RMB, it is impossible for everyone to like him.

Anyway, he knew that as long as Granny Yu covered him, there would be no danger in the Shuguang Toy Factory.

Thinking about it at this time, it was really dangerous just now.

The abilities of the three members of the Redemption Society complement each other, especially the black archers, whose strength is average, but the long-range attack of the bow and arrow is too rogue.

The most shameful thing is that the opponent's arrows can be automatically tracked.

Lin Mo walked over and looked at the body.

Pretty miserable.

This time, Sister Yue gave her a dead hand, and didn't plan to stay alive at all.

Lin Mo originally wanted to leave a live question to ask, but this time, he couldn't.

Let's see what's on them.

The nun was completely crushed, and there was nothing but a blood-stained reverse cross silver pendant on the ground.

Dress men and black people have a lot of things.

The main thing is a violin and a set of bows and arrows.

The violin Lin Mo can't use, but this is undoubtedly a nightmare item, and the music played by this instrument will have some special power.

It's a bit like the piano that Lin Mo once saw.

But to be honest, it's far worse than the piano.

Bows and arrows look very simple, ordinary hardwood bows, the quiver is a bit like a human skin, and there are nine arrows in it, each arrow is wrapped with resentful spirits, if you pick it up and listen to it, you can hear resentful spirits roar.

This is a good thing, Lin Mo can use it.

Although he doesn't know how to shoot arrows, this thing can be learned. Now that Lin Mo has money in his pocket, he will sign up for a bow and arrow training class when he goes back and find a professional to teach him.

That is, nine arrows are a little less.

Negroes are **** and wearing trousers, so they have nothing but bows and arrows.

Lin Mo went to take out the pocket of the man in the dress.

He touched a small box first.

When I took it out, it was a very delicate wooden box, very small, a bit like a ring. But the box was wrapped with wire, and wax was used to seal the gap.

I'm just afraid of what's inside.

On the small box, there is also a small piece of yellow paper, which seems to have a string of English written on it.

Pin on it with thumbtacks.

But after taking a closer look, the English above changed into the Chinese that Lin Mo was familiar with.

This brightened his eyes.

On the small piece of yellow paper, a line of words was written: 4-1 Incineration

This sequence and name are obviously words formed by some kind of force, as if with a touch of ashes, and there seems to be a trace of smoke produced by burning, but it is very weak, and the small yellow paper has not been burned. .

Under the yellow paper, someone wrote a line of notes with a pen.

"The curse has been banned, don't open it!"

If it was said before, Lin Mo would feel inexplicable when he got this thing, and he didn't know what was going on, but now, after studying the curse sequence, he could see at a glance that it was a curse.

The head sequence is 4, the tail is 1, and the name is the curse of 'burning'.

Thinking about it carefully, Lin Mo had never seen a curse with a 4-sequence head, not even on Lin Nan's yellow paper.

Lin Mo had planned to collect the curse sequence, but the people from the Redemption Society 'send' such a great gift.

This must be researched.

but not now.

Continue to rummage.

Another thing came out.

A small bag, after opening, contained several neatly cut sheets of yellow paper with a side length of five centimeters.

It's the same as the yellow paper pasted on the cursed item box just now.

"The Redemption Society also has this kind of yellow paper?" Lin Mo felt that he knew too little. What was the origin of this yellow paper?

At present, to crack the sequence of the curse, it is really necessary to have this kind of yellow paper.

It seems that Redemption is already a veteran.

These things naturally went into Lin Mo's pocket.

Other than that, nothing else was found.

At this time, Lin Mo looked up and saw that there were several dolls waiting there, some with rags, some with brooms, and some with small shovels and single-wheeled carts.

It looks like it's waiting to be cleaned.

Seeing Lin Mo looking at them, these dolls hurriedly pointed to a factory specification posted on the wall next to them.

It says, to ensure the safety and hygiene of the If you find dirty things, clean them immediately. If you don't clean up, the responsible person will be held accountable.

"Okay, let's scan it."

Lin Mo stepped aside, these dolls ran over immediately, moved the corpse, swept the floor, sprayed water, and wiped clean. The whole process was completed in one go.

It is distressing that the business is skilled.

At this time, Lin Mo noticed that Xiaoyu was still standing there, not disappearing as usual.

"Little Rain?" Lin Mo hurried over, only to realize that something was wrong.

Xiaoyu's originally grim face was now full of pain.

So slender fingers are shaking.

After a while, Xiao Yu was able to move. It could be seen that she was very tired, so she turned around and got into Lin Mo's body.

Actually, it's back to the pencil.

Lin Mo was very worried. He remembered that when Sister Yue and Xiaoyu worked together to close the black door, something in the black door issued a vicious curse.

Apparently, Xiaoyu and Sister Yue were both caught.

It's just that Sister Yue is stronger and can withstand it, and Xiao Yu is a little weaker, so it takes time to resolve.

But whether it was really resolved, Lin Mo didn't know.

"We have to think of a way to make Xiaoyu transform again." Lin Mo made up his mind that this matter must be done as soon as possible, otherwise Xiaoyu's side will suffer too much when encountering such a powerful enemy.

Go to visit Madam Yu first, and then Lin Mo plans to immediately carry out the plan to strengthen Xiaoyu.

Walking to the last room on the second floor, Lin Mo was about to knock on the door.

At this time, the door opened, and Grandma Yu said with a smile inside: "You kid, why did it take so long to see Grandma?"