Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

v1 Chapter 527: I want to see the moon

After coming out of this painting, Lin Mo took it away.

This is not a robbery.

Because Lin Mo had already communicated 'friendly' with the owner of the painting, that is, the patient painter, the other party made it clear that he could send the painting to Lin Mo without receiving any money.

"Brother, that's interesting!" Lin Mo patted the other person's shoulder.

The other party didn't say a word, and only hoped that the shameless robber would leave quickly.

Never come back.

This time, Lin Mo has gained a lot.

Not only did he mess up the businessman's plan, but he also found a way to return home by chance.

Then there is nothing to do next, find a chance to leave the madhouse to meet the butcher, and then enter the ghost painting together to find the way home.

This is what Lin Mo will do next.

Leaving the lunatic asylum is no longer a problem for Lin Mo. He has read some basic settings for the lunatic asylum and knows how to leave.

But you have to go back to Ward 4 first.

The administrator's secret passage has been closed and can only be left from the entrance of Ward 3.

Crossing Ward No. 3 was a dangerous thing before, but now, no patient in Ward No. 3 knows the power of the "paper bag head".

In particular, the two paper bag heads are walking together now, followed by the beautiful woman in red with a knife. With this combination, even the most terrifying lunatic in Ward 3 would not dare to come out to provoke them.

All the way to the entrance, Xiao Jiexi pointed to the iron door in front and told Lin Mo that he could go back to Ward 4 by leaving that door.

Lin Mo sensed something was wrong.

"Jessie, are you leaving with me?"

Little Jessie nodded.

Lin Mo asked him why. Xiao Jiexi had promised to go back to Luyuan Community with him before, and he had also promised to introduce him to new friends.

"Lin, I'm a lunatic, and a lunatic should stay in a lunatic asylum." Xiao Jiexi was indeed grown up, and he couldn't say this before.

"And I was born in an insane asylum. If there is a problem in the insane asylum, I will also have a problem, or even disappear." This may be the real reason that Xiao Jiexi said.

Apparently, the mentally mature little Jesse noticed some truth about the madhouse.

That is, the patients here are not born naturally.

All of their patients are just characters written by the family.

If something goes wrong in the madhouse, they will indeed be implicated.

Lin Mo already knew the truth about the entire lunatic asylum. After thinking about it, he didn't continue to persuade him.

"The businessman was locked up by me, and the wise man died. I thought about it, I can't continue to run away in the future, and I can't continue to be that carefree child. No matter how much I run away, I should face it. That's right. So I won't create any sub-personality anymore, and no matter what the problem will be, I will face and solve it myself."

When Xiao Jiexi said this, Lin Mo vaguely found that Xiao Jiexi seemed to be much bigger than before, as if he had grown up in an instant.

This is not Lin Mo's dazzling eyes, Xiao Jiexi has really grown up.

He was only four or five years old at first, but now he looks like a teenager, and his height is only half a head shorter than Lin Mo.

Lin Mo nodded.

"Thank you, Lin." Xiao Jiexi said at this time, Lin Mo asked him what he was thanking me for, and Xiao Jiexi said that if it wasn't for you, I would never come out of the TV, and even if it disappeared, I would not be willing to contact the outside world. .

Lin Mo thought it was true, he was the one who fooled Xiao Jiexi to let him go out.

"Jesse Robinson is my full name, I know it's someone's name for me, I don't like it, I'm going to change my name, and I'd like to use your 'Lin' if you agree."

Jae Hee has really grown up, and he has to decide even such a big thing as changing his name.

"You want to change your name, Jessie Lin?" Lin Mo asked.

Jessie shook her head: "It's just one word, Lin!"

Lin Mo smiled and said that no one called him a word, and it was only a surname. As a result, Jixi was so stubborn, he said he thought about it and called him 'Lin'.

The reason is that Jesse Robinson represents his childish past, and he wants to draw a line from his past self, so he must change his name, and change it according to his ideas.

