Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

v1 Chapter 513: kill with me

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The evil spirits in this house are fierce.

Xiaoyu attacked just now, and may have suffered a little loss. It is estimated that he did not expect that there are so many corpses below.

After all, no one thought that there would be a row of ghosts hanging under this window.

Things are a little weird in the house now.

The woman named Judy was controlled by the evil spirit just now and wanted to jump out of the window, but was pulled back by Lin Mo, and then she slumped on the ground with dull eyes, drooling at the corners of her mouth.

Lin Mo couldn't care about the other party either.

There is only one evil spirit left in the room, the little girl, who should be harmless for the time being.

Outside the house, that is, under the window, there are now five evil spirits, one of which bewitched Judy to jump out of the window just now, and escaped after failing.

Later, he climbed up with the help of the corpse, and was kicked down by Lin Mo.

You come and go, Liang Zi is settled.

At this moment, the five corpses hanging under the window swayed in the wind, just like wind chimes. Suddenly, the five corpses looked up together and looked at Lin Mo viciously.

Even in a one-on-five match, Lin Mo didn't hesitate at all.

Both sides look at each other.

Lin Mo said, "What are you looking at? Come up if you have the skills."

The five hanged corpses raised their heads, with malicious smiles on their rotting and deformed faces, as if to say, "If you have the ability, come down."

Lin Mo couldn't get used to their troubles, he took out the tiger bone sickle, unfolded the blade, brushed brush brush, and cut off the noose hanging the corpse with a few knives.

The five corpses landed freely, falling into the darkness below, as if being swallowed up by the abyss.

"Come on, let me take a look." Lin Mo yelled frantically towards the bottom from the window.

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

"God, what have you done?"

Lin Mo looked back and saw a chubby man dressed as a nun standing at the door of this room.

At this moment, the other party looked terrified, walked over quickly, looked at the noose cut off by Lin Mo, his face turned pale and bloodless because of fear.

Lin Mo noticed that in addition to this fat nun, there were a few people at the door. They were holding lit candles, and they also showed fear, but they only dared to stand at the door and did not dare to come in.

"It's Judy, what's wrong with her?"

"I don't know, since her daughter was controlled by a demon to commit suicide, she has come to the door of this room to pray every day, but she never goes in."

"Who is that person, with a paper bag over his head, he feels very dangerous."

"What did he do?"

"I don't know, but with Sister Ram there, it's fine."

Lin Mo could hear these small conversation sounds clearly now.

These few people are ordinary people like Judy, they are not alive, but they are not nightmares either.

Ordinary people who enter the nightmare world after dying in the real world.

Inside the room, the fat nun climbed to the window sill to look down, and then picked up a rope that had been cut off, leaving only half of it. The whole person seemed to be bankrupt, decadent, fearful and hopeless.

Lin Mo is not stupid.

He felt as if he had done something wrong.

Because he saw that there were some golden threads in the middle of the cut rope.

It should be some kind of wire, mixed with twine.

The fat nun stared at Lin Mo at this time and looked at it from head to toe. Just when Lin Mo thought that the other party would be angry and lose his mind, Lin Mo was surprised, and the fat nun controlled her emotions.

"Stranger, you did a stupid thing, this noose was to trap the devil, we paid five lives for it, and you ruined it all."

The fat nun is cultivated, and even if she is angry to the extreme, she still maintains her normal manners.

Lin Mo just thought that the other party was going to hit him.

"I'm sorry, I was a little bit over the top just now, who asked them to stare at me." Lin Ming's wrong attitude is still good, and he can see it.

There is a bureau in this house.

Those nooses were not made by the nightmare, but made by this fat nun, in order to trap the evil spirits.

And people have been successful.

Because of the dead bodies hanged by the noose, the influence of the evil spirits can only be in this room.

And Lin Mo is equivalent to letting go of the shackles that trapped the hands and feet of these evil spirits.

"Who are you?" the fat nun asked at this time.

