Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

v1 Chapter 488: Need a doctor's certificate

In addition to his own main character, Young Jae-hee has three main sub-characters.

Wise men, merchants and beasts.

Of course, in addition to these three sub-personalities, Xiao Jiexi has some other sub-personalities, and he may not even know the exact number.

Some sub-personalities are hidden in Xiao Jiexi's subconscious, and they are "abandoned" before they even appear. It's like the family that Lin Mo once met, his parents and sister.

These three sub-personalities were abandoned by Xiao Jiexi, hidden in the deepest part of consciousness, and they could only go through the cycle of death again and again.

But the three main sub-personalities have certain dominance.

Just like just now, the personality of the wise man became a little unstable because of fear, and was immediately found by the 'businessman', took the lead, and talked about business with Lin Mo.

It was the first time that Lin Mo had dealt with the personality of a 'businessman'.

The understanding of the "businessman" is limited to the description of this personality by the wise. It can be seen that the wise does not like this cunning and treacherous sub-personality who only focuses on profit.

When talking about it before, the tone was full of contempt.

From Lin Mo's point of view, wise men and businessmen do not deal with each other, and no one looks down on the other.

"The wise man said that the Reef Lunatic Asylum is terrible." Lin Mo did not reject dealing with the businessman. Let's see what the businessman would say.

"A wise man is a coward. I understand your appeal very well. In this situation, only I can help you." The businessman's voice was exactly like that of a businessman, and he spoke straight to the point: "The madhouse is terrifying, but As long as you plan well and don’t cause trouble, it’s easy to get in and get out. After all, you’re just looking for help, not making trouble, so what are you doing with so many scruples? Wise men’s worries are superfluous.”

It has to be said that what the businessman said is very reasonable.

"Then tell me in detail." Lin Mo said.

The businessman stretched out a finger: "I'll tell you the whole plan, and I'll help you, but you also need to do something for me, actually, two things, the first, I want you to talk to Jessie , let him not be so wary of me, I want more authority; the second thing, I need a few curses on you. If you promise, I will help you. "

Lin Mo heard that this businessman was quite treacherous.

And the detection ability is very strong.

But since it was about business, Lin Mo came up with the means of bargaining with the aunt of the vegetable market.

"To be specific, how are you going to help me? Besides, it's not difficult to talk to Jesse, but he can't help me. Also, what kind of curse do you want, make it clear in advance."

Lin Mo calls it refining the terms.

For example, what the other party said he wanted to tell Jassie, how would you measure it? Is it okay to say it regardless of the outcome, or has to be persuaded? Another example is a businessman who asks for a curse and says that it is a few, nine is also a few, and one is also a few.

This can't be blamed on Lin Mo, the main reason is that the businessman is too cunning and has to be wary.

The businessman smiled.

"Okay, then I'll make it clear, you need to convince Jesse that you have to give me half an hour a day, no, an hour."

"As for the curse, I want it all!"

A brief silence.

Lin Mo smiled.

Too greedy.

Lin Mo was not in a hurry to bargain, but asked, "Then what can you do for me, be more specific."

The businessman leaned over and whispered: "The first is the method of entering the reef madhouse. If you break in directly, you will definitely die, but I can help you get an identity, this is a very valuable secret, even the wise do not know. "

"In addition, I have friends in the lunatic asylum, who can let you find the real wise man, and can help you when it's critical. There is also a more important piece of information, no matter what method you use to enter the lunatic asylum, this is not the most important, the most important How did you get out of that place. I know a secret passage that even the wise don't know."

"A real wise man?" Lin Mo asked with some doubts.

"Yes, a real wise man, a wise man's personality, is just a personality created by Jaehee imitating a real wise man. To be honest, it is far worse than others."

Lin Mo understood.

He also almost knew the businessman's cards.

Lin Mo knew that businessmen must be avoiding important things.

For example, the danger level of a lunatic asylum, this guy didn't mention a word.

It seems to give the impression that the Reef Asylum is a place where you can come and go when you want.

But just now the wise man's attitude towards the lunatic asylum was very fearful. On this point, Lin Mo believed that the wise man would not aimlessly. The lunatic asylum is very scary, there is no doubt about this.

But it's more important for Lin Mo to go home.

So this business, Lin Mo needs to do.

But before that, Lin Mo still needs to discuss with the wise man. If the businessman knows it, and the wise man knows it, why should he make this transaction with the businessman?

Just ask the wise man directly.

"I understand, I want to see a wise man, and then give you an answer."

"As you wish, you will come to me."