What can Lin Mo say?

People can change their own names however they want. The most he can do is make suggestions, and it is up to Xiao Jiexi to adopt them or not.

No, it should be called 'Lin' now.

Before leaving, Lin Mo remembered one thing. He took off the top of the paper bag. At this moment, only one third of the top of his paper bag was left, and the other two-thirds were transparent.

According to the wise man, this is a spiritual creation. After being separated from its creator, it will gradually collapse and need to be replenished with spiritual power.

As a result, 'Lin' shook his head.

"This was created by the previous Jaehee, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Lin Mo said don't make trouble, didn't you just change your name, why can't you charge? Otherwise, you can change it back, and change it back after charging.

'Lin' shook his head: "This has nothing to do with changing the name. The former Jessie no longer exists. I have grown and changed. I have merged with the consciousness of the dead wise man, so you can see me as another person."

"Then, since it's another person, I can't do what Xiao Jiexi was able to do before, so I'm sorry."

It makes sense, Lin Mo didn't know for a while whether the other party was really here or lied to him.

I guess it wasn't a lie.

First of all, the quality of 'Lin' is very good. He shut up the insidious, deceitful and hypocritical businessman, which is equivalent to shutting up his own dark side.

That is to say, the other party will not deceive.

Second, according to multiple personalities, each personality can be regarded as a separate person.

According to this theory, the former little Jesse really doesn't exist anymore.

Then it is reasonable and reasonable that the spiritual creation created by Xiao Jiexi cannot be supplemented by others.

Lin Mo thought about it and asked, "Is there really no other way?"

"There is no way!" 'Lin' nodded.

Some things cannot be forced, and Lin Mo understands it, but he immediately realized the consequences of this.

Putting on the paper bag again, Lin Mo looked at his steady mother and naughty sister beside him. Dad was standing in the distance and seemed to be still sulking.

"My little Romi, what's the matter with you? Are you unhappy?" My mother saw Lin Mo's mood and asked.

Lin Mo shook his head and took off the paper bag again.

He still has something to ask 'Lin', and he doesn't want the family on the paper bag to hear these words.

"You mean the sub-personality attached to it?" 'Lin' said, "Of course it will disappear with the disappearance of spiritual things, which is inevitable."

"Can't it be separated?" Lin Mo asked again.

'Lin' shook his head: "No, it's still the same sentence, this needs to be done by the former little Jiexi, mental power is very special, every madman's mental power is different, mental power is like a The key can only open the corresponding lock, other people can't do it."

Lin Mo was silent.

He's still thinking about countermeasures.

'Lin' saw what Lin Mo was thinking, so he reached out and grabbed it, creating a paper bag head on the spot.

"I grabbed a new sub-personality and gave it to you."

Lin Mo didn't answer.


"Why is it different? Parents and sisters, I have a lot of such sub-personality. If you get along with them again, you will get used to it again. It's the same."

"It's different." Lin Mo waved his hand.

Even if it is the same type of sub-personality, but different is different.

'Lin' didn't force it either: "It doesn't matter, you can come to me when you need it."

Lin Mo nodded.

He walked over and opened the iron door.

"Then, Lin, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Lin waved his hand from behind.

After that, Lin Mo and Nie Hong walked into the iron gate one after the other.

Through this door, they returned to Ward 4.

Nie Hong also saw that Lin Mo was in a bad mood. She knew that she would not persuade people, so she didn't say anything, just followed silently.

Everything Lin Mo had to do in the lunatic asylum was finished.

There will be a new dean here next, and as for the dean candidate, Lin Mo already has his own guesses.

Should be 'Lin'.

That is, the little Jesse after growing up.

This is not Lin Mo's guessing. It is assumed that he had tried his best to add a word to the other party's manuscript in his room at home.

It was a volume in which the new dean was born. Lin Mo added the word 'Lin' in front of the last word of dean.

To be honest, at that time Lin Mo mainly wanted to make trouble.

