Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

v1 Chapter 603: Another dad, another me

In the dim old hotel, the indicator light of the electronic clock on the wall glowed with a crimson light.

Staring at the electronic clock on the wall and the beating numbers on it, Lin Mo was a little overwhelmed.

He suspects that the electronic clock itself is a quirk.

But it turned out not to be.

This is an ordinary electronic clock.

His next reaction was that the electronic clock was malfunctioning, because Lin Mo's watch time was normal.

But when he discovered another thing, he directly overturned the original idea. .

He wanted to wash his face in the toilet to calm down, but found that the water droplets on the ground were floating up and got into the leaking faucet.

That scene felt like I was watching a replay.

Staring at the rapid rise of water droplets from the ground, Lin Mo was stunned.

Rewind the clock, reverse the water drop.

These went around in Lin Mo's mind a few times, and finally came up with an idea.

Time is really running backwards.

"What exactly happened?"

At this time, a figure flashed by the door of the toilet.

Lin Mo hurried over to take a look.

It was the father.

However, at this time, Dad was walking backwards, and his expression was a little anxious. Apparently Dad's actions are also replaying, which feels very weird.

Dad didn't find himself.

Lin Mo's heart moved at this time, he did not show up, but hid.

There are a lot of things in him that can hide his breath, and it just comes in handy at this time.

Because at this time, Lin Mo suddenly had a bolder guess in his heart.

He wanted to confirm.

If it is time to go back, then what Lin Mo sees is actually what has happened.

Dad was so anxious because he entered room 8, but he didn't.

Why didn't you go in?

Lin Mo took a detour, went up another staircase to the second floor, and hid in a corner.

He needs to prove it.

The time on the electronic clock on the first floor is still going back, and the time on Lin Mo's watch is also increasing normally.

Time is advancing in sync on both timelines.

After a while, Lin Mo finally saw his father's figure walking backwards in front of the door of room 8.

What followed was a very artistic move.

Dad seems to be smashing the door and can't open it.

He was shouting.


Not to mention the sound made upside down, this scene is weird and funny.

At this moment, Lin Mo has completely determined that he is in a mechanism of time rewinding. The reason why this happened is because he entered Room 8.

There is definitely something wrong with this room 8.

Keep peeking.

Dad tossed at the door for a long time, and his expression gradually eased from the nervousness and anxiety at the beginning, and then Lin Mo saw the classic scene.

The door of Room 8 opened at this time, and then a person withdrew from the room.

Lin Mo saw himself.

Self on another timeline.

This surprised Lin Mo even more than seeing his father.

He exited from Room 8, corresponding to his previous entry into the room.

The next thing Lin Mo is very familiar with, because he has already experienced it himself, close the door, turn the key in the opposite direction, take out the key, talk to Dad, or talk, and then the two of them walk backwards.

This is going back to the room.

No, it was coming out of the room, going to room 8.

Everything went backwards.

Watching the other self and the other father enter Room 11 backwards, after the door closed, Lin Mo fell into deep thinking outside.

Time is rolling back.


Because you entered room 8?

But at that time, why did the door of the room suddenly close after entering by himself? Why couldn't Dad get in? Although it was a regressive interpretation just now, Lin Mo could see that Dad had tried a lot, but he couldn't get in.

"In other words, only one person can enter room 8."

Lin Mo came to this conclusion temporarily.

He stood in the corridor thinking, time was still rewinding every minute and second.

He went downstairs and checked the current time, it was already 1:25 in the morning.

During this time, I discussed with my father in the house.

There was no one else in the entire hotel, so no one saw Lin Mo in the reverse time state.

He tried to go to room 8 again and tried to open the door.

Can't open.

The door is the same as welded.

Apparently there's something odd in this door.

And the door is so hard that it can't even be knocked on.

At this time, the door of Room 12 opened, and the murderer sneaked out to see. Of course, this was also the way to go backwards.

Lin Mo didn't dare to move, and just stood there.

The killer may have seen Lin Mo, but he didn't do anything, and retreated again.

He will definitely go back.