"I came from Ward 2." Lin Mo told the truth.

"Ward 2?" The fat nun looked blank.

Lin Mo could see that the other party was not pretending, but really didn't know the existence of Ward 2.

It's like some doctors in Ward 2 don't know other Wards exist.

There are some ordinary people in the lunatic asylum who seem to be trapped here for some reason, and some people don't even know this is a nightmare world.

The fat nun in front of her might also be of this type.

"Can you take off this odd hat?" asked the fat nun.

"Wait a minute, I'll discuss it." Lin Mo turned his head and said to his mother, who nodded.

Lin Mo took off the paper bag.

But the way he turned his head to talk to a non-existent person just now, the fat nun could see clearly, and she involuntarily took a step back.

"Are you a patient?" the fat nun asked.

For this question, Lin Mo didn't want to argue: "You just say yes."

Perhaps seeing that Lin Mo was not that dangerous, the fat nun invited people outside the door to come in and take Judy out, but no one outside dared to come in.

There was no way, only Lin Mo could help drag the person out.

"There's a little girl in the closet, it should be Judy's daughter." Lin Mo reminded, the fat nun was stunned and took a deep breath.

"Judy's daughter, is dead."

"I know." Lin Mo made a piao move, showing his teeth and claws, and the fat nun immediately responded.

She walked to the door of the closet, grabbed the cross pendant on her neck, muttered something, and yanked the closet door open.

It's empty inside.

Lin Mo took a look, it was indeed empty.

The little girl is gone.

"Leave this room first." The fat nun thought of something, and her face was a little uglier than before.

Lin Mo had to ask the other party for news, so he followed.

The fat nun closed the door, took off the cross pendant from her neck, and wrapped it around the doorknob.

This pendant is made of silver, and there is a wave on it, which should have some effect.

But the effect of this thing can be big or small.

If the effect is small, it is the same as no effect.

Outside the door, except for the fat nun, everyone kept their distance from Lin Mo, and they were very vigilant and hostile.

Judy still lost her eyes and said nothing.

This is also normal. First, she was frightened, and then she was attacked by Lin Mo's mental power and bewitching curse. Later, she was attacked and controlled by the evil spirit hidden in the room.

It's like a house that has been visited by several waves of people. Now it's a mess, and it may take days for her to recover on her own.

But then Lin Mo walked over and said a few words in Judy's ear, the woman's eyes immediately recovered.

She began to gasp for breath, and the fat nun hurried over to hug him to comfort her.

Perhaps seeing the fat nun, Judy didn't shout and began to calm down slowly.

Soon Lin Mo knew that this fat nun was Sister Ram, the "spiritual pillar" of this group of people.

Why do you say that?

Because these people have been trapped here for a long time, if it wasn't for Sister Ram leading them, these people would have collapsed long ago after all kinds of horrific events.

To communicate this kind of thing, it is natural to communicate with the main characters.

Lin Mo took Sister Ram aside and started chatting forcibly.

Obviously, Sister Ram is a devout person, not only a firm believer, but also a kind and amiable person.

Just now, if someone else saw Lin Mo cut off the rope that trapped the demon, he would have scolded him a long time ago, and the irritable person might have already started.

But Sister Ram still maintained her proper etiquette and calm.

In her words, anyone is worthy of being saved. Her **** said that you should treat people with humility. From this point of view, Sister Ram is definitely a firm practitioner of faith.

Lin Mo asked about the situation and roughly understood the current situation.

But the result surprised Lin Mo a little.

In the understanding of Sister Ram and others, what they are currently in is a monastery built by the church on an island.

Lin Mo asked them if they knew how many years it was, and they said a year.

Lin Mo calculated, it was actually a hundred years ago.

Lin Mo didn't say anything.

The monastery was later converted into an insane asylum, and those in power at the time thought it was an unprofitable business, so they handed over the management of the insane asylum to a group of nuns and priests.

They take care of the patients here.