Anyway, I didn't want the businessman to become the new dean, so I wrote a forest. In addition, I thought that maybe, maybe, maybe, I also had a chance.

After all, in this place, there is only one surnamed Lin.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Xiao Jiexi actually changed his name by himself.

The other party could not have expected the word he added.

Therefore, it can only be said that this is a certain destiny.

But Lin Mo didn't really want to be the dean. After all, he couldn't stay in the lunatic asylum for a long time.

"time to go!"

Lin Mo led Nie Hong towards the roof.

The exit from the lunatic asylum is on the roof.

When Gu/upstairs, Lin Mo found that part of the paper bag became transparent again, and if you look closely, you can find that this change is happening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Mo had mixed feelings in his heart.

When the spirit disappears, the sub-personality above also disappears.

The wise have said it, and so has 'Lin', so this can't go wrong.

Although those three sub-personalities are not Lin Mo's real family, and they know it, but in the spiritual realm, they are a family.

Even Lin Mo, who was wearing a paper bag, did not deny this.

Perhaps the concept of 'home' was left by Xiao Jiexi on this spiritual thing, and it may have affected the three sub-personalities, and even Lin Mo.

Lin Mo thought about parting with the three family members, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Recalling the scene of seeing the three family members when I just put on the paper bag, the things I have experienced along the way are vivid in my mind.

Lin Mo put on the paper bag again.

He saw his sister crawling around on the ceiling, his mother still following him, and his father walking fast this time, already on the upper floor.

Lin Mo is not a sentimental person.

But at this time, he didn't know how to say it.

Or, he didn't know whether he should say it or not.

For example, some patients who are terminally ill and need to leave may not be told the truth by their family members until they die. This is another kind of protection.

That is, as the saying goes, walk peacefully.

"Romi, I said, we are a family, if you encounter any difficulties, no matter what difficulties, you can tell your mother." Mom said next to you.

"Look, there's a ladder on it, I'll go up first." My sister made a new discovery and climbed up a metal ladder along the wall.

Lin Mo also looked up and saw that it was the passage to the roof.

The exit is over there.

Lin Mo glanced at his mother and said, "Mom, I do have some troubles."

"Tell it to mom." Mom's voice was still so calm, as if nothing could make her nervous.

Nie Hong saw that Lin Mo was sharp again, and when she heard that the other party had something to say, she quickly climbed up.

Lin Mo's past life was rarely as tangled as it is now.

He wanted to tell the situation directly.

It is said that you will disappear soon, because the spirit of the paper bag head that you deposited will disappear, and this is impossible, and no one can save you.

But the words got stuck in his throat and couldn't come out.

"It's okay, think about it and talk about it." Mom patted Lin Mo.

The sister above shouted that she had found a door and told her brother and mother to hurry up.

Lin Mo also climbed up.

When he reached the top door, he opened the door, and a cool breeze blew in.

This is the roof of the lunatic asylum.

The surrounding area was pitch black, and thick clouds could be seen. Surprisingly, the surrounding fog seemed to have dissipated a lot.

Because it is close to the sea, there is a damp smell in the air.

The younger sister began to have fun, running around, very happy.

Dad stood not far away and seemed to be able to see through the clouds and see things farther away.

The way to get out of the asylum is to go through the roof and jump off a place where a white doll is painted.


But that's the home-written setting.

Lin Mo took a deep breath, he was ready to say goodbye to his mother.

But before he could speak, his mother took the lead: "My little Romi, my mother has something to tell you. Although it is difficult to speak, if you don't say it, you will leave some regrets..."

Lin Mo was taken aback.

"Actually, mom, sister, and dad can't leave with you."

When my mother was talking, my sister came over, and even the father over there turned his head.

"The three of us were only created by Xiao Jiexi in the past. We know this, so we are treated as aliens, locked in the deepest part of the spiritual realm, and reincarnated over and over again. That kind of life is more terrible than death, and we clearly know everything. It's all fake, but it has to go on."

