Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1004: (three)

Sure enough, the moment the apartment door was opened, Mo Sen rushed in without warning. There was no scream or heavy impact. The female white-collar worker only had time to take a breath before she was pressed against the wall by him with a knife.

The whole process was too quiet and fast, and the door automatically snapped back and closed, firmly covering the last gap with a dim yellow light.

The main color of the picture has returned to the dull green, only the beige windbreaker of the white-collar woman is visibly trembling.

"If you dare to speak out, I will kill you." Mo Sen's low-pitched threat echoed in the private movie hall.

The next development even Roberto, who is the most enthusiastic about such large-scale plots among the few people, does not want to recall. The mouth of the female white-collar worker was sealed with wide duct tape, and her hands were tied behind her waist, so she could only move awkwardly against the ground, sobbing and sobbing into a dull and desperate moan*.

Mosen, who was riding on a white collar, reached out and tore her clothes and suit skirt, and continued to threaten people with words and gestures in her futile resistance. The scene was very ugly, not as exciting as some adult films. It arouses the excitement of the audience, but only makes people feel fear and faint nausea.

The reason remains the same—porn looks like a show, and now this thing on the screen looks real.

"Don't move around!"

An irritable hoarse voice sounded, and Mo Sen pulled out her underwear from under the white-collar skirt, revealing an obvious sanitary napkin. The dark red blood stains were particularly dazzling under the warm yellow light.

The already silent Colton and the others became even more silent, like a row of solidified stone sculptures.

On the screen, Mo Sen throws away the women's underwear stuck to the sanitary napkin with a disappointed face, and the camera finally turns to daytime. Even though the sky is gloomy and there is no strong sunlight, people are relieved, and there is a feeling in my heart, "I can pretend without looking at it." Glad it didn't happen."

"This is attempted rape..." Jasper lowered his voice.

Roberto uttered a rare syllable to echo him, his face as gray as the sky on the screen.

Disgusting. He felt his stomach twitch, a silent expression of physical disgust.

"Why haven't the police come yet?"

As soon as Damon asked, several police cars roared past and stopped in front of the apartment building covered with giant cloth.

It was the police investigating the scene of the fire.

The dynamic sound effects are strongly inserted, tearing the gap in the dead silence atmosphere in an uncomfortable way.

Mo Sen was operating the joystick in the game hall. This time his record seemed to be quite good, and he even smiled briefly when the uncle next to him came over to talk and express his envy.

...just like a normal normal person.

The strong split made Damon frown.

This Mo Sen left the game hall, he was still wearing the same outfit, black coat, reddish-brown shirt, black trousers, and a backpack on his back. If you ignore his light-colored hair, this person is extremely inconspicuous. , is to the extent that you can meet several similar passers-by casually while walking on the street.

The two elements of "simple" and "common" in Mawson's body were constantly emphasized, and Damon felt uncomfortable all over, and moved his buttocks on the seat.

The low-level people can be seen everywhere, but at the same time they are murderers and rapists...

Damon crossed his arms and rubbed his arms quietly with both hands.

"Ah." Colton said.

Rarely did Damon empathize with him, staring at the screen in confusion and concern.

Because two people blocked Mo Sen's way.

"Hey, you kid won a lot of steel **** today."

The stronger of the two spoke in a ruffian way, with obvious intentions.

"Where are the notes for money exchange? Hurry up and show them to us!" Another person continued.

"Puchi! Your words are too impolite!" The previous one shook his feet and laughed loudly.

The plots are really classic, as if they were used directly from the universal template, so that everything from the lines to the actions is fascinating and funny. It's just that Damon and others couldn't laugh, the eyes of those two gangsters were like looking at dead people.

Brother, figure it out, do you know what kind of dangerous person this person you are blocking the road for robbery is?

For a moment, Jasper was expecting Mawson to kill both of them—of course Mawson is not a righteous But at least a bad guy beating a bad guy is more comfortable than a bad guy hurting an innocent good person many.

As expected, Mo Sen put his hand into his pocket.

Then he took out a narrow utility knife.


The four of Colton showed confused expressions amidst the thug's ridicule.

This weapon doesn't seem to have any lethality, and it's not at the same level of danger as the kitchen knife Mo Sen used before.

"How do you do this?" Jasper muttered.

*Refer to the corresponding part of shooting for details: Chapter 88 "Rain in the Day" (5)

The timing is wrong, the title is wrong, and it is being changed.

There is another chapter at nine o'clock in the evening.

(end of this chapter)