Lin Mo suddenly remembered something.

He remembered that he had played a foreign game before, which was also related to the lunatic asylum, and the background was taken from the real events of the White Eagle Country. That is to say, a hundred years ago, the local government built a lunatic asylum on an uninhabited island. This lunatic asylum existed for more than 30 years, and 46,000 people died here.

That's a scary number.

According to the memoirs written by some people, many patients would not receive the treatment they deserved after being brought here, and many were actually abandoned here, and finally died in that terrible place in despair and pain.

Of course, it was normal that some nuns and priests were in charge of it at first, but after they were transferred, it was completely reduced to a prison-like place.

Many normal people will be forcibly sent here to die just because they have offended some powerful people.

In the end, a fire broke out in the madhouse, and after that, it was abandoned and became a very famous murder place in the local area.

Of course all these things were revealed much later, and at that time, the victims here had been dead for more than half a century.

After this incident was revealed, it became a material for game makers, but this game did not sell well, one was too scary, and the other was a flaw in the plot.

Lin Mo naturally played it. He played horror games just to pass the boring time.

So as long as it is scary enough, no matter how unpopular he is, he has played it.

After figuring out the situation here, Lin Mo guessed that this might be the real madhouse.

Because of the invasion of the nightmare world, this lunatic asylum was projected here and became a terrifying place that existed in the nightmare world.

In addition to the lunatic asylum itself, the projection also includes the people who were originally there.

Sister Ram and others didn't know this. She told Lin Mo that about a month ago, the place was shrouded in fog and the sun never came out.

From that day on, some weird and terrifying things began to happen in the madhouse.

"Many places here are polluted by demons, full of curses, and cannot be entered. And we have lost contact with the outside world, we can only hide around, and are separated from other people, and many people are trapped in other places..."

"The way down has been blocked, and a few days ago, it was no longer safe here. The evil forces are constantly eroding, and there is not much time left for us."

Sister Ram told the situation.

Lin Mo listened very carefully.

According to Sister Ram, he already had a concept in his mind. This fourth ward is actually a dislocated space and time, and the time axis here is different from other wards.

Even in the nightmare world, such things are very rare.

Then this Sister Ram cannot be the manager of Ward 4. Although the manager here is also a nun, she has gone to the dark side to inform Professor Yang.

At present, the situation in Ward 4 is very complicated, because Sister Ram's group still thinks they live in a lunatic asylum a hundred years ago.

They don't know anything about the outside world.

It is a bit similar to the situation in Guimen Village.

"Did you climb in through the window?" Sister Ram asked.

Lin Mo nodded.

"Are you a patient?"

Lin Mo shook his head.

"Whoever you are, don't go to that room anymore. The evil has been released. That room can't trap those demons. We have to think of other ways."

Sister Ram obviously regarded Lin Mo as a patient. After all, there are many patients in the entire lunatic asylum, and it is impossible for her to see them all.

Climbing through the window in the middle of the night, with his head covered, only a mentally ill person would do such a thing.

But Sister Ram did not discriminate in any way. From this point of view, the other party's morality was very noble.

At this time, Lin Mo looked at the environment of Ward 4. Everything here seemed very simple, like an old castle. There is no lighting equipment, only candles are used as light sources, so most of the place is dark, some windows are broken, there is wind, and there are whispering sounds from some survivors.

Follow Sister Ram to another room. There is a statue of an angel hanging on the door of this room. It seems that the white wings can protect it.

Opening the door, it was very warm inside, because the fireplace was burning, and a few people rested here wrapped in blankets. When Sister Ram came back, she just looked up and lowered her head again.

A little numb.

At this time, Lin Mo noticed a person.

The other party is a little special.

The peculiarity is that the clothes are different from the others here. The shirts, belts, and boots do not match the clothes of the others.

Lin Mo looked at the other party, and the other party was also looking at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo walked over naturally and sat beside him.

"Did you come in from outside?" Lin Mo spoke first.

