Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1019: Venezola International Film Festival Awa

Chapter 1045 Venazola International Film Festival Awards Ceremony (5) (12.19)

After the highlights of the entries were shown, the big screen went back to darkness. A few seconds later, a voice suddenly sounded from the guest seats, it was a beauty in a slim evening dress.

Standing on the steps, she continued to speak as she walked towards the stage. Judging from the tiny microphone next to her mouth and the equipment strapped to her waist, she was obviously the host of today's awards ceremony.

The screen lit up, and the scene of the hostess' arrival was captured in real time. Qin Jue listened to her introductory words through the simultaneous interpretation in the earphones, and there is no problem in understanding the meaning of the sentences. Unfortunately, she is not a native speaker after all, so she can only slightly understand this from the relatively convincing translation and the rhyme when she pronounces the words. The poetic beauty of the opening remarks.

After about ten minutes, the hostess who was already standing on one side of the podium paused slightly. As she gestured with her hand, the mobile phone swayed across the front row of seats, and the three members of the official jury of the 82nd Vinazola International Film Festival stood up and stepped onto the stage amidst the sound of introductions.

At the same time, there are official interpreters who do not know where to translate from Oneilian to English simultaneously. Seeing that the language problem was resolved, Qin Jue naturally raised his thumb and rubbed his temple hair, and took off the pocket interpreter earphones during the movement to avoid unnecessary signal interference.

Following the tradition of previous years, the chairman of the jury for this year's film festival is the director Melia Finley who won the "Best Film Award" last year. One of the two vice-chairmen is "Best Screenwriter" Tydel Stephen, and the other is actress Hiina Velasquez.

Qin Jue heard He Xu's assistant popularize the matter about the number of vice-chairmen. One of the winners of the "Actress Award" was selected to send an invitation, and now it seems that this is the case.

Immediately afterwards, the shots on the big screen showed close-ups of the rest of the jury members one by one. These highly respected directors, playwrights and producers do not come to the stage to present awards, but they always have the opportunity to follow them to ensure the gold content.

The chairman and vice-chairman sat down facing the audience and interacted with the host appropriately, which made the scene less serious.

During the short chat, the hostess lady in a long black dress quietly walked onto the stage from the other side.

The host naturally ended the topic, and guided the eyes of everyone present to the stage on the left hand side of the judges. There, several vertical pillars rise slowly in two rows, front and back. They are of different heights, and eleven trophies are placed one after another on the square table at the top.

What's more special is that among them, only the golden trophy with the "Lifetime Achievement Award" printed on the nameplate on the countertop is covered by a spotless glass cover. Reminiscent of the particularity of the award, Qin Jue guessed that the "Lifetime Achievement Award" may not be awarded this year, but it is only required to appear in the current session according to the usual practice.

Without any gimmicks or tantalizing speeches, the host announced with a smile that the 82nd Vinazola International Film Festival Awards Ceremony had officially begun.

"The works nominated for this year's 'Best Documentary' award include: "Pulse of the Earth", "Return to the Wolves", and "Civilization: 30°N."

The hostess spoke in a well-proportioned tone, "Next, I would like to invite the chairman of the jury, Ms. Finley, to announce the results of the awards."

Melia Finley, with light green eyes, pushed her half-rimmed glasses, moved slightly closer to the desk microphone, and said slowly:

"The winner of this year's 'Best Documentary' is—"

""Civilization: 30° North Latitude"!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a burst of magnificent music resounded throughout the audience. Amid the applause, a dark-skinned man in a suit left his seat in surprise. The camera recorded his figure walking towards the stage.

The hostess took the trophy from the podium and handed it to the presenter Teddle Stephen who had already stood up. When the chief director of "Civilization: 30° North Latitude" stepped onto the stage, what awaited him was the "Best Documentary" trophy, which symbolized honor and affirmation.

"Thank you very much."

The chief director thanked him repeatedly in English with a strong accent.

With tears in his eyes, he came to the standing microphone in the center holding the delicate and small trophy. He was still uncontrollably excited when he delivered his acceptance speech, and his tone fluctuated several times.

Qin Jue applauded along with the others, and when he heard the chief director mention that it took seven years to film this documentary, he was deeply moved and clapped harder.

It is a consensus inside and outside the industry that planning and shooting documentaries is thankless. Those who can persist in shooting and succeed must have strong love behind their perseverance.

The chief director, who had finished his speech, stepped off the stage with great gratitude, holding his trophy tightly in his arms all the way.

The close-up on the live screen cut back to the host, she paused, and announced the shortlist for the next award, "Best Restoration Film Award".

Film restoration has always been a niche industry. If other literary and art practitioners are "creating", then restorers engaged in this industry are "rescuing".

Rescue culture, save history.

Films born in the old days are all based on film. As time goes by, the film turns yellow and the content is missing. A classic work may disappear from the world. Therefore, the first thing film restorers have to do is to clean the film, restore it physically, and then digitally convert the film, refine the picture, restore the color, and synthesize and export. Confirmation of results is also identification of restoration techniques. *

After the first five procedures are all completed, the old movie can be declared successful in restoration, and what awaits it is the diverse storage full of joy from a group of restorers.