Because in fact just now, his entire action was reversed. The so-called opening the door was actually the action of closing the door after he saw him.

Lin Mo didn't know what would happen to him in reverse time, so he didn't move around at that time.

He is also curious, what does he look like in the eyes of others in reverse time?

Lin Mo needs to take a good look at this matter, and he now has the keys to all the rooms in his hand.

My dad stole it.

Just came in handy.

He opened an empty room and walked in.

Because I'm not sure what other people will see when they see their consequences in reverse time, especially what will happen to my dad and the other self when they see their current self.

So to be on the safe side, Lin Mo hid here.

Things have to be figured out, if there is no problem, he may go to knock on the door of room 11 and have a good talk with another old man and another himself.

How direct.

Suddenly, Lin Mo thought of a very crucial question.

"No, when I just came out of room 8, I didn't see my father, and I didn't find him. Where did he go? Later, it seemed to appear suddenly."

Lin Mo thought carefully.

The sudden appearance in the reverse time, and the one placed in the normal time axis, is the sudden 'disappearance'.

"Dad under normal circumstances disappeared?"

Lin Mo's surprise was no trivial matter.

He thought of the message.

Said that you must enter room 8 or you will die.

In addition, Lin Mo reasoned out that his father suddenly disappeared, and the two were linked together, and Lin Mo had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"I didn't disappear because I was in room 8, but Dad didn't go in, so he disappeared."

Lin Mo muttered to himself.

In fact, there is other evidence to support this conclusion.

That's what Professor Xie said. The members of the expert group who came to the hotel to investigate, according to the file, they never came out of here again.

And the body in the real world dies too.

Then it's considered death.

Ke Linmo has actually experienced and knows that there is no very terrifying existence in this hotel that can threaten the members of the expert group.

Could it be that at 3am, these panelists were 'killed' because they didn't enter Room 8?

There is this possibility.

And it's huge.

At this time, Lin Mo saw a stack of A4 paper on the table in this room.

There are also pens in the drawer.

"I'll go, the message was really written by me?"

Lin Mo's heart beat faster at this moment.

Because he discovered that the two previous prompts, according to the anti-time theory, it is really possible that he wrote it himself.

But still the problem.

"Why don't I go straight to myself and tell my dad about it?"

"Why do you want to leave a message?"

"Besides, even if you want to leave a message, you should write it more clearly."

Lin Mo knew that he had not written those two messages yet, and since he did so, there must be a reason for it, or in other words, he had to write it this way.

If so, try it.

Lin Mo has time now. He is sitting on the table, picking up the pen and starting to write.

This is what he wrote.

"The secret of this hotel is in Room 8. After entering, it will cause an external time reversal..."

Not finished yet.

The words on the paper began to disappear.

The speed is faster than what Lin Mo wrote.

Lin Mo was stunned.

And wrote: "I'm Lin Mo, Dad, and myself, you have to find a way to enter room 8..."

Brush brush!

As if an invisible hand was erasing the words on it.

gone again.

Lin Mo took a deep breath.

He understood why he would write such a message.

Because the slightest mention of reverse time, or the text that mentions who he is, will be erased by a mysterious force.

That power is everywhere.

There is no malice.

It's pure 'rules', fair, but that's what's called terror, because when this kind of power comes, you can't resist it.

For example, Lin Mo deduced that if he did not enter Room 8, he would be 'erased' when the time came.

Dad's existence is so fierce, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a quasi-S-class master.

It is so strong that it can be wiped out in an instant, so the members of the expert group from the safe zone are also impossible to resist.

"They must have unknowingly, not entered room 8, and then been wiped out, so no one went back."

Lin Mo felt that he was getting close to the truth.

This feeling is very exciting.

There is a sense of refreshment.

And a little nervous.

It's more comfortable than playing the scariest horror game.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'll take it easy first." Lin Mo let himself go, and he thought of a more important thing.


Lin Nan was the only one who left the hotel alive.

And also successfully obtained the curse of the undead.

"In other words, Lin Nan should have also experienced what I am going through now. How did he do it?"

