Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare

v2 Chapter 932: Seeds, little nurses in the hospital

The head tree is very smart, which is a good thing, because you can talk to each other normally, exchange interests, and negotiate.

But that's also bad.

Too smart, you can infer each other's thoughts, and it is too difficult to fool each other.

So Lin Mo made a direct request at this time, that is, they should leave this place safe and sound.

Each of them has been poked more than a dozen times and is bleeding, so the top priority at this moment is to get out and send to the hospital for treatment.

If it drags on for a long time, even if it can be saved, this person will be useless.

No one wants to be paralyzed in bed for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, it is better to be direct in the next negotiation.

save time.

I thought that the head tree would also put forward some conditions, but in fact it did not.

The other party actually agreed with Lin Mo and the others to leave.

This made Lin Mo a little surprised.

Lin Mo asked this strange head tree, saying that you are not afraid that after I go out, I will directly order the destruction of this place?

"You wouldn't do that." The heads on the head tree said in unison.

Lin Mo asked how do you know I wouldn't do this?

"I don't know what I will do." Lin Mo told the truth.

"I have planted seeds in the bodies of several of you. If you want to attack here, the seeds will take root and sprout as soon as possible, break through your bodies, grow strong, and become another me."

Not to mention, this human head tree, a strange plant, actually uses several idioms.

Also used quite appropriately.


Lin Mo raised his arm and looked at a blood hole above it.

The roots of the other party pierced into the body before, and it is very possible to say that the seeds are implanted.

And Lin Mo felt that the other party didn't lie.

Obviously the seeds are the 'insurance' of the head tree. Lin Mo used it as a threat to destroy it, and the head tree planted seeds in himself and Xiao Liu as a threat.

The head tree is very confident in its 'seed'.

That is to say, if there is an attack here, the seeds will automatically grow rapidly, and the consequences can be imagined. That kind of death cannot be said to be unprecedented, and it can also be called unprecedented. The most important thing must be very painful.

At this time, the head tree also raised a wake-up call.

"The seed, not only in the body, but also in your soul."

Lin Mo knew that the head tree refers to the nightmare world.

This is why the head tree is willing to let them go.

Because it already has the means of checks and balances.

Each has the means to threaten each other, then a certain balance can be reached, and there can be peace and harmony.

This head tree not only understands idioms, but also understands the art of war and tactics.

This is for research.

Knowing this, Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense. He gritted his teeth and stood up against the wall.

Xiao 6's physique is stronger than Lin Mo's. After resting just now, he can get up at this time. She stretched out her hand to cover a wound on her stomach and stumbled towards Lin Mo.

As for the four action team members, they couldn't stand up at all.

Lin Mo used his mental strength to hold up a few of them and began to walk out.

Can't stay here.

Gotta go to the hospital immediately.

The head tree really didn't stop it any more. This journey was extremely difficult, and even Lin Mo felt that the longest and most painful road he had walked in his life was this section.

If it wasn't for his strong willpower, Lin Mo felt that he couldn't get out.

When he got close to the exit, he was already out of strength. He even looked back. There were bloodstains everywhere he walked along the way, and he didn't know if it belonged to Xiao Liu, or the four members of the action team.

"Attention, there is movement in the passage."

"Someone came out."

"It's Expert Lin, hurry up and find a stretcher."

He could hear the shouting outside, and Lin Mo finally reached his limit at this moment. If it wasn't for Xiao Lu to support him, he would have fallen to the ground.

Lin Mo didn't know what happened next, he passed out.

It stands to reason that after the body is in a coma, the consciousness will still enter the nightmare world.

But not this time.

Lin Mo felt that he was in chaos, even he didn't feel anything at all, and he didn't know how long it took.

As if having a dream.

But dreaming was so unfamiliar to him that he wasn't sure whether it was a dream or just an imaginary created by him in an instant.

He dreamed that the seeds in his body suddenly sprouted, and **** saplings grew out of the corners of his eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and nose.

The next moment, Lin Mo woke up.

A clean and tidy ward, surrounded by soft beeping sounds from instruments and fluids.

Apparently this is a hospital.

"woke up?"

A woman's voice sounded.

Lin Mo turned his head and saw that it was Xiao 6.

This guy was wearing a hospital gown with bandages wrapped around his neck, head and arms, and was sitting on the hospital bed next to him eating canned food.

It seems that they still eat canned peaches.