After the businessman finished speaking, he smiled, and then the cartoon expression on the paper bag changed, returning to the appearance of a wise man, and his breath also changed.

"I'm sorry, I was negligent just now and let the businessman take advantage of it."

The wise man apologized.

Lin Mo explained the situation just now, and the wise man was a little surprised when he heard it.

"How could the businessman know another way to escape the madhouse? If so, then he has a lot of confidence. Although it is difficult to enter the madhouse, it is even more difficult to get out of the madhouse. And the businessman is right, he was in the madhouse at the time. I did meet a few friends here, and in terms of interpersonal relationships, he is better than us."

A wise man is honest and speaks truthfully.

"The final decision on this matter is still in your hands. I can only tell you that if you don't want to go to the madhouse, you won't go to the madhouse, but if you decide, Jaehee and I will also go with you."

Lin Mo understood that the businessman also had some leverage when he came out to negotiate business with him.

As the wise men say, there is a choice now.

Actually nothing to think about.

Since there is such a way, Lin Mo naturally wants to try it.

Try it, at least there is some possibility of going back, if you don't, you'll just be stuck here.

"Okay, I have to discuss this matter with Jessie." Lin Mo said.

The wise man said he would call Jae-hee out.

About a second later, Jessie's main character appeared

As for Lin Mo's decision, Xiao Jiexi had no objection. He only said that he would provide help. In addition, Xiao Jiexi also took out the TV and finally took out another paper bag and handed it to him. Lin Mo.

"Give it to me?"

Lin Mo was a little surprised, and he looked a little familiar with this paper bag.

By the way, isn't this the one I wore when I was trapped in the TV world.

"The businessman asked me to give it to you, and he said you could use it." Jaehee's voice was that of a normal child, with a hint of timidity, a low voice, a little weak.

It appears that the businessman knew he would agree.

In terms of peeping people's hearts, this businessman is really powerful.

Lin Mo asked Xiao Jiexi, what do you think of this matter and do you have any suggestions.

Little Jesse said much the same as the wise man.

Insane asylum, don't go if you can't go, but if you have to go, he will accompany him.

"Actually, you don't have to go." Lin Mo patted Xiao Jiexi on the shoulder, but Xiao Jiexi shook his head: "I won't go, you can't even enter the lunatic asylum by yourself."

"Isn't it okay if there is a place?" Lin Mo wondered what the madhouse was, so that such existences as Xiao Jiexi and wise men could feel fear.

"The madhouse has no address, and I don't know where it is. There is only one way to get in, and that is for them to find you on their own initiative."

It's really special.

Little Jiexi didn't know anything more specific.

Because he extremely rejected the Reef Asylum, he said that when he was in the asylum, most of the time was dominated by the sub-personality.

If he was on his own, he couldn't survive in that kind of place.

"Let the businessman tell you the specific situation." Xiao Jiexi finished speaking, and then whispered: "Actually, I know the businessman's conditions, he thought I didn't know, but he forgot that I am the main character, You just tell him that I agree, but only for a day and a half."

After that, Xiao Jiexi went offline and the merchant went online.

"How are you thinking?" The businessman's tone was slow, and he seemed to be certain that Lin Mo would agree.

"I don't agree, you go back, the deal is cancelled." Lin Mo said with a cold face.

The businessman was startled.

His tone lost the slow feeling he had before, and he was a little did he refuse? This is your only chance, even the wise man said, only the real wise man in the lunatic asylum can help you, don't you want to go home? "

The businessman wondered why the other party refused.

There is no reason.

"I don't want to refuse either, but your conditions are too harsh to be satisfied. This business cannot be done." Lin Mo looked helpless.

The businessman understood at once.

This is going backwards.

After a while of silence, the businessman sighed: "Okay, what conditions do you say."

"A day and a half of the dominant time, in addition, I can only offer you a curse." Lin Mo opened the conditions.

See if the other party agrees or not.

The businessman thought about it and agreed.

"Then let me tell you how to enter the lunatic asylum first. I believe that Jessie and the wise man have told you before that the reef lunatic asylum is a place that does not exist. To enter, only let them take the initiative to find you and bring you in. "

Lin Mo nodded, this was what Xiao Jiexi said just now.

"The point is, how to make them find you." The businessman smiled strangely: "It's actually very simple, ask the doctor to show you that you are a lunatic, and they will come and take you to the lunatic asylum."

The logic seems to make sense.

The businessman told Lin Mo that any certificate presented by a qualified doctor is acceptable here.

"But the certificate that ordinary doctors show you will only take you to Wards 1 and 2. The real wise man is in Ward 4, so you need a special doctor."