Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

v1 Chapter 304: Xiyu Temple

The black fog in the nightmare world has a setting similar to a wormhole. Walking through the black fog, sometimes you can reach another place through a distance of hundreds of kilometers in a short time.

Lin Mo had thought about it for a long time, when he had enough strength and time, he would just walk around in this dark fog.

Maybe go for a walk and go abroad.

You can also go abroad to see the customs and customs of the polluted areas there, and see what the nightmares of the people's fears are like.

But right now, Lin Mo has no time to think about it.

He took the lead in walking in the dark fog, and walked about two hundred steps along the map where Xiyu Temple was located.

This time he encountered many terrifying nightmares in the black fog.

Most of them saw that there were so many people on Lin Mo's side, and they moved away wisely. Only a few crazy, irrational nightmares smelled the breath of the living and rushed up.

Almost all of these nightmares were beaten to death by the headless younger brother and belly-headed man walking on the left and right sides of Lin Mo, but there were exceptions.

A nightmare like a pool of mud swam silently on the ground, and then an evil spirit suddenly emerged from the pool of mud, opened its **** mouth and bit at Lin Mo.

But didn't bite.

Just hear a pop.

The sound of balloons popping.

At the same time, the nightmare of the sneak attack on Lin Mo also exploded at the same time, and rotting flesh was scattered all over the place.


The response is slow, I don't know what happened just now, everything is over.

The quick response could notice that a green balloon was missing from the handful of balloons that the little red skirt was holding.

The sound of the balloon that popped just now should be the green balloon.

Lin Mo saw it very clearly. He touched the head of the little red skirt, and squatted down: "Good boy, but you don't need to pinch, can this balloon pop? It's amazing, can you teach your uncle?"

The little red dress shook her head, indicating that you can't learn.

Lin Mo just gave up.

This time, the balloons brought out by the little red skirt are not just red, they are colorful. There are black and white balloons that Lin Mo is familiar with, as well as green and blue balloons that he has never seen before.

Obviously, the attack and defense of the little red skirt is achieved by popping balloons.

She doesn't even need to do it herself.

It seems that you can use your mind to control which balloon pops.

With the little red dress, Lin Mo felt much more at ease.

There is a faint light ahead.

The next moment, they walked out of the black fog and arrived at a polluted area.

However, this polluted area is not large, and it is a bit like Shangwang Village, but there are several small high-rise buildings.

"It doesn't look like Xiyu Temple."

Lin Mo turned around, and sure enough, this was a polluted area near Xiyu Temple.

Lin Mo had already memorized the previous map in his mind, and simply drew a location map on the diary.

According to the location of Tuxi Fish Temple, it should be slightly west of this polluted area.

Confirm the direction through a street sign in the contaminated area and continue into the black fog.

This time, after walking about a hundred steps, he entered a polluted area again.

All you can see here are mountains and forests, and you can vaguely hear the sound of a stream flowing.

"It's almost there, it should be here." Lin Mo led the people through a forest, and the front suddenly became clear, and he saw a monastery hidden in the valley.

Originally, when the temple was built, most of them looked majestic and upright, but at this moment, perhaps because of the surrounding environment, this temple only gave people a dark and eerie feeling.

Approach the valley.

Withered leaves all over the place, a gust of wind blew, and the leaves on the ground rattled.

There was a stone bridge in front of it, and it was pitch black under the stone bridge, with the sound of the stream, and on the dead tree next to it, there was a crow quacking strangely, which added a gloomy feeling to the place.

"Boss, there's something wrong with this place," said the scarecrow.

Apparently this is nonsense.

Anyone with long eyes can see that something is wrong.

"It's mainly the crow on the tree. No matter how I look at it, I feel that this guy has a human face." The Scarecrow squinted and looked at the dead tree.

Lin Mo had noticed it long ago.

"Yes, you read that right, but strictly speaking, the crow has a human head."

Human-headed crow.

I don't know what kind of nightmare, but this human-headed crow is not malicious. Lin Mo asked the flying human head on his side to check the truth.

It feels like they are a series.

The difference is that one has wings and claws, and the other is a single human head.

The flying human head was very obedient and flew over, but halfway through, the human-headed crow was disturbed, quack quack, the crow flew away.

"Don't chase!"

Lin Mo stopped the flying heads.

Life is unfamiliar, it is best not to extrapolate.

Outside the temple, Lin Mo looked up and saw that it was indeed 'Xiyu Temple'.

found it.

The front of the temple is also full of fallen leaves, already a thick layer.

Seeing this, Lin Mo shook his head again and again.

"Let's not say anything else, there must be no Buddha in this place. They all say that the Buddha's Pure Land is the most peaceful, and the leaves in front of the door are not swept away. How can there be any Buddha, Lao Wang is confused."

Lin Mo sighed.

When he thought of the old king, he became angry again.

Well, one person is gone.

Lin Mo has no doubts about Xiaoyu's current divination ability, and the other party even burned the old king's yard, which is equivalent to declaring war.

"It doesn't matter who it is, if you burn the old king's yard, then I will burn this ruined temple." Lin Mo's method of revenge is also very direct.

He doesn't care what's in this temple.

I don't want to know either.

In short, put a fire first.

Lin Mo took out the brick, shook it, a flame burst out, and then threw it out.

I saw the bricks on fire crossed the courtyard wall and landed on the roof of a Buddhist hall inside.

The flames surging on the bricks quickly burned through the roof, and the burning bricks fell into it.

After a while, the flames burst into flames.

Lin Mo didn't go in either.

He felt that Pharaoh might have just not figured out the situation, walked in and fell into a trap, and said something.

So he set fire directly. If he has anything to say, he can come out and say it.

"It's all spread out, don't care about what comes out of it for a while, just hold it down for the first time, if you resist, just kill it." Lin Mo gave an order to the nightmare on his side.

At this time, the fire inside was already very violent.

Lin Mo is not afraid of losing the brick.

The bricks are fire-resistant and fall-proof. As long as the inside is burnt out and the fire is out, it will not be too late to go in and get them.

At this moment, there was a scream from inside, and then with a bang, a man on fire slammed into the door and rushed out.

"Help me..."

The man shouted.

It looks like a monk.

However, Lin Mo had already made arrangements, that is, no matter what came out, he would hold it down as soon as possible. If he resisted, he would be killed.

The headless younger brother and the belly-headed man attacked left and right, and pressed the monk who was on fire to the ground.

"Help, it hurts to death."

The monk wailed and looked very miserable.

It doesn't seem like there is a problem.

But Lin Mo's expression was indifferent.

He had already made plans for it. It doesn't matter if he kills innocent people by mistake.

He only knew that the old man Wang was damaged in nine out of ten, and that the old man Wang's ability was so bad, so he was right to be careful.

Even manslaughter.

So let the monk wailing and begging, Lin Mo didn't respond.

Even the two nightmares, Scarecrow and Belly Man, were a little unbearable at this time.

"Boss, why don't you ask him..."

Lin Mo remained unmoved.

Just watching the monk burn alive in front of him.

The flame on the monk's back has not been extinguished, and the person is already motionless.

The headless little brother and the belly-headed man let go of their hands, and the smell of burnt meat was all around.

"Who let you loose?" Lin Mo frowned.

As soon as the words fell, the monk who had been burned to death on the ground suddenly stood up strangely, and a strange smile appeared on his face that burned beyond recognition.