The other party looked at Lin Mo in surprise: "You too?"

Lin Mo smiled and rolled up his sleeves to reveal his watch.

People a hundred years ago did not have such a watch.

The man was clearly agitated.

"No wonder you are dressed differently."

People who have the same experience can naturally chat together.

The other party said that his name was Nissen, and he was treated as a lunatic for a month and sent to an insane asylum.

"At that time, the person who sent me came with a carriage." Nissen sighed.


Lin Mo really didn't expect this.

Obviously, the shuttle buses in different wards are different. I am a car, no wonder I will be sent to the first ward.

Lin Mo asked the other party about the situation here.

"As soon as I was sent in, something happened here. I don't know what the specific situation is. Anyway, I just ran around with them. There are people in the same situation as me, but they are all scattered. To be honest, brother, we are dead. , the difference is early death and late death."

Nissen has obviously experienced a lot of things, which has kept his nerves in a tense state. When talking, his eyes are also looking around, and the slightest bit of trouble will make him nervous.

"Brother, don't be so pessimistic." Lin Mo persuaded.

Nissen shook his head: "You just came here, and you don't even know what's here. When you know it, you'll understand that many people choose to commit suicide because they can't stand this kind of despair..."

At this time, there were hurried footsteps outside, and the next moment, two people pushed the door open and ran in, then slammed the door shut.

Everyone in the room was startled.

The two people who ran in said to the crowd in horror: "I saw Pym."

Everyone was horrified when they heard the name.

Lin Mo asked Neeson next to him who Pym was and why everyone was so scared.

Neeson told Linmer that Pym died five days ago.

Lin Mo understood.

It turned out to be the return of the dead, no wonder everyone is like this.

Normal people are afraid.

Lin Mo is now curiously asking how Pym died.

"He was bewitched by the devil and hanged himself."

Lin Mo guessed that it was one of the hanged corpses under the window.

Then not only Pym came back, but other corpses should also come back.

Sister Ram had already gone over to inquire about the situation. The two should have gone out to fetch water, but when they met Pym, they were so frightened that they escaped without even getting the bucket.

All of a sudden the people in the house were in a mess.

Sister Ram asked them to be quiet, but no one listened, it was still a mess, some crying, some kneeling on the ground and praying.

Suddenly, someone tapped the door outside.

In an instant, everyone in the room fell looked at the door in unison.



"It's Pym, it's him, it must be him." A man who had escaped just now slumped on the ground, his voice splitting with fright.

The other is already fast away from the door.

The others also reacted, and they all dispersed at once.

At this time outside, there was a sound of something falling to the ground and breaking.

Lin Mo guessed that it was an angel statue hanging on the door.

It looks like that thing can't stop the evil spirits outside.

Sister Ram's expression was never solemn at this moment. Just when Lin Mo thought that the other party would arrange for everyone to fight back together, the nun knelt on the ground and began to pray devoutly.

Lin Mo covered his face and shook his head.

It looks like he wants to go wrong.

When people here encounter problems, they have always pinned their hopes on the gods.

How does this work?

A happy life is all one's own struggle, relying on others? Isn't that a joke.

Lin Mo asked Nissen, who had been frightened next to him, if he wanted to live.

The latter nodded tremblingly.

Lin Mo pulled out the brick from the lower back and stuffed it into the opponent's hand.

"Listen to my orders later, I said to do it, you just rush with the bricks, don't care who you meet, just hit them in the face."

Neeson was dumbfounded.

He didn't dare, and even thought that Lin Mo was crazy.

"If you don't rush, you will die, you choose."

The knock on the door was louder.

Every time the heavy door panel was hit, there was a sound of wood cracking, and the sound became louder and louder.

It completely drowned out Sister Ram's prayers.

Lin Mo was upset, he got up and walked over, dragged the wooden bolt away, and opened the door.

At this moment, both the people inside the door and the ghost outside the door were stunned.

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