"There are seven terrifying nightmares residing in Lin Nan. Those seven nightmares are not simple. They should have helped Lin Nan a lot."

"But according to the results of my investigation with my father, there is no undead curse in the hotel at all. Where did Lin Nan get it?"

Lin Mo got up and walked away, then sat down again and drew a line on the paper with a pen.

Then on this line, draw a few nodes.

One of the nodes, Lin Mo defined it as the time when he and Dad entered the hotel.

After the line, he wrote a no.

Then, in the time period before they entered the hotel, wrote a yes.

At the back, another big 'question mark' was drawn.

"The only explanation is that there was once the curse of the undead in the hotel, but not after we came in, but before we came in. That is to say, if you want to get the curse of the undead, you have to wait for time to go back to my father and I. Before coming to check in."

This thing was completely 'reasoned' by Lin Mo.

To be honest, the evidence and clues are not enough to support this conclusion.

But at least Lin Mo had a rough guess about the curse of the undead.

"In addition, Lin Nan returned to the normal time line after obtaining the curse of the undead, but he lost all the memories in the hotel, so what did he experience?"

Lin Mo unconsciously drew question marks on the paper.

Here lies an unknown danger.

Dangerous things, the unknown, are the most terrifying.

Now he worries that he, too, will be deprived of his memory.

That's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is what to do with Dad.

According to the normal timeline, Dad was 'killed' by an invisible and powerful force in the hotel.

Of course, the father in reverse time still exists.

Lin Mo knew that he had to find a way to get his father into Room 8 too.

In this way, Dad can also jump out of the normal time axis. There are two advantages, one is to avoid being 'killed' again; the other is that Lin Mo has an extra helper himself.

But room 8 seems to be difficult to enter.

Lin Mo had to figure out the secret of Room 8, otherwise it would still be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo looked at the time and pushed the door out of the room.

He was going to try again.

It was very quiet in the corridor, it was 12:15 in the morning.

Go to the door of room 8, insert the key, and open the door.

The door is open!

Lin Mo was stunned.

Really open, so easy?

Lin Mo walked in.

It was still dark inside.

But this time Lin Mo found that he could exit the house immediately.

Close the door, open it again, can't open it!

"Understood, the opening of Room 8 has a CD time. After opening it once, it cannot be opened again within a short period of time!" Lin Mo calculated the time.

I feel that this 'short time' may be half an hour, but it will not exceed an hour anyway.

After figuring out the situation, Lin Mo was relieved.

He ran downstairs to look at the electronic clock, and was surprised to find that time had turned into a positive flow again.

This time, Lin Mo got a lot of clues.

"That is to say, enter Room 8 again, and the timeline will be restored..."

It's like a one-way switch.

Press once, reverse; press again, change back to forward.

This time, Lin Mo had a plan in his mind.

First of all, the mysterious power here will prevent oneself from revealing clues about 'reverse time' to another self, not even a single word.

Messages will be erased, and if he tries to make direct contact, Lin Mo guesses that he will be 'erased' in all likelihood.

This thing cannot be tried.

One failure is complete.

So I can't meet the other self.

And you have to let yourself and dad go according to the original script.

In other words, the reminder for room 8 must be sent out, and you must let yourself into room 8.

Otherwise, there will be nothing after that.

"What about Dad?"

Lin Mo thought for a while.

The time he entered Room 8 was a little after 1:00 in the morning, so there would be enough time for Dad to enter again, so that Dad could be 'jumped out' from the normal timeline.

Waiting for the time to go backwards with myself, back to the time period when the curse of the undead appeared before my father and myself entered this hotel.

Then get cursed, and after success, enter Room 8 to let time flow normally.

After the minibus sent me and my dad during the normal time, board the minibus and leave here safely.

The plan is perfect.

This is the ideal situation.

In practice, it will certainly be difficult.

But now Lin Mo has no other way.

"Pull Dad out first."

This is the most important thing.

But how to get Dad out?

Lin Mo pondered for a while.

He remembered the murderer in Room 12, who had opened the door and saw him before.

That invisible rule wasn't triggered at the time.

In other words, as long as people don't realize that there is a "reverse time" method, it can be used.

The result of Lin Mo's conclusion is that you can't let 'self' see yourself.

That can easily lead to uncontrollable problems.

But if it's just for Dad to see himself, it's not a big problem.

Lin Mo has a way.

Next is the process of practice.

He continued to hide back into the house, waiting for the minutes to pass.

He had calculated that the time he entered Room 8 in the normal timeline was 1:17 in the morning.

There is still more than an hour before 3 am. According to the rule of entering room 8 for half an hour, Lin Mo needs to be stuck and enter room 8 at 3 am.

After that, I waited until about 2:00 in the morning, when the CD time in Room 8 passed, let my father in too.

In this way, both my father and myself can jump into the 'reverse time', and the first step of the plan has been achieved.

The most troublesome thing in this first step is the control of time. It can't be more or less, because once you make a mistake and you can't get in, it will be a bad dish.

After carefully stroking it, he found no problem, and Lin Mo began to wait quietly.

At 1:00 in the morning, Lin Mo heard movement outside. It was himself and his father in the normal time line who were going to explore Room 8.

After that, he entered the room by himself, and Dad was blocked from the outside.

Then continue to wait.

The time is more than 2 am.

Outside, I could hear my father's footsteps walking around, maybe he was thinking about something, maybe he was looking for himself.

At 2:55 in the morning, Lin Mo pushed the door and walked out.

He had to get stuck in time to enter room 8.

To be honest, Lin Mo is very nervous now, because mistakes are most likely to occur during this time period.

For example, if someone else enters Room 8 and occupies the number of times of use, then both myself and my father will be finished, or if my father keeps trying and finds that Room 8 can be entered, it is also troublesome.

Once a mistake is made, the whole game is lost.

Fortunately, that didn't happen.

On the first floor, the old man seemed to have woken up the old head Lu and was asking something.

Lin Mo looked at the time, and at 2:59:50 in the morning, he opened the door of Room 8 and walked in.

Then exit immediately.

Try to push the door.

Can't really push it off.

Lin Mo ran to the first floor and secretly saw the old man talking with the old head Lu, but it was upside down, and the electronic clock on the wall was rewinding the time.

It worked.

Then the next step is to guide Dad to let him in when he can enter Room 8.

Lin Mo waited quietly.

He saw Old Lutou go from being full of energy to breathing heavily, and then walked backwards back to the small room behind the counter, the door was closed, and the lights were turned off.

Dad was walking backwards and down the first floor.

It's like watching a rewind movie.

Feeling that it was almost over, Lin Mo took a deep breath and knocked on the wall, making a bang bang sound.

The old man was immediately attracted, and some kind of phantom appeared on his body, which seemed to conflict with his original behavior.

Fortunately there was no problem. UU reading www.

When Dad saw Lin Mo in reverse time, he came over with a look of shock.

he speaks.

But what he heard in Lin Mo's ears was still read backwards.

But can understand.

It means asking where your kid came from.

Lin Mo said nothing.

Because he speaks, it may make Dad realize that it is against time, and the invisible rules will either kill Dad or himself.

Lin Mo made a follow me gesture, then went upstairs, walked to the door of room 8 and stood still.

Dad followed.

No matter what Dad said next, Lin Mo didn't say anything.

He is waiting.

Dad seemed to realize something, so he didn't continue to ask, but looked at Lin Mo and waited.

Time passed by minute by minute.

This period of time was very difficult, because Lin Mo was afraid that his inference was wrong, and he hoped to succeed, and his heart was full of expectations.

Finally, wait until more than 2 in the morning.

Lin Mo tried to open the door.

Thank goodness it's open.

Lin Mo made a sign to his father to go in.

Dad understands.

Or it is a father and a son, there is no doubt about his own son, the father.

He walked in and then quickly came out.

Lin Mo didn't know if Dad had entered the 'reverse time', so he said, "Dad, say something."

"What did I say?" Dad asked.

The word order was normal, and the stone in Lin Mo's heart fell to the ground, it's done!