"Where did the cans come from?" Lin Mo asked.

Xiao 6 said it was given to you by someone, but you haven't woken up yet, so let me taste a few jars for you.

"Don't say it, it's delicious."

Lin Mo moved his arm a bit. It wasn't a big problem. Although his physique was not as perverted as a person made in a laboratory like Xiao 6, he was still much stronger than a normal person.

He looked at his arm, in addition to the infusion tube, there was also the bandaged gauze, and it was estimated that the wound on the body that was pierced by the root of the human head tree had also been treated.

"How long have I slept?"

Lin Mo asked.

Xiao 6 said seven hours, thirty-eight minutes and fifteen seconds.

"It could also be sixteen seconds, I didn't pay attention to the calculation."

Xiao 6 finished eating and burped.

"What about you?" Lin Mo asked how little 6 was.

"I didn't sleep. When I was operated on, I was awake. The anesthesia had no effect on me. You didn't see the doctor's expression at that time, you were amused."

Xiao 6 told Lin Mo that two of the other four action team members had no major problems, and it was estimated that they would be able to recover from bed rest for a month.

One is still in first aid, and the situation is not very good.

There is one more, which cannot be saved.

Lin Mo had taken into account this situation, and there was nothing he could do about it. After all, under the circumstances at the time, the physical injury and the lack of food for several days and nights were indeed not something that ordinary people could bear.

This is already pretty good.

And even the dead action team members can continue to shine for the General Bureau in the nightmare world.

In the past, many experts and operatives of the General Administration died in the real world. Because the number of people continued to increase and accumulate, the General Administration had a bigger stand in the nightmare world.

The liveliness of the workplace is even more exaggerated than in the real world.

For now, death in the real world is no longer a big deal.

Knowing that Lin Mo was awake at this time, the attending physician in charge of him immediately brought someone over.

In addition to doctors, there are also some leaders of the General Administration, a lot of them came.

Lin Mo felt that his head was big when he saw it.

It is said that there are still some waiting in the corridor. This battle is definitely big enough. It is also because Lin Mo is one of the four special experts in the General Bureau, and he is the only special expert alive.

This level of identity is worth everyone's flattery.

When will such a thing of the world be revealed?

Weddings, funerals, marriages, promotions, illnesses and hospitalizations are all opportunities. If you grab any one, you will have an excuse to visit and get closer.

Fortunately, the director came in person later, and finally shocked everyone else back.

The director was also quite efficient, so he came in and asked Lin Mo how he was doing.

Lin Mo said it was fine.

"It's fine, just lie down in the hospital for a few days, and then there are important tasks for you."

After speaking a few more words, he asked about the situation in the Nether Dao.

Lin Mo naturally spoke out about the deal with the head tree.

The chief frowned.

Called the doctor to ask, the doctor said that when they tested the blood, they did detect something special.

Some kind of 'spore'.

That must be the seed of the head tree.

"Can you get rid of it!"

The chief asks the key questions directly.

The doctor shook his head and said that even hemodialysis would not work, because it is present in the internal organs and even in the brain, and it is impossible to remove it.

The chief's face was ugly.

Lin Mo said it was all right, this thing is like a strategic weapon, the other party has it, and we have it too, as long as it can deter the other party, the head tree will not dare to mess around.

"And these spores can't be removed in the real world, but not necessarily in the nightmare world. There will always be a way."

Although Lin Mo didn't try it, he had this confidence.

After the director left, Lin Mo took the time to write a detailed report on the incident of the Hidden Dragon Palace, the Nether Road and the strange underground palace human head tree and sent it to the director.

He has done everything he should have done, and then he has to take a good rest and recover from the injury.

When Professor Xie came, the incident was a little late. He knew everything about the situation. He chatted with Lin Mo for a while and said that he had collected the seeds of the human head tree in your body and started to cultivate them in the laboratory.

"Our motto is, to deal with a kind of weirdness, we must first understand it."

Professor Xie is right.

In particular, such a strange thing as the human head tree needs to be studied carefully.

Although Professor Xie was also very busy, he didn't come and go like the director. He had a good chat with Lin Mo at the moment.

Hearing this experience, especially knowing the weirdness in Qianlong Palace, the great feng shui formation, and the Yama Palace where Xiangong and Lin Mo had not set foot, Professor Xie thought about it carefully.