Due to the rapid development of modern science and technology, many people think that restoring a movie is a simple job, such as "throwing a 480p video into a small program and waiting for export, and then uploading it after the ultra-high-definition quality results come out." But in fact, film restoration is almost as difficult and arduous as shooting a documentary, and it is the hard work of the workers behind the scenes.

However, times are changing, and some concepts and concepts are also changing. For example, the "Best Restored Film Award" at the Venazola International Film Festival expanded the scope of the awards a few years ago to include "remastered films".

Although the names of re-enacting movies and restoring movies are close, they are two different things in a sense. Restoration of movies focuses on "restoration", which aims to present the most authentic and original appearance of classic movies to people; while re-enactment movies focus on "reproduction", which aims to restore plots, shots, etc., and the process is no different from that of ordinary movies. Second, they are all "preparation, mid-term shooting, and post-adjustment".

In other words, a remake of a movie is equivalent to having a ready-made script and storyboard, without any adaptation or addition of new ideas. The producer or director only needs to select and fix the roles, and then follow them in a proper manner. Just shoot it.

When the concept of replica movies was first born, it was criticized for "eating off-the-shelf" and "using the achievements of predecessors to put gold on their faces". However, this is also a misunderstanding. The real reason for the emergence of re-enacted movies is that some classics have been produced for various reasons, and they can no longer be safely repaired on the physical level. Incomplete mold remake.

Just like the remake of "Peerless Fenghua" which competes with "Looking for Uloda" this time, the film of its original "Cornflower Lover" was burned down in a fire. I was active on the silver screen again, so after two years of searching, I pieced together the storyboard and the general plot from the feedback of the audience who had watched the movie in the past, and re-shooted with a new team.

It's a pity that the "Best Restoration Film Award" is not only about "repair" and "restoration", but also the quality of the film itself. The lack of a large number of original plots made the overall story line of "Peerless Fenghua" full of myths, and it failed to clearly restore the thoughts and feelings of the former creators. Therefore, Melia, the chairman of the jury, finally announced that the winner of the award was "Looking for Uloda" directed by Lupo Vincent and starring Quentin Visconti.

After two awards, came the "Best Short Film Award".

The short film division standard of the EU Federal "Three Special" Film Festival is all within 45 minutes. The award-winning film of this year's Vinazola International Film Festival is called "The Clockwork Man". The whole film is 27 minutes. The story begins when the protagonist enters the In a certain place, everyone who accidentally discovered this place has a small clockwork embedded in the back.

Under the control of clockwork, everyone works and lives step by step. The child gets up at the same time every morning, pours out a small amount of milk secretly at the same time, goes to and from school at the same time, is invited by the neighbor's children to play football together at the same time, and his mother who is the proprietress of the hotel wakes up at the same time, makes breakfast at the same time, and comes to school at the same time. Go downstairs and sit at the front desk. When someone comes, stand up and give introductions, ask guests, collect money and give directions. When no one comes, sit and sit all the time. The frequency of breathing and blinking is exactly the same and has never changed.

After the protagonist observes, he is very curious, so he unplugs the spring of the proprietress while she is taking a regular nap.

The proprietress who lost her clockwork did not show any abnormality after waking up, and she was still working regularly and steadily. After being puzzled, the protagonist lost interest and forgot the spring in his pocket.

He went out to travel, wandering from scenic spots to slums, he saw a homeless man lying on the ground, he didn't know whether he was dead or alive. He also found that there was only a gap in the clothes on the back of the homeless man, and there was no winding, so he inserted the spring pulled from the landlady's body into the homeless man.

A miraculous thing happened, the homeless man began to kick his legs, and he came back to life, but as if he didn’t see the protagonist, he turned around straight and sat down beside the bench, moaning from time to time, reaching out to turn the broken bowl in front of him— It turned out that he was a beggar who begged regularly.

The protagonist couldn't help but smile, feeling that he had discovered a huge secret. When he returned to the hotel, he saw the unwinding proprietress lying on the counter and fell into a coma, as if dead, which further confirmed the inference.

Out of some evil taste of "helping others", the protagonist starts to pull out more springs, making those who lost the springs stunned and fell and plugging in new ones for those who have not. Watch them wake up and return to their regular routine.

Gradually, the protagonist became addicted to it and teased himself, "This is to help them take regular vacations."

He does such pranks every day.

Every day he walked out of the hotel door, unwound the clockwork along the way, inserted the clockwork along the way, and returned to the hotel room.

He wakes up with his eyes open regularly every day, and goes to sleep with his eyes closed regularly every day.

One day he was washing and the camera panned to his back.

At some point, a small clockwork appeared there.

*The source of the information is VogueMe-Human Intern, compiled by Wei Xixian and Dayan

Accidentally passed zero, it was yesterday's update.

3200+, together with the 3000+ chapters on 12.18, a total of 6,000 words. In addition to the updates of 12.18 and 12.19, 12.9 was added.

(end of this chapter)