"Until we met you."

"Jessie let us out and gave it to you. Your sister and I were so happy, by the way, don't look at your father's silence, but he was actually very happy. We are like a real family, together Happy and painful together, although only a few days, but this is the most wonderful experience since we were born."

"You recognize us, and we recognize you."

"Now Xiao Jiexi has also disappeared. Naturally, no one can maintain our existence. Any spiritual power will disappear one day. Although it is very reluctant, my mother must tell you that we are leaving."

Lin Mo felt like a stone was blocked in his heart.

"That's what I want to say." Lin Mo mumbled.

"Really? That's really a coincidence." Mom smiled.

Just like before.

Lin Mo sighed: "I tried to stop it, but Jaehee... Now I should call him 'Lin'. He has nothing to do. Even the wise said so."

"So, you should accept that there are many things in this world that are like this. Although you hate it, hate him, and fear it, sometimes you can only accept it."

As soon as Mom finished speaking, the sister next to her applauded: "Mom, what you said is so profound, I didn't even understand it!"

This time, Lin Mo also smiled.

The collapse speed of the paper bag was the same as Lin Mo expected.

Until now, there is no difference between Lin Mo wearing a paper bag and not wearing it.

The speed of this transparency is obviously incremental.

Like a balloon filled with water.

Prick a hole, and the water will slowly flow out. At first, the balloon is big enough, it may take a long time to finish, but in fact, the speed of the water inside will be much faster than you calculated.

Lin Mo didn't leave immediately. He didn't know whether passing through the mental barrier of the insane asylum would affect the paper bag head, especially after he found out that his mother and the others seemed to like the scenery on the roof, he decided to stay for a while.

"It feels so good that the wind is blowing on me." My sister let out a sigh.

"Yeah, it's a pity it's too foggy, otherwise, you should be able to see the moon." Mom looked up.

"What is the moon?" My sister was curious.

"The moon is the moon, like a beacon, very beautiful, sometimes it is like a disc, sometimes it is like a crescent."

"It's amazing, I really want to see the moon."

The family looked up together now.

But apart from the dark clouds, nothing could be seen.

At this moment, Lin Mo really wanted to split the sky with a knife, because then his sister could see the moon.

The waving mother clapped her hands, and then said to Lin Mo, "Romi, you should go."

Lin Mo's heart twitched and nodded.

He found the place where the white doll was painted, stood on the edge, and told Nie Hong that he could leave the madhouse by jumping from here.

Nie Hong nodded: "I'll wait for you outside."

After saying that, he jumped down without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, Nie Hong's figure disappeared into the darkness.

"This little girl really trusts you. If you say dance, she will dance. It's good to have such a friend." Mom said jokingly.

Lin Mo could no longer laugh at this time.

"I'll wait a while before leaving."

As a mental patient, Lin Mo could feel that there was only a little mental power left on the head of the paper bag, but it would not disappear for at least a few minutes.

He wanted to wait until the last moment.

"Come on, Mommy wants to see you get out of the madhouse safely."

"but I…"

Before Lin Mo finished speaking, he suddenly felt that someone pushed him.

Suddenly he fell from the roof.

The moment he fell, he saw three family members on the roof, his mother and sister were waving goodbye, and even his father was standing beside him waving.

"It must have been pushed by Dad just Lin Mo flashed this thought in his mind, and the next moment, he felt like he fell to the ground.

Looking up again, I found myself standing on a beach.

In front of you is the sea that is connected with darkness.

Vaguely, there seems to be an island in the distance.

Nie Hong stood not far away, looked at Lin Mo, and said, "Your paper bag head..."

Lin Mo hurriedly reached out and touched it.


Sure enough.

Not only is there no physical object, but not even a trace of spiritual power is left.

Lin Mo didn't speak, and looked at the island in the distance for a long time before he let out a long sigh and greeted Nie Hong to leave.