"At present, nightmare events have existed since ancient times, and in different eras, such terrorist events will always be given something in line with the background of the times, and even some religious, cultural, belief and other factors will be mixed in them. Because of such things as religion , itself is linked to the mystery and the unknown."

After a pause, he said to give Lin Mo an example.

It is absurd, surreal and illogical to say that the things recorded in some ancient books unearthed in ancient tombs before are seen from the perspective of the real world.

In the past, it would be considered to be caused by ancient superstition or exaggerated narrative techniques.

But now, looking at the situation in the nightmare world, in fact, most of the things recorded in the ancient books can be related in the nightmare world.

For example, there was a person who spent the night in a broken temple in the wild, fell into a dream and met a beautiful woman, and had a night of spring supper; when he woke up, he was still unfulfilled, and he told others about it, and others would naturally not believe it. Died, was found corpse broken into the temple.

This essence is energy.

It is also possible that he was killed directly in a dream.

Maybe it was just a bickering and quarrel with his dream lover, which led to murder.

Another example is a dim sum maker who makes a living by making dim sum and delivering dim sum on weekdays. One day, he received an order saying that a certain house had ordered a few boxes of dim sum to be delivered in the middle of the night.

The pastry craftsman finished it, but when he went to deliver it, he found that the outside of the house was extremely dilapidated. When he knocked on the door, the door opened automatically. As a result, the pastry craftsman accidentally fell and fell to the ground.

When he got up and looked again, the originally pitch-dark house was actually brightly lit at this time.

There are many others.

Someone dressed up and asked who the dim sum maker was looking for, and the dim sum maker said it was sending dim sum.

The servants led him into the house, asked him to put away the snacks, and gave him money for the snacks, so he went back immediately.

The dim sum maker went out, only to find that the streets and alleys outside were strange, empty, the sky was moonless, and the neighbors were dull. The roads that were originally familiar looked so strange at the moment.

Very weird.

Some dark places seem to hide something unknown.

The dim sum maker felt bad. He was so flustered that he could only speed up and go back.

As he was walking, someone called him.

He was in a trance for a while, and when he looked again, he actually returned to the house again.

The difference is that there are still bright lights here, and there are not many servants. As you can see, it is dilapidated and decayed. It is obviously a dilapidated house that has been abandoned for a long time.

Someone was calling him outside.

Dim Sum Craftsman's hair panicked, and hurriedly got up and stumbled out.

It turned out that the family of the pastry maker outside saw that he had not returned, so they came to find him.

When you get to the place, you don't dare to go in, you can only call someone outside.

When they saw the dim sum maker stumbled out, they immediately surrounded them and asked what was going on. As soon as the dim sum maker told the situation, someone said that they had inquired about it. This house has been deserted for a long time, and no one lives there. Heck.

The dim sum maker did not suspect him, but he was trembling all over with fright.

As a result, he went home seriously ill and died in his sleep.

Professor Xie has quite the talent for storytelling, just such a story, it is called ups and downs, the little 6 in the same ward called Professor 666 and asked him to tell another story quickly.

"There are too many similar ancient stories. If you are interested, you can go back to the Academy of Sciences to read. We have the originals there. We just need to understand a little ancient text. Otherwise, it will look difficult, and it will definitely not be as vivid as what I said."

Professor Xie told Lin Mo that these are actually a relatively key research direction of the Academy of Sciences at present.

That is to find 'experience' from the ancestors.

Since the nightmare world has happened in the past, how did people in various periods in ancient times deal with it?

Even this opens up another possibility.

"Those historians and scholars who study ancient Chinese culture are very happy recently. They have unearthed some things from some religious and historical events. Even, the current trend of Chinese civilization can be handed down so many schools and schools. Branches, nine times out of ten, are also related to the nightmare world."

Professor Xie and Lin Mo have a very good relationship. They can be considered as discussions, and can also be called small talk.

"I mean, to understand the underground palace you mentioned, and the head tree, you don't have to take the risk and go in again. Maybe you can find clues from some ancient books."

I have to say that Professor Xie's ideas opened a new window for Lin Mo.

"Even, in the past, some people may have been planted with the seeds of these human head trees. Of course, I mean maybe, maybe, probably..."


Lin Mo said he understood.

He also asked Professor Xie to send some classics over. He had to recuperate in the hospital anyway, so he might as well take advantage of this time to read more books and gain a little more experience.

Professor Xie nodded.

That's what he meant.

