Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

v2 Chapter 1094: The essence of the curse is a ghost

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"This is like an infinite corridor with a single line. It seems to be very long. In fact, there is only such a section. From the beginning to the end of this section, it will strangely enter the starting point again, and then repeat."

Lin Mo made his judgment based on the current situation.

Who would have thought that when I went out, I encountered a hard stubble.

And this should also be caused by the curse.

Because Lin Mo didn't encounter any ghosts, it was entirely an environmental factor.

To say that Lin Mo is trapped, that is not yet.

Lin Mo can return to the previous room and leave from the frame.

The problem is doing this, Sophia outside doesn't agree.

People have said it very clearly before, they will come out before they are done, and eat them directly as snacks.

So you can't go out like this.

Gotta figure out how to solve the problem.

Lin Mo didn't go forward, he hugged the vase, then sat on the table in the corridor, thinking about the solution.

First of all, it's definitely not going to go on like this.

It doesn't make much sense to do damage.

Moreover, the walls and windows here are extremely strong, and even if you want to destroy it, you can't do it.

With his rich experience, Lin Mo decided to walk with his eyes closed.

Because in the nightmare world, it is possible to enter the dark dimension with closed eyes. Of course, this is not certain, because in most cases, the only necessary condition for entering the dark is that there cannot be any light in this space.

To be absolutely pitch black, it's like a black box.

Still airtight.

Only then is it possible to enter the dark dimension.

If you can enter the dark dimension, you may be able to leave this endless corridor.

"Try it."

Lin Mo closed his eyes and started walking forward.

One step, two steps, one step, two steps.

He had calculated before that to walk through this corridor, a total of thirty-seven steps would be required. That is to say, under normal circumstances, after taking thirty-seven steps, he would just reach the position where he had taken the first step.

Lin Mo started walking from the table. If he walked into the darkness, he might be able to walk out of this endless corridor. If not, he could only go back to the starting point.

Silently counting the number of steps, Lin Mo couldn't keep his eyes open during this process.

Because opening your eyes is equivalent to breaking the gong.

Lin Mo didn't open his eyes until he counted thirty-seven steps.

"Hey, busy work!"

He was still standing by the table, that is to say, he closed his eyes and did not enter the dark dimension, but fell into the endless corridor and continued to circle in this straight corridor.

"This trick doesn't work, you have to change it."

Lin Mo thought for a while.

He remembered that the older brother told him that the curse was essentially another kind of ghost.

There is obviously a curse in this corridor, and it may be the "maze" curse that I have encountered.

The Curse of the Labyrinth can turn any seemingly ordinary place into a maze that you can't get out of.

It's just that compared to those complicated scenes, there is only one corridor here, and it is more difficult to find clues.

But if it was caused by a curse, and the curse was some kind of special ghost, then Lin Mo wanted to see, if two people were in the corridor and cursed this ghost, who would they follow?

You can try.

Originally, if Xiaoyu was there, he could let Xiaoyu do this test, but Xiaoyu's whereabouts are unknown now, so Lin Mo can only find a way by himself.

He folded a paper figurine and took a breath. The paper figurine immediately became bigger and looked almost exactly the same as Lin Mo.

"You go forward, I'm watching from behind."

Lin Mo explained briefly.

The paper man nodded, then turned and walked along the corridor.

Lin Mo observed carefully.

Soon, the figure of the paper man disappeared in the darkness in front, but at the same time, there were footsteps behind him.

Looking back, the paper man came over from behind.

"Sure enough!"

Lin Mo could think that he left before, so it should be the same.

This is a Mobius ring, end to end, which, in theory, is infinite.

I remember the infinity symbol I learned in school, this is it.

Lin Mo felt that he was now a 'two-dimensional ghost', trapped in an infinite loop.

To break this cycle, we must break the 'loop'.

How to do it?

Lin Mo thought, why don't you try to get a few more paper figures?

He really did that.

Next, he came up with the second and third paper figures.

Then each stand a few meters apart and walk forward separately.

As a result, it was useless.