Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

v1 Chapter 355: I didn't expect this

The knock on the old security door has a sense of age.

Not only the sound, but the mottled rust on the security door and the Spring Festival couplets left on both sides can be felt, not to mention the various small advertisements posted in the corridor.

After waiting for a while, there was no response.

Lin Mo knocked again.

He thought, maybe Liu Jia's parents haven't gotten up yet.

Judging from the data, Liu Jia is the only child in their family, and they must have been missing for so long. The old couple must be very sad.

Then wait for a while and ask, you have to pay attention to the methods and methods, it is best not to irritate the old couple.

In addition, assuming that he lost his memory on his own side, Liu Jia's parents must still recognize him.

Seeing themselves for a while, they may get emotional.

This also has to be taken into consideration.

Lin Mo found that he was a bit reckless, and should investigate more carefully.

Just then, a man came up the stairs below.

About fifty years old, wearing slippers and carrying a takeaway breakfast in his hand.

After coming up, the other party stared at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo thought that the other party was the resident upstairs, so he planned to get out of the way, but the middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Probably a neighbor in this building.

Lin Mo pointed to the security door in front: "I know this family."

The middle-aged man looked up and down at Lin Mo again: "But I don't know you, who are you looking for?"

Is this his home?

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look at the somewhat greasy middle-aged uncle in front of him.

Is this Liu Jia's father?

The other party came up and slammed the door.

This time, there were footsteps behind the door, and then the door opened, and a middle-aged woman came out and said, "You can't open the door by yourself, and you didn't bring the key?"

The middle-aged uncle smiled: "Forgot to bring it, here it is, go earlier!"

As he said that, he handed over the plastic bag in his hand.

The middle-aged woman also saw Lin Mo at this time, and looked up and down: "Who is this person?"

"I don't know, I don't know him, he said he was looking for someone, do you know my wife?" the middle-aged man asked nonsense.

Sure enough, the woman frowned: "I know and ask you?"

Lin Mo was also stunned at this time.

On the way, he thought that if 'self' had accompanied Liu Jia's parents to report the crime, it was impossible for them not to know him. Lin Mo even thought about it. When they met, this couple who had suffered from the pain of losing their daughter must be in low pressure. They lived a very hard life. When they saw themselves, they would say in surprise, "Why are you? "

Or they will say: "What are you doing? Isn't it bad enough for you to harm us Liu Jia?"

This is the correct script.

But what's going on now?

Could it be that the address investigated by the General Administration is wrong, or maybe Liu Jia's parents have moved and rented it to someone else?

"Excuse me, is this Liu Jia's home?"

Lin Mo intends to make sure.

He felt that Liu Jia's parents should have moved away.

"Yes, we are Liu Jia's parents, who are you?" The middle-aged man asked Lin Mo with a puzzled look.

It really is!

Lin Moxin said that this situation was really unexpected, why the old couple didn't play cards according to the routine.

Could it be because five years have passed, so I saw it?

Fortunately, Lin Mo's response was also very fast. He immediately said, "I'm Liu Jia's high school classmate. I'm on a business trip to Civet City this time, so I stopped by to have a look."

"Classmates from high school?" Liu Jia's mother is obviously a straight person, she said directly: "Then you came to us Liu Jia?"

Lin Mo nodded.

That's all he could say.

Because according to common sense, unless you are very familiar with this family, it is unlikely to know that Liu Jia has disappeared.

But looking at the old couple's reaction to themselves, it is obvious that they do not know themselves.

This is hell.

Lin Mo was about to convince himself that there was a problem with his memory. Maybe he really accompanied Liu Jia's parents to report the crime in a daze?

But the other party didn't know him.

That means that there was definitely something tricky about reporting the case back then, and it was definitely not accompanied by him.

It is almost certain that someone is impersonating himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo became very angry, secretly saying that he had to find out about this matter, otherwise, he even thought he might be schizophrenic.

"We Liu Jia disappeared five years ago. Don't you know about this?" At this time, Dad Liu's expression was a little down.

Right now.

But Lin Mo always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell for a while.

Lin Mo immediately pretended to be very surprised.

"Missing? I don't know. We haven't been in touch for several years, and I haven't heard from other classmates. What happened and why did you disappear?"

Maybe it's because of Lin Mo's good acting skills, Liu's father and Liu's mother let Lin Mo come into the room to talk.

After all, it's not good to say these things in the corridor.

Entering the house, Lin Mo found that although the outside of this residential building was dilapidated, the interior area was really not small, especially with three bedrooms and one living room, which seemed to be more than 100 square meters.

That's pretty good.

"Boy, what's your name?" Mother Liu asked in the room.

"Hou Zi, but everyone calls me a monkey!" Lin Mo said nonsense, but his face didn't blushed or his heart skipped a beat, and he was skilled in business.

"Oh, I have an impression, I have an impression. I heard Jiajia mention it before." Liu's father said to Liu's mother, who also nodded.

Lin Mo quickly asked about Liu Jia's disappearance.

"We still don't know about this, but one day we heard from one of Jiajia's classmates that she was missing, so we went to report her. Who would have thought that we haven't found her until now."

Dad Liu sighed.

"We went to the police station every three to five to but they couldn't give a result. It's been more than five years, and there is no news at all. Hey, the past days, I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it!" Liu Mom's eyes are red.

Lin Mo noticed that there were many photos of Liu Jia before in this room.

The short-haired girl in the photo is young and beautiful. It is indeed Liu Jia's appearance in the group photo, and every photo is wiped clean.

Obviously, Liu Jia's disappearance is real.

After all, there is a record at the police station, and this cannot be faked.

But the person who accompanied Liu Jia's parents to the police was definitely not himself.

"By the way, uncle and aunt, you said just now that you heard from a classmate that Liu Jia is missing. Can you tell me which classmate it is?" Lin Mo asked.

"I'll think about it." Dad Liu recalled for a moment, and then he remembered: "It seems, it's called Lin Mo, wife, right?"

"Yes, it's Lin Mo." Liu Ma confirmed, then looked at Lin Mo: "Monkey, Lin Mo should also be your classmate, do you know him?"

Lin Mo nodded: "Know, know!"

Now it is completely certain that someone pretended to be himself and accompanied Liu Jia's parents to report the crime.

Speaking of which, Lin Mo was a little ashamed.

The old couple managed to recover a little bit of normal life in the past five years, but as a result, they were hooked up by the past that they didn't want to recall.

And looking at their appearance, they really don't know themselves.

"By the way, do you remember what that Lin Mo looked like?"