Lao Xie is gone.

After all, Professor Xie is also quite busy. There are a lot of things going on at the Academy of Sciences. It is not easy for an old Xie to work so hard even at his age.

So it was someone else who delivered the things, put them down and left, several large bags, all of which were photocopies, with a lot of notes, very thoughtful.

In the next time, Lin default was really a patient.

In addition to cooperating with treatment, recuperation, and taking medicine, they are reading books and reading materials, and amusing the little nurse who takes care of them.

This is a hospital specially equipped by the General Administration.

Doctors are also top-notch in various fields, and the quality of nurses is also quite high. There are all young nurses, and some are very naive.

Lin Mo has a very high level in the General Administration. After all, he is one of the four special experts, so he is equipped with full-time nurses to take care of him.

The little nurse in charge of Lin Mo is called Zhou Xiaofei. She is just 20 years old.

Every time this little nurse came to change the medicine, she would secretly look at Lin Mo.

The problem is that she is peeking and feels that no one else knows, but the problem is that whether it is Lin Mo or Xiao 6, the perception ability is far beyond ordinary people, so the little nurse's little thought, in their eyes, is the same as Kindergarten children are as naive as they steal chocolate without wiping the corners of their mouths.

"What's so beautiful about you? Why does she secretly look at you every time she comes in?" Xiao Lu came over now, holding Lin Mo's face with both hands, and looked up and down carefully.

Say it doesn't feel great.

"You two-year-old kid knows shit. Now many young girls like my type. It's called charm. Do you understand? I don't understand. Play with your game console."

Lin Mo was afraid that Xiao 6 was idle and bored, so he bought her a game console, so that Xiao 6 could play the game console when she was okay.

Mainly because Lin Mo felt that how did he come to his childhood, so did the little 6.

Kids should love this.

As for what he just said, Lin Mo is actually nonsense.

She is very handsome and attractive, which is true, but I feel that this little nurse, Zhou Xiaofei, is not secretly watching her because of this.

There was a fear in his eyes.

Obviously this is definitely not worship.

Very curious.

Lin Mo has always been relatively straightforward. If he has any questions, he likes to ask directly.

He planned to ask when Zhou Xiaofei came back.

In fact, Lin Mo has more than one full-time nurse.

After all, it was shift work, so Lin Mo was assigned three shifts in the hospital.

It's just that in the afternoon, when it should be Zhou Xiaofei's class, she didn't come, which caught Lin Mo by surprise.

I was so upset that I couldn't even read the book.

At the moment, the head nurse on duty was called over, and he directly asked Zhou Xiaofei why he didn't come.

"Are you talking about Xiaofei? I don't know. She usually comes early, but she didn't come when it was time for her to go to work today, and she couldn't get in touch on the phone."

When Lin Mo heard this, it was a bit wrong to think about this.

I asked her if she found it at home?

"That's not true. Usually, nothing will happen. Maybe she will come after a while."

The head nurse didn't take it seriously.

On the contrary, Lin Mo felt that this matter was not easy, so he asked the head nurse, has Zhou Xiaofei been late before?

The head nurse shook her head and said never.

"Then has she ever had such a situation where she couldn't get through the phone and couldn't be contacted?"

"Like, no."

"Does she live alone, or with her family?"

"With her mother, his father has passed away."

"Call her mother."

Lin Mo said something.

The head nurse went out to call, and she came back soon, telling Lin Mo that Zhou Xiaofei's mother's phone was not answered.

"Do you know where she lives?"


Lin Mo got the address, calculated with his fingers a few times, and immediately arranged for the action team to check it out.

I don’t know if it’s been a long time since I’ve been with Xiaoyu, or maybe it’s because I learned some superficial divination methods with my second brother. I just calculated a bad result. In short, Lin Mo felt that something had happened.

And, maybe it's about yourself.

So he immediately arranged for a team of action teams to go A team of 12 people, this is already a big battle, it may be difficult for others to mobilize, but Lin Mo can handle it all with one phone call.

Not only that, but a few minutes later, some uniformed operatives walked into the ward and placed some equipment in front of Lin Mo's bed.

is the monitor.

And headsets.

There are cameras on the action team members, where they can directly see the scene through the monitor. In addition, the headset can directly communicate with the action team members and issue orders directly.

I saw on the screen that the team members had gotten out of a car, armed with weapons, and quickly rushed into